Reviews from

in the past

Has aged poorly...Nostalgia ruined it ^^

I have every Borderlands game but guess who comes back to this gem?
This is the OG Borderlands with BL2 being the peak. Other games are just made by otherworldly people who doesn't understand what basic BL fans basically want.
It was fun, with it's humor, gameplay, references and easter eggs. Even after all those years, it still holds up. I have the urge and passion to 100% this game and it's DLCs.
Hearing Tannis go insane over time was fun. And I liked the reference to Diablo 2 with the Rakkinishu boss.

I guess this GOTY Enhanced version are made by the same people who made the other modern garbages as this game has been worked on more than a few times and still has memory leak which forces you to restart the game as you will be getting 3 FPS. Also the dialogues are bugged and sometimes they won't play which causes you to miss out on the story and the missions (where claptrap informs you that there are new missions at a person/bounty board)
And the best bug yet! Clipping out the map and falling to your demise and you don't even respawn until you restart your save.

I played BL1 and BL2 with passion but the other games just sucked the passion and soul out of me just like those dementors from Harry Potter.
I have no hope for the future of this franchise and the upcoming movie.
Thanks a lot for where you've taken this franchise, Randy Pitchford.

Honestly, coming back to a title I spent so much time on in my youth, Borderlands 1 has absolutely nothing to say in terms of gameplay and quests. The game is absolutely caked on with fetch quest after fetch quest that barely keep you engaged with it's outdated humor, well at least not as outdated as it's sequel. The enhanced edition also brings much more issues to the game then fixes and upgrades as Gearbox STILL hasn't fixed the games memory leak and has made multiplayer almost near unplayable with lag and horrid desync issues. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth as a longtime fan that this is what replaced the original on the steam listing, making fans have to relive one of their favorite games in a worse quality remaster.

One thing that Borderlands 1 does extremely well is it's incredible atmosphere of Pandora's wasteland and the hopelessness that comes with its environment of bloodthirsty bandits and treasure hunters. The story is also pretty captivating with the buildup to whether or not the vault actually exists in the first place, as well as what can be inside of it.

Overall the game isn't bad, but more of a extremely mediocre fps story game. If you're looking for a fun coop experience, there is much better out there than this. If you still want to scratch that Borderlands itch with your buds I would much more steer your attention towards Borderlands 3, or even 2.

Solid gameplay, but the story is nothing. just get sent in random directions and every once in awhile someone will mention the Vault. Glad I knew what was in the vault, as that was easily the worst thing in the game. And its annoying, cause they could have easily just told us what was inside, and then frame it as a quest to save the world instead of a get rich story. The gameplay is great, love the mixture of feeling over your head and an unstoppable god. Its fun and a good enough starting point, but the rest of the series blows this one out the water

Borderlands é um FPS que não se enrola pra chegar ao seu objetivo. Contudo, seu objetivismo deixa de lado todo o valor narrativo que o jogo tem e apresenta ao jogador. Explica-se da seguinte forma:

História: Você é um mercenário caçador de recompensas que foi para o mundo de Pandora para adquirir um raro tesouro alienígena: o Cofre. E é isso. Todo o jogo se desenrola ao redor desse objetivo e todos os personagens que aparecem na história só possuem a função de te oferecerem missões para você upar de level e chegar ao final do jogo. Apenas uma da personagens tem um desenvolvimento relativamente aceitável e todo o mundo que é apresentado não tem nenhuma espécie de aprofundamento ou valor;

Gameplay: Por ser um FPS ele te coloca em uma constante onda combates. O lado mais divertido, é que o jogo sempre te coloca em posse de uma gama extremamente variada de armas para lutar, que, mescladas com as habilidades especiais de cada personagem, deixam o jogo dinâmico e nunca enjoado de jogar. O lado negativo, é que eles oferecem uma possibilidade de exploração de um mundo aberto vazio e sem valor. Você realmente não vê nenhuma razão de ver as outras regiões, a não ser que estejam relacionadas com as suas missões;

Ambientação: o jogo possui uma trilha sonora envolvente e que sabe te colocar no ritmo de acordo com a situação. O caos dos cenários e a desolação do mundo fazem você sentir o nível de bagunça que aquele mundo se encontra e você facilmente se sente parte dele, lutando contra hordas de bandidos e lunáticos (mesmo você sendo só mais um).

Borderlands é um jogo que você precisa dar o tempo para mostrar o seu verdadeiro valor, mas, ainda assim, para se manter engajado com ele até o final, você vai ter que aceitar a simplicidade e casualidade da sua história, encarando ele mais como um shooter arcade do que como um game com riqueza de história.

Bastante fan de la saga borderlands, pero este se nota lo añejo

Its alright looks cool tho

been a fan of this series for going on 12 years now, and the original game is nothing to write home about. it is fine, serviceable. none of the abilities are that crazy, none of the guns act very unique, and the plot and characters do not stick out. it is worth playing to see the history of the games, and that's about it. this game feels like tv static. it just does nothing to impress. I'm glad it exists, but that's mostly because of what came after

Muito bom para o começo da série borderlands, mas como é o primeiro game da série, tem bastante errinhos.

O mapa do jogo é incrivelmente grande e uma boa parte deles você tem que se locomover a pé. Tem muitos momentos onde o jogo parece um walking simulator, literalmente você não faz nada além andar.

Outra coisa, isso é bem mais por gosto mesmo, é a coloração do game. Parece que o game ta morto, com muita presença de cores pastéis.

Mas nas coisa boas que esse jogo acerta, é definitivamente a comédia, o tiroteio desenfreado que acontece em muitas partes e é claro no loot.

Um bom começo, agr qr ver os outros jogos pra ver se o meu gosto por looter shotters, vai se expandir.

Worst game in the series, but definitely established a lot of where it would go - both good (diverse character playstyles, wacky guns, occasional bits of legitimately good and/or funny writing, etc.) and bad (unfunny reference humor that was already dated when it came out.)

Main story:
I loved it!!! Such a fun, quick paced game now forever stuck with many inside jokes between me and my friend who played! Were some missions repetitive? Yes, but it made up for the fun combat. Next onto the dlcs!

This review contains spoilers

- Much like the second game, this feels longer in my head as I fully finished the game, then years later started fresh and went all the way with the new save
- The game and most of its DLC is very fun
- The only DLC which is a pain which is the arena DLC. Any game with kind of challenge mode is instantly crippled by it from a completion-ist's perspective
- Without this mode, it might score higher in my mind. But this DLC was a major blocker and was an absolute grind to get through

man idk I thought it had a story etc but no

go to man
man wants something
make mission
go to man
complete rewards

It was a good game for its time, and still is, but it is a little dated. There a quite a few bugs, and they game will crash because of a ram usage bug, so you have to quit, and restart this specific port of the game.

I enjoyed it back on PS3, lost access to said PS3 before finishing the game, and ended up getting this several years later. Some of the writing is "eh" now at best, but parts of it do retain a sort of charm. I'm always a fan of a "space western" aesthetic, but I do wish that the environmental variation had hit earlier than the endgame of the main campaign. That said, I had fun and the add-on campaigns are already showing a more steady footing and confidence in itself. Will possibly redo this review once I've finished them.

The mission design, art direction, and writing here is remarkably shitty for its day. Most [giant finger quotes] "story" is conveyed via obnoxious HUD mission descriptions, and the mission loops are almost always designed around forcing you to revisit an area you've already cleared, so you can collect an item that won't appear until you receive the new mission objective (which, of course, you can only receive after finishing the area for the first time).

While there was definitely a gap in the market for an endless RNG loot loop game on consoles at the time, it's a little surprising an aesthetic style so bland this found an audience so rapidly. Later games would ramp up the annoying epic cheese-monkey humor factor in the dialogue, but unlike this one, you couldn't really argue they lack personality.

Once the DLCs hit, though, the visual language starts to make a lot more sense, if for no other reason than the new environments use a color other than beige.

На мій погляд найкраща гра усієї серії, тут цікавий не діставучий сюжет, приємно то весело стріляти, купа дійсно унікальної зброї та дякуючи ремастеру файні текстури та людський FOV.


i dont really like it that much. it's Fine, but it doesnt feel like something i want to come back to any time soon.

First Borderlands game i´ve finished. It´s fun if you are looking for mindless shooting, that aspect of gameplay holds up pretty well and it´s for sure the best part of the game. Main quests can be entertaining and varied, side mission are pretty repetitive, and sadly necessary to stay properly leveled, from early on, and still the game gets a little stale in its second half.

The DLC is fun too, and pretty varied in terms of setting, but suffers from the same issues as the main game, expect more of the same when reaching them.

I get that the planet is mostly desert, but the look is just really bland and unappealing. The cell shaded look is compelling enough, but it lacks color and personality, which i´m pretty sure the sequels fix this somewhat.

I too get that it´s presented as comedic, but i can´t remember laughing a single time throughout the more than 30 hours that this took to finish, your mileage may vary with this I guess.

The loot aspect felt a bit unncessary and over the top. Yes there are like a million different guns, but pretty much all of them feel good to use, are findable everywhere, and as long as you are properly leveled and are using a high level weapon (which I repeat, are very easy to find) you wont have a hard time playing and can forget about any other stat or buff or whatever. Maybe in higher difficulties this matters more, I played in normal and rarely found something i couldn´t get past by just equiping another gun I already had.

I played solo mostly, just tried out the multiplayer once and it seemed to be pretty fun, and it´s clearly set up so you can join up with friends easily, so maybe give that a shot.

Yes, I recommend it if you are looking for solid mindless shooting. It kept me engaged enough to finish both the main game and the DLC. Gave me 30+ hours of entertainment for basically nothing, so if you are curious and can find it cheap I say give it a try.

I´ve seen some reviewers saying that they had buggy experiences, honestly i cant remember encountering a single issue but I havent played the non "remastered" version so take my word with a pinch of salt.

I´m looking forward to playing Borderlands 2 now, as people seem to like that one more. If it retains the compelling elements and fixes the clunky stuff from this one I´m sure it´ll be a much better experience. Maybe try that one first if you aren´t convinced by this one.

Iam too much into the newer games that I just don’t find this one as entertaining as Boderlands 2 or PreSequel. Wish i played it sooner since many claim to be that this is their favourite.

Well, it's a prety nice remastered version of the original Borderlands GOTY, but they could have added better controls like the free camera while being in a vehicle.

For the rest, it's still the good old Borderlands. The first chapter of the series isn't exactly aged well: the story is bland, tecnically it's dated and artistically, well, it's the less colorful game in the series.
But somehow it got me hooked, and I enjoyed every minute of my first run.
Also this game has the merit oof having defined the looter shooter genre, which is cool even if it was still raw.

The 4 DLCs are nice expansions too the game, but their quality is fluctuating.

The game is just awful from beginning to end it's very mind-numbing and nothing interesting to experience.

Multiplayer experience and completion experience are dogshit but the game on its own is a very strong start to the series

Such a shit fucking game don't give u the achievements don't do nothing the dlcs are fucking god awful such a shit ass game

Definitely love mouse and keyboard more on this game in comparison to playing this on the emulated Xbox One version. Aiming is just so much more improved and really smooth.

I enjoyed the gameplay, aesthetic, and the amount of guns to choose from. But I do feel as though the story lacked in bringing a satisfying ending while also not having a clear antagonist present. The bosses were a big highlight for sure!

I appreciate the one employee in the credits who said thanks for playing the game and watching through the credits.

They fixed a few things, namely adding an FOV slider and some graphics options, but it's still buggy as hell with lots of frame drops.

It still has the same bland weapon design, ugly animations and models, nauseating effects, and they removed split-screen co-op.

If you already have Borderlands, this version is technically superior, but I wouldn't say this remaster is worth buying, and it doesn't help Borderlands hold a candle to its sequel.