Reviews from

in the past

Amazing campaign bad everything else

it was decent, the zombies was definitely wayyy too easy but it was very fun honestly and same for the multiplayer even though if you missed a week you’d miss a weapon and have to get shit on but it was fun

Great campaign, fun multiplayer when SBMM isn't being a bitch and zombies is casual fun the best cod game since bo3

Brings back memories of the Cod Black Ops story arc

Solid COD game bogged down by a worsened matchmaking system and development hurdles caused by COVID (especially graphically)

Campaign: Absolutely phenomenal. Only complaints I had right out the gate was the extremely short length and underdeveloped side characters. Adler was a welcome addition to the cast and seeing Mason, Woods, and Hudson again, despite the changed VAs, was still a delight. The story was everything I wanted a Black Ops campaign to be, returning to its psychological thriller roots with a new twist and the same grounded aesthetic paired with over-the-top, 80s movie action. What's even more fitting is that this one actually takes place in the 80s too. The multiple endings were neat and the safehouse was actually a cool idea. The side missions were a bit of a letdown due to there only being two of them and the puzzles attached to them not having much of an effect on the story other than a dialogue change. Operation Red Circus was really fun though, and deserves some attention. Outside of these features, the game also has its own set of collectibles, calling card challenges (including its own Dark Ops category), and dynamic missions with multiple pathways (e.g. Desperate Measures and Break on Through) that you would want to actually play more than once to get the most out of. The story was well-written, engaging, and had a ton of great moments. You could really feel how much love they poured into the campaign, which is why it is my most played mode in this entire game. Highly recommend checking this story out if you haven't already, especially if you were a fan of the older Black Ops games.

Multiplayer: Well-executed old-school multiplayer action ruined by SBMM. Only this time, the matchmaking itself was unbalanced for half of the lifecycle of the game. And even after it was fixed, the game would nerf you not only by matching you up with sweatier competition, but NERFING YOUR CONNECTION AND LAGGING YOUR GAME. If you somehow liked the SBMM or didn't mind it in MW2019, this game will make you change your mind on it. It's an awful concept introduced by the hacks over at Activision, ruining what could've been an incredible blueprint for future COD multiplayers to come. The aim resist especially gets so annoying due to how rampant it is in this entry. I also both love and hate what they did with killstreaks this time around. I like how despite bringing back the shitty EKIA system from BO4, this game encourages you to get ACTUAL KILLS to boost your scorestreak progress. However, the problem with the scorestreaks is that it works on a timed system this time around, where once you earn the scorestreak once, you can earn it again by simply WAITING IT OUT. It makes earning killstreaks way too easy and removes the skill needed to actually earn them. It was a stupid concept when they announced, and it was just as stupid when they implemmented it. On top of this, when they finally added ranked play to the game, they made it less about skill and more about time played, meaning a guy with a negative K/D with 1000 hours on the game is ranked higher than a pro player with a 1.50+ K/D with only 50 hours. Your W/L ratio is also rendered completely useless, which might just make this the worst ranked playlist in series history. Only positives I can say about this multiplayer are that the TTK was perfect, the high-player count modes (Fireteam and Combined Arms) were fun, the Gunfight and VIP modes were cool, and the maps and overall design was a step-up from MW2019's. It's a shame that this multiplayer was bad, because Treyarch and Vonderhaar really did want this to work and actually listened to the community. Unfortunately, corporate interference and Activision's stubbornness with SBMM is what ruined it.

Zombies: Despite not being as memorable as the Treyarch Zombies modes before it, Cold War is still a competent Zombies mode. The round-based maps are all solid and, despite middling results, Outbreak was a cool experimental mode. I think it was the cause for the downfall of this mode though. Treyarch spent too much time making content for Outbreak (including two shitty easter eggs that weren't received well by the community at all), which caused us to get fewer round-based maps than we could've gotten. Still, the game closed itself out with a bang. The story for the Zombies mode this time around is also pretty interesting, despite being kind of uneventful and wasting some potential. Hopefully the next Black Ops game capitalizes on it. Dead Ops Arcade 3 and the Onslaught mode were also very fun and criminally underrated. The inclusion of exfils was unique and the addition of killstreaks helped with high-rounds. Overall, I recommend this mode to old and even new Zombies players. I feel like this is the start of something pretty cool.

No llegue a probar el modo campaña. Sinceramente, no me atraen los modos historia en un juego tan shooter.
El modo online no estaba mal, bastante divertido comparado con todos los que han ido saliendo de esta época más moderna.
Los zombis. A pesar de lo que dice todo el mundo... a mí me ha parecido una mierda. No me han gustado nada. Los Easter eggs son muy sencillos de hacer, los mapas me parecen extremadamente genéricos y se vuelven muy aburridos al poco tiempo. No sé qué estaría haciendo treyarch, pero este modo zombis que está haciendo no valen para nada.

Los zombies me gustan mucho, lo demás es pesimo

Bioshock if it was awesome

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War definitely scratches that Cold War spy thriller itch. The campaign is a wild ride with some crazy twists and turns, and the multiplayer is solid if a bit familiar. Zombies mode is back and fun with friends, but the lack of innovation stings a bit. Overall, it's a good Call of Duty, but not a groundbreaking one. If you're a die-hard fan, you'll probably enjoy it. But if you're looking for something fresh, you might want to wait for the next installment.

The new engine for cod just wasn't it man. Did not like the movement style at all.
Cool change with zombies but thought it was too easy. TOOOOO many things to help you stay alive.
Multiplayer maps were so poor. Guns were decent.

I can never really complain about the gameplay in a Call of Duty game because no matter how similar or different the gunplay is from the previous installment, it really hits the spot for me.

This campaign is, frankly, pretty ridiculous in terms of what actually happens in its narrative and is a massive tonal departure from what you get in the rebooted Modern Warfare games but, man, I enjoyed it. I only hope that the next Black Ops game takes up a little less space and doesn't choose to ignore the ambiguity of the game's canon ending.

This was a surprisingly good COD. I loved the story and I played a lot of multiplayer which is not something I do often in newer COD.

Still not sure if cod fans like this one, but I played it much more than I expected.
This game came out unfinished, but updates kinda saved it. 1st zombie map was garbage, only 3rd was good. Outbreak mode was enjoyable.
The worst part of multi was skill-based matchmaking. Most of maps were fine, some other not. Not really balanced game, as every cod game, but not to the point where everyone plays the same way.
Campaign was good, nothing special about it.
Imo this cod is much better than MW (2019). Maybe not the best black ops, but still fun.

de la nueva era el más completo

Отзыв вряд ли можно считать полным, поскольку он посвящён исключительно сюжетной кампании, ну и пусть.
В Cold War, на мой взгляд, лучшая сюжетная составляющая в серии за последний лет 10. Нам дают выбор, две концовки, свой хаб, крутые побочные задания, множество различных ситуаций, возможностей, не позволяющих заскучать. Такой винегрет действительно приносит уйму наслаждения. Может, до той же первой Black Ops сценарно проект не дотягивает, но он тем не менее годный. Однозначно будет лучше кампании перезапуска Modern Warfare

This is a review for the Zombies gamemode. I'm not into the main storyline of Call of Duty, so this review will focus solely on Zombies. Cold war has by far my favorite gunplay out of any cod. The guns just feel snappy yknow? I like the fact that any gun can do infinite damage now instead of just the wonder weapons, viability does not need to be hyper-tuned in a PvE mode. I will agree with what others have said, easter eggs being in this weird in-between as a really obscure questline is… weird. Just make it a full blown quest with pop ups telling you what to do, if you’re going to change the system this is just a bad way to do it. I don’t like mysterious quests myself, I do not want to pull up a roflwaffle video just to play origins for the first time. But with how it was implemented in Cold War is the worst of both worlds. That aside, for ease of access, good movement, gunplay, and god i fucking love outbreak. It’s easily my second favorite zombies below bo3 (Surprise, surprise, i know).


The campaign shouldn't have surprised me with its quality but after BO3 I was valid in being concerned. However, this campaign, while short, was excellent the whole way through. The return of multiple endings is a welcome one that I hope returns at some point down the line, though maybe not with Gulf War.
Multiplayer felt like a direct response to MW19 not quite feeling like a CoD game. While I understand the feeling of regression from MW19 to Cold War, I still prefer Cold War. Main issue was how OP snipers were. Search and Destroy lobbies are practically sniper lobbies with how little flinch snipers get. I know flinch is a touchy topic, but snipers NEED to have more going down the line if 150 health CoDs are going to be the standard going forward. Another positive was the post launch story told through the seasonal format, which was and still is the best use of this to date. Excited for what they will do with Gulf War
Zombies needed this following the overwhelmingly negative reception to BO4's rendition. While the mode is a little easy, I would much rather take that than the oppressing nature of BO4. The new armor system helped to solve the problem of Juggernog feeling like a crutch perk. Top that off with an uncapped perk limit, and this is the strongest we've ever been as players. Map selection was consistent as well, with each map (for the most part) being an enjoyable experience

This was such a solid game overall, with each mode feeling like it got the love and attention it needed

Lembro de ter jogado ele quando lançou e como estava muito quebrado (como bota parte dos CoDs no lançamento, a partir do BO4 pra frente), mas ainda consegui me divertir bastante. Campanha boa, quase um remake de Black Ops 1, além de um multiplayer desbalanceado, porém mais divertido que o do MW2 2022 e um Zombies subestimado e bem divertido (apesar das controvérsias quanto a sua vida útil). Um dos CoDs atuais mais legais de se jogar.

Loses points for not having enough alex mason and frank woods. The campaign was unforgettable, multiplayer was okay , just not my favourite. I was actually quite disappointed about this, it could have been so much better and so much more than it was

se não fosse pela curtissima duração, seria perfeito

Nunca tinha jogado a história de nenhum COD e esse aqui foi um ótimo início, a dublagem é perfeita e o Adler é um baita personagem, uma campanha curta porém cativante.

Sometimes it is nice to just play some COD campaign. Unfortunately, this one is not the best choice. But there is a great stealth sequence on this one.

Call of Duty: Cold War, o mais recente título da aclamada franquia de jogos de tiro em primeira pessoa, recebeu uma recepção variada desde seu lançamento. Com base nos reviews gerais da internet e na análise do Metacritic, é possível observar uma divisão de opiniões entre os críticos e os jogadores.

De acordo com o Metacritic, Call of Duty: Cold War recebeu uma pontuação média de 76, refletindo a natureza polarizada das críticas. Enquanto alguns elogiam seus visuais impressionantes, mecânicas de jogo refinadas e um enredo envolvente, outros criticam certas falhas técnicas e uma falta de inovação em relação aos títulos anteriores da série.

Um dos principais problemas enfrentados pelo jogo no lançamento foi a presença de bugs, glitches e problemas de balanceamento, que afetaram a experiência de muitos jogadores, especialmente nos modos multiplayer. No entanto, a equipe de desenvolvimento tem sido ágil em fornecer atualizações e correções para resolver esses problemas, melhorando significativamente a estabilidade e a jogabilidade ao longo do tempo.

Para os fãs do modo Zombies, como eu, Call of Duty: Cold War oferece uma experiência particularmente satisfatória. Com uma jogabilidade envolvente, mapas intricados e desafios emocionantes, o modo Zombies continua sendo um destaque do jogo e uma fonte de diversão duradoura para os jogadores.

Além disso, a inclusão de cooperação local é um aspecto bastante elogiado do jogo. Permitindo que os jogadores se unam em uma mesma tela para enfrentar os desafios juntos, o modo cooperativo local adiciona uma dimensão social e divertida à experiência de jogo, especialmente para aqueles que preferem compartilhar a diversão com amigos e familiares no mesmo espaço físico.

Em resumo, Call of Duty: Cold War é um título que divide opiniões, mas que oferece uma experiência geralmente satisfatória, especialmente para os fãs dedicados da série. Com seus visuais impressionantes, mecânicas de jogo sólidas e um modo Zombies envolvente, o jogo tem muito a oferecer, especialmente para aqueles que apreciam a ação intensa e a camaradagem do combate cooperativo.

Kinda was forced to play this from a friend and i definietly think theres better call of duty zombies (I dont really play call of duty only the zombies parts I like)