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in the past

its a cliché but there really is smthn special about loading into a lobby in a COD and just immediately hearing a 40 year old OG tellin some kid over the mic to stop flipping weed packs. or finishing a demolition match and hearing two friends say good night to each other and exchange pleasantries. or hearing a dude ask "is the daddy still in the picture?" when his mom gaming buddy talks about her kids (shooters gotta shoot). im glad this series has over anything retained that strand of anonymous, impermanent interaction--everyone joins a lobby with their mic unmuted, and the mute all feature is legitimately bugged i think. there's little to no carryover of players between matches (crossplay is really seamless which adds the exchangeability of teammates & enemies). COD is rlly like living in the city where these other popular battle royale-tinged shooters are like living in the suburbs where everyone is contained in their own little silo's. not that there's anything wrong with fragmentation & keeping the circle small! but sometimes i just want to be with some strangers for the night. u stay crashin bout a nigga we don go on dates😒

as a game its a lil shite tho lol. but not in an unlovable way. the last COD i played was advanced warfare which had the same sorta lootbox/premium system....coupla years and its still rlly bad. reusing maps from the original Black Ops 2 is so funny, and kind of embarrassing that is the state of the FPS multiplayer experience. weapons are really anonymous, which is a problem i've had with treyarch titles and every COD not named MW2. spawn system is as cooked as it was in the old titles. scorestreak rewards feel extremely underwhelming, at least the nuke was funny. having the usual weapon system level on top of the regular level progression system on top of an operator level system on top of a callcard & emblem system on top of a daily/weekly challenge system makes one of the insane end game screens imaginable. smthn is deeply cooked if im skipping through my unlocks at the end of the match like theyre youtube ads. all of the perks feel inconsequential save a select 6 which every experienced player seems to use. only new positives are i think the scorestreak system here is rlly the best killstreak overhaul they've done & i like the addition to CTF the standard game queue. oh and the level of modularity in the attachment system is rlly quite cool, idk if those are unique additions to this entry but they were appreciated.

the appeal here for me is that this the last title that feels like a complete COD from what fans on the internet say, and the least that's like, fucked with ig. and that the simple truth is that ADS hitscan feels as good as it did in 2010, squeezing the trigger and seeing the hitmakers pop up is some real "neuron activated" gaming what can i say. its infrequent but when you load in a match and its already lit in voicechat and you start puttin up SGA numbers with your red dot SMG hittin all the flanks its like perfect videogame junk food.

The campaign was great from beginning to end. Adler is a very unique character that will stick with me for a while, and some of the stages do some really crazy stuff. The side missions that have you solving puzzles were also a nice touch, if not a very light one. The campaign is extremely short, though. Wish there were a few more stages to play. I guess it makes sense considering the multiplayer focus with these games. I played a few rounds online and had a good time. I won't be playing it for days on end since there's a ton of other games out there I wanna play, but it was nice to take the world on and actually not go negative like I did playing CoD 10 years ago. Oh, if past me had the skill I had today...

Anyway, check out this game, especially while it's still free with PS+!

over the past month, i've been playing through all the zombies easter eggs with my brother. and after finishing forsaken last night, i think i feel about this game the same way football enjoyers feel about madden

there is a LOT negative i can say about this game. the maps (aside from mauer) are pretty bland and uninteresting. the removal of a set group of player characters in favor of operators from the multiplayer mode takes any sense of charm out of the characters. remember when player characters would banter with each other? yea, now the only thing you'll hear is your own character saying things like "cracked your skull like a walnut" over and over. the story and voice acting and dialogue is awful, and at the end, i was glad to see that every single character in the game was in a worse place as a result of our actions

the worst thing this game does is make the easter eggs the whole point of the maps. where in previous games they were completely hidden, this whole extra game that unlocks from you doing all these weird and obscure tasks, cold war puts it front and center. in firebase z, immediately on loading up, you are given an objective marker to talk to a guy that starts it off. in all maps, you are randomly given dialogue telling you to do your easter egg tasks even if you aren't planning to do it in this session.

sure, you can play these maps on mute and ignore the story and play normally. but the intended experience is to do the easter eggs. this leaks into the map designs. these are the main point of the maps. which i think is completely backwards.

and despite all this, i had a lot of fun playing this game. i'm disappointed because i see the potential behind these games, but at the end of the day, it's still zombies. it's still sitting down for a couple of hours with my brother and shooting stuff.

i'm glad i did this. it was very nice to relive my childhood for a month. i would gladly do it again :)

Still not sure if cod fans like this one, but I played it much more than I expected.
This game came out unfinished, but updates kinda saved it. 1st zombie map was garbage, only 3rd was good. Outbreak mode was enjoyable.
The worst part of multi was skill-based matchmaking. Most of maps were fine, some other not. Not really balanced game, as every cod game, but not to the point where everyone plays the same way.
Campaign was good, nothing special about it.
Imo this cod is much better than MW (2019). Maybe not the best black ops, but still fun.

This is the most repulsive and propaganda-filled game I have ever played in my entire life. Cold War and by extension most of the Call of Duty franchise is the opposite of what I consider to be art, there is no message behind this game other than serve your imperialist country, never question what they do, and kill Middle Eastern/Russian people.

The beginning of the campaign starts you off with killing seemingly innocent people watching their television, then proceeding to have an all-out war at the house just to find one man who you then torture info out of only to kill him anyway. Following that mission you do it all once again at an airport, killing people forced into their position all for one man. There is no empathy behind it or thinking, the game depicts these people as subhuman because they aren't an American, they're doing the same shit you do, if not less since they aren't even the aggressor here, but for a different country, but you're the righteous one because you're American. Following that mission we're introduced to our Lord and Savior Ronald Reagan famous for ruining the prospects of multiple generations and he gets to say that all of the war crimes your gang wants to commit are all okay because it's in the name of our "free" country AMERICA!!! It was at this point I uninstalled the game because of how repulsive it was.

Outside of the horrendous propaganda campaign's "story" the gameplay was shit too, it's an extremely basic and boring cover shooter, literally all style, or rather blood sweat and tears of crunched and abused employees, and no substance.

The fact that this damn series sells so well is legitimately depressing to me, this isn't art, this isn't even a fun game, all that this game is, is imperialist propaganda

If I could give this a 0/5 or a negative score I would. I felt sick every moment I played this game.


Depois de um longo hiato da franquia Call of Duty, admito que o meu desdém pela série começou a bater mais forte, lançando um jogo todo ano e geralmente sendo sempre recebido como "mais do mesmo" desanima quem está explorando outros gêneros de jogos e títulos com um foco maior na criatividade ou no conceito mas devo admitir que a campanha de Black Ops Cold War não me decepcionou

Meu último contato com a franquia havia sido com Black Ops II no PS3 e acho que nada mais simbólico do que retornar para a franquia com um jogo da franquia Black Ops, trazendo o velho e batido conflito de Estados Unidos VS USSR, em uma campanha que pela primeira vez na franquia inclui escolhas e algumas missões que incluem formas alternativas de lidar com os objetivos em mãos

No geral, é um jogo que a campanha tenta explorar e ser bem diferente dos títulos lançados até o presente momento, com visuais absurdos de bonitos e uma gunplay maravilhosa de boa

Playing this makes me feel like a lab rat at best.

Uma ótima história viu, eu gostei bastante por mais de confusa a narrativa

Best cod since BO3 & still MILES better then Vanguard and MWII. It's got the best and funnest zombies mode hands down (sorry BO3) & campaign is the best cod campaign since BO1. Multiplayer was meh at launch but has gotten a lot better.

Campaign: 8/10
Multiplayer: 5/10 at launch, 7/10 now
Zombies: 7/10 at launch (just because there was only 1 map), 9/10 now.
Overall: 8/10

falando especificamente da campanha, tá longe de ser o melhor black ops. as missões stealth e a análise de evidências foram de longe minha parte favorita dessa campanha, ela não é excepcional mas cumpre bem o trabalho dela. gráficos bonitos e combate divertido também, mas nada demais

1 estrela a mais pela park pq ela é mt linda

I enjoyed the campaign, as I always do in this franchise. It was short but fun to play, until (CLASSIFIED).

Starts off strong with Ronald Reagan ignoring his advisor's words about war crimes being bad, peaks with a spy infiltration into Lubyanka with heavy machine guns, sustains the high with an extended set piece that is equal parts The Stanley Parable and Jacob's Ladder. Just have to ignore the canon ending that proudly posits that war crimes are actually good sometimes, as a treat.

É a primeira campanha de um Call of Duty que eu chego a terminar, e devo dizer que me agradou bastante.

A Guerra Fria era um dos momentos históricos que eu mais gostava de estudar nas aulas de história, e experienciar uma narrativa voltada a isso foi muito legal.

Eu sinceramente não esperava grande coisa, até por não saber ao certo o que esperar, e confesso que me surpreendi muito com o que vi.

A história, o gun play satisfatório, os personagens e um plot twist de explodir a cabeça são os maiores destaques da narrativa como um tudo. Fiquei com vontade de explorar as outras campanhas de outros jogos da franquia.

Not as stupid as I may have imagined and fully in line with the existing Black Ops canon. Really quite fun and well-realized, especially when you look at the last few Modern Warfare titles.

Cold War is easily the best CoD game to come out post Black Ops II.

I totally understand why it got a ton of hate when it came out because of the fact that from a mechanical and technical standpoint, it was a complete stepdown from Modern Warfare (2019) but in terms of character and content, I think it's easily the most interesting and fully enjoyable package even with its complicated and rushed development during the height of COVID.

The obvious thing first, I am in love with this game's aesthetic. The 80's theme is so fucking cool and Cold War really takes it and runs with it, you can really tell when it comes to the design of a lot of the levels in all game modes of Cold War and also within the narrative of the campaign.

Despite the fact that it may be a bit short, I fucking LOVED the campaign. Each mission felt so distinct and unique, I loved making my own character with their own perks and having dialogue choices that change how events play out, similar to Black Ops II.

On top of that, the side content with the campaign where you had to decipher the codes to find Perseus was so fucking cool to me. I remember writing all these different strings of numbers and city names in my notebook physically to try and crack the code and it was genuinely such a memorable and engaging moment in any game I've ever played and it was totally optional. In general, doing different side stuff and replaying missions was so fun, I remember replaying the whole campaign twice to get all the Dark Ops challenges completed.

Most people would consider the multiplayer to be the weakest part of the game and to an extent I would agree. Cold War's movement system feels pretty similar to Black Ops 4, generally being pretty stiff and janky, especially compared to how buttery smooth movement was in MW2019. The gunplay, animations and overall polish wasn't as on point as the last game because of the older engine but I think despite all of this, mechanically, Cold War's multiplayer was really sound.

Besides Miami, Cartel and The Pines, there weren't really any offensively bad maps in the game, they all ranged from competent to being very good. I also really enjoyed the wildcard system in Cold War allowing players to really add more onto what kind of playstyle they wanted to rock with, even being able to do weird shit like have two secondary weapons.

The multiplayer had an actual working mini map, easily recognizable enemies, maps that weren't dogshit and DEAD SILENCE AS A PERK. I really can't say the same about MW2019 lol. Minus maybe the slightly longer time to kill, Cold War was the last classic feeling CoD game we ever got. I don't think that even games like CoD WW2 or Black Ops 3 matched that golden age CoD game feel as much as this game.

When Cold War first came out, I was really mixed on the zombies because I felt it was too easily and strayed too far from the original formula of Black Ops III which I thought and still think is the gold standard for zombies. However, over time I've come to accept that Cold War is totally its own thing and it does its own style of gameplay pretty well, I think all 4 maps in Zombies are really fun, especially Mauer Der Toten is my favorite, knowing everything in that map down to a T.

I would even argue that Cold War does some things better than previous zombies iterations. I really like how hectic late rounds are in cold war, zombies get super fast and they feel way less monotonous as late rounds in something like BO3 or BO2 zombies. The exfil system is a really nice alternative to end the game and get better rewards than having to die or do the Easter egg to complete the map and I also think Cold War has the best perk system by having no limit but having each perk you get become increasingly more and more expensive as you acquire more. This is just way more fun than choosing the same 4 perks every single game like in every single zombies game in the past, even BO4 because even that game had an obvious meta of what perks were the best.

Cold War was a bit of a mess at launch but in its final state, I think almost from an objective standpoint, it is the highest quality, most unique and offers the most amount of content compared to almost any other CoD game post 7th Gen.

"Either you die a hero , or you live long enough to see yourself become the villan"

Самый эпичный и навороченный шутер всех времен и народов.


Это было просто невероятно, это было просто АХУЕННО. На самом деле я не верил в эту часть, я вообще уже не верил в то, что кампания колды может быть по-настоящему эпохальной, но возвращение Девида Гойера (сценарист БО1 и БО2, а так же кучи известных вам фильмов) и тот факт, что за создание кампании и мультиплеера отвечало по сути дело две разных студии, заставили весь мир охуеть от невероятной истории про холодную войну. На самом деле сингл этой части войдет точно в мой пантеон самых крутых игр мира за все его существование, потому что то что сделала команда разрабов здесь просто не поддается уму.

Во-первых это эволюция в плане геймплея, я просто охуел от всего то, что они смогли засунуть в игру. Это и взлом замков с компами, и огромная вариативность на некоторых уровнях, и отличный и приятный геймплей за технику, и очень продуманный стелс на уровне Дизонореда или Прея, и наверно лучшая баллистика и чувствительность оружия которую я только видел в серии, а так же этот основной хаб с его головоломками и паззлами, которые нужно решать как в старых квестах из нулевых и все это блять нахуй в КАЛДЕ, вы можете в это поверить?

Во-вторых сюжет и атмосфера, Гойер относясь здесь пиздец как с душой к игре, как будто он сам проявил инициативу и позвонил студии мол у меня тут пиздец сердце горит игру хочу сделать и они ему сказали да. Очень умная история с мощным подтекстом о том, что в холодной войне на самом деле не было героев или злодеев, были лишь две страны, которые защищали свои идеалы друг от друга, что обе стороны совершали ужасные поступки ради достижения главной цели, а самое крутое, что в конце, после того как ты узнаешь правду про обе стороны тебе дается выбор, от которого кардинально зависит концовка.

РейвенСофтвеер подняли планку колды на такой уровень, что теперь любой возврат в обычные пострелушки будет означать для серии по сути шаг назад, теперь им остается только развивать идеи из этой игры и продолжать создавать из сингла все больше и больше иммерсив сим, оказывается колде это очень к лицу.

Отдельная благодарность за ахуительные референсы к события БО1, миссию на Ямантау и миссию во Вьетнаме, когда нам ебут мозги, да и за миссию в Москве тоже спасибо. А еще охуительный саундтрек от Джека Вола на уровне МВ2 и БО2, многие темы из которого уже в моем плейлисте.

Единственный недостаток - графоний, который застрял на уровне Крайзиса 3, хорошо хоть визуальный дизайн и ретрейсинг сглаживают общее впечателение. Кто бы мог подумать что спустя столько лет, я буду ТАК хвалить колду, вот уж калвар удивил, вот уж.

The supposed return to form for the Treyarch line of Call of Duty games, Cold War didn't exactly need to do a whole lot, since the insultingly barebones Black Ops 4 didn't feature any single player content whatsoever , so just showing up with a campaign was already an improvement.

That said, for all the effort they put in to go above and beyond by offering yet another mindfuck plot, moral choices, sidequests, multiple endings, Goldeneye-style espionage segments and even puzzles (you read that right: puzzles in a CoD game), and succeeding in most of these endeavours, Cold War stumbles on what you'd expect to be the easiest part for a series that's been going for as long as it has: the gameplay is botched and dull, with downgraded physics, AI and detail, and incredibly easy on top of that, even on Veteran or Realism, which is just Veteran verbatim without most of the HUD, despite the medacious claims of the difficulty selection screen.

Enemies are dumb, taking cover behind nothing and standing out in the open like it's Operation Wolf. Furthermore it's not very satisfying to shoot them, as their reactions to bullet impact are delayed and uninteresting. It will be easy to mow them down in their hundreds, especially since ammunition is now dropped by every enemy in generic ammo satchels which replenish whatever weapons you are carrying, instead of you picking up ammunition for the specific weapons you found. This means ammo is de facto unlimited, so grab the best weapon you can find, no matter how uncommon its resupplies, and spray away.

Just about the only times you will die are unfun scripted encounters with enemy juggernauts, who laser aim onto you, cutting you down the moment you peek your nose out of cover, or one of several awful turret segments which will test your patience. There is also a Vietnam level in a rice field, in which you are given no cover and cannot go prone, leading to frustration. All of this feels like artificial difficulty and is usually quickly dealt with anyway. At no point you will feel overwhelmed to the point of not knowing how you're supposed to make progress. While that's not a great feeling, that's what makes these campaigns fun to play on Veteran: to find a way past odds that seem impossible, and there's none of that here.

There is also no gore whatsoever. Considering Treyarch has always been the edgelord of CoD developers, with the absolute brutality seen in Black Ops 1 and 2, where enemies could be blown to bits by shotguns and explosions, Cold WAr doesn't even have blood puffs and only occasionally features blood pools under bodies. This extends to the cutscenes, which don't feature any of Treyarch's trademark disturbing violence.

So the puzzles: three times over the course of the campaign you are offered to engage with optional objectives, one of which is a simple numeric padlock whose combination is hidden in documents around your base of operations and twice you will have to review intel gatherd in the missions to piece together who the members of a spy network are. They are fairly simple logic puzzles but considering we are talking about a CoD game, these feel out of place, and in a good way. They are randomized too, so you can't just google their solutions. It's a shame that the two missions they unlock aren't particularly good, being brief combat scenario on expanded multiplayer maps, similar to Spec Ops missions from old Modern Warfare games, though not even remotely as fun.

The espionage levels grind the action to a halt while you sneak around collecting evidence and stealing data from some Russian base or the KGB headquarters. they are cool, and add a sprinkle of Goldeneye or Perfect Dark to the game, but ultimately feel like they are stalling for time, to stretch out a very short campaign.

The story is alright, despite expecting you to really care about characters you will barely be aware of, it delivers some good moments, though it's not enough to prop up the easy campaign.

Dull, dull dull. It would be much better if it weren't so incredibly forgiving.

Surprisingly fun game. Nothing too serious but not too stupid. Ranging from the 6-6.5 range

I was looking for a kinda mindless FPS game in which I didn't have to think and just had fun gunning down enemies, and Cold War offers exactly that.

There is a plot-twist and some attempt to serious storytelling but its hard to take anything serious where all your enemies do is stand before you waiting to be shot at.

Still, I enjoyed the game for what it is, and loved the Cold War aspect of the narrative.

This is exclusively my opinion formed around the early days of the game and around season 1 so it might be worth revisiting nowadays and if I do the following will be edited.

Didn't played the campaign yet, the multiplayer was disappointing in a lot of ways even if it tried to be more like a traditional call of duty it had several technical and mechanical flaws that really crippled its full potential which were never changed even though the fully arcade and cartoony philosophy of Treyarch is appreciated for what it is.

Zombies, however. Is something that at first would sound like a terrible idea but the execution was done in such a way that made it work, even though the progression on every single match might feel repetitive if you want to advance to high rounds it gave more purpose to the moment to moment gameplay giving it more usage to your resources instead of just sitting with a high amount of points on higher rounds.

Cold War is this unfortunate half baked rushed product of a greedy company that can't settle themselves to take a year off. I have nothing but respect for Treyarch for what they were able to accomplish in the midst of a worldwide pandemic even if it wasn't a title I enjoyed much. Zombies was a very pleasant new experience but I can't say the same of the rest of the package.

Would I recommend it? If you're a diehard zombies fan it's more than likely that you already have it but even then I'd still recommend it solely for that, the multiplayer is not my preference given what I pointed out but if you are looking for that arcade style formula then go for it, unfortunately this time it didn't sit well for me.

Campaign was really good. okayish multiplayer

At the time of it's release, this was the big "comeback" to the franchise for me personally. I enjoyed every minute of the dozens of hours I sunk into the zombies, multiplayer, and yes, even the campaign which is one of the best in the series.

In hindsight, I believe the reception of this game has only gotten better with the current state of the franchise (following the release of MWIII as of this writing) leaving many players frustrated.

I feel crazy because everyone hates on this game, but in my opinion it is one of the best call of duty games. The campaign is just so awesome and has different endings and cool set pieces, and the multiplayer is more satisfying than ever.