Reviews from

in the past

if donkey kong 3 were on the switch, would it be any different? i want you to guess. this playthrough was NOT 100%.

i don't know what the hell this is but it's not donkey kong. a great game for monkey haters.

Sometimes you may wonder "Stanley, why did you even come here?!" But that’s part of his charm.

"I’ll do it! I’m doing it!"

...He never says anything like that.

Game where you shoot up an ape's rear end.

It made my finger hurt. Kinda enjoy the pew pew more than the platforming on the other games shrugs

Way more fun than both previous games (and DK Junior Math lmao).

you shoot donkey kong with bug spray and get him attacked by bees

I think we all remember Stanley the Bugman fondly.

ughhh its boring i hate high score games. whatever. Its a game.

The fuck?

So this is barely even a Donkey Kong game, there’s no platforming or Mario whatsoever, you just play as this kid just spraying DK a bunch, it’s like pathetically easy as well.

Well that was shit……….but at least now I get to play Donkey Kong Country, an actual game that’ll last longer than ten minutes.

(NES Version)
Bleh. This one sucks too

The sliding up and down the pipe mechanic feels unresponsive at times. Not a big fan of this one.

see arcade review for thoughts on the game play.
it's a pretty good port as far as i can tell, but generally less pretty to look at.

Tried on Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online, did not play for very long. It's an okay game, just not for me.

Bring Stanley back you cowards

This was my least favorite out of the Donkey Kong games.

Its not the worst thing ever, but not only is it repetitive, its also really goddamn short! I finished all the levels the game has to offer in less than 2 minutes, and didn't get a game over till loop 5, where the difficultly randomly increases. Pretty weak game.

This is unfortunately the worst of the DK original series. While the idea is good with the spray gun so that he goes in a bee hive, you will spend your time only mashing the spray gun button. I think they only put Donkry Kong in it because it would sell more copies.

Game #9 of my challenge