Reviews from

in the past

No seriously like why did they add stats

Dimps dared to ask "What if fighting games were fun" and you fools refused to listen and switched to Tenkaichi like heathens

also i dont remember if it was dimps but i have too many tabs open to google it

Quem nunca tirou uns contras os amigos nessa beleza de jogo, bons tempos...

hundreds of hours in this one. stunning game whether alone or with friends and the amount of story content is absurd

A la gente le pica pero este juego es un millon de veces mas complejo y mas competitivo que cualquier otro juego de DB (quitando el FZ)

The gameplay feels GREATTT i love how it feels, can honestly play for hourss, it's a game i can come back to if i feel bored and need to kill sometime. Dragon universe tho icl i cannot be bothered. Just here to box man

My parents shipped me off to a vocational school when I was 16, at their wits end with my hooliganism. I suppose they thought learning how to weld would sort me out or something. This school was a "last stop" for a lot of kids whose parents ran out of rope to give, or who were otherwise court ordered to attend short of ending up in juvie. A considerable amount of the student body had a rougher background than mine and came from homes more fractured or communities that were deeply disenfranchised.

And everyone there loved Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 (also, Gauntlet Legends, but we're not talking about that today.)

Actually, it may be more accurate to say they just loved Dragon Ball. Budokai 3 was the newest game at the time and so it got the most play, but it was just as common to find kids huddled around a CRT watching Dragon Ball GT. The guy who had that GT set was also had a copy of Big Money Rustlas and I'm sorry to report that I've been conditioned through overexposure to adore both. Many flavors of Faygo touched my lips during this era.

The thing about Dragon Ball is that it had penetrated so many social barriers by 2004 that it had attained total cultural saturation. Playing these games, Budokai 3 in particular, and simply sharing a love for the series helped me expand my social bubble and connect with others during a particularly low point in my life. I also mained Kid Buu, so everyone knew I was a motherfucker. My Dragon Ball GT loving, Juggalo, furry friend taught me to never hide who you are, and who I am is a little pink goblin that can't be touched and will send his fist through the ground to punch you in the groin.

Though I'm typically bad at fighting games, there was a period where I was so practiced at Budokai 3 that nailing precision dodges and teleport chains was purely reflexive. Sure, this is partly due to being confined to a facility where the only other things to do was play billiards or hang out at a rundown single-screen theater that mostly ran crap like The Ladykillers, but you know, some of that was pure talent! Revisiting it now for the first time since leaving that school felt like slipping into a warm bath. Familiar, cozy, and-- whoa wait shit why is Cell spamming his ultimate like that HELP!!

Budokai 3 plays a lot better than the previous two games but is still compromised in several areas. Characters control largely the same as each other with little in the way of unique playstyles, but the capsule system feels more robust and better allows you to create a build unique to you, for example. Techniques look flashy and do well to capture key moments from the show and manga, but the rush attack and accompanying button guessing minigame wears thin and becomes a pace breaker fast. There's a lot of give and take here, but you can unlock Kid Goku so I'm afraid it's just the best Budokai game there is. I'm sorry. I don't make the rules.

The story mode is limited to 11 of the roster's 32 characters, and most of its replayability comes in the form of alternate routes, hidden fights, and secrets. There's a good amount to do, but the jog through DBZ's main four arcs is severely truncated and at times plays fast and loose with its canon (Goku survives the Raditz fight in Piccolo's story, for example, but the game doesn't explore this fully.) Dialog is rife with spelling errors, kerning issues, and there's a number of portraits that are off-model. Characters who existed mostly on the periphery like Tien or Yamcha or even those who were present in the story but largely inactive during long stretches are represented here, but much of their story modes involve bouncing between disperate points on a map to get maybe two or three lines of dialog... Many of the Dragon Ball games of this era just assume you're deeply familiar with the story and don't make much of an effort, so it's not surprising that Budokai 3 offloads a considerable amount of its narrative to your imagination.

And I'm fine with that. Budokai 3 isn't perfect by any means, but like the very boring man that I am, I'm perfectly capable of recognizing its faults and enjoying it regardless. That's only possible with the maturity laying bricks for two years builds... I think, I don't know.

I had planned on replaying this much further down the road (maybe around September), but as Akira Toriyama's untimely passing affected fans all over the world, it made me reflect on my time with Budokai 3 and appreciate something I understood back in 2004: Dragon Ball suffers no barriers.

Jogão, tirar x1 nele é uma maravilha

Muito bom o jogo, mais ainda prefiro a luta 3D da série Tenkaishi.

Used to do occasional 1v1. I fucking love the fast-paced gameplay of the battles and had so much fun playing this.

Every single Dragon Ball video game is the same. This was the first I played and it's got a winning formula.

Best Dragon Ball/X-Men crossover yet.

From the Intro to the credits...a wonderful experience!

It never grabbed me as much as Budokai Tenkaichi did, but it's still a great game.

I've never been able to like any game in the Budokai series

Um rpg de dragon ball com uma exploração de mapa muuuito interessante!

Melhor que o tenkaichi 3, Chupem

Great game, and is surprisingly mechanically deep. Probably the best of the Budokai series, Infinite World included.

Era la polla pero nunca fui capaz de llegar a la parte de DBGT

Antes que comente, dedico este espaço aqui não como uma crítica ao título, mas sim como um memorando ao Akira Toriyama. Agradeço desde já.

Logo, gostaria de abrir isto falando sobre algo que me recordo e de fácil acesso, que ocorreu em uma edição da revista "Eureka", em fevereiro de 1983, onde Akira dedicou um ensaio ao pai dos mangás, Osamu Tezuka, e um trecho dito ressoa comigo "[...] Pude ler muitas obras de Tezuka na livraria. Como sempre fui exposto às suas obras durante meus anos de aprendizado no ensino fundamental, acredito que fui influenciado por elas sem nem perceber. Tenho certeza de que existem muitos outros grandes artistas de mangá por aí, mas sem os trabalhos maravilhosos de Osamu Tezuka, não tenho certeza se desenharia mangás como faço hoje. Muito obrigado, mestre Tezuka, de verdade![...]".

A sensação de perder alguém que desconheço mas muito admiro é um tanto quanto estranha. Certas pessoas carregam consigo uma espécie de aura mística que beira a imortalidade, e com o Toriyama-sensei não foi nem seria diferente. Como toda criança, Dragon Ball moldou muito do que chamo de Eu, e foi minha companhia por diversas horas que poderiam ter sido solitárias - remediadas pelos nossos queridos personagens muito carismáticos com seus ensinamentos, piadas e combates inacabáveis. É uma memória fraca mas que ainda vive, lembro que sempre que meu pai voltava do serviço (durante o horário de almoço), a gente assistia um ou dois episódios de Dragon Ball Z, isso durante minha infância. Significou bastante pra mim. Em fato, carregou tanta influência em mim que compramos Dragon Ball Final Bout, no PlayStation. Jogo terrível, por sinal, mas que eu amava bastante justamente por ser daquele universo fantástico - um dos meus amigos descobriu que se fizesse um input no menu principal, liberava um grupo de personagens, na maioria Saiyajins. Sem contar nos filmes, nas aberturas, nos brinquedos. Saudades.

Anos se passam e Dragon Ball acabou por tornar-se relativamente distante na minha vida; não acompanhava e não me interessava, mas curiosamente, os jogos ainda viviam comigo, especialmente este, Budokai 3, e a versão modificada por fãs dele, conhecida como Dragon Ball AF. Eu não havia descoberto um gosto musical que eu gostasse em específico, mas o DB AF justamente por ser modificado, tinha faixas de bandas como System of A Down e se bem me lembro Slipknot e Limp Bizkit também marcavam presença (posso estar enganado). É difícil de descrever como era épico apertar R1 e se tornar o Super Saiyajin 4 em um jogo fanmade enquanto tocava B.Y.O.B. de fundo (risos) ou algo assim. Olhando para trás, talvez essas pequenas frações de jogatinas podem ter somado para tudo aquilo que gosto. Foram importantes.

Contudo, a influência do mangaká se encontrava em outras aventuras que fui tendo, como em Chrono Trigger e Dragon Quest. É tão belo como eu nunca consegui fugir de você, sensei. Belo como ninguém jamais conseguiu.

Sendo tão ínfimo e diminuto como sou, me sinto triste por não poder colocar em palavras tudo aquilo que Akira Toriyama trouxe nas nossas vidas, de forma direta ou indireta. Impossível pôr tudo aquilo que sinto aqui. "Inspiração" é tão pouco dado ao tamanho de seu legado, mestre. É dolorido demais que teves que ir, mas mais dolorido ainda da forma que foi. Pode ter certeza que todos vamos sentir sua falta. Por fim, minhas colocações não seriam justas nesta conclusão, então só parafraseio o que você mesmo dissera:
Pude acompanhar muitas obras suas. Como sempre fui exposto às suas obras durante meus anos de aprendizado, acredito que fui influenciado por elas sem nem perceber. Tenho certeza de que sem seus trabalhos, nós não seríamos como somos hoje. Muito obrigado, mestre Toriyama, de verdade!

Descanse em paz.

This is a more realized vision of the first two games. With more characters, a better and more fleshed-out story mode, and combat that feels much snappier and fleshed out than before.

While I think that they could have added more modes, what we have here is a great accumulation of the previous titles. Each fighter is fun to fight and experiment with, especially with the new additions of the beam struggle, a dodge mechanic, and hyper mode, as well as the revisions to transformations, ki charging, and ultimate attacks.

This is the game all fans should play. It's much deeper than you would expect, and very fun to play.

Mi juego de peleas de Dragon Ball favorito.
Volabas por el aire con distintos personajes, subías niveles, a medida que derrotabas a distintos personajes opcionales ganabas versiones alternativas de la historia... Una gozada, vamos.
Los juegos posteriores añadieron cantidad y variedad de luchadores además de escenarios de pelea más tridimensionales que te permiten sentirte más inmerso en el mundo... Pero nunca he sentido el mismo gusto que cuando jugué a este juego.

bom demais também, jogava muito

Jogo de luta que eu mais joguei na minha vida, queria muito um remake.