Reviews from

in the past

Better controls than last game.

Grand Theft Auto 2 represented a significant evolution from the first game, with substantial improvements in graphics, mechanics and depth of play. The gang system and the greater complexity in the missions added a new level of strategy and involvement, while the more detailed and dynamic city offered a richer gaming experience. Although it still has its technical and graphical limitations, GTA 2 is a solid sequel that helped shape the future direction of the series.

Rating: 6/10.

I really enjoy how much of a hitman you are on the first games.

It was a lot of fun when I was a child causing chaos in the streets while running with a tank, but after playing years later I found it a bit boring and souless. The game hasn't aged well. There are way better GTAs than this one. Progression in this game could be better but the gangs and respect system should come back, one of the nicest things about this game.

Un cambio PEQUEÑO pero esta mejor que el 1

A bit of an improvement over the first, but still lackluster.

theres a button to fart and burp shoutsouts to silvia

You know what the new GTAs need that this one does have? A fart and burp button, THAT is what's fucking missing in this franchise.

I like the vibe, but it's boring as shit

Средняя и Бодрая ГТА.

Never had the patience to get into the story but YO the soundtrack is tops.

its like the first one but with prettier grpahics and a cool electric gun that blows up lots of cars

My cousin gifted me a laptop as a kid with this installed on it. My parents never knew. I played GTA 1 & 2 for hours. I think they were the first games I ever looked up guides for on the internet.

i was too young to even understand what was happening on the screen, but little 4yo me got so obsessed over this game that i remember crying because i didn't have a ps1 to play it, so it must be good, right?

Meu primeiro jogo e um absoluto banger. Nada me fazia mais feliz quando criança que sair atirando e fazer besteira, pular com carro sobre prédios e não fazer nenhuma missão porque eu simplesmente não entendia inglês.

The camera is improved and the controls are slightly better than the first but it still controls like ass and I didn't really find myself motivated to continue with it but at least I got further in than GTA 1 but still not that far. On the bright side, the graphics are better and the radio still has that GTA charm to it.

Essentially GTA 1 but digestable, which is a pretty huge improvement.

The cameras fixed, the controls feel tighter (though they still suck tbh), the graphics are better, Rockstar's vibes are in full effect, BUT at the end of the day, this is just a superior GTA 1. It follows the exact same formula and doesn't deviate from GTA 1's structure in the slightest, and frankly this structure is just kinda boring.

You are once again going around a city and doing these arcadey missions. It's near instantly repetitive, though it would be acceptable if driving around the city was fun. Driving around the city is in-fact not fun, as you really can't see what's up ahead, and the map is laid out like a jumbled maze. They're a bit more lenient with the dead ends than in GTA 1, but not by much. You'll still be frequently having to turn around and try to figure out how to even get to your generic objective time and time again. It's just exhausting to play.

For what they wanted to achieve, they would have had to make this game WAY more coherent with a map or something, or they go 3rd Person, I mean, imagine if Crazy Taxi was top down and you couldn't tell where you were going, wouldn't be too much fun right? Rockstar of course made the wise decision of going 3rd person, now GTA 1 and 2 serve as a history lesson to the franchise and unfortunately, not much else.

This is by far the weirdest GTA title I've ever touched. Ranging from the setting, to the missions and characters or even the promotional art, it was a weird leap from the first game but somehow a welcome one.
Grand Theft Auto 2 is the sequel to the top-down frenetic crime simulator from 1997, and this one doesn't really stray away from its roots, in paper, it's pretty much just more 2D Universe GTA, this time however it takes place in a bit more of a gritty setting as you roam the streets of the crime-ridden Anywhere City, a big metropolis consisting of various districts and different gangs per area, and gangs are the name of the game since this game revolves primarily around them.

Now, instead of just picking up whatever mission from a payphone, you're gonna have to choose one path and affiliate yourself with one gang or another to get their missions, the better the trust you have with the gangs' leader the better the prizes, and you need to rack up those points to move on to the next districts (in pure 2D GTA fashion). This makes for a fun game of testing out and getting a feel for all gangs and their missions to choose a favorite one to go with, or to have protection against police and stuff like that. Granted it's a pretty basic feature that is interesting at best, since the missions are still all very same-y and it gets boring after a while, but it's cool to see that they would later on expand on something similar with the turf wars in San Andreas.

I was able to play with both mouse and keyboard controls and with a radar mod akin to 3D Universe GTA, and that alone made it so much more bearable than the first game, albeit the arcade system of getting money to get out of the district sucks pretty bad, but it's somewhat more playable and manageable here now that there's also ways to save your progress and the fact that you don't lose the opportunity to take on jobs/missions as soon as you fail them, you can always just retry them or go ham and kill your own dudes to go and hang out with the other gang.

By the way, the dude you play as in this game is Claude Speed, not affiliated with Claude from future games (GTA3/GTA:SA), and the fact that everyone kinda fooled themselves into thinking Speed was his last name in GTA3 when they probably looked it up and it was referring to GTA2 Claude is something that I found kinda funny

That tire screeching noise whenever you turn has to be the worst thing to ever exist

Es mejor que el primero en todos los aspectos (y más fácil de hacer funcionar en un ordenador moderno). Sin embargo, la principal sensación que he tenido jugando ha sido de frustración, no de diversión. Rara es la misión que no necesitas intentar veintipico veces para pasártela. Es cierto que en todos los GTA hay misiones inexplicablemente difíciles ("All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!"), pero aquí son un no parar, y las consecuencias de morir o ser trincado son mucho más agudas.

En este juego tienes un número limitado de vidas. Puedes conseguir vidas superando frenesís asesinos, sí, pero si los fallas no se pueden volver a repetir, lo que te obliga a volver a cargar la partida, como ocurre con las misiones. Además, cada vez que te trincan tu modificador de puntos disminuye en 4 (¡y solo aumenta completando misiones!), lo cual es catastrófico si no quieres estar ochocientas horas intentando pasarte cada ciudad. Son mecánicas arcade tomadas del juego anterior, y entiendo por qué están ahí, pero me alegro de que la franquicia las terminase abandonando.

Por cierto, este juego necesita URGENTEMENTE un mapa.

funciona muito bem, mesmo não sendo terceira pessoa

Obviously an improvement of the original Grand Theft Auto, not just graphically, but story and gameplay mechanics as well. The killing frenzies are much more fun, and the story with the three rival gangs is a way to give Grand Theft Auto a story I wasn't expecting them to be able to do.

I do think the music in the original GTA was better (and you didn't have to hear 私はテリヤキちゃんだよー!constantly being screamed into your ear either) and as a New Yorker, I do miss running around the knock-off of Kings and Brocklyn, but overall, everything really is a more enjoyable experience over the original! I did grow to love Anywhere City, and really loved the variety in weapons, missions, and hidden vehicles! I especially loved how cheeky the save addition was, with you saving under a "JESUS SAVES ALL" billboard hehe.

Not too much else to add, but I felt GTa2 was a pretty entertaining arcade-style game, and I had fun playing through the first map! Not the height of all late 90's gaming obviously, but definitely a very fun way to waste an hour or two.


When the NPC randomly say "Apple" that was the only word in English I knew as a kid and it put a big smile on my face everytime they say it.

I mained Smiley Gang