Reviews from

in the past

Kat is my favourite gemale protagonist.
She's just nice and still powerful and in general a human being with a lot of personality, compared to EVERY OTHER WOMEN

Some of the best movement I've ever felt in a video game, very charming characters, and an excellent atmosphere. However, I wish there was a bit more to do in the open world, the arsenal of moves was somewhat made useless by how good the gravity kick was, and I felt that the story ended a bit too abruptly.

I remember trying this game on the PS vita of a cousin of mine, and being really surprised by it.

One of the most underrated Sony exclusives and one of my personal favorite games ever.

It give a lot of similar vibes to the PS4 Spiderman games, in how it lets you explore and intersting worlds with non-traditional "flying movements", the manipolation of gravity gives you feels slightly reminiscent of titles like Super Mario Galaxy, which is a high praise.

I will say, I feel the sequel improves the formula in any way compared to this first entry: Gravity rush 1 has a smaller world, an often janky camera and combat sections that might feel less refined.

Even in terms of the story it can feel a bit off: Kat is a really great protagonist with a great personality, but the narrative around her starts a lot of arcs that doesn't really fell concluded at the end of the game (I heard this was mostly because Sony rushed the project when it was made a Vita exclusive, so that s a big shame)

Regardless of this, this game oozes a lot of personality and charm, and you can't tell it was a big passion project from the developers. This, along with the uniqueness of the gameplay and the gorgeous environments, makes it a title like no other.

I still prefer the sequel, but Gravity Rush 1 still rules. I gladly recommend it!

Rough edges aside (read: tedious challenges and wonky hitboxes abound), this game felt like the system was made for it, not the other way around. A real joy to play, and it's easy to see why so many people rank this among the top all-time Vita games.

I pray this and GR2 come to PC one day

I'm always happy to find games that take advantage of the resources that the PS Vita offers. Unfortunately Gravity Rush doesn't provide enough to make me want to perfect these mechanics. In any case, I think it is a recommended one for those who like gimmicky games.

I genuinely love this game. I enjoy the gravity mechanics. Combat is fun. Story is engaging and intriguing. Really enjoyed Kat as the main character. Special moves were fun. Also enjoyed Raven in this game. Also very interested in knowing more about Kat in the next game hopefully.

For the flaws... For one thing I have to mention (which is a nitpick. I won't count it as a real flaw.) I feel gravity kick and other moves would be better with having the ability to lock on to your enemies. Now for the actual real flaw. You know that one side mission where you had to put out the fires in a time limit? Yeah fuck that mission. It's very badly designed. You couldn't tell where are the fires because they don't tell you. Plus they also don't tell you where the fire extinguishers and water tanks are.

Overall, such a fun game to go through and hope to play Gravity Rush 2 in the following week.

I remember being very absorbed and very in love with this game. I would love to play it again someday.

Intense combat noises from Kat

A truly beautiful game. Rough, and unorthodox but truly one of a kind. This is the kind of game that made me fall in love with studios like JapanStudios. Smaller, tighter games, committed to unique ideas, and the confidence to fail falling upwards.

i had so much fun on this game. a part of me wishes the scenery added more to the story but aside from that the replay value is insane and you can come back to it at anytime, listen to music, and just fly around talking to npcs.

pretty good for now, camera is a bit tricky and gravity controls suck but it's not unplayable

one of the best games i've ever played

Playstation ?? portage pc svp ?????

I first played this game when I was 9 around when it first came out and it was very important to me during my developmental years, I played it over and over for years growing up to the point that I've memorized every little detail about the game.

In all honesty it's not a perfect game but Gravity Rush is charming in so many ways like it's music, art style, world, characters, story, the mechanics are insanely cool, the controls are great especially given the gravity mechanic, it's engaging, and it's like really fun which I guess is all that matters.

This game is worth getting enveloped into, even after all these years and especially after all these playthroughs each one is just as captivating if not more so then the last. I love this game and I cannot recommend it enough

Only thing holding it back is the tiny little bit of the choppy framerate.
The 1# must have for the Vita~

I enjoyed a fair amount but rlly started to enjoy it more once I cracked down on all the side content. Great game Kat is literally me (Camera is some ass tho)

Had a blast with the gameplay, but the revolutionary combat never being copied by anyone shows that it wasn't that good to start with.
The story tried to build up much more stuff than it actually was able to conclude, so i took the end with a grain of salt. It was like creating a lot of new plots but never ending or explaining any of them

The only reason for possessing PS Vita for a period of time until they remastered it on PS4 as well.
Don't expect the same quality controls of Super Mario Galaxy or something.
Story was ok but forgettable and the combat decently fun.

Moving my Vita around like an idiot was very fun.

واضح ان كانوا معجلين على اللعبة بسبب القصة الناقصة. لكن ما علينا
اللعبة نفسها تحفة فنية
التحكم من الأمتع في أي لعبة لعبتها
الشخصيات و العالم لطيفين و المناطق الصغيرة اعجبوني اكثر من المدن الكبيرة لأن أعطوني شعور مثل ماريو جالكسي ٢ من ناحية التصميم و الابتكارية
سلبية اخيرة واجهتها هي طول أوقات التحميل و التعليقات اللي تصير بينما تطير لمسافات بعيدة
يمكن هذا يتحسن مع نسخة السوني ٤ لكن لا ادري

El unico motivo de comprarse una psp Vita

Один з головних ексклюзивів віти, якщо не самий головний. Гра та її дизайн доволі унікальні, атмосфера дуже незвична. Головний гімік цієї гри - ми можемо міняти гравітацію для нашої героїні та вона буде падати у вказаному напрямку. Весь геймплей базується на основі саме цієї механіки, та розробникам добре вдалось утримати мою зацікавленість аж до кінця гри завдяки різноманітному використанню цих здібностей головної героїні. Відкритий світ доволі немаленький, але при цьому гра дуже добре йшла на моїй віті.

The best game to play on PSvita. Easy and rewarding platinum

Turning off gravity and flying around freely for the first time is one of the greatest gaming experiences I ever had, it's mind blowing

I can't play this thing, the game looks beautiful but the controls are simply horrible, the camera is pure trash and the forced gyroscope for the camera is the worst. Maybe some day I pick it up again

got it because it was a vita game and I was lacking in vita games overall, neat proof of concept but couldn't hold my attention through to completion

Ok les contrôles sur le tacile, c'est un peu de la merde mais la proposition de jeu est tellement forte et cool que j'ai fait abstraction de ce défaut.