Reviews from

in the past

He F*cked the Girl Out of Me is an incredibly short, intentionally offensive shock-value game. Its limited, crudely drawn visuals and simplistic gameplay involve repeatedly tapping a button. There's no real challenge or depth, and the entire experience is designed solely to provoke a reaction. While it might hold momentary curiosity for its sheer absurdity, it ultimately offers nothing of substance.

Una historia muy fuerte. Es de esas experiencias que es mejor tener de primera mano. Muy interesante, y aplaudo que esto exista.

incredibly moving and absolutely unrateable work. more of an art piece with minor interactive elements than a game but that doesn't mean that this isn't something everyone should experience at some point, this is one of the most upsettingly real things i have ever seen

A very real story but one I very much recommend when you're feeling up to it. Make sure you read the trigger warnings, know what you're getting into

It's been a while since I've played it, and rating a game like this feels bizarre, but regardless I want to say that I heavily recommend it. It's... heavy, and hard to read, and deeply, deeply emotional, so it isn't for the faint of heart... but it's important, too.

Me parece que darle una nota a este juego es algo injusto, cuando le autore se abre en canal durante la escasa media hora que dura el juego para describir la zona cero de sus traumas con la sexualidad y el género. Podría haber sido perfectamente cualquier otra cosa (un cómic por ejemplo), pero creo que ayuda la toma de decisiones para aumentar la empatía del jugador hacia las situaciones que se presentan.

Así que hay quedan esas 5 estrellas para que más gente se anime a probarlo. Una experiencial totalmente devastadora.

A short autobiographical experience. As a game it's as linear as could be, but well written. As it neared its conclusion I found myself most connected with it.

All in all, a really interesting free indie game. A really painful look into the sex work industry and the pain of dealing with it from the perspective of a transgender person. It's really deep, and it tugs at my heart in a really personal way. The auto-biographical nature of the work might not appeal to everyone but I adored it, it was horrifying to read the author's thought process as everything happened.

More of an art piece than a game.
Heartbreaking, disturbing, and worth experiencing but make sure you're in the right place for it.

Wonderful game, but please, don't play in a bad mood neither if you can be triggered by any trigger tagged.

i'd consider this more as an art piece / narrative than a game. also made me cry three times in a fourty minute span

my 444th game on backloggd!

i need more impactful interactive stories (short or long) :))

I have been sitting on this "Review" page for almost an hour. I do not think anything I can type here gives this game justice, so I'll leave it at this:

This is an incredibly heavy story with a lot of suffering. Despite the 40 minute runtime, it manages to portray a lifetime of pain. With all of this trauma in mind, the game almost feels "boring" or "mundane" in its presentation. Something traumatic happens, and the main character says "nothing changed", or "no dramatic music played". Things are still the same as they were before. This is what the character tells themselves, almost refusing to acknowledge the heavy things that are happening to them.

It is heartbreaking to say the least. Overall, I think this game tells an incredibly important story, about life, circumstances, and a messed up society that forces good people to do things they don't want just to get by.

I recommend this game, but will refrain from giving it a "rating" at this time.

it feels wrong to give a star rating to something like this, i think it was wonderful that the author could put this out and that they were very brave for doing so, i also particularly enjoyed the presentation

A Short visual novel game that is a semi-fictionalized autobiographical story about the dev's experiences with trauma and sex work. The author explains how sex work impacted her life and changed her perception of the world. It's around an hour long experience more than a game, it's raw and harrowing and the topic might be difficult for many to get through. The content warnings are definitely something you should heed if these topics are not for you.

Regardless of any of that, it's a great emotional narrative with an interesting pixel artwork style and it will definitely make you think on these things. Highly recommended and for the cheap price of free it's definitely worth it.

THe kind of game you can't rate. Like bag of milk inside a bag of milk, it's a deeply personal story about mental illness, and it's brutal. This is an important game, as trans women who do sex work often have it tough. It takes an hour, it's important, you should play it

Not everyone has the same trauma or reacts to it similarly but that doesn't make their emotions any less valid. In some ways it even ends up resonating with people and becomes mirrors for their past or current self.

This is one of those games that need to be more experienced than verbally discussed in order to get a feel for it but this was definitely something I need in my life right now and it's hard not the detach myself with the vulnerability Taylor was willing to put out with this work. Trauma looping is an endless cycle and no matter how long it takes, sometimes the losses you face are what you need to accept yourself and move forward.

"I wanted to be clean again."

In this game I think I came across one of the most interesting and powerful ways to portray trauma through a personal and autobiographical lens using video game language.
There is something so overwhelming and deeply moving about finding one's agency intertwined with a personal story that I think is impossible to replicate in other mediums, and this game I think makes masterful work of it.
It's a sharp, difficult and painful story told with great courage, sincerity and insight, and I think it's really something precious.
One thing that particularly struck me is that this game was supported with funds dedicated specifically to work that deals with queer themes: I always feel really admired by how video games are becoming a safe space for transgender people and other marginalized categories because it makes me think about how important it is today to use interactivity to bring forward issues of identity, and I think it's very healthy and important to be able to have these complex experiences of engaging with other subjectivities.

Se siente muy personal y especial. Más que un juego es un desahogo. Hacen falta más juegos tan genuinos como este.

My input on this isn't important at all, I'm not going to stand on a soap box and make this about myself nor my experiences.

What I can say is that this is absolutely worth your time. It is uncompromisingly honest and personal throughout it's brief 40 minute runtime and left me with a lot of emotions I'm not really sure I know how to process at the moment.

I recommend you look into the trigger warnings before deciding if you want to play it as it does not hold back at all. Make sure you are comfortable with the subject matter also.

Very good. It was very good.

Un gioco che si muove tra l'avventura narrativa e la visual novel, sfruttando il medium ludico per raccontare una storia estremamente intima e dolorosa. Può facilmente ricordare Dys4ia di Anna Anthropy, ma la storia qui raccontata scava più a fondo nei comportamenti e nei sentimenti della protagonista permettendo di conoscerne (almeno un po') le sofferenze causate dalla transizione e il trauma seguito dalle scelte prese per poter guadagnare abbastanza denaro per permettersi sia di mangiare che di prendere gli estrogeni; in questo si avvicina molto alla struttura del video-poema, come è il caso dei bitsy-games. Nel corso dell'intero gioco si percepisce più volte l'intorpidimento emotivo di Taylor McCue e, le scelte da prendere, non sono effettive: del resto la storia è biografica e una soltanto, l'opzione che potremmo definire secondaria può soltanto essere stato un pensiero frutto del conflitto della protagonista, e una speranza da parte del giocatore. Speranza che la storia possa finire meglio, che Taylor prenda altre decisioni. Ovviamente, così non può essere. In questo caso sarebbe interessante poter osservare le scelte del giocatore, consapevole che questi sono episodi reali di una persona reale: mi chiedo in quanti mossi dalla sola curiosità abbiano scelto le opzioni percepite come più negative, dati quei presupposti; sarebbe interessante indagare sul motivo di quelle scelte, se per semplice e forse crudele curiosità o per altro

Ad ogni modo, l'unico accorgimento che mi permetto di fare riguardo questo importante gioco riguarda l'audio: non c'è traccia di alcun suono a parte un momento in cui squilla il telefono, cosa che mi ha preso di sorpresa e anche in positivo. Penso che l'audio potrebbe essere maggiormente sfruttato in questo contesto, per riuscire a comunicare in modo alternativo e più complesso rispetto alle sole parole e ai soli disegni

[Played on SteamDeck (verified), runs perfectly, I have no complaints.]

This game is unapologetically brutal and raw. I thought I knew exactly what I was getting into when I launched the game, but I still wasn't fully prepared. This is not an easy experience and there is no perfect happy ending, just like in real life. If you can get past the trigger warnings, you should absolutely play it and support Taylor McCue.

I don’t feel like rating this experience. We should be thankful for someone to be brave enough and find themselves in a position they can express themselves in situations like these. I hope they found what they were looking for, to have found support and be in a better place.

I could express this experience as a friend opening their heart and that’s always valuable. Play this game and be wary of multiple TW that’s shown at the beginning of the game!

Mostly repeating the other reviews but yeah this isn't something I can really crunch out a rating for. It's neat if you can handle the subject matter though.

Heartbreaking and essential. One of the most important Game Boy games you'll ever play.

I don't rate this game because I don't consider it a "normal" game, therefore I won't judge it as one.

He Fucked the Girl Out of Me is something quite unique, it's mostly a "narrative", they just choose the game format to tell that story.

Mind you, it's hard to describe it with adjectives because of the mixture of complicated feelings and topics it handles, but you should know it is not a very enjoyable.

If you find it interesting I encourage you to play it, but try to see it as something "human" rather than a product or piece for you to consume or enjoy.

a deeply visceral, affecting experience. the amount of courage it takes to put something this deeply personal out there is unfathomable to me. i hope that one day, i'm able to do the same.

This is an experience worth sharing.

Please don't go into this game with any other expectation than that this is going to be heavy. Despite being only forty minutes, please take as many breaks as you need. Make sure you review the content warnings.

A este no le pongo nota porque no me parece que proceda. Si tenéis el estómago jugadlo, porque pocas cosas tan cortitas te dan tanto que pensar.

✔️ Tested on Steam Deck, it works fine (28/09/2023). Directional pad to move character, B button to advance text.

I can't say I enjoyed it, because it's not a game to really enjoy, it's more like a game to make you uncomfortable and give all those heavy subjects a deep thought. I don't want to comment much on it since it's very short, just an advice: make sure to check the trigger warnings before you start playing it.