Reviews from

in the past

Sin lugar a dudas es un juego muy divertido con una propuesta "rogue-like" muy simple pero que funciona dentro de lo que propone la aventura, pero no es lo más profundo si lo comparas con otros juegos del género.

En mi experiencia me ha parecido un juego muy interesante con un apartado visual impresionante, con una fidelidad a la obra original que da gusto ver. El sistema de combate es entretenido y reventar cabezas con el puño de Hellboy es muy placentero, sin embargo todo esto se ve lastrado por diferentes cuestiones, la mayoría relacionadas con el rendimiento. He jugado al juego en ps5 y he encontrados numerosos fallos visuales, input lag agresivo en los combates, caídas de fps y algún que otro glitch.

Sinceramente, creo que es un juego aceptable y que puede gustar a aquellos que les guste mucho el Chico Rojo, porque no deja de ser un producto más dentro de la industria, que aunque no es malo tampoco es la gran cosa, del montón, pero al menos del montón bueno.

PD: Si lo vas a jugar, y esto es un pequeño destripe. Puedes reventarle la cabeza a unos cuantos Nazis, que quieras que no, eso siempre es muy divertido.

Pqp viado, os cara não consegue fazer 1 jogo bom do Hellboy vtnc

The only thing that saves this game for me is my love for Mike Mignola and the hellboy comics

Hellboy: Web of Wyrd ist bestimmt kein schlechtes Spiel, dazu hat es mich dann doch zu gut unterhalten. Aber es ist leider auch kein richtig gutes und genug ausgereiftes Roguelike. In den etwa 5 Stunden, die ich für die Hauptstory gebraucht habe, wurde ich solide unterhalten, für weitere Runs und Durchgänge warte ich aber lieber ab, ob hier im Nachhinein das Balancing noch einmal etwas verändert wird und ob eventuell die Items noch erweitert bzw. etwas anders gewichtet werden.

Seeing the negative reviews of this game on this site do make me laugh. Many of them are from people who had the wrong expectations about what kind of game Web of Wyrd is. That's not the game's fault. While Hellboy: WoW is not spectacular or incredible, it does scratch a very specific itch that I have been wanting back for years.

The mid-tier licensed game is few and far between and they're great for gamers. Not every game can be a big budget industry shaking spectacle. I am getting sick of the over-produced, over-promised, and under-delivering AAA game. At the same time, not every game can be BG3.

Hellboy: WoW is a simple roguelike brawler set in the Dark Horse comics world. Lance Reddick voices Hellboy and he does a great job with the character. The supporting cast are BPRD cast are diverse, but they definitely are overshadowed by Hellboy's writing.

There are four worlds to explore with essentially two sets of enemies, small and big. Big enemies take multiple attacks to take down while the smaller enemies are defeated in one hit to replenish your resources.

Fight the boss, complete the run, progress the story. It is a simple progression, as a roguelike should be. You level up weapons and trinkets in addition to Hellboy's stats to make future runs easier.

There are two things that hold this game back and its clunky controls and a lack of a map. The controls, specifically the camera are mapped to the mouse button and its strangely sluggish. The camera doesn't keep up with the pace of combat, which makes fighting multiple big enemies a challenge.

The lack of a map is particularly frustrating because there is a lot of back-tracking when doing a run. I spent far too much time trying to remember which open doors I had already gone through to get back to the area with a locked chest or door. It is possible to have randomly generated maps and a map.

Overall, this is a fun game with its problems. It isn't highly polished and its kind of charming that way. The art is incredible, especially if youre a fan of the franchise. I highly recommend.

Damn! Its kinda sad. Game looks very nice, i love the Animations and the Cell Shading Look. It looks like a 3D Comic.

BUT the game itself isnt really appealing. First of all (i shouldve looked it up befire buying this) its a Rouge Like. Rouge Likes are not bad but with the amount we get these days you have to deliver fun, challenging and maybe innovative Gameplay. Its clearly not the case here. Its a really basic Rouge like game but with bad combat and an awful camera.

I am sure the game would have been much better with proper Level Design in a 4h Campaign.

O jogo começa até bem e tem um design bem bonito, porém é um roguelike sem conteúdo interessante, nada que você pega realmente vai fazer a diferença. A gameplay é estranha, comandos bem travados. O jogo se torna entediante com o tempo.

Pros of the game;

-Cel Shaded graphics and Mike Mignola's comic book aesthetics are perfectly matched.
-Lance Reddick does a great job as Hellboy.
-Not bad at all in terms of world-building to the point where you can ignore the cons.

As for the cons of the game;

- Too much dialog and cutscenes consisting of static in-game models made it very difficult to follow
- The gameplay feels repetitive even before the first chapter is over.
- Animations and controls are clunky, which detracts from the enjoyment.
- Pointless enemies that die in one hit.

As a result, the game has too many problems.

What an immense disappointment. The idea of a Hellboy game with the aesthetic of Mike Mignola's art, with the late Lance Reddick voicing Big Red himself really had me excited. But this was just such a waste. It's so repetitive and dull, the beat 'em up just isn't interesting enough to justify doing the same thing over and over and over. Plus, it's buggy as all hell, constantly crashing and freezing. And, as a certain point, you just have to wonder why you're fighting so hard to make a game like this work, when it's not even fun.

yeah i'm gonna go ahead and mark this game down as not for me, i was excited to see a hellboy game with a beautiful comic like artstyle revealed at the game awards. Finally played it and ehhhh it's just repetitive, Hellboy himself moves slow, the upgrade system isn't satisfying at all and the areas aren't different enough to make anything feel new. The gameplay is ok at best it feels slow and is comparable to punch out but with a gun. Idk maybe it's just not for me but man this is just a pretty game with nothing more to it.

Ya no me queda ningún tipo de interés para terminar esta cosa; me parece increíble como una experiencia de 10 horas se las arregló para que me fuera más caótica y tediosa que una de 50.

Web of Wyrd es probablemente uno de los juegos más monótonos y pobremente diseñados que haya jugado en mi vida. No solo tiene un combate ridículamente plano que solo se basa en machacar el botón del puñetazo y esquivar de vez en cuando, no solo tiene unas hitboxes pésimas, no solo los controles son torpes y poco responsivos, no solo tiene mapas idénticos, no solo la exploración es aburrida, no solo el contenido Rougelike da pena, no solo no pudieron pensar en más de dos enemigos distintos cuyas únicas diferencias son estéticas, no solo no pudieron darles movesets mínimamente distintos a los jefes, no solo puedes saltarte pisos enteros de enemigos sin matar a uno solo sin recibir algún tipo de penalización... Si no que además, tienes que pasarte cada nivel 4 PUTAS VECES (De las cuales yo solo pasé tres) SI QUIERES VER EL FINAL: Una de forma normal, una segunda vez en normal, una versión "invadida" que no es más que exactamente el mismo nivel, pero de color rojo y una segunda vez en dicha versión invadida, pero ahora más larga. Este último motivo hace que un juego que simplemente era aburrido a niveles inofensivos, termine sintiéndose casi como que te escupan a ti y a lo más básico en diseño de niveles.

Es una lástima que el único juego del personaje que respete el diseño artístico de los comics sea un desinspirado experimento entre Rougelike y Beat'em Up cuyos errores terminen afectando mutuamente las ideas de ambos géneros.

It`s a hellboy game, It`s not broken, It`s enjoyable.
And that is all. Nothing to expect more deeper.

Really nice game from Upstream, with it being very similar in borrowing concepts and gameplay flow from the likes of West of Dead. One of the main things the game is missing is a lack of a map feature, especially given how nice of one West of Dead has, since you do need to pace back and forth around areas to get the most out each run. Another thing, albeit minor, are some awkward hitboxes that linger a lot longer than what's visually shown, which can make dodging seem very wonky or unreliable. The game does, however, get things right like the presentation of the various members of B.P.R.D staying inside the Butterfly House with you to investigate, as well as the general gameplay loop still being very rewarding for correctly remembering patterns and knowing when to be aggressive.
i dont know how to close this out bc i got lazy so bye

Visually its perfect. But good god its one of most repetitive games I've ever played and I really dont think that a rougelike was the best choice for a Hellboy game but I see the vision. But it's a very far away. Its not bad at all just couldve been better

pretty alright rougelite that couldve been so much better if it Wasn't in that genre and was just a short 3d brawler, the combat is fine but fairly simple with some cool things you can do. the key issue is that theres almost NO variety with the enemies until the end of the game. all of the enemies follow the same attack patterns and have almost the same movesets. the story is pretty alright but im not too familiar with hellboy stories outside of the first 2 live action movies, the music was also pretty decent and overall the game as a whole is decent, if it wasnt a rougelite and the enemies had actual variety itd be better. 7/10

god i was so excited for this

the gameplay is clunky in a way that doesnt feel like it adds to the story at all and while the story is decent the gameplay made it impossible to stick to with how boring it was.

Wow it did what hades wanted to do narratively without sacrificing the idea of a roguelite! it also looks stunning

This game sucks, its not even a Roguelike at all and anyways its the worst roguelike i played in my life, its just a shitty game with the same scenarios with the most boring and basic gameplay ive ever saw in a game, the music is bad and repetitive, all in this game is so boring and repetitive and the "roguelike" mechanics are just a copy of Hades.

This got me to read a bunch of hellboy comics, which was more fun than most games are.

Cara, gosto tanto do Hellboy que tenho todos os Omnibus dele.
Já li todas as estória do Mike Mignola envolvendo o Hellboy.
Por isso recebi com alegria o lançamento de um novo jogo referente a esse universo.
Já a realização foi frustante, a estória é demais de genérica e chata não agregando em nada ao rico universo do hellboy.
Além disso o jogo é muito repetitivo.

Não jogue esse jogo. Infelizmente.

Quando foi anunciado, Hellboy: Web of Wyrd simplesmente me encantou e, ao mesmo tempo, criou em mim uma certa expectativa. Nada fora do comum, mas alguma expectativa estava lá, um jogo Roguelite do Hellboy, com uma direção de arte que não só prestava homenagem ao estilo original de Mike Mignola, mas também o emulava? Parecia o mundo perfeito.

No dia de lançamento desse jogo, paguei o full price e fui surpreendido com uma experiência extremamente decepcionante, o frame rate é estranho, os controles são ruins e a história é desinteressante, joguei uma hora e pedi reembolso. Pra mim, já não valia a pena.

É um jogo muito bonito, mas honestamente, preferia que fosse um filme de animação ao invés disso.

Shelved, i will play it again some day. Paused in 06/12/23.

I've never wanted so badly to like a game more than this one. I don't know shit about Hellboy, but I would've told you that buying Web of Wyrd was worth it purely for how goddamn incredible that pugilist combat feels. Not the deepest action game, but the effects are really fun to play with. Longer combos for more damage, parrying to build up finishers, a dodge offset (one of the most surprising inclusions I've seen in a game that wasn't called Bayonetta!), and of course that satisfying BOOM punch. All coated in an incredible comic book graphical style.

Unfortunately the actual game is just insufficient to go through. Long stretches of halls you literally gotta trudge through. Roguelike elements that either don't really signal much of a change in your gameplay style or take you ages to get some decent upgrades to your builds. And prolly the worst thing is how much recycled content there is. And I mean, actual recycling. The penultimate chapter has you going through every previous dungeon again to take out generators. Then what does the home stretch entail? Going through every previous dungeon AGAIN to take out every generator AGAIN. In one perfect run. The moment I realized that I had to get through that to reach the final boss, the moment I felt like I had my fill.

That said, I still think I got my money's worth on some level - purely for how much fun I had with the combat. If what you see in trailer clips even remotely interests you, give it a go. I think there's an incredible game inside Web of Wyrd, just not really the one that we got currently.

Começo essa review dizendo que eu amo Hellboy. Desde que vi o primeiro filme do Del Toro até ler os quadrinhos e ficar simplesmente deslumbrado com o mundo sobrenatural criado por Mike Mignola lá na Dark Horse. Como não adorar um diabo que lixa os chifres, tem um braço de pedra e mete bala em criaturas que vão desde nazistas até wendigos, feiticeiros, demônios e uma versão ressuscitada do Grigori Rasputin?

Dito tudo isso, Hellboy: Web of Wyrd é um dos jogos mais decepcionantes que joguei esse ano. E isso é muito culpa da minha expectativa por ser fã do personagem. Dá pra traçar um paralelo entre esse jogo e a adaptação cinematográfica de 2019, pois ambas são um exemplo claro de potencial desperdiçado. MUITO desperdiçado.

Falando de cara dos aspectos positivos do game. O mais óbvio: a direção de arte. É impressionante como conseguiram replicar perfeitamente a arte do Mignola cheia de jogos de sombras e contrastes. Sem falar que ficou tão bem traduzida que ela se encaixa perfeitamente em um ambiente 3D. Outro aspecto muito positivo é que Web of Wyrd é a obra que mais capta bem a essência tanto dos quadrinhos quanto do personagem. Tanto dentro do cenário do BPDP quanto na natureza irônica e pessimista do Hellboy. A história também é ótima e, novamente, capta muito bem a essência das aventuras do Vermelho.

Mas agora começam os problemas. E a palavra que define bem esse jogo é "datado". Web of Wyrd seria um game muito melhor recebido se tivesse saído em 2005 pro Playstation 2, onde os aspectos da gameplay não eram tão populares e bem definidos, hoje tudo que esse game parece ser é um Hades que não funciona direito.

O sistema de combate é bem simples, mas é tudo muito lento, desajeitado e não exige estratégia nenhuma. Por várias vezes os inimigos grandes, que são agressivos e rápidos, acabam te encurralando e tu acaba ficando meio perdido tentando fugir. O combate lento em soma com a câmera que se embanana o tempo todo transforma os momentos de combate, que são vários, num esmaga botão maçante e frustrante. O jogo também tem cutscenes só com imagens e textos, que até encaixam com a proposta da direção de arte de evocar os quadrinhos nos quais se baseiam, mas acabam também parecendo datadas. Os mapas de início também parecem interessantes, mas com o tempo, pelo fato de tu ter que rejogar tudo várias vezes tanto pela história quanto pra juntar recursos pra fazer os upgrades, eles se tornam monótonos e repetitivos, porque além do level design péssimo, todos os teus golpes, recursos e armas não tem muita diferença um do outro. Assim como os inimigos que são basicamente reskins com alguns golpes diferentes.

O jogo também tem um problema que na hora que tu entra em uma área e os inimigos surgem o jogo dá uma engasgada pra renderizar tudo. E essas rolam toda vez que tu passa de um cenário pra outro ou volta pra central do BPDP. Essas trocas de cenários, inícios e finais de missão também são acompanhados de telas de loading extremamente demoradas e que, novamente, dão a sensação de estar jogando algo do PS2.

Minha própria resenha bateu muito na tecla do datado, mas é a maior sensação que fica ao jogar 10 minutos do jogo. O que é uma pena, já que tanto o personagem quanto o mundo ao qual ele pertence renderiam um game muito mais épico e divertido, principalmente pela direção de arte incrível e pelo fato de ser uma história original.

Novamente comparando com o filme de 2019, Web of Wyrd deixa a sensação de decepção não só por ser ruim, mas por saber que a direção escolhida pro jogo poderia render algo muito melhor do que foi entregue. Não funciona como beat 'em up e nem como roguelike. No fim das contas, o Vermelho continua com um saldo muito negativo nas adaptações pros games e o único Hell aqui é ter que jogar essa parada.

This brawler roguelike is sluggish and very repetitive, but the devs put their heart and soul in capturing the heart of Hellboy. They have done a better job than everyone outside of the comics in understanding who Hellboy is. Gameplay wise though, the game is very lackluster. Barebones, barely any difference in builds for a roguelike. Every enemy feels the same, every environment feels the same. The final boss is just a reskin of other bosses with 1 or 2 added attacks. This game was... disappointing. But I love it solely for the style and love for Hellboy. Its fine if you like mashing the same button for 10 hours straight, but other than that, pass it unless youre a fan of Hellboy.

Simple and fun! Liked the beat-em-up style and rouge-like elements but don’t think I’ll be playing it too much after the credits rolled due to the overall repetition. However the translation of Mike Mignola’s art from page to screen is excellent, and Lance Reddick plays a mean Hellboy.

In short this game is pretty much a slower version of Hades; standard roguelike with hack n slash gameplay accompanied by a beautiful art-style that is spot-on to the comic source and some decent VA however the gameplay loop becomes kinda boring after 2/3hrs and the combat is a lil' lacking in variety. Can see the effort and potential but it just slightly missed the mark for me personally and I'm disappointed as I was really looking forward to this release.

very fun and amazing. melee attacks could use more variance and depth and not every action flowed together smoothly, but the game feel was on point

I love Hellboy so much and I was looking forward to it so much ever since it was first announced last year in December. It's really just a fun roguelike game that makes me feel like I'm playing Punch-Out at the same time. The story also feels very interesting and like a typical Hellboy side-story which are always nice to see. I will admit though, there are certain parts of this game that feel a little tedious, running around maps is definitely the top issue for me. Either way, this game was hella fun and I never expected to see Hellboy and a rogue-like mixed together, but it's a pretty good combination and the team did a great job.

No, it's not a perfect game, but I'm enjoying jumping in and playing for an hour and jumping out. It's fun seeing a world in the style of Mignola's art. Will keep playing 8/10