Reviews from

in the past

clearly had good intentions. just doesn't succeed at any of what it's trying to do. every piece of this game feels like it isn't quite done yet. certain visual decisions are nauseating or baffling. wish it was better

In artistic aspect the game is very good, good art direction, an ok soundtrack, an interesting story, note "eight" if you let only what I mentioned and changed everything else...

Now... in technical terms... the game looks like that kind of game you would buy with the money left over from the Steam wallet after taking sla, an evil Resident. The story that the studio wanted to spend here was very good, but the execution is nitída that is amateur. Game completely without shaders what reveals all the imperfections of the levels, poorly placed scenery objects, very massaging game (you have to fight with all the bosses twice at different times, and there are many), a lot of sausage filling in the backtrack, your characters along with the gameplay almost does not evolve, the minigame of rítimo is too easy and does not have a curve of difficulty to leave more fun, along with the turn RPG system that is simple and does not evolve at all throughout the game.

In short, boring, massaging, amateur game, but with captivating characters and intriguing story. I look forward to the future games of this developer, if they learn from the mistakes of this game.

A decent game, but nothing more 🤷
I adore the rhythm game section, though even on hard it's rather easy, it is a fun time. The story and rest of the gameplay is extremely lacking. The story is always too fast or slow, and skips over a lot of details that should be elaborated on. Gameplay outside of the rhythm game is extremely mediocre.

An amalgamation of various game genres that just doesn't land anything in a way that feels fun or interesting to play.

Part rhythm based game, part rpg turn based game, part beat em up as well I guess? On paper, it's an interesting combination of different elements. All of which feel very surface level without much development behind them.

If this game was short and sweet, that wouldn't be a big deal but this game took me well over 20 hours to beat so this type of surface level gameplay gets so old so fast.

On top of it, the game has a lot of bugs. When I originally downloaded the game I was unable to open up the first rhythm game which is vital to open up a door in order to proceed. I had to play a lot of this game streaming it via cloud, which when you are a rhythm based game, does not feel great with some delay. This eventually went away and I was able to play it downloaded but there were other issues as well unfortunately.

On top of it, the hit detection on this game is bad. I'd be right next to something on the main stage, trying to attack boxes that were in my way to clear them, but I would oftentimes be considered too far to destroy them, even though my perspective said otherwise. Same with climbing up stairs or avoiding things, it just muddles the experience as a whole.

The main stage traversing in general has a ton of frustration with it. You constantly have things trying to attack you, unfortunately a lot of these things are just random projectiles that you just can't get rid of. When you get hit with these things you will take damage, which isn't actually that bad, the biggest issue with it though is that any time you do get hit from one of these things, you fall down and stop moving for a brief period of time. So you are constantly having to battle with the controls, hoping you're not clipping something and stop moving, hoping you don't hit something so you stop moving, it just gets so tiresome taking a few steps, getting hit, stopping, taking a few more, getting hit, stopping, etc, etc. It just feels like padding to make the game take longer.

There's a lot of that feeling throughout this game too unfortunately. The game feels like it's on the cusp of wrapping up twice before it actually does. The story isn't all that engaging or interesting too so this extension of the game and the story isn't all that rewarding and just feels like a way to make the game longer. Hell, this game uses the "fight the bad guys you fought to get here before fighting the final boss" trope TWICE.

The general turn based battling is nothing to write home about. It's serviceable but if you are not a fan of turn based type games, this is not going to convince you otherwise.

The music is solid and the guitar riffs are neat. The biggest issue is once again, this game is too long so the riffs you play to do special attacks sound good at first but quickly wear out your welcome when you're doing them over and over and over and over.

The style and art are nice as well but none of the things this game possesses as pros are enough for me to say its worth trying in the end.

Плохая по структуре игра. Музыка хоть прикольная, но игру она не спасает - проходить до конца эту вещь не возникает желания.

Grundsätzlich ein Spiel was sehr gut für eine bestimmte Gruppe Rhythmus Spiel Fans ist aber leider deswegen auch für viele nichts. Dazu kommt nicht immer klar erkennbares Design was dazu führt das man gerne schaden nimmt weil man davor schaden genommen hatte. Und bei mir persönlich leider noch viele Bugs wie keine Musik mehr was in einem rthmus Spiel fatal ist bis hin zu softlocks.
Ohne die Bugs für rthmus Spiel liebehaber im Angebot ein Blick wert.

Infinite Guitars é um jogo que me deixaria muito triste se eu não pudesse completar ele, iniciei minha jornada no jogo desde que ele entrou day one no GamePass, lá pra 30 de março, e me diverti mesmo com problemas como loop na música, bugs e coisa menores que eu nem me lembro mais porque algo maior aconteceu, na batalha contra a Maria lá pro capítulo 5 o jogo crashava, eu tentei todas as coisas e nada ia, fui no twitter e mandei o problema pro criador que disse que isso era com o pessoal do port, esperei 2 meses, abri o jogo, e vi que ainda não tinham consertado, dai abri ontem e KRL CONSERTARAM? NEM FUDENDO
E continuei minha aventura, já não lembrava de muita coisa exceto que já tinha derrotado aqueles malucos e fui em frente, o jogo continuava com bugs como a renderização das batalhas que me colocava em softlock, minigames de ritmo bugados e isso era constante, mas minha persistência foi maior e finalmente dei cabo nele
A reta final é sofrível, você passa pelo loop de ir em 3 dungeons idênticas e a cada dungeon tem o que seria a conclusão do arco dos personagens, a esse ponto tudo perdeu a graça, no máximo ainda é divertido mandar solinhos de guitarras, algo que eu não me cansei em nenhum momento no jogo
Chegando no final, não sem sofrer bugs, eu não consigo mais achar a associação com o prólogo, o texto me parece confuso e já veio o que deveria ser a conclusão seguida dos créditos
Eu não julgo a parte da história, até porque me interessei e genuinamente pretendo pegar algum dia ou ver vídeo de youtube, mas é uma pena que a experiência que até se manteve sólida até o capítulo 5 foi destruída pela reta final enfadonha e cheia de bugs
A arte é boa, tem personalidade e originalidade, as animações feitas a mão são bem bacanas e tem uma muito especial e goofy no capítulo 12, o design dos personagens, inimigos e mobs são bem bacanas, a arte geral de todo o setting é bacana
O som é bom pra krl, é um acerto louvável em um indie, principalmente de ritmo, a diversidade sonora é algo muito bom e consistente na qualidade, mas a Infinite e a Jazz é goat
A gameplay é uma mistura que pessoalmente me agrada, você tem o combate por turno, o minigame de ritmo e ainda pode desviar dos ataques dos inimigos, tudo bem básico sem muito brilho ou complexidade, o moveset é bem repetitivo, as notas no minigame são básicas e o máximo de variedade é diminuir o atk ou def do inimigo ou aumentar o seu
Ainda tem mecânicas como desviar no momento certo pra ganhar energia, ou atacar normalmente pra ganhar energia, usar sua vida pra usar um especial acompanhado do solo de guitarra e poder extender o solo ao oferecer mais da sua vida(sua vida recupera quando você acerta a nota) e dar um dano massivo baseado em algum fator aleatório que determina a fraqueza do inimigo, além de suas escolhas na história aumentarem ou diminuirem o atk/def
Infinite Guitars é potencial desperdiçado, mas ainda é bom que ele exista, se ele fosse bom ou fosse ruim poucos jogariam, e o que tivemos é a prova de que o dev futuramente pode fazer uma experiência melhor e com mais impacto, mas é inegável que há talento e alma na obra
"Mesmo com todo o sofrimento que você deixou para trás. As memórias que eu fiz em Isla são mais bonitas que qualquer paraíso que você me prometeu.
A promessa de campos verdes exuberantes, céus limpos sem fim e vida sem limites é superada por calores escaldantes, terras desmoronando e sons ensurdecedores de metais esmagando metais. Eu escolheria a felicidade que eu senti com todos ao meu lado ao invés de suas mentiras vazias"

This was a struggle to get through at times which saddens me because I was really excited for this. Killer soundtrack aside, I ran into a lot of bugs. Some in the overworld and some in battles. I didn't mind them too much in the former but for the latter it was rough. There have been a few patches since I finished the game though so I'm hoping whenever I replay this some of the more alarming ones aren't there anymore.

I appreciate its spirit and the rhythm action idea it’s aiming for (Hi-Fi Rush showed a bigger budget version with more polish can be a lot of fun) but the execution is really rough and feels like a student game that’s missing even an adequate amount of playtesting/QA/polish.

The music can be fun to play along to, even when it’s a genre I don’t love, but the audio transitions between styles is erratic and there’s too much repetition of playing through the same 20 note snippets again and again. Navigating the environment is often a pain due to hectic real-time rhythm attacks combined with a 2.5D visual style that struggles to distinguish what’s traversable and what’s level geometry, plus it’s missing the input smoothing that would prevent getting stopped every time you barely clip a hard corner of that ambiguous level geometry. I was willing to push through all that for a couple of hours, including all the small distracting bugs that seemed to keep popping up, but fittingly I got trapped in level geometry and reloading saves wouldn’t fix it.