Reviews from

in the past

RGG cooked hard with story, characters, plot, action, only the pacing in first half is too slow.
Playing as Yagami is fun, but Dragon Engine is still flawed in this game, unbalanced styles, lack of weapons, still much better than Y6 and kiwami 2.
Detective missions sucks, tailing = suffering.
Side content is meh, only liked drone racing. Substories meh, friendship is okay, but too many friends to farm, Yagami's girlfriends are whatever.
So yeah, story carries.

The detective gameplay is simply terrible but the main story is quite good

dragon engine jank combat but slightly refined
KINO story

Overstays its welcome, but has sauce nonetheless

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Sinematik ve hikaye olarak baya iyi ama ortalarda gereksiz yerler biraz oynamamı zorlaştırmıştı. Son boss fight'ı güzeldi.

wspaniały spin-off Yakuzy i początek krótkiej, acz wyśmienitej serii

Tier personal: A

Juego del Mes personal 2024: Enero

Así funcionaba para mí el típico día de Judgment:
Sabía que tenía que ir al bufete de abogados para avanzar la trama principal, pero antes de ello decidí hacer alguna de las historias de la Agencia de Detectives de Yagami, escojo una hay que resolver un acertijo para la publicación de un libro (?). Y decido que ya de paso haré otra secundaria que hay cerca de camino señalada en el mapa

Antes de salir decido ir a la nevera de Yagami ya que la casera le ha pedido opinión sobre el menú de un restaurante que quiere hacer. El plato es horrible y así le respondo por el móvil. Al salir a Kamurocho no pasan ni 10 segundos en los que voy por la calle principal que se sitúa enfrente de Millenium Tower cuando unos caballeros me atacan. Les doy una paliza en una de las mayores refinaciones que el estudio ha hecho a su sistema de combate. Concretamente les ataco con el estilo “azul” que es centrado en atacar grupos de oponentes y con el que no paro de hacer patadas tras hacer carrerilla hacia una pared, el protagonista es una gozada de controlar gracias a su fluidez y movimientos rápidos.

Tras el combate como he perdido algo de vida voy a un restaurante cercano donde sirven postres y café, aquí activo una secundaria ya que en este juego han implementado un sistema de amistad con muchos de los dependientes donde les hablas y ayudas con algún problema. En este caso es una doble secundaria ya que el trabajador tiene un crush con una compañera de trabajo y le ha pedido consejo al protagonista.

Una vez realizada esta conversación no me voy del establecimiento, ya que la misión secundaria del acertijo y un libro (?) es en este mismo lugar. La continuación de otra secundaria que hice antes donde un autor decide la editorial que publicará un libro según quién pueda acertar un acertijo. Más difícil que el anterior pero aún así interesante espero que haya una continuación ya que termina con cliffhanger.

Saliendo esta vez del restaurante de la misión con más dinero voy a la Millenium Tower previamente mencionada ya que ahí es donde se sitúan las carreras de drones, uno de los minijuegos principales. Con el dinero obtenido compro partes nuevas para mi dron y decido meterme a unas cuantas carreras.

Como ya ha pasado un tiempo desde el último encontronazo, aprovecho que tengo que ir a la zona de la siguiente misión secundaria para meterme en otra pelea porque me apetecía. Y como he recibido algo de daño voy a un estante de takoyaki aprovechando que solo me faltaba probar una pieza del menú para completarlo en mi Guía de Kamurocho.

Tras esto voy a la secundaria señalada, pero antes y ya que me pilla de paso yendo al norte me paso por una de las citas que puede tener el protagonista, ya que este al parecer es un pichabrava y no un virgen cuarentón como twitter. Tras humillarla a los dardos un rato y ver como avanza la relación entre ambos intentando no usar las opciones de puto imbécil parto hacia... el arcade que tiene un juego de zombis.

Una vez consigo uno de los logros para mi Guía de Kamurocho me embarco por fin hacia el norte tras atravesar una calle entera durante aproximadamente 10 segundos sin distracción. Hasta que recibo una llamada al móvil donde un grupo de maleantes que aparece de vez en cuando... pues ha aparecido. Afortunadamente una de sus localizaciones me queda cerca y decido ir a por él. Enfrentándome con el estilo de combate “rojo” especializado en peleas cuerpo a cuerpo y con la ayuda de un ninja que a veces aparece de forma aleatoria para ayudarme en peleas alrededor de la ciudad porque le ayudé en una secundaria anterior le venzo.

Aprovecho para gastar mis puntos en el móvil en una aplicación que me permite aprender movimientos nuevos gracias a rellenar la Guía de Kamurocho con las actividades que he ido haciendo.

Por fin puedo hacer la secundaria y resulta que es una continuación de otra hecha previamente ya que el personaje que me encuentro es un idol que protege su alopecia con una peluca que la última vez le voló y... ha vuelto a pasar. Lo que procede a ocurrir es un minijuego de persecución que normalmente ocurre cuando el protagonista persigue a alguien, solo que esta vez ese alguien es una peluca.

Cuando llega al final resulta que tras un esquinazo la peluca está... en la cabeza de otro caballero que se ha confundido de peluca. Yagami coge la del nuevo caballero y le persigue para intercambiarlas. Pero este caballero dice que él no lleva peluca y se siente ofendido así que hay que pegarle. Una vez relajados los humos Yagami le comenta que tiene su peluca y el caballero si bien parece majo sigue confundido ya que piensa que Yagami es calvo también, hasta le llama “brother of the bald”.

Bueno, una vez hecho esto cojo un taxi ya que la secundaria me ha dejado a unos 20 segundazos andando de la principal a la que quería ir. Y en Judgment cuando le quitas toda la parafernalia secundaria que te queda?

Una de las mejores historias que el estudio de Yakuza ha hecho, una que supera a muchas de las entregas principales gracias a lo compacta y bien pulida que está, una que intenta no abarcar más de lo necesario (un problema que tuve con muchas entregas principales) una donde a través de la abogacía habla de lo duro que es el sistema judicial de Japón y como puede arruinar vidas inocentes, una donde cada personaje tiene su relevancia y su carisma propios y una donde el misterio y las intrigas detectivescas se siguen con sumo interés.

Ardo en deseos de probar su secuela a la que solo le pido un extra con algún minijuego principal más interesante y al que quiero ver como utiliza al protagonista Yagami tras lo personal en lo que se convierte la trama principal de este juego. Poco más le puedo pedir a este spin-off que ser él mismo, ya que solo Yakuza es una experiencia como Yakuza

not as good combat compared to LJ but top tier sci fi thriller story with top 3 final boss

Despite how actually terrible the Keihin gang is, tailing missions are, half-baked detective parts and wonky combat until you get attack speed upgrades, this game is genuinely one of my favourites if not my favourite in the whole series. The story is just incredible, with personal stakes and a grand conspiracy that all just has an amazing payoff.

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Characters, cinematics, intros, fight style/ex, and the story which is pretty fuckin good. The new city reputation system needs a little more work but it made me go out of my way to increase the rep in a painless way because it was just so easy to do as they're all in restaurants so it felt very rewarding with some exceptions.

Keihin gang, and the bosses. (and the fact that you can't recover from mortal wounds after a rest in the office or at least add it so that the landlady's meal recovers it to reward the player for investing time in the side content and building reputation in the city). Mortal Wound mechanic: the vfx/sfx cue that tells you when someone is going to inflict a mw on you is a good thing, other than that it needs a bit of work and not make it so punishing/annoying as fuck, for example the random msq fat man (not Matsugane fam), gun guy, and npc sword/shotgun guy, but especially gun guy please I don't wanna restart my game just because of a bullshit boss (a recurring theme in Yakuza that is old wow who could've guessed). The "boss" fights are a bit lackluster (except for the actual ones like Hamura and Kuroiwa) but I will forgive it because its the first game of the series; the dude is just a detective and the fight themselves arent actually that bad, just mid imo, but I like fighting with my boys (Kaito and Higashi). Also the fact that they killed such an interesting character off with so much potential which wasnt really necessary (Captain Shioya) I still think it's bullshit that they just killed him off like that when I was just starting to like him and after the fact that he still survived after one of his mates attempted to suicide bomb him gave me a bit of false hope.

But basically everything that Judgment does wrong, its sequel does right and more.

Really good game.
A spin off of the Yakuza/Like a Dragon franchise, you now do detective work before and after fighting people to near death.
Really good game.

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Honestly hated the game at first, as its slow-burn of a narrative and serious characters really took me out of the over-the-top characters that were found in the Yakuza series. But as I replayed the game i found myself really appreciating the themes of the narrative, introducing real-world events and serving as a social critique of Japanese society as a whole.

Yagami is a total hypocrite though.

O jogo devia focar muito mais no combate que é o melhor da RGG Studios, já que as mecânicas de detetive são muito rasas. Boss final incrível, história quase impecável

the game really shows us a different side to kamurocho thats so dark and ominous, and the MC being a detective was so brilliant, though some pacing issues and the story being interrupted by some unnecessary sub-stories, the story and the plot were stellar from start to finish. both the start and finish being one of RGGs best, this game is where dragon engine REALLY picks up, you can tell that they are finally figuring out the formula with the new engine.

Primera vez dentro del universo Yakuza y oye, muy divertido, me ha dado unas ganas increíbles de seguir con los demás.

What i love about this game compared to yakuza is how yagami actually interacts with his friends. Them being apart of boss fights and side cases is so fun

The Dragon Engine is insanely well utilized in this game which is noticeable through the appealing visuals as well as the combat which compliments the gameplay well.
However, what surprised me the most is how enjoyable the story is. It includes very well-written characters and offers insight on them which helps the player understand the narrative while also creating emotional impact.
If anything, I just wish this game had better minigames.

very cool yakuza game. performance on ps4 sucked balls sometimes but it was bearable

The game has the best story out of all yakuza game and at the time when lost judgement didn't came out it had the best combat,this game is awesome and you should definitely play it

É assim que se faz um spin-off pois PUTA MERDA QUE JOGO FENOMENAL

Eu joguei ele pq tava muito animado pra jogar o Lost Judgment já que só vi coisa boa sobre ele, e eu comecei meio empurrando pra frente e meio gostando da vibe mas não sentindo completamente o jogo

Foi no capítulo 5 que eu vi que eu tinha que terminar o jogo a todo custo pra ver a conclusão pois já tava completamente preso na trama.

Capítulo 11 do jogo é peak absoluto, capítulo 12 é incrível, final do jogo é uma perfeição

Agora eu tô olhando pros créditos, segurando pra não chorar, ouvindo Arpeggio e eu não podia me sentir mais triste porque eu acabei uma das melhores obras que eu já consumi e vai ser impossível revivenciar todas as revelações dela pela primeira vez de novo.

Eu te amo Yagami, eu te amo Kaito, eu te acho gostoso Sugiura e eu te amo Ryu Ga Gotoku ❤

game is good when the keihin gang isnt ruining it and making it the most unenjoyable game in the series since yakuza 3

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Writing really irked me this time around. So many conversations are spent talking in circles and characters always talk about how they're feeling but they never really show it. (There are a few clever moments building up Sugiura's relationship to Emi Terasawa but that's all I remember.) Kamurocho also isn't very engrossing. The side-content ranges from boring to bad, some aspects don't even fit Yagami (Friends system). Pacing is awful, lots of Cutscene->Rest at Yagami Detective Agency->Cutscene->Rest at Yagami Detective Agency->Fight->Rest at Yagami Detective Agency, feels so much slower coming off of Kiwami 2 which has 3 more chapters. Didn't enjoy the replay which disappoints me because this used to be my favorite game in the series.


idk its fine, no real strong desire to finish it though (was on the last couple chapters so i basically played the whole game). the combat is a mixed bag, sometimes it feels great, other times it feels like dragon engine. doesnt help the tiger style fighting feels awful imo. story was fine enough, but the missions were getting real grating. only so many times you can repeat the same 20 min tailing missions or drone mission, or chase mission, or look-around-room missions before it starts to get real old. its a good game 100%, i just dont really feel inclined to finish it

music and characters are 10/10 though

As someone who loved the yakuza games, i really did not like this game.

The protagonist is boring in terms of personality, the sidequests are some of the worst of the series, alternating between boring and a bit funny but nothing much, filled out with some horrendous chasing scenes, uninteresting mysteries and barely used mechanics.

This game does the incredible action of taking a gameplay that was unique and lovely, pulling out the funniest things from it and proceed to fill it with the most uninteresting gameplay idea, most of which already done by other games and most of the times way better.

The fighting styles are honestly not bad, with a wall jump that is satisfying to use for sure. Some story moment and the cinematography of the game are interesting and definitely high lights.

I could write thousands of lines of why i think this game genuinely sucks, but i also understand that i'm in the minority. If u want to play this game, don't stop yourself at my review and go check out other review.