Reviews from

in the past

You won't last 5 seconds playing this game! 99.9% of players last 5 seconds before closing the game thanks to how limited, boring and unfunny the damn prompts are.

This would be a lot better if the prompts weren't garbage.

You know a games bad when doing literally nothing is a generally more positive experience than playing it, just sending fuck ass gifs when your friend says something stupid is funnier than trying to make controlled humour out of reaction gifs. Not letting you use your own custom made ones/favourite list gifs is also a decision so bafflingly stupid you think the person who made it had a fetish for bullets being lodged in feet.

i do not have any friends. fuck this game fuck my life.

there is literally no words i can use to describe how unfunny this is

I don't usually write mean-spirited or snarky reviews, but this one necessitates one. This game is a 10/10 if you're a millenial with those "shaved on only one side" haircuts and you love Starbucks, and you communicate to others in quirky or snarky gifs of white people on sitcoms. You may also get some unironic enjoyment out of this game if you think the only good rappers are Eminem and Logic, or if you loved Puss in Boots solely because it had a panic attack in it.

The entire game is built on finding Tenor/GIPHY reaction gifs based on received prompts. And when your entire game is based around your prompts, it's not good when most of these prompts are lame as fuck. Like "When someone SERIOUSLY doesn't think Mulan is the best Disney movie!!" or "TFW (That Feeling When) you can't find a job after college and adulting is SOOOO hard!!!"

The best way I found to counteract corny prompts like those is to just pick a gif that's an inside joke among your friends or just something so stupid that the joke is how absurdly unrelated it is to the prompt. Maybe that says something more about my broken humor than anything, and I have no ground to stand on in regards to judging millenial internet humor when Gen Z internet humor is just as strange and unfunny to other generations. But I got some laughs out of my friends picking a gif of Nostalgia Critic chasing someone with a bat in response to the corniest prompt we all agreed we hated.

The best times are when you get prompts where it picks the name of a participant in the game so you get to target them and make some lighthearted jokes at their expense. THOSE are the funny prompts solely because it gets the players involved as opposed to getting a prompt like "wow, this gif will certainly be my reaction when I go to the store to find some vegan soy/almond hybrid milk but I only find UNETHICAL cow's milk!!!!" and the expected response is of one of those guys on The Office rolling their eyes.

this game is complete shit but its fun finding really bad gifs that have nothing to do with the prompt

this could be SO MUCH BETTER if it let you use favorited gifs

man when i used that jpegmafia persona 6 gif everybody started laughing and applauding and then my father came back home too love this game

Who thought it was a good idea to not let us use our saved gifs for this

Good for laughing with friends about how absolutely pointless the entire concept is, and little else.

The most memorable moments I've had playing this with other people is when someone submits something completely unrelated to the actual prompts as an unexpected anti-joke, and if your jackbox-like party game devolves to that then it's kind of failed its entire purpose. It's not the worst idea ever and not completely devoid of any value, but way too limited in both prompts and responses to even come close to being a good party game.

I have no mouth and I must scream

game is super funny in a discord call if you have just the right gifs to put for the prompts

One of the least funny games of all time lol, every single prompt is abysmal and any bit of comedy here is streamlined by just, you know, sending the GIF in chat normally. Humor in misery for about 5 minutes though if you can get half a dozen people playing it or so. Why did they bother programming in bots???

Out of all the discord games this one is pretty good. You have to play with the right group of people though.

this might be the least funniest game of all time

The man hunched over his keyboard, eagerly waiting for his turn. "I'm going to post something funny this time," he said, grinning grotesquely, clicking to the tenor tab. "It better not be that unspoken rizz gif!" howled a trembling bronxite. It was too late. The cymro didn't even bother reading the prompt as his mouse zigzagged over to the results for "unspoken rizz" in tenor, and clicked the gif depicting a dwarfish, muscular, peanut butter complexion Nintendo fan gesticulating wildly, with the mawkish caption "Hows my unspoken rizz?" plastered below him. The seconds counted down. "I'm not posting the Dorcas gif this round" whined a vaguely Canadian voice. There was a deafening silence until the first gif was revealed. "Hows my unspoken rizz?" four times in a fucking row. Video games as a medium died that night. Thanks, Discord.