Reviews from

in the past

Good game for both casual players and people looking for more of a challenge too.

The game is very pretty and zen and it's not too hard to do most of the easy trails. I've enjoyed playing this way mostly.

There are plenty of extra challenges for every trail like "Complete in 2:30" or "Crash 14 times for fewer" as well as a handful of things like leaderboards and personal bests which can give more experienced players something to do as well.

I'm not a biker but if you are, maybe you'd appreciate this game more than I did.

It's alright. At its core it's clearly meant to be a sort of zen game where you just relax and take in the sights/sounds while riding the bike, and I appreciate that about it. It's definitely my favorite part of the game. That said, my biggest issues come when attempting to complete the various challenges, which are required to unlock mountains, trails, bikes, etc. Once there were actual stakes such as completing trails within a certain amount of time or with a limited number of crashes allowed, there were so many small annoyances that really added up and bothered me while playing, primarily how janky the bike controls sometimes and how easy it is to crash.

A simple game where you mountain bike down trails on a few mountains. It has fairly beautiful low poly graphics, great audio design, and a series of challenges to unlock new bikes, trails, mountains, and color schemes. Overall, it's pretty good but there's not a ton of depth to it. If you like this kind of thing, you'll enjoy it, but I felt a bit mixed about it.

I liked the style and approach of this game, but to compare it, I liked the Trials series more. sometimes a pretty game will keep you from dropping it, it just gives you another chance

Wir brauchen mehr Fahrrad Spiele. Wirklich.

Das Spiel ist trotz etwas sperriger Steuerung schön frisch. Selbst knapp 5 Jahre, nachdem ich es das letzte mal spielte.
Auch wenn man die Nischen-Sportart Downhill jetzt nicht gerade kennt, versteht man das Spielprinzip nach kürzester Zeit.
Zuerst strecke erkunden und dann beim zweiten Durchlauf mit Bestzeit durch Checkpoints. Wie da hin? Egal. Hauptsache durch den Checkpoint. Ohne Minikarte im HUD versteckt. Man kann vorher die Karte sehen und etwas studieren. Das muss reichen. Hauptsache man radelt schnell oder waghalsig durch die Gegend.

Im Grundegenommen Spaß ohne Ende. Die Physik ist leider hier und da ein Arschloch und die verschiedenen Radtypen teils unberechenbar. Von 'normalen' Rad, über Downhill, Offroad oder Rennrad, ist vieles mit bei. Man muss es allerdings erst freispielen. Die Entscheidung, welches man als nächstes bekommt, ist zum Glück in freier Hand. Und dennoch muss ich darauf zurück kommen. Die Physik ist tricky. Teils springt das Rad mal willkürlich hoch durch die Gegend, wenn man an einen groben Stein fährt und verliert dadurch sein Leben oder man eckt mit niederer Geschwindigkeit irgendwo an und fällt vom Rad oder oder oder. Es gibt wirklich viele Frustfaktoren bei denen man teils nicht so recht weiß ob man denn gerade WIRKLICH selbst dran Schuld ist. Da ist dann auch gern der Punkt, bei dem ich das Spiel wieder bei Seite legen möchte. Ich kann das Spiel ohne einem Gedanken des Wettstreites spielen und meinen Spaß haben. Wenn ich dann jedoch immer wieder versage und eine Strecke (je nach Challenge) von Grund auf neu wiederholen muss, macht mich das traurig. Die Laune geht flöten und ich will, wenn überhaupt, erst am nächsten Tag das Spiel noch einmal anschauen.
Dennoch sehne ich mich hin und wieder nach einer Runde Downhill. Vor allem die minimalistische Soundkulisse - es gibt keinen Soundtrack - verheißt etwas entspannendes und geborgenes. Wie an einem schönen Frühlingstag los laufen und durch die Berge streifen. Nett.

I tried a demo long time ago and just didn't like it, I came back in 2024 and it's pretty fun.

Who knew that time trials could be so fun? I used to hate the bloody things.

Exceptional controls and a wonderfully austere environment make this a first choice any time you want a relaxing escape into the mountains.

É simples e divertido. Os controles tem um "feeling" muito bom, sempre é meio prazeroso fazer curvas fechadas. Também é interessante que você pode sair do caminho trilhado. O importante é chegar no final, não importa como.
Mas acho que não é o tipo de jogo pra mim, não me prendeu nem um pouco.

A pretty-looking and smooth-riding experience, it lacks the thrills of a first-/third person camera due to its isometric view, but amply makes up for it in other regards. The only reason my grade is so “low” is that I quickly found out that these kinds of storyless repetitive sports games aren't really quite for me (I prefer different kinds of repetitive games, e.g. first-person shooters :p ). It also means I haven't made it far into the game and considering I haven't played it once in months, it felt weird to keep it under my actively playing games. But for what it's worth, I still have it installed so I might return to it for a ride or two now and then. That too is a recommendation of a kind.

Super clean and to-the-point extreme sports game in stark contrast with the edgy mtv aesthetic associated with the genre's golden age of the late 90s / early 00s. There's tranquility to be found here, alongside the more expected shots of adrenaline and the meditative flow of etching button combinations into one's muscle memory.

Lonely Mountains: Downhill is a meditative, relaxing, speedrunning game. The sound design in particular is both minimalist and exemplary. Slowly pedaling past babbling brooks and cooing doves, through dusty canyons, or atop foggy mountain peaks, the gorgeously lit low-poly dioramas consistently evoke the peace and grandeur of the natural world. However, if the player chooses to push themselves to maximize speed and precision, this game can be an intense and demanding experience with an incredibly high skill ceiling. What really elevates the experience is the flexibility of the challenges, which allow the player to set their own difficulty to perfectly match their mood. While the physics and collision do occasionally create unexpected obstacles, most of the time the meticulously designed courses present exacting, satisfying challenges. This game is a masterpiece.

What starts out as a nice game about cycling down a series of gorgeous looking mountains turns into a game about chasing the quickest segment times, minimising crashes and getting onto the leaderboards.

Its a really simple premise that is executed very well. The pixel art style is minimalist, non distracting and pretty although there are times when the depth of field is questionable and makes everything blurry. Either Switch related or design choice. Not enough to dock stars, but noticeable on the second mountain in particular.

Gameplay starts off feeling a bit janky, but once you get the hang of it, its tight if not a little unforgiving when you clip a rock. How high you can fall from and survive also sometimes just seems arbitrary.

Its losing half a star because on the Switch the screen occasionally freezes for 1/10th of a second or so which causes stuttering. It doesn’t seem bad until it costs you multiple runs in a row which maybe a try-hard issue but it is frustrating.

Also losing a star for its consistently high price of £20 or so. Its a good game, but 4 years out, thats gotta be coming down. Worth a buy at < £10 or < £15 if you love these types of games at the most.

Almost gained half a star back for the free DLC, but its just an extra track per mountain. A whole new biome/mountain and it would of gained it back.

Fun time-trial game. Great time killer if you ever manage to get on heavy discount or bundled with something else.

Chill de cojones. El control de la bici es genialísimo y todo el entorno hace que aunque sea estresante, sea súper relajante

Pretty simple game where you just go down a mountain, but that doesn't stop it from being a great game. Each of the different environments is fun to bike through and has its unique differences that add to the experience. Being able to get into a flow state where you are just gliding through the tracks is a feeling that most games can't compete with. Honestly, I'm not sure how they did it, but the game is just really fun to play and is somehow peaceful and chaotic at the same time. Definitely a game I have fond memories of and something I would play again.

Esse jogo nem tem exatamente uma campanha, então como eu poderia zerar? Mas basicamente, eu fiz todas as pistas que tinha e vi os créditos, então vou considerar como Zerado.
Foi um bom lowbrainer enquanto eu tava estressado com a edição dos vídeos, eu fazia uma pausa entre uma rendeirazação e outra pra dar uma jogadinha, e apesar do jogo ser meio desafiador, ele foi um pouco relaxante pra mim pela ambientação e pelos sons.

this game is certainly a game if i have ever played one, it features bikes and also mountains for those who arent aware. eat shit and die

There's something about Lonely Mountains that just tickles my fancy. I'm actually shocked that I've put almost three days into this game, as it seems unreal to me that that is even possible.
I first played it for the chill environments when not caring about speed, this game is so calming. Hearing the rushing water and chirping birds, as well as the lovely block-style scenery, as you slowly make your way along the trail, has a very special feeling to it.
My favorite part about Lonely Mountains is the level design. You would think that the courses would pretty much be linear, but they are so not. There are MANY different paths you can take; some for exploring, some for optimal routes; but taking that process of mastering a track and finding those routes are some of the best parts of the game.
I love how the four courses for each map tie in together with one another, ending at the same rest spot at the end of the hill. I can only imagine the struggle it would take to get all the way up there...
The different Bike types and challenges you overcome on the different levels creates an excellent sense of diversity across the maps, and often has you methodically planning out the best combination for your bike routes.
The speedrunning in this game is great too; typically I'm not a fan of it, but the low-stakes implemented with the checkpoints makes for a great touch, and leaderboards are actually doable to get on!
Each map is unique in its' own way and has its pros and cons. Depending on your mood, there is a map for whatever you're feeling like! I've played two of the free DLC maps as well as the Eldjfall Island DLC (but not 100%'d it), and out of all of them my personal favorite is Misty Peak. I love the jumps and openness of it, as well as the aesthetic. I also like the choice of each DLC seemingly corresponding to a base map. And of course, massive win and props to Megagon for giving out FREE DLC.

In terms of indie chill games, I give Lonely Mountains a Solid 8.5 / 10. This is probably my favorite chill game out there.

Tinha muito potencial pra ser um jogo ótimo e relaxante porém...
Tem muitos problemas. Com uma continuação com os problemas resolvidos e adições ficaria um ótimo jogo
Mas esse não da não porém não e um jogo ruim.

If you use fast bikes instead of the bikes that are best at being thrown down the side of a mountain then you ain't accepted here

I quit after the second mountain. It's a nice game, but it's all about that 'lemme perfect my time'. And I'm not about that. It felt good to experience this game, though. It also shows the horrors that mountain bikers have to go through, like falling 200 meters into a waterfall and drowning horribly because you don't know how to swim, or speeding into a huge ass rock and getting your stomach come out of your mouth.

First 4-5 hours was so enjoyable because it felt like a breathe of fresh air after playing too many unoriginal games, especially the speedrunning was the most fun part for me. After that I kinda lost my interest... And also trees blocking your view is sooo annoying.

This is a very wonderful game that I am astonished has gone a bit under the radar. It just feels so good to play. But not only that, there's also an aspect of puzzle solving and exploration in finding the quickest route through a trail. Performance is buttery smooth and load times are virtually nonexistent. So if I crash I immediately try again. And again... I can't get enough. I get into some kind of zen state trying to perfect a route. On top of all that, there's this wonderful atmosphere in the game with the simple graphics and sounds of nature. It's simultaneously very relaxing but exhilerating.

its pretty fun, got to a point where it was too hard but it feels pretty relaxing going down the hills and i like the effect it makes when you are tearing up the ground on a drift.

its so sad a game as good and cohesive as this one gets ignored so much

Such a meditative experience! What a wonderful idea it was to strip down the graphics, remove any potential soundtrack, place the setting far away from anyone else, and instead focus on your player and the nature which surrounds them.