Reviews from

in the past

Juego de spammear mordisco. El presentador del "documental" está gracioso y la historia es un cachondeo.

Muito bom mata tudo q se move .

SHARK RAWWRRRR RAWWRRR HUNGRY NOM NOM NOM, fun and amazing I love sharks now I love killing people for xp to get new sharks

hungry shark evolution no pc 😍

Bom, acho que não tem muito o que falar aqui. É exatamente o que você espera de um jogo de tubarão. Você nada, luta, mata, come e coleta colecionáveis.

A história é simples: você precisa crescer e ficar forte para matar o caçador que matou sua mãe.

O combate do jogo não requer muita estratégia, é só esmagar os botões. Explorar o oceano é bem divertido, você encontra vários easter eggs e referências a filmes, principalmente os filmes B de tubarão assassino, que é a vibe que esse jogo tem.

Ainda assim, a gameplay é bem repetitiva, mas o jogo é curto, então nem da tempo de ela ficar enjoativa. O grande problema desse jogo, pra mim, são os controles, que atrapalham e muito, tanto em combate, quando a câmera fica maluca do nada, quanto nas partes que você precisa saltar para fora da água (Sim! Você anda fora da água), onde o controle do tubarão é extremamente travado. Com toda certeza isso é proposital, mas mesmo assim, o jogo tem muitas partes que requer você sair da água, e isso acaba irritando.

Mas, mesmo com todos esses defeitos, Maneater consegue ser um bem divertido e uma ótima homenagem aos filmes trash de tubarão. Se você for com a mente aberta pra jogar esse jogo, é possível que ele te renda umas boas horinhas de diversão.

Was kinda fun rippin shit up as a shark.

LOVED IT, still need to finish, I love hard drive space more then sharks unfortunately

Even though the game is insanely repetitive, there is no other game out there quite like this. You get to be a freaking shark. HOW COOL. It's a game where you can just mindless wreck havoc upon civilization and annihilate anything that comes into your waters.

Just play hungry shark evolution

que lindo ele matando gente s2

Proposta legal, mas o jogo ainda é fraco. Não me prendeu.

it's...not bad? campy, ridiculous revenge story, some fun combat. the final boss is TERRIBLY designed and comes out of nowhere, and the game is way too long. the open world is SHIT and is just ubisoft formula but...shark. but, not the worst thing ever tbh

Gets repetitive later on but I did laugh a hell of a lot

this game for made for fun and only fun

No mi tipo, el mar es precioso pero no me llamo la atención las mecanicas

Nothing too complex, a game that is simple, fun. Kinda enjoyed munching down on people. Other then that, it isn't exactly a challenge to kill most of the marine life. All the more, a decent playthrough.

Weil das Spiel verbuggt war habe ich die Platin Tropähe nicht erhalten

I can't think of too many other games that are so fundamentally flawed, yet it is easy to ignore those flaws because it manages to nail the primary objective: it's just really good fun.

It's the best way I can think to describe Maneater, a monumentally daft game that relies on zero brainpower, and showcases pretty much everything within the first 10 minutes of gameplay. It's not a huge spoiler to say that the only real progress you can make here is that the shark you control gets big. Really big. And really fierce. And by the end of your 10-ish hour playthrough, you'll find taking out boats, whales, other killer sharks isn't much of a challenge. Yet it remains undeniably fun.

It's an incredibly simple plot - you're a shark, a shark hunter is after you, you eat a lot to get bigger and eventually confront aforementioned shark hunter. It's presented as a very tongue in cheek nature documentary - the kind you'd see on Discovery or something - but the cut scenes are few and far between. You'll spend 99% of your time scouring the different sections of the map (these actually DO have a bit of variation and range from a swampy alligator filled bayou to a vast open ocean) chomping of various marine wildlife. And the occasional careless bather as well.

It's definitely a flawed game - it really could have done with a bit of variety with the main missions, but throughout, you'll be given the same objectives - kill x number of seals/sharks/swordfish/turtles/humans etc etc. There are plenty of intertwining underwater passageways and a stack of collectables to find and I found enough enjoyment at the daft killing frenzies to get all 1000 achievement points for finding all collectables etc, but I can't deny that I was relieved to finally finish it.

It's not the prettiest game in the world - aside from the various body parts you can equip to your shark, all other creatures seem to look the same, and the effects of the sea are actually pretty rubbish. I'm probably just spoiled by the incredible water effects on Sea of Thieves, but when you're cruising around below the waves, things just seem to aimlessly float. And it would have been far more interesting to see the different sea creatures interact with each other, rather than just with your shark. Maybe the other marine predators are just REALLY fussy eaters, as they only attacked me and totally ignored the shoal of mackerel/seals etc etc that were minding their own business just a few feet away.

I would be very interested to see if a sequel is ever made, because there's a fair bit to work with here. It's undeniably enjoyable - being a bloodthirsty, ravenous killing machine is quite a laugh.

Maneater is silly, samey and not exactly a technical masterpiece. But there's some charm here that like a drop of blood in the ocean make it difficult to ignore.

It's fun only for first 60 minutes
After you understand that there isn't much to do, just tons of buggy grinding

its fun, but very repetitive and while the game is relatively short it still dragged a bit near the end, it would have been cool with more variety and things to actually do, but it was still a fun little experience nonetheless

Very fun game, unfortunately a couple things hold it back. Combat and areas are repetitive, but it didn't really bother me. Customization is also weak, as there's only 4 body sets. Again, it didn't bother me very much but more customization would elevate this game. The main problem I have with this game is it sometimes forces you to grind sidequests and find collectibiles to get an area to 50% completed in order to progress in the game. You also need to grind wanted rank to progress, but it isn't as annoying. Overall good and fun game, just expect lots of grinding.

Nesse jogo você controla um tubarão, que começa sendo um filhotinho, e ao longo do jogo você vai comendo outros peixes e crescendo. O jogo é bem bonito e a jogabilidade é bem divertida, porém o jogo é bem limitado e torna-se até enjoativo. O ponto forte do jogo é a narração, já que ela faz parecer que você está assistindo um programa de pesca de tubarão na televisão, e isso é PERFEITO

O jogo em si é divertido mas se torna muuuuuito repetitivo, as missões são basicamente iguais e não agregam em nada ao gameplay. O combate é interessante e contém elementos RPG, gostei da história do jogo que é envolvente e divertida

It's a cool premise but the gameplay is just so repetitive and avoiding the predators at the start is kinda annoying

It's fun for an afternoon but I don't feel compelled to pick it back up much at all