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in the past

Amazing conclusion to a trilogy!


I'm one of the few that didn't think the ending was bad. Sure the decision to make the ending a two-choices option is bizarre when the rest of the trilogy is more than black or white decisions. But the whole star child stuff didn't bother in the slightest, neither Kai Leng (never understood the hate he gets).
Now the game is definitely a step down from 2 and the emphasis on the shooting over the rpg elements was unfortunate, but it's still a very good game worth playing.

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Rating based on my Insanity run.

Thankfully ME3 walked back on some of the absolutely horrid changes to difficulty made in 2, namely every enemy in the game having an extra meter of shield or armour. Being able to roll around to dodge fire also makes it so being out of position doesn't mean you're instantly dead like it did in the previous game.

Enemies are generally quite spongy but the grunts just have health, you can throw them around with Biotics and focus on the shielded commanders. So overall a good gameplay loop exists, juggle the fodder and focus on the big baddies.

Unfortunately save for few exceptions the forces of the Reapers and Cerberus are almost entirely identical in their enemy types, to the extent that the Geth (that were ubiquitous in Mass Effect 1) almost feel like a breath of fresh air when you run through Rannoch.

So yeah, ultimately less of a hair pulling experience than ME2 on such a high difficulty, so that's a win.

I had relatively low EMS but still just above minimum as I just wanted to get through to the ending, turns out keeping the Collector Base and doing Control is one of the better endings you can get below 6k. Renegade Shep talking about how he's going to lead the galaxy through the Reapers really does feel like A Bad Sign but I enjoy it as a portrayal of an ultimately flawed man who still saved the galaxy.

Palpable sense of relief knowing I've 100%ed the achievements on Steam and can go back to playing on Normal from here on out.

I know the ending catches a lot of flack, but that is just 5 minutes of a 30-hour experience. Everything is improved upon in terms of combat and graphics. Honestly, I just treat the Citadel DLC as my send-off for this crew I came to love, and I'm at peace with that.

It's not a perfect game, but it's still pretty damn good. Even with the disappointing endings, I think it serves as a solid conclusion on the whole to what began with Mass Effect. Sure, some of the overarching choices don't seem to matter much in this game, but I still have a lot of fun playing it. And the Citadel DLC really is the ideal conclusion to the relationships you've built with your numerous companions throughout the three installments--for me, that's the strength of the entire series.

great game but 2 is the best.

Brilliant culimnation to the series. Characters were great, interactions with them felt authentic. Weapon system was okay, scanning systems with reapers was Meh. Story was great right up untilt he last choice, all the choices seemed a bit bad but that's not terrible in itself I guess.

After getting a bit tired of the constant "the army is so badass..." atmosphere that this game was giving me, I took a short break from it for a while and played Disco Elysium, every attempt to go back to mass effect 3 to complete it I've made since has failed. Turns out most AAA games are not written very well

I didn't complete Mass Effect 3 on the 360 version I played but I'm still putting my overall review here. I know a lot of people were upset with how this game originally ended and since I beat the Legendary Edition version on PS4 with the DLC and/or new ending added, I just wanted to point that out.

For me, this was the best in the series. It slightly edges out Andromeda as my favorite of the series with the first game coming in third and the beloved second game coming in last. I don't hate any of these games, I just liked Mass Effect 2 the least. I know all of these opinions will probably make me a laughingstock and I'll lose all of the credibility I didn't have but I just call these things how I see them.

I had no problems with how the story wrapped up, but moreover I just loved getting to spend one last adventure with all of these eclectic characters as they hurtled towards the potentially deadly climax. I wouldn't count this among my favorite games of all time but it still gets a 4.5 star rating as compared to the other games in the series.

I liked ME3 a lot more than ME2. They really did take the best of both games and put them into this one. It still feels like a third person shooter more than a RPG. Some of the gameplay is still too sloppy imho. Such as the cover system or charge as a Vanguard. The story was overall better...till the end. Yeah the End was awful which was disappointing.

The rushed production and slashed budget really shows in this game. While much of the writing is emotional and impactful, the number of dialogue choices is severely cut down from ME2, harming the roleplaying aspect severely. Characters that you think should have much more prominent roles, end up barely being in the game at all. The combat is another big improvement from ME2, and the weapon variety is the best of the trilogy. The rushed development really comes to a head with the infamously bad ending. While the free Extended Cut DLC does soften the blow a bit, the ending is still loaded with nonsensical leaps of logic that contradict the themes of the story, and a giant Deus Ex Machina, all while providing shockingly little closure for the characters you truly care about.

There was a lot to follow up on after ME2 and I think they were close but things seemed to be rushed towards the end of the story. Unfortunately, the end was a bit of a let down to an almost perfect story. I still had a great time playing throughout the trilogy.

If this game only had multiplayer I would rate it 4 at least. One of the best multiplayers I had a chance to play. The depth of character's powers and weapons is incredible, really. Single player suffered, ending is horrible and also the story sometimes falls into generic B TV quality.

It's not your fault Mass Effect 3 my dog died and I can't get back into it

I didn’t expect to like this game considering its reputation on release, but hey I did. Much of what I loved about 2 is here, with way improved gameplay. The reduced dialogue options are a huge bummer, I really missed the ME2 cast for the large majority of the game, and of course the ending is pretty lackluster. However, the conclusions to the individual storylines and characters were great.
I don’t know what they were thinking with that fisher price ass UI though, such a massive step down from 1 and 2. Also, the Omega dlc is downright terrible

Didnt stick the landing the best but I still cried after shepards decision ;-;

Mon opus favori même si beaucoup l'avaient détesté à sa sortie, n'était pas en accord avec l'histoire ou la direction que prenaient certains personnages. Personnellement l'intro est une des plus marquantes que j'ai pu vivre dans le jeu vidéo et mes + 100h me semble, encore aujourd'hui, être du temps bien investi.

Лучший рескин в истории.

Полная рецензия: Именно здесь и кончается лучшая игровая трилогия.

Третий Массыч это большое подведение итогов, долгожданное столкновение с Жнецами (а для кого то и с Цербером) и просто финал истории бравого бойца Коммандира Шепарда. Сразу скажу пару слов о сюжете. Как и прошлая часть, МЕ3 меняет свой стиль повествования и углубляется в масштабный галактический конфликт со своими препятствиями, лишениями, предательством и трудностями. Нарративно игра явно стала намного линейнее, чем ее предшественница, ибо в связи с апокалиптичным сюжетом у тебя уже не остается того обширного выбора куда пойти как раньше, здесь все заточено под отдельные глобальные арки, которые идут друг за другом. Сами события внутри этих арок очень эпичны и трагичны (в отдельных моментах даже шла скупая слеза за наших товарищей), но свободы выбора стало также заметно меньше, хотя и все равно есть где разгуляться (особенно в побочных квестах). Для кого то было проблемой то, как вплетен в сюжет в Цербер, но мне данный поворот оказался совершенно ожидаемым и логичным и особого негодования не вызвал (хотя Призрака можно было бы и раскрыть получше).

Единственная реальная претензия - это выборы в концовке. Проблема даже не в том, что они такие, решаемые выбором кнопочки. В этом я особо не вижу проблемы, ибо во многих культовых играх существуют такие же окончания (в той же серии Деус Экс). Проблема в том, что все это финальное откровение высыпается на тебя под конец (если не учитывать ДЛС Левиафан) и просто выбивает из колеи происходящего. Я прочитал изначальную задумку Карпишина и как по мне она была лучше, ибо хотя бы связывалась со многими сюжетными мостиками во всей серии, а тут просто с бухты-барахты во главу история встал конфликт синтетиков и органиков, который был побочным все 3 части. В любом случае, концовка не ужасна, она даже неплохая, возможно, хорошая, но фанатов и их ожидания понять можно.

Что касается геймплейной стороны? Масс Эффект 3 в какой-то степени можно назвать рескином 2 части, но наверно самым лучшим ее представителем из всех существующих в индустрии. Шутерные механики вновь были изменены и стали еще более динамичнее и живее (можно даже сказать доведены до ума), локации стали ультракрасивыми, а задники на них заставляют прочувствовать реальную войну и неизбежное поражение от Жнецов, если Шепард не высрет какое-то решение. Те же ДЛС стали намного круче, а особенно крутым является все, что связано с ДЛС Цитадель (шла скупая слеза на финале этого сегмента игры), да и в целом прокачка, апгрейды и тд стали более интуитивными.

Но есть моменты, которые стали явно хуже, чем в прошлой части. Во-первых, третьестепенные квесты, теперь они представляют из себя пострелушки на мультиплеерных картах и это не очень интересно. Во-вторых, куча сайдов на Цитадели аля "принеси-подай" под конец стали чуточку раздражать, как-нибудь их разнообразить и стало бы намного прекраснее, но увы. В-третьих, новый скан систем и общий сбор войск на финал мне показался хуже того, что было в прошлой части (сканировать каждую планету по отдельности мне было веселее, сори). Все остальное - ровно точно такое же по исполнению как в прошлой части, то есть МЕГА АХУЕННОЕ.

Возможно, если бы первоначальную концовку не слили, если бы ЕА дали Биотварям больше времени на разработку, если бы разрабы переосмыслил какие-то отдельно взятые элементы геймплея, то мы бы с вами получили очередной шедевр на уровне, а может и лучше 2 части, но в итоге мы получили просто отличную игру, которая хоть и хуже предшественницы, но даст пососать 90% игр современной индустрии.

a thrilling end to the commander shepard trilogy. very expansive, but the ending leaves more questions and resigns everything to a color-coded choice.

Weaker than Mass Effect 2, but still good fun. Great DLC, and I enjoyed the romance plotlines.

fart reverb they killed my boo & forced me to play multiplayer for the good ending!!!! Fuck you !!!!

Stodgy voice acting, broken/bland animations, and an ending that makes you want to redo everything you've accomplished even though you thought you didn't right the first time. I haven't played ME1 or 2 but I wouldn't be surprised if they're better than this

This game gets a bad wrap. Yes, at launch it was a bit of a disaster, with the rushed development cycle of 18 months churning out a game that in a lot of ways was inferior to it's predecessor. Since then however, the addition of the Extended Cut has at least made the ending palatable for most, and the excellent DLC drops have elevated the game into being a proper capstone for the trilogy, with some of the best moments in the entire franchise.

I would not recommend playing this game without playing 1 and 2 first, ideally carrying your character between those games; there's nothing quite like building a character over 3 games and seeing events shape around your decisions. While ME3 falls short of that promise in many ways, the payoffs are still worth it. If anything, this game is lambasted mostly for failing to meet the astronomic expectations placed on it, and when viewed in the context of what we got in the end, it's hardly the worst thing ever made. Again, considering the absolutely awful corporate decisions that pushed the game out so soon, it's a miracle it's as good as it is, and that fact should not be forgotten. The devs at Bioware should be proud of what they delivered under the circumstances.

One aspect of this game that is often forgotten is the absolutely fantastic co-op multiplayer mode, a mode which by all accounts is a tacked-on, lootbox-driven skinner box machine made to drive up revenue through micro-transactions. And yet, despite that fact, the mode still slap over 10 years later, and the reason for that is that ME3 sports one of the absolute best enemy rosters of any third-person shooter ever, with a fun and engaging power system to boot, and the frankly absurdly generous post-launch additions that made the mode so incredibly content rich. New guns, new classes, new powers, and entirely new enemy faction, the things added to this mode, for FREE mind you, are just absurd. I still play this mode to this day, and while the RNG based progression is very anti-consumer, there's a weird thrill in unlocking guns and classes entirely through in-game means, however slowly.

It took me a while to realize how much I love this game. From the multiplayer that remains engaging all these years later, to some of the most impactful, emotional, and heartbreaking moments I have ever experienced in gaming, Mass Effect 3 does justice to the Mass Effect franchise. It may have taken a while to get there, and the road wasn't without hardship, but as it stands, Mass Effect 3 is an absolute gem of a game.

Gameplay wise, this is the best in the series, obviously having the time to perfect what they had going. Story wise, its absolutely incredible. Every single storyline that led to this gets tied up. Some of those endings are happy, some not so much. But you know what happens to everyone. I'll beat a dead horse and point out that the ending is just a fizzle. And that wouldn't be such a problem if it wasn't the end of such a storied and well made trilogy. Everything leading up to the tail end of the game though, is so good.

Story-wise, ME3 is bearable right up until that final 30 minutes or so; prior to that, yeah, you have to deal with the numbers game of war assets and weirdly-placed side quests, but otherwise 3 has probably the most fun and streamlined gameplay. This is evident in the still-popular multiplayer mode, which is loaded to capacity with free DLC maps. The single player DLC ranges from excellent (Citadel) to somewhat-boring (Omega). Even with all its flaws, 3 is essential to experience.

feels like a downgrade in almost every way besides the combat compared to ME2