Reviews from

in the past

Yes the ending leaves a lot to be desired, but the journey is one that has stuck with me forever. These characters become your friends and this game is the culmination of one of the greatest stories told in video games. The missions are consequential, combat is refined and the pacing is pushed along great by the inevitable reaper threat. It also has a collection of the best dlcs of the series that probably shouldn't be dlc to begin with but that is solved by the Legendary Edition!

My favorite moment was then Joker said "It's joking time!"

He really said that.

Great game for the time, the multiplayer was awesome, great community, with DLCs it really feels like a proper send-off to the trilogy. Play it in the remastered version

(Notice: I completed this before Senua's Sacrifice in case of any journal and review timeline confusion)

Although I had some problems with the changes from Mass Effect 2 to Mass Effect 3, I really enjoyed the ending to the trilogy. I didn't like how they kept changing the layout of the Normandy, especially considering I played all 3 games in under 2 weeks. This made it particularly annoying as I wasn't able to accustom myself to a singular interior layout design.

In terms of the game's ending, my personal take is it makes it easier for Bioware to start a new game or future trilogy with a new main character and companions. The plot twists in this game were amazing and the characters were as good as always.

Eventually, I want to purchase and play through the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, so I can experience the additional DLCs and play in a different style to get a new and alternative perspective to the main storyline.

Not nearly as bad as some people say, brilliant. Maybe the base game is a bit lacking but the legendary edition is fantastic with all the additional DLC. I can see why the end is underwhelming for some but it didn’t bother me much personally, at least with the extended DLC. The game is clearly rushed tho which is a real shame, I think with a year or more in the oven this could be on the same level as Mass Effect 2. Hopefully the new one is actually good too, I guess we’ll see but I doubt it.

I used to hate this game to death, but oh boy, there is worse to be had with this series. It's still definitely the worst of the original trilogy for sure, but after replaying it with the legendary edition years later; it's... fine.

I still think parts of it are ugly, with it just having blue/grey filter laid on top of it. Commander Shepard themself and all the new characters built in the same character creator look like Play-doh. It's unimaginative in that department because it's like they cut corners.

The squad in this game is the least cool (minus the one character that used to be DLC), with James being one of my least favorite characters ever. The combat is just copypasta'd Mass Effect 2, but with more damage sponge enemies to act as difficulty. Also, they added the addition of grenades just to piss me off. The worst offender of it all though is the downsizing of the dialogue and player's choices. The morality mechanics of this series have always been kind of black and white with additional contexts for world building, but this game really dumbs that down to a massive degree. Most dialogue choices are literally just 2 options and nothing important is ever fleshed out, just glossed over. The plot is massively rushed for a finale and ends with a loud wet fart rather than a bang. I can't stand how most of the missions in this game involve Shepard solving most of the entire universe's problems with 1 simple red or blue choice that don't really lead to anything but numerical war assets. It's such an infuriating way to wrap the trilogy up, it's like all the world building from the first two games meant fuck all and makes the impending doom feel so weirdly trivial for how dire it really is.

Renegade Shepard in this game is just a murder hobo genocidal maniac and they lose out on most of the cool shit in this game for it. This has never been the case and it makes that playthrough pretty unfun. Most of the squad characters get shafted in some way, some of them barely appearing at all, and the romances are awful, especially for FemShep. The ending is still very disappointing and convoluted for the sake of being convoluted, but I'm unsure if we can even call it the ending today knowing what we know now.

The Citadel DLC is still one of the best parts of the series.

Acredito que a franquia tem padrão de qualidade, ela é boa.
Esse terceiro jogo pra mim foi o pior no quesito interface para missões e contém a pior exploração de todos mas é o que coleciona missões mais "épicas" e diversificadas de ambientação. Uma conclusão maneira. Acredito que vale a pena jogar a trilogia

I know the game is shit to alot of people, or at least the ending but I found myself really enjoying the story. If you play through all the games the ending is (mostly) rewarding and tear jerking. Yeah it's not the ideal ending (depending on what you picked) but I really don't think its as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

10/10 - bc garrus...

i see myself a lot in javik as in i also have sensory issue and need to wash my hands like a lot

uj/ for a more serious review:

It took me three games and hundreds of hours to finally tap into the magic of Mass Effect, and I'm so happy that I'm finally here.

The third installment stands as a triumph in the trilogy, merging the best elements of its predecessors while surpassing the second game in many areas. It boasts better gunplay, more mature writing, featuring characters who interact with each other in meaningful ways, all presented in a prettier package. I love the funny but sometimes creepy quips from crewmates, and most welcomingly, homosexuality is finally legal in the Citadel. The base game is action-packed and had me hooked from the start, while the DLCs expanded on various gameplay styles and added so much breadth to the galactic lore.

The game is a masterclass of character building, I found myself growing to love every crew member, even those I previously hadn't cared for. The offshore activities provided some of the most memorable moments throughout the trilogy. Massive kudos to all the voice actors for delivering stellar performances and bringing these characters to life (with the exception of male Shepard, although his portrayal remains inoffensive).

However, my critique lies in the narrative direction and thematic coherence. It feels as though the game imposes a different meaning onto the story, failing to recognize the thematic groundwork laid out in the previous two games. The resolution of the storyline, centered around the incompatibility of organics and synthetics, feels disconnected from the established themes and was massively anticlimactic.

This is coming from someone who thought that The Last of Us 2 had a perfect story and never liked a happy ending in media because it discounts the emotional labor imposed onto the audience. This departure from established narrative threads creates a sense of dissonance and detracts from the impact the previous games had.

The potential of AI as a classic sci-fi trope within an RPG format is immense; it's a question that has been thoroughly explored by the previous two games. However, Mass Effect 3's ending dismissed this well-established narrative foundation, negating the possibility that creators and their creations could coexist under a mural agreement. In doing so, it undermined the significance of EDI’s character arc and the sacrifices made by beloved crew members in the Geth and Quarians plotline. Consequently, it falls short on a rhetorical level and fails to provide a logical resolution to Mass Effect's established central conflict.

The resolution also feels disappointingly cheap; it’s completely disconnected from the personal choices you have made throughout the trilogy and the collective efforts of the squad. Despite the multitude of choices presented across the trilogy, the conclusion narrows down to three essentially identical endings, trivializing the significance of the hundreds of carefully considered decisions into an unnecessarily lengthy epilogue followed by "Pick a color." It lacks the depth to provoke thought or evoke emotional catharsis; instead, I found myself dumbfounded by the absence of any meaningful attempt to elevate the message at the end.

At the risk of being yelled at by half of the community here, I think Starfield achieved a more satisfying conclusion and served some higher meaning with its ending. Surprisingly, both games share similar story arcs, featuring the introduction of the Starchild and Starborn characters tasked with safeguarding galactic evolution. Themes of the pursuit of truth and power, symbolized by artifacts and the Catalyst, echo the story of Icarus, presenting protagonists with moral dilemmas and the ultimate choice of their fate.

The contrast lies in the distinct themes and the emotional resonance they evoke. Starfield delves into the story of humanity, emphasizing the fundamental need for purpose in our existence. On the other hand, Mass Effect tackles the existential peril posed by the creation of artificial life forms. However, its conclusion feels flawed, lacking substance beyond the rushed decisions made in the final hours of gameplay. This isn't a direct comparison between the two games, as both excel in exploring the breadth and depth of their universes. But I can't help but hope that BioWare dedicated more time to crafting an ending that acknowledges alternative solutions to the narrative conundrum already established within the series.

Nevertheless, I love the trilogy to pieces, and I can’t believe it took me so long to finally get into it. Playing all three games back to back immediately after Starfield only made me realize how ambitious this franchise was set out to be. The depth of the world-building, the intricacies of the characters, the diverse colonies portrayed, and the romantic interest (singular as I had my eyes on Kaidan from ME1) my Shepard had along the way all contributed to an unforgettable journey.

Mass Effect, as a trilogy, is a complete videogame masterpiece. This is an almost perfect game (there are no 100% perfect games), and is the best videogame trilogy of all-time.
Playing it was really amazing. The characters are great, the narrative choice driven is amazing and the story is wonderful. The games are engaging from beginng to end.
So many emotions like sadness, happiness, enjoyment, anger, surprise, love, pride, guilt, shame, excitement, confusion, and relief.

How can we correctly describe a masterpiece?

there's fewer conversation options, not enough squad mates, and of course the whole ending thing, but in the legendary edition with all the DLC and no multiplayer its a lot easier to appreciate how gut-wrenching a lot of the writing is

There was a lot to follow up on after ME2 and I think they were close but things seemed to be rushed towards the end of the story. Unfortunately, the end was a bit of a let down to an almost perfect story. I still had a great time playing throughout the trilogy.

I want to start by saying that this review is targeted towards the Mass Effect 3 on the Legendary Edition, which means, with all DLC and other improvements. With that said, I would say I had tons of fun with Mass Effect 3, probably the most of all the three games in this trilogy.

Mass Effect 3’s combat is vastly superior to its predecessors. Biotic power are much easier to use and are stronger, you are no longer limited in which weapons you can bring on missions, although some classes benefit certain weapons more. Movement is much smoother, where you can take cover, vault over cover and dodge at will, and you now have access to a strong melee attack (which was something I really wanted in Mass Effect 2). Weapon choice is now limited by the amount of weight you can carry, and, there is now an interesting trade-off, where you can bring fewer weapons in exchange for faster power/ability recharge rate.

One issue that I also had with Mass Effect 2 is the ammunition. In Mass Effect 2 and 3, weapons have ammunition, which they didn’t in 1. Now, not only do they bother having an explanation for every weapon in the galaxy needing ammunition in a span of 2 years, there makes zero sense for it being better than weapons having effectively infinite ammo. It seems that the developers knew this, as you can find ammo EVERYWHERE, and enemies constantly drop ammo, which defeats ammo existing, it becomes an annoyance or an afterthought.

One issue I noticed in this game is the fact that persuasion options and interrupts were rarer compared to Mass Effect 2. It also seems they were less impactful in missions and character interactions.

But the most glaring issue this game has is managing logistics with side missions. It is a super boring and tedious process. The game does show where the main quests take place, but the side missions are simply a nightmare to manage, and are boring, as there are tons of quests that boil down to going to a system, scanning to find a planet, sending down a probe and having to go all the way back to deliver the item.

Overall, I had a lot of fun with Mass Effect 3. I thought that the main premise and story were interesting, as were the sub-plots. Some things could be improved, but I really like the interaction with new and past companions. As for the endings, I knew already that many thought they were bad, but, honestly, I think they’re fine. There might be some plot holes, but I liked that there is no best or even a (entirely) good ending, all of them have interesting trade-offs and give opportunity for role play, and discussions I have read online about the endings seem to reflect that.

You can literally feel the upper management EA brain-leak in every facet of this game, but it still manages to be so good. Writing, while contrived at times, still shines best with it's characters and worldbuilding. Gameplay is now on-par with other dedicated 3rd person shooters, and the multiplayer for this game is (surprisingly) fantastic. Make sure to download the "actual ending" patch before you play.

Low key my favourite of the trilogy.

Not without faults but I feel that mechanically it's the closest to to what I think the trilogy wanted to be.

A few nitpicks are - the map still sucks.
There are a ton of neat weapons to try but the game doesn't really want you to? Guns are hella expensive and require upgrades on top of it, you also can't freely change your loadout during missions and are severely limited by carrying capacity.
Galaxy scanning ia somehow worse - hot and cold with reapers on your tail got dull very fast.

I really liked the story - there are a few sore spots like the Metal Gear Reject and a couple beats at the ending but overall I felt there were good dramatic beats and most of the cast recieved a satisfying arc conclusion.

I liked that none of the endings are perfect, it felt true to the theme of the game.

Citadel DLC was a breath of fresh air, it's very wheadon-ish but I think it works well as a pallet cleanser and a momentarily pause before shit goes down.

I have some hot takes about choices and romances in the trilogy but I'll keep it for the Legendary Edition.

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It took me like 3 years to actually finish this replay good god. Got a big essay about these coming... soon, so look forward to that!

I did play it on the highest difficulty, but this is a supremely cool action game. They finally figured it out. Big, expressive classes with bombastic powers that interact in simple but strategic ways. This is the least expressive ME as an RPG, which was already slim, but goddamn it feels so good! Shooting infantry with fiery ammo and then exploding with them a biotic attack... Truly never gets old.

Narratively this is. well. hmm. All of ME3's core conflicts boil down to "can't we just get along?!" Shepard as UN ambassador to the stars. Nice to have some moments where they get legitimately humbled that cannot be negotiated away, but this is as vapid a power fantasy as the series has ever been. The thing that ME1 has over all the others is tone; it's melancholy and spacious. Basically all that is evacuated here in favor of Naughty Dog blockbuster design. This is also maybe the weakest core cast of the series, which is admittedly helped a lot by the frequent cameos from previous party members.

Thane is still MVP. The only person in the franchise that really feels three-dimensional and it's nice that he just gets a lot to do. His deathbed scene is the single most moving part of the franchise to me and it's the only moment that questions Shepard in a resonant way.

The other thing that emotionally works here is despair. The flickering moments Shepard spends on the ground of massive scale conflicts underline that, no matter how "good" you are at the game or how many persuasion checks you pass, a lot of people are dying. This has some political... issues. The only thing that can defeat the reapers is throwing lives into the grinder, accelerating the war machine. There's a mission where you recruit child soldiers and then they turn into numbers in your spreadsheet! But if you can take it on its own terms (I can't personally lol) there's some legitimate melodrama!

The ending itself both tries to make you powerful and weak and therefore it doesn't really succeed at either. You HAVE to be the galaxy's most special boy or girl, but also you can't just win outright. Think the game does a fine job with that incredibly tough hand, but it would help a lot if the stakes weren't scaffolded by being the GREAT MAN who is willing to make the HARD CHOICES.

This is moment-to-moment the most successful Mass Effect I think, but it gets that through a slickness that lacks some of the last twos compelling edges. Despite it all, I thought a lot about ME1's empty spaces. Would make a big difference to have that kind of emotional room here.

I liked it a lot but yeah that ending is....not great. I was kind of hoping that y'all were over hyping it but it was a bummer and left me pretty hollow when the credits rolled. I think it would be easy for me to rate this lower just on that alone, but when I think of ME3 I will think of the journey not the destination.

a thrilling end to the commander shepard trilogy. very expansive, but the ending leaves more questions and resigns everything to a color-coded choice.

Even though it's a less focused experience with some glaring pacing issues compared to the tightly paced second installment , it's an undoubtedly worthy final conclusive journey to Shepard's epic intergalactic adventure .

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Rating based on my Insanity run.

Thankfully ME3 walked back on some of the absolutely horrid changes to difficulty made in 2, namely every enemy in the game having an extra meter of shield or armour. Being able to roll around to dodge fire also makes it so being out of position doesn't mean you're instantly dead like it did in the previous game.

Enemies are generally quite spongy but the grunts just have health, you can throw them around with Biotics and focus on the shielded commanders. So overall a good gameplay loop exists, juggle the fodder and focus on the big baddies.

Unfortunately save for few exceptions the forces of the Reapers and Cerberus are almost entirely identical in their enemy types, to the extent that the Geth (that were ubiquitous in Mass Effect 1) almost feel like a breath of fresh air when you run through Rannoch.

So yeah, ultimately less of a hair pulling experience than ME2 on such a high difficulty, so that's a win.

I had relatively low EMS but still just above minimum as I just wanted to get through to the ending, turns out keeping the Collector Base and doing Control is one of the better endings you can get below 6k. Renegade Shep talking about how he's going to lead the galaxy through the Reapers really does feel like A Bad Sign but I enjoy it as a portrayal of an ultimately flawed man who still saved the galaxy.

Palpable sense of relief knowing I've 100%ed the achievements on Steam and can go back to playing on Normal from here on out.

Mass Effect 3 is one of the best games I’ve ever played. Top 5. Top 3. Maybe the best.

There is a lot of discussion on what doesn’t work in ME3, and most of it is fair and true. The ending is bad. Miserable, really. But it has the skeleton of what could have been a great ending. Cut the game 5-10 minutes shorter, lose the tri-colored beams, and you have a dying Shepard sitting next to his mentor and father figure Anderson, taking that last, long break they have been needing. And right before, in the original ending, your two squad member choices burning into ash from the reaper’s blast. A tragic spin on the choice, for me at least, killing my two favorite characters who I took with me for one last fight. The one time I shouldn’t have.

Gameplay in ME3 has stepped up again. Visuals, animation and writing are at their peak in the third installment - reaching the top of an already tall mountain. The inclusion of multiplayer seemed tacked on when announced, but it was a great time. Shockingly, it still holds up.

But the writing is what rises above all else. A culmination of characters and choices over a 100+ hour trilogy, as a final installment is has the ability to write some final stories. And it does with precision.

Mass Effect is the gold standard for characters in games, and ME3 goes beyond. It is deep, harrowing, funny and ambitious, even if some choices were made with monetization in mind.

I’m wrapping up my final play through of the series right now. This game still rocks.

People give this game so much shit, but I have always defended it. Some of the criticism is definitely valid, the writing is not as strong as the first two games, it is clear there was meddling from above to get this game out quick. But I still think, especially with the Extended Cut, it is a solid end to the trilogy. People complain about the ending, which of the three colours to pick–the whole game is the ending. It's the culmination of the trilogy, and it fulfills those demands. Yeah, Kai Leng sucks or whatever. The crucible is a cop out, sure. But everything with the Genophage and solving the Geth/Quarian conflict and not to mention the DLCs are all great. Despite all the problems, I think the gameplay is the tightest and seeing the culmination of your friends throughout the series makes it easy to overlook all that.

This is my favourite of the series and I won't apologize for that. It's the most special of the trilogy to me. It's the first game to ever make me cry. The deaths of Mordin, Legion, and Thane are all so sad and I think really well-handled. Also Garrus is the canonical LI.

Many shit on the third game of the ME series, but I really loved it. I didnt played it straight after launch, only after they made the changes, but I will always defend it!

Played on the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition on Xbox Series X

I don't care how much the multiple beams ending is a bit guff. This game made my cry multiple times. It's the opposite end of the spectrum from Mass Effect 2's B plot esque tightknit character piece instead presenting a bombastic 30 hour epic. But it's just fantastic. I look forward to replaying these three games every few years.

PS - How overpowered is that bloody M-11 Suppressor? Forget the Crucible Shepherd give everyone in the Alliance one of those bad boys and the Reapers would of been offed within a day.

Some people won’t agree, but this is my favourite part. I mean, really — the plot is amazing, the game has so much drama, and they even made the star system exploration interesting. DLCs are SOO GOOD JESUS. I love Mass Effect and the ending of the trilogy was perfect in my opinion.

Story-wise, ME3 is bearable right up until that final 30 minutes or so; prior to that, yeah, you have to deal with the numbers game of war assets and weirdly-placed side quests, but otherwise 3 has probably the most fun and streamlined gameplay. This is evident in the still-popular multiplayer mode, which is loaded to capacity with free DLC maps. The single player DLC ranges from excellent (Citadel) to somewhat-boring (Omega). Even with all its flaws, 3 is essential to experience.

This game gets a bad wrap. Yes, at launch it was a bit of a disaster, with the rushed development cycle of 18 months churning out a game that in a lot of ways was inferior to it's predecessor. Since then however, the addition of the Extended Cut has at least made the ending palatable for most, and the excellent DLC drops have elevated the game into being a proper capstone for the trilogy, with some of the best moments in the entire franchise.

I would not recommend playing this game without playing 1 and 2 first, ideally carrying your character between those games; there's nothing quite like building a character over 3 games and seeing events shape around your decisions. While ME3 falls short of that promise in many ways, the payoffs are still worth it. If anything, this game is lambasted mostly for failing to meet the astronomic expectations placed on it, and when viewed in the context of what we got in the end, it's hardly the worst thing ever made. Again, considering the absolutely awful corporate decisions that pushed the game out so soon, it's a miracle it's as good as it is, and that fact should not be forgotten. The devs at Bioware should be proud of what they delivered under the circumstances.

One aspect of this game that is often forgotten is the absolutely fantastic co-op multiplayer mode, a mode which by all accounts is a tacked-on, lootbox-driven skinner box machine made to drive up revenue through micro-transactions. And yet, despite that fact, the mode still slap over 10 years later, and the reason for that is that ME3 sports one of the absolute best enemy rosters of any third-person shooter ever, with a fun and engaging power system to boot, and the frankly absurdly generous post-launch additions that made the mode so incredibly content rich. New guns, new classes, new powers, and entirely new enemy faction, the things added to this mode, for FREE mind you, are just absurd. I still play this mode to this day, and while the RNG based progression is very anti-consumer, there's a weird thrill in unlocking guns and classes entirely through in-game means, however slowly.

It took me a while to realize how much I love this game. From the multiplayer that remains engaging all these years later, to some of the most impactful, emotional, and heartbreaking moments I have ever experienced in gaming, Mass Effect 3 does justice to the Mass Effect franchise. It may have taken a while to get there, and the road wasn't without hardship, but as it stands, Mass Effect 3 is an absolute gem of a game.

Лучший рескин в истории.

Полная рецензия: Именно здесь и кончается лучшая игровая трилогия.

Третий Массыч это большое подведение итогов, долгожданное столкновение с Жнецами (а для кого то и с Цербером) и просто финал истории бравого бойца Коммандира Шепарда. Сразу скажу пару слов о сюжете. Как и прошлая часть, МЕ3 меняет свой стиль повествования и углубляется в масштабный галактический конфликт со своими препятствиями, лишениями, предательством и трудностями. Нарративно игра явно стала намного линейнее, чем ее предшественница, ибо в связи с апокалиптичным сюжетом у тебя уже не остается того обширного выбора куда пойти как раньше, здесь все заточено под отдельные глобальные арки, которые идут друг за другом. Сами события внутри этих арок очень эпичны и трагичны (в отдельных моментах даже шла скупая слеза за наших товарищей), но свободы выбора стало также заметно меньше, хотя и все равно есть где разгуляться (особенно в побочных квестах). Для кого то было проблемой то, как вплетен в сюжет в Цербер, но мне данный поворот оказался совершенно ожидаемым и логичным и особого негодования не вызвал (хотя Призрака можно было бы и раскрыть получше).

Единственная реальная претензия - это выборы в концовке. Проблема даже не в том, что они такие, решаемые выбором кнопочки. В этом я особо не вижу проблемы, ибо во многих культовых играх существуют такие же окончания (в той же серии Деус Экс). Проблема в том, что все это финальное откровение высыпается на тебя под конец (если не учитывать ДЛС Левиафан) и просто выбивает из колеи происходящего. Я прочитал изначальную задумку Карпишина и как по мне она была лучше, ибо хотя бы связывалась со многими сюжетными мостиками во всей серии, а тут просто с бухты-барахты во главу история встал конфликт синтетиков и органиков, который был побочным все 3 части. В любом случае, концовка не ужасна, она даже неплохая, возможно, хорошая, но фанатов и их ожидания понять можно.

Что касается геймплейной стороны? Масс Эффект 3 в какой-то степени можно назвать рескином 2 части, но наверно самым лучшим ее представителем из всех существующих в индустрии. Шутерные механики вновь были изменены и стали еще более динамичнее и живее (можно даже сказать доведены до ума), локации стали ультракрасивыми, а задники на них заставляют прочувствовать реальную войну и неизбежное поражение от Жнецов, если Шепард не высрет какое-то решение. Те же ДЛС стали намного круче, а особенно крутым является все, что связано с ДЛС Цитадель (шла скупая слеза на финале этого сегмента игры), да и в целом прокачка, апгрейды и тд стали более интуитивными.

Но есть моменты, которые стали явно хуже, чем в прошлой части. Во-первых, третьестепенные квесты, теперь они представляют из себя пострелушки на мультиплеерных картах и это не очень интересно. Во-вторых, куча сайдов на Цитадели аля "принеси-подай" под конец стали чуточку раздражать, как-нибудь их разнообразить и стало бы намного прекраснее, но увы. В-третьих, новый скан систем и общий сбор войск на финал мне показался хуже того, что было в прошлой части (сканировать каждую планету по отдельности мне было веселее, сори). Все остальное - ровно точно такое же по исполнению как в прошлой части, то есть МЕГА АХУЕННОЕ.

Возможно, если бы первоначальную концовку не слили, если бы ЕА дали Биотварям больше времени на разработку, если бы разрабы переосмыслил какие-то отдельно взятые элементы геймплея, то мы бы с вами получили очередной шедевр на уровне, а может и лучше 2 части, но в итоге мы получили просто отличную игру, которая хоть и хуже предшественницы, но даст пососать 90% игр современной индустрии.

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Mass Effect 3 is truly one of the games of all time.

An overwhelming majority of this game is fantastic. Damn near every moment and choice feels impactful, with Tuchanka and Rannoch being among the best experiences in a video game ever. “Had to be me: someone else might have gotten it wrong,” and “does this unit have a soul?” are moments that are forever engrained into my memory, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The issues I have with this game, however, are its treatment of Renegade options and, of course, the ending. Renegade options in the previous games — for the most part that is — are largely Shepard biting back at whomever they’re talking with. Typically it’s used to knock some sense into people, both figuratively and literally, which provides a perfect contrast to a Paragon Shepard’s sense of pride and selflessness. Some Renegade options in ME3, though, have extremely severe, sometimes genocidal consequences. I don’t fully understand why they decided that Renegade options are suddenly evil, when their primary purpose is to provide a more badass, unfiltered, “play by MY rules” sort of RP style. It just feels wildly out of character (which, while on the topic of out of character, a lot of characters feel that way throughout the story).

Now for the ending. Look, on the one hand I have to give them credit: a war on that scale is bound to have solutions that come with exceptions and stipulations. It’s just that none of the outcomes felt good. I know they’re not supposed to be, thematically anyway, but considering this is an end to a beloved trilogy you’d think it would be a little more satisfying; sadly, it’s not. The options are all bad. Anyone who says one ending is better than another is deluding themselves.

Control enslaves the Reapers, allowing Shepard to basically ascend to Godhood and become the next Catalyst. Given that a decent chunk of ME3 is witnessing organics and synthetics bond with one another, with organics coming to more willing rely on synthetic technology and the synthetics learning how to become more personable and develop their own individuality, enslaving an entire synthetic race seems like a major step in the wrong direction. Also Shepard looks like an idiot talking The Illusive Man out of Control, and then doing it themselves.

Synthesis is essentially indoctrinating every being in the galaxy without their consent — let alone knowledge. Even if you don’t believe it’s indoctrination (which it is: you’re doing exactly what the Reapers want), you’re still altering the genetic code of everyone and everything just because you can. Just because you think it’s the right thing to do.

Destroy is genociding all synthetic life, including the geth who you (depending on your choices) just saved from genocide. Even though it initially solves the problem, it’s technically a temporary solution. Unless organics learn their lesson when rebuilding synthetics, the cycle will continue again in several thousands of years.

Refusal is stupidity, as its essentially going “yeah nevermind I’m good,” and pretty much sacrificing everyone in the process.

I ultimately chose the Destroy ending, and no — I’m not happy about it. I don’t think it’s the right ending, even if my Shepard survived in the end. There is no right ending; there is only nonsense. I feel like, if anything, the ending is a clear indication that the writers needed more time (which is especially evident given that Synthesis was added later and is not an original ending).

Even with those issues, I still wholeheartedly enjoyed this game. Even if there were many moments that hurt (both from heartbreak and cringe), I still loved it.

I love watching how loss, after loss, after loss twists Shepard’s face — wearing them down. I love Shepard having the opportunity to admit that they’re truly not okay, and having a spare moment to confide in their companions.

I love joining Kolyat in prayer for Thane’s final moments, and realizing that his last prayer was not for himself, but for you.

I love Legion asking if he has a soul, and when you respond in the affirmative, he makes a decision for himself through his sacrifice, and I love that his soul is memorialized in the names of the fallen aboard the Normandy.

I love that when Shepard speaks with the Elcor Ambassador and asks how many civilians were evacuated, he takes a long pause before replying with “not enough.”

I love that when Shepard approaches EDI towards the end, and she is calculating the innumerable risks before them, they ask if she is afraid. I love that they’re able to recognize her fear even if she’s unable to comprehend it, and I love that in spite of that fear she’s resolute.

There is so much tragedy and joy in this game, and it’s a devastatingly beautiful blend of grief and hope. Entering the third floor of the Normandy and seeing the memorial wall increase in length will always hurt, but it only bolsters my determination. Hell, seeing it pay off by watching the entire fleet rush into the Sol system at the end gave me chills. This game isn’t without its problems, no, but they’re not glaring enough for me to ignore the near countless moments that forced me to pause and take a deep breath. Even with the ending feeling ultimately pointless, I still enjoyed the journey along the way, and for me that’s more than enough.