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Foi minha primeira experiência com a franquia Momodora, e eu curti bastante. Momodora III por mais que seja bem curto, continua sendo bem divertido para um jogo plataforma simples.
A arte do jogo é fantástica, as boss fights são boas também, e as músicas nem se fala, obra de arte.

Por ser meu primeiro, fiquei bem satisfeito com o que joguei, em breve jogo os outros da franquia.

Pretty much exactly what I hope for from a follow up to Momodora II, the art direction was yet again significantly improved and there was a spade of new content. There were a lot more unique bosses too; something the previous installments were severely lacking. I really enjoyed the story developments here as well, with things like going back into time to fight with Kaho sticking out. Callbacks like Mariel mentioning Princess Eri and just being able to play as Momo or Isadora were nice as well. This game doesn't particularly standout among its competitors, but its a solid time with a lot of cute elements.

joguinho mt foda, a arte melhorou bastante em relação ao segundo jogo, senti um pouco de falta do mapa e da exploração do antecessor mas é uma sequência bem sólida.

Jogo brasileiro muito FODA, primeiro momodora que eu joguei e posso dizer que eu curti muito

The beauty of Momodora 3 is that even though the game has a punch to its difficulty, you can easily punch back and break its face.
Very early on, you get an item summoning a helper afterimage who hunts enemies for you. It's not invincible, but it makes most enemies way easier to deal with.
There's another item that gives you a fast charged projectile, which when used in conjunction with the other item that gives your projectiles a poison trail, makes regular enemies a joke.
And, of course, I can't forget about the item that gives a 4x damage boost when on low HP. With this, bosses become a joke, even the last one.
I beat this game in 2 hours, but considering the busted shit, it can be beaten much faster. Considering this game has an achievement expecting you to beat it in 25 minutes (and a world record time of 6 minutes 14 seconds), I think it can convert anyone into a speedrunner.

Cute little platformer, enjoyed the art a lot and provided a nice challenge while being a really brief experience

Short but sweet. Infinitely envious of rdein's use of small colour palettes and subpixelling to make character sprites that are deceptively simple yet perfectly readable.

É o que eu esperaria da sequência do primeiro, mas sendo o terceiro jogo. É bem menos interessante que o segundo, mas é muito mais competente que o primeiro em tudo.

Queria ter gostado mais desse jogo, mas ele é meio decepcionante. Dá pra dizer que serviu de base pro Momodora 4 e 5. Os itens quebram demais o jogo, o máximo que morri pra um boss foi só 2X, além de serem super lerdos e fácil de ficar espremendo o botão de ataque.

Pure vibes and great soundtrack

Eu queria ter gostado mais desse jogo do que eu gostei do II, eu realmente queria, mas não foi o caso

Fechando a "trilogia" dos Momodora clássicos, Momodora III retorna as raízes da franquia, voltando a ser um jogo mais linear, sem mapa, com exploração limitada. Eu, pessoalmente, curti mais a vibe metroidvania do segundo jogo, mas entendo os motivos pro rdein ter feito o jogo dessa forma

O combate do jogo foi tecnicamente aprimorado, mas eu curti mais o esquema de upgrades do jogo anterior do que o sistema de equipamentos implementado aqui, já que com os equipamentos ficou bem fácil quebrar o jogo, trivializou a necessidade de entender o moveset dos chefes (chefes esses que foram pouco interessantes, sinceramente). A trilha sonora também foi algo que me deixou meio decepcionado, ela não foi nem de longe tão marcante quanto a do último jogo

Porém, é inegável que esse jogo é graficamente mais agradável que seus antecessores, o trabalho das artes é notável, uma salva de palmas pros responsáveis

A short game that's still fun even if it takes around 30-40 min to beat. Returns to the linear aspect of the first game instead of the metroidvania approach of the second one. The pixel art of the game is gorgeous.

Being able to facetank literally every boss in all of these games (except for ping pong attacks in 1/2) is so fucking funny I literally did not make a single motion to dodge any attacks in this game i just equipped the low hp damage boost and mashed attack
4/minorias system of giving you a bonus item for nodamaging is such a good idea and workaround to this but it also makes a certain boss (cough cough fennel) aneurism inducing i have no idea how i managed to get that on my first run of that game
Also i feel like rdein wanted you to play as dora more than momo in this game but i will always pick momo because i am shallow and like her haircut more.
Really looking forward to moonlit farewell as well as any future projects bombservice/rdein have.

É um joguinho mt legal, bem fácil e eu pessoalmente me diverti mais com o momodora 2

Don't know if it's just me but even on Hard this felt like a breeze, the game's very easy and cheesable tbh, still a small and entertaining experience, just nothing mind breaking

Tough little game. Extremely small sprites, short attack range, damage flicker, screen shake, and fast attack speed of the main character make this game feel inscrutable.

Enemies deal a lot of damage. I recommend playing on easy mode.

Level design feels kinda troll-y. Expect lots of one hit kills via spikes and pits, plus mimics and false floors.

I think I could like this if I was in the right mood, but I'm definitely not.

I preferred Momodora 2 over this game, but Reverie Under the Moonlight is the clear winner of the series.

If you're looking for more after that, play Moonlit Farewell. It's also very good.

os 3 primeiros momodora realmente nem se comparam com os novos jogos, eles são bem básicos em um geral

teve bastante evolução nesse comparado aos 2 primeiros, mas n tive mt vontade de jogar até o final, mas mesmo assim zerei em 1hr30

this game is the closest I've come to scratching the Cave Story itch. Fun bosses, tight controls, the hard difficulty is a great challenge. Criminally short though, and the story is essentially non-existent outside of some exposition.

An improvement on its predecessor in pretty much every respect. A little more focus on the story, which I really liked, and some of the fights were very tough. However, I very often lost track of what was going on in some of the boss fights, so the small pixel graphics really aren't that advantageous :D Otherwise a cool platformer with once again great music and charm :)

cute little platformer. nothing much more.
its a nice little follow up after momodora 1 & 2 and works really well. the music is outstanding, spritework is as cute as always - everythings nice and a short adventure that leaves a somehow nice note to it. little secrets and paths you can discover, characters to fall in love with. loved it!

Just a short, sweet little game! The newer ones are definitely more my thing but with how short this one is you can't go wrong.

Momodora 3 is a much better version of the first game with that similar stage based structure and continuity but with the added option to retread old ground via checkpoints to get more currency for shop items, or to find secrets you possibly missed. The artwork and music here feels almost perfected into what the developer wants this world to look like and maintains a uniqueness in both art and sound - this is where the momodora look and feel truly starts standing out and the cave story inspiration is more so in the background. Multiple endings with a choice between two characters it has replayability and reason to do so.

Back to the original game´s more level based design, still with some exploration to find a few secrets. The most polished so far on the series with very pretty pixel art, monsters and character designs.

Jogo curto, simples e funcional. O jogo é bem divertido e mesmo sendo curto, da pra aproveitar bem, caso se interesse por continuar jogando, pegar todos os troféus na steam é uma boa. A arte é linda e os designs são muito bons. ÓTIMO JOGO!

Tão bom quanto o 4° na minha opinião, pena que é bem curto