Reviews from

in the past

Gearbox é um estúdio que coleciona decepções e jogos memoráveis, essa versão do Bordelands tinha os ingredientes certos pra um jogo narrativo marcante, porém aqui a execução foi deixada de lado.

Gosto muito do humor do jogo, mesmo com umas coisas forçadas, a gameplay é praticamente reclusa e dispensável, faltou mais momentos de "ação" e menos diálogos vazios.

Os pontos altos do jogo são totalmente deixados de lado com um jogo longo como ele, 8h poderiam ser 5h fácilmente.

É estranho saber que esse projeto poderia ter sido muito bom, muitas vezes o simples pode fazer falta.

Did not bothered playing this one, skip if you are a borderlands fan, SUCH A DISGRACE!

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Despite reading generally unfavourable reviews I thought I'd give this a go. While I can't say I was disappointed as my expectations were pretty low I ended up thinking it was just okay. The main characters, the main 3 in particular... Mostly Octavio... I found to be a bit annoying at times and I couldn't quite connect to them.

I'd have preferred it if this game was a direct sequel to the first game. Find a reason to get Rhys, Vaughn, Fiona and Sasha together for another adventure. See how they've changed over the last few years since they all were together and in the case of Fiona and Sasha we can find out what they had been up to.

I also wasn't a big fan of the stats measuring team bond, friendships etc as that had a direct impact on the ending you get. The original games method of littering the first 4 episodes with big choices and having them bring consequences in the final episode. Like if you choose to spare Felix in Ep1 then you get the option to recruit him in Ep5 which leads to him giving you enough money instead to hire a vault hunter.

I am glad I played this game but I can't see myself playing it again for a long while. This also marks the end of my Borderlands marathon, every entry In the series from BL1 to this plus DLC! 🤟

It was really cool to see some of the old school characters again, and I really did enjoy the characters in the new one, I think the first one was just gold but that doesn’t mean this one is any means bad, it’s a still a fun time :)

The only game that im like "yeah I hope they decide this is non canon"

This game is terrible, the writing feels like an AI wrote it, the characters are annoying, the jokes are unbearable, and the ending is unsatisfying. I wish Telltale made this, maybe it would've been as good as the first one.

It's fine, just fine. First Tales was better and the humor in this one is more inconsistent.

i had this installed on my switch i just kinda played through it so i could delete it ngl i been very much over the Telltale-type games for a long while my curiosity for this one was mostly coming from it not being a Telltale games but one by gearbox itself but that didn't really make a big difference

For a company that claims to care about telling quality stories, this is quite literally the polar opposite.

Thanks Randy, you barely legal squirty magic trick on a USB drive medieval times profiteer off the backs of hard working game devs not noticing $10 grand off your credit card lying low rent party magician Penn Jillette fellating back stabin mall narcing sega cheating greasy bastard!

L0U13 is the only good character.

Look how they massacred my boy...


I think even God hates this game.

This game should’ve been about L0u13 and that’s it

Not even worth the time
just replay the first one that one was a masterpiece

I don't really know how to describe this game in a way to justify a review. The overall dialogue is ok, the overall storyboarding sucks, the individual minutiae in writing was much worse, the characters average at mildly interesting, the pacing is confusing, the game looks really good, the animations sucked something horrid, the sound design must have been good cause I never noticed it, the licensed music choices are baffling and the non-licensed are forgettable, the gameplay elements are slightly better than you'd expect, the gameplay systems are very well polished (despite a lack of necessity), and the UI is great. It's not overall a positive experience and yet I still felt positively impacted by my time playing.

New Tales felt like a genuine accidental faceplant from people who tried really hard to care, and not a 'oh no, I'm going to fall over and hurt my beautiful visage and gameplay-ability weally weally hard, don't get mad at me ;(' like from many examples that could be listed (Eg: Gollum). The only explanation that I can think of for this game being the way it is, is that a completely fresh team of creatives were told to make another game like the original Tales but given no other direction besides a list of qualities to include that clash with any ideas they had. Though, to be fair, the game is not all bad, it's mostly negative to various degrees minus LOU13 (which is a genuinely good character and arc), the sheer amount of comedy crammed into this thing which statistically means jokes will eventually land, and the Tediore guards (the best part).

It's real telling when the most emotionally impacted I felt from a narrative adventure is during the credits, specifically from all the messages the creatives at Gearbox left for their friends, family, and/or the player. The worst part is that they already did this with Wonderlands, and so despite the genuinity it feels hollow/shallow/deceptive coming from the company which fired most of it's workers without promised bonuses after it's most successful game release in years (Borderlands 3). I only played this game on a whim after buying the Pandora Box at a steep discount (which lives up to it's name in this aspect).

I don't know how to feel about this game (despite the score, that's more for other people to understand my opinion of their likely enjoyment of the game), and especially this franchise as a whole. It keeps seeming lately that with every video game that releases critiquing art under capitalism or highlights the corruption of corporate greed over individuals and culture, the same game highlight's it's own company's/art's flaws and failures the most eloquently and loudly (Cyberpunk, Steamworld, Borderlands, Respawn Entertainment as a whole, etc). Unfortunately this is one of those games that sucks as a metatextual thing to own, despite the wishes and wills of the creatives to make something special and worthwhile. I fear deeply for this franchise, despite the obvious emotional detachment I should feel, and many studios like it that find themselves in similar holes of production oversight, forced franchise building, visions and scopes beyond their creative limits, and art for the sake of consumerism. Fuck Randy Pitchford, and thank you the many creatives at Gearbox who still tried anyway.

Really makes you feel like listening to the same old New Tales from the Borderlands

Had I not played this with a friend I'd have fallen asleep multiple times, except for Fran, the robot and the psycho all other characters were immense cringelords with a severe case of marvel/netflix humor, plus the way the main characters' survivals are decided makes no sense whatsoever

Nowhere near as bad as everyone made it out to be, it’s just…aggressively mediocre to an almost insulting degree, especially when compared to the original. The worst thing a story based game can be is unmemorable, and that’s exactly what New Tales from the Borderlands is. Also, the system that tracks which ending you get is completely broken and doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

L0u13 is alright, but he's no Loader Bot

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Em resumo, você acompanhará o desenrolar da história, bem próximo do que um filme faz, mas poderá interferir no andamento, tomando decisões pelas personagens, explorando alguns ambientes e participando do mini-game Arcadeiros, que é bem simples, você luta contra seu adversário usando uma miniatura de alguma figura icônica de Borderlands, apertando um botão de ataque e se esquivando. Embora seja divertido, não é nada complexo e bem rápido, a cereja do bolo é que no final do combate você consegue executar um golpe final, tipo um Fatality.

the dialogue, which is most of this game, is not good. some of it is funny but most of it is really witless

the one star is for the art style and graphics every thing else is awful

Extra half stars for Things during the credits