Reviews from

in the past

Aqui você finalmente vê o Jogo levando uma forma e virando o que é hoje

Felicia and Morrigan are really cool, I like them

Woke up this morning and decided to play Darkstalkers really fuckin' hard. Cheap piece of crap, can't even quarter-circle!

I played through about 7 character's stories, though I couldn't tell you what actually happens in any of them since I'm playing off a burned Japanese copy. The ending cutscenes are all very cute, though. I'd let Q-bee move in anytime she wants, and she bring her whole carnivorous family with her. Some of the best character designs in the genre, if you ask me. I'm a BB Hood main only because I can't get enough of her beatboxing.

Like with most fighting games, I'm neither smart nor seasoned enough to really dig into the technical aspects. This plays good, the animations are great, and there's some really solid hit feedback, so I had a fantastic time with it. Just a shame someone decided to design the Sega Saturn D-pad such that it connects to a thin piece of brittle plastic fed through the mold of the face plate. I think BB Hood should beatbox over their graves (BB Hood is not real so this statement is not legally actionable, according to my lawyer, Larry Davis.)

Otro juego de la saga sin explorar demasiado, pero a la vez cuando lo jugue se sentia mucho mejor que el primero y los nuevos personajes jugables fueron una adicion muy agradecida.

Interesting how this game reverses one of the things that made the first game unique compared to Street Fighter, but in compensation, your Special Meter can now get up to 6 (or maybe even more) meters, encouraging players to use their EX Moves more.
Also, even if their playstyle is not my cup of tea, Donovan and Hsein-Ko (Lei-Lei in Japan) are cool characters to have!

Besides that, this is less of a sequel and more of an expansion of the original, kinda like going from Street Fighter II to Super Street Fighter II.

Rating : 8/10. An enhanced version of the original Darkstalkers a year after it released akin to something like a street fighter 2 turbo. The roster receiving 4 new characters which was already incredibly distinct makes this a definitive version of the first game to play.