Reviews from

in the past

Damn this was hard I honestly don't see how anyone can get threw it with out using save states it starts at the first part of the last stage if you get beat by the 3 final bosses, its a good game though with a decent storyline for a NES game.

Where to even start, God help anyone trying to finish this game without save states. Under the right circumstances though, this is a very enjoyable game. The cinema scenes in between the levels are fantastic, combat is fluid and fun. Great experience.

played on Switch, haven't played much of it but its probably good

the gameplay feels excellent, ninja wall jumps and using your sword and special items is awesome. not to mention the really fun cutscenes, its refreshing to play an NES game with an actual story.

that being said though, this game really ruins itself in the last couple levels with bullshit enemy placement and really frustrating respawn mechanics. the final three phase boss guantlet is awesome on paper but in practice is nearly impossible without save states, at least for someone like me who is less patient.

definitely enjoyed my time! but its soured a bit by the end. cool game :)

This game is a little sad because it's actually super fun to play but it's held back by exactly what you would expect from an NES game. The first few levels are great but into the endgame it gets insufferable. The biggest issues are the presence of lives and how enemy respawning works. It also sucks getting caught on walls when you don't want to. Much like classic Castlevania, the game's controls feel very deliberate and hitting a flow with them feels awesome. The cutscenes are a bit verbose but I think they're cool.

Abused save states big time. Doing otherwise should be classified as self harm.

Dentre os efeitos mais comuns que o crack pode causar no corpo dos usuários, estão taquicardias, convulsões, espasmos musculares, disfunções sexuais, além de graves danos a diversos órgãos, como coração, rins, fígado e cérebro.

Em longo prazo, a pele ganha um aspecto extremamente ressecado, enrugado e envelhecido. O dependente da droga deixa de dormir e se alimentar corretamente – o que leva à perda de peso –, bem como pode vir a experimentar estados em que se sente paranoico, ansioso, desorientado, hostil e agressivo.

O uso do crack também aumenta o risco de diversos problemas graves, como doenças cardíacas, pressão sanguínea elevada, insuficiência respiratória, infecções, aumento da temperatura e dos batimentos cardíacos, sangramento pulmonar, derrame cerebral e ataques epilépticos.
Além de causar efeitos no corpo, o crack tem o poder de provocar diversas sequelas na mente do usuário. Isso porque a droga proporciona um prazer intenso que dura cerca de cinco minutos e que é seguido por um estado de depressão grave e paranoias.

O quadro de depressão, que fica mais profundo a cada uso, faz com que a pessoa queira consumir cada vez mais a droga. Para satisfazer esse desejo, ela é capaz de cometer atos desesperados, como roubos, assassinatos e até suicídio, dependendo do grau de intensidade da depressão.

Também prejudica a capacidade de raciocinar, pensar, caminhar, falar, perceber e controlar os impulsos. Em alguns casos, o dependente pode ser acometido por fortes alucinações e delírios.

La única forma de pasarse el juego es con tácticas de speedrun por gracioso que suene.

Tight controls, good level design and abnoxious enemies. This game is like that pet dog that show its love by biting, it's a demonstration of love that F'ing hurts, but nevertheless, is still love, you just need to learn how to appreciate it.

A classic that deserves do be remembered.

Still stands high and tall as one of the best games on the NES even in spite of its dated enemy respawns and atrocious boss design.

Muito do jogo é claramente um clone do primeiro Castlevania, porém, tem um charme muito próprio que os Ninja Gaiden da Team Ninja posteriormente transportaram pro 3D, e como alguém que gosta muito deles, eu me senti em casa jogando isso. Sim, são estilos completamente diferentes, e isso pode parecer só muito idiota, mas passar denovo por frustrações parecidas... foi estranhamente satisfatório? Eu sempre achei que parte da graça de Ninja Gaiden Black, era como a experiência era uma grande montanha russa, subitamente variando entre "isso é muito divertido" e "isso é uma das coisas mais estúpidas que já vi na minha vida", enquanto a obra coloca um ninja em uma situação que normalmente não se espera desse tipo de fantasia, misturando ninjas, samurais, demônios, militares, cidades modernas, sci-fi... qualquer coisa que parecer minimamente legal. Isso não necessariamente é um mérito, porém, no meu caso, me fez valorizar mais os acertos do jogo e também me marcaram de uma forma esquisita, hoje lembro de momentos frustrantes que tive durante a experiência com um certo carinho, já que esses momentos me irritavam de verdade e nunca me deixavam só entediada. E bom, esse Ninja Gaiden me trouxe algo parecido, é completamente estúpido, e tá tudo bem.

People ate good in the NES era, I'll tell you, I can see myself playing this game almost everyday trying every single time to beat the final gauntlet, as I tried during this month. Despite its age, Ninja Gaiden controls incredibly well and the wall jumping adds a lot of strategy and cool factor to the platforming. I'll just say that some enemies' placements feel unfair and the knockback is frustrating, but once you get used to it and know the lay of the land, it's not that bad. It's not an issue when they respawn if you never get hit and get out of there as soon as possible.

The perfect game to speedrun or just casually enjoy, it may be on the hard side but its story sections, levels and music make it all worth in the end: easy to play, hard to master, it feels incredible to beat.

Ninja Gaiden (1988): La historia es un meme y genérica a más no poder, pero es un esfuerzo titánico comparado con lo que había. El gameplay es pocho y aquí no excusa la época porque el diseño consiste en paladas de enemigos al tuntún, que era vago entonces y lo sería ahora (6,05)

Impressive narratively for the time, but those birds really wanted to instill trauma like my god.

Hard but just git gud scrub

vsfd mn, literalmente não vale a pena, nem um pouco, a gameplay é pessima, a mecanica é quebrada e mal feita(sim caralho eu sei que existia as limitações da epoca, porem mesmo assim consegue fracassar) é dificil pra um nivel que não é retribuido com conquista nem nada, pois a historia mesmo é pessima mal feita e feita com a bunda de tão ridicula, e ainda tiveram a cara de pau de continuar essa historia horrivel em mais 2 jogos.

vsfd ninja gaiden, vsfd.

Ninja Gaiden is fire and hard

with cheats - fun and challenging
without cheats - hell

overall a cool game in video game history, the story is engaging even for an nes game from 88 and the cutscenes help with that.

Name one reason why this isn’t the best NES game of all time.

A pretty difficult game but still fun until you have to play the last levels

They should have called this game Sully with the amount of birdstrikes going on.

J'ai persévéré mais même avec le rewind la difficulté du dernier niveau est tellement débile que j'ai utilisé la version EX pour arriver aux boss de fin. Gros respect aux aliens qui arrivent à finir ça à la régulière. C'est d'autant plus dommage que la difficulté soit aussi pétée qu'on a affaire à un exemple de beat them up qui pour l'époque tentait de soigner un minimum son enrobage narratif et avait une présentation graphique au top. Mais quelle putain de tannée à jouer...

This game is like abusive relationship
U love it but it hurts :))

Finished playing ninja gaiden.
Yeah i'm sorry i did not have a great time with this game. First of all the gameplay was pretty fun, the movement was fast and it was cool to see cutscenes on an NES game but sadly that's pretty much where the positives end for me. As many people know this game is hard like very hard but not in a good way. The difficulty is mainly because of poorly placed enemies that respawn (fuck dem birds) and the unnecessarily strong knockback. Thank god i played this with save states because whenever you die you get sent back at the beginning of a level and that probably would've made me lose my marbles. The bosses yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh their not good 😬 especially the last 3 bosses holy fuck they are so bad. So yea i personally did not like this game but hey summoning salt made a great videos about the world record speedruns so ig that's something. 5/10

The emphasis on storytelling (with actual cutscenes and dialogue, no less) is impressive considering that this is an NES game. The levels are often frustrating.

This could have held up amazingly, but there's some really BS level design and enemy placement, and questionable hit detection. But the cinematic stuff is insanely impressive to me considering when it came out and it still feels good to play.

Even with rewind, this game is still super hard.

The path of a ninja is hard, but rewarding.

got all the way to the penultimate boss and gave up. i like the early cutscenes and the game feels great to play, but the level design and enemy placements are so incredibly bad. why do the birds (the hardest enemy to avoid) do 3 damage when nearly everything else does 1