Reviews from

in the past

Fun co-op looter shooter, really has this 360 era vibe to it, which I actually enjoyed. There's not much to say about this one to be honest, it tries to be a 3rd person Destiny, but also just a regular co-op linear shooter. The complete edition tends to be on sale often, so it's worth trying.

I know many disagree with this, but I liked that there wasn't any grinding required to progress through the main campaign. While some might not like this "end game", I think it fits this game fairly well. Any longer and it would be dropped, since the gameplay loop isn't engaging enough to sink tons of hours into.

Square Enix has been smoking a lot of something these past years. They've released a lot of schlock, to say the least. Outriders, I think, was the telling sign.

I actually bothered beating this with a friend in co-op. Mechanically speaking, it's a game that tries very hard to be dynamic, despite its cover shooter aesthetics. In fact, cover shooting in this game is discouraged. Enemies can easily wipe you if you don't keep moving and gunning. It kind of reminds me of Bulletstorm- Now wait a minute, who made this game?

The problem with this game, if I were to actually compare it with Bulletstorm, is that it's a god damn RPG. An RPG shooting game is bad news: Enemies are insane bullet sponges, and with the dynamic difficulty mechanics in place, you're going to take way too much time to gun down your enemies. The final boss fight took me and my friend over 30 minutes to beat because of how many bullets it took us to just whittle down the boss' HP. I've never seen anything like it, and I played Borderlands enough to know what I'm saying. At least, with Bulletstorm, you could just kick an enemy to a spiky wall and be done with it. Fast, easy and satisfying is nothing that this game has to offer, unfortunately.

So we beat the final boss and stopped there. This is the kind of game that wants you to keep on grinding, however. My patience, on the other hand, was eyeing elsewhere. Make a compelling plot for once, and maybe I'll care about playing your game some more. As it is with Outriders, it's all secondary thoughts.

They made a DLC at some point, too. Good on People Can Fly for trying, but, like, you had to deal with Square Enix, as well. It just wasn't meant to be, after all.

Completely ignoring the issues (which WILL be fixed eventually), this is a solid game. The loot feels satisfying, legendaries are unique, really nice gameplay loop because the combat is fun. Just don't treat it like a cover-shooter, as it is not. The cover is for your enemies.

I haven't even touched the endgame Expeditions mode yet, took me about 40 hours taking my time with the main & side quests without rushing anything, and I'm still having lots of fun. Some might call the story mediocre, I thought it was nice, it especially starts picking up after the middle.

Utterly unpleasant game. I am so low on "Loot" in general so maybe this game was an uphill battle for me in the first place, but the first 75% of the game was a thoroughly depressing experience of trudging through damage sponge enemies to finally reach a mediocre equilbrium, to then hit a new difficulty spike sending you back down to the bottom. Only towards the end of the game do you feel like you have really started to outclass the difficulty curve, but even there it only reaches passable time waster. The fact that the game feel like 20% like Gears of War, maybe my favorite shooter series of all time, only serves to make the experinece even more baffling.

Outriders sells itself on the fact that it is a single player story experience and not a endless online grind, a fact i might commend it for if it wasn't the most miserable misanthropic stories i've played in a long long time. Gears without the heart, Borderlands if it tried to take itself seriously. The story is grimdark dreck that drunkenly weaves from dark comedy to painfully obvious tragedy, climaxing in some of the most thematic inappropriate final plot points that the game utterly fails to earn.

Even playing co-op, a feature that usually earns a game a lot of goodwill from me, didn't do much. We were both completely sick of this thing at the end. Be kinder to yourselves, don't play this.

Enjoyed my time with this game, never got around to finishing the campaign though. The gameplay of it was really fun if not a little repetitive.

Good fighting but repetitive. Story is decent, the game is just super grindy at times and hard to upgrade your current load out as you cannot get enough shards to keep up with the levels. I also always have on the max difficulty tier so the drops are higher but get little to nothing good. Only got it because it was dirt cheap, not a bad game for the price but can be fun and cannot be fun at the same time.

New weapons drop every few minutes and if you don't keep picking them up and equipping them you will just not keep up with the insane power creep. I've never before seen a game that so blatantly forces you to vary your playstyle in such a shallow way. There's really only like four varieties of weapon, they just have bigger number for more happy, so you can keep up with the enemies' increasingly big number for more bad.

Rapaz se ele não fosse tão pesado eu jogava de boas, mas aí PS4 Slim não tanka e a gente chora

Jogo é muito divertido com um sistema de loot muito gratificante, História simples, mas interessante e uma gameplay no estilo Gears 5, o multiplayer é bem completinho com você podendo fazer literalmente tudo com seus amigos, mas o unico problema do jogo é que ele queria ser um jogo de serviço no estilo destiny mas infelizmente a distribuidora não conseguiu alavancar o jogo que por isso teve apenas uma dlc bem fraca e morreu, indico para quem curte jogos LooterShooter para passar o tempo pois como ele está sem suporte e não receberá mais novidades pode se dizer que o jogo acabou.
Nota: 7/10

Super divertido pra jogar com os amigos, um bom looter shooter. Recomendo pra jogar com os amigos
Obs: zerei com 30h

tbh, not much to talk about this. I honestly didn't pay any attention to the story, but the gameplay loop is surprisingly fun. So much so I only finished the game due to the gameplay's satisfaction.

Best played with someone else otherwise you will die alot. Grew on me over time

Copying my review on steam from late 2021. Thanks to the person who put me on this game, you made me waste money on a piece of shit.

After so many months waiting for this game to fix its incredible issues, I was left disappointed. The white-knights who claimed this game would never die, that nerfing the players and buffing nothing was a good thing, and that because they "probably" didn't experience any bugs it meant the game as a whole for EVERYBODY shouldn't be dealing with bugs... all of you, this is your fault for encouraging this studio's behavior because everything you claimed absolutely was not the case. This game is still a bug-riddled unplayable mess, just being able to play the game past the title screen is a gift from god. The nerfs were eventually walked back because they very much were NOT a good thing, but far too little and too late. It still wasn't enough after all the nice buffs they did. The game is a shallow seedling compared to how it started, being currently outlapped in terms of active players by 5 year old fighting games, XCOM 2, and Monster Hunter games not even a full 6 months after Outrider's release. The game has no roadmap ahead of it as all the devs do is abandon their subreddit and constantly push "bug fixes" that don't seem to really do any bug fixing but somehow add new bugs to the game. Such a shame that the game was insanely enjoyable and had so much potential with free updates down the line when it launched, ignoring the bugs and TERRIBLE servers. Within two weeks, PCF decided to kill their own game with a terrible nerf update, fixed nothing for months, blamed the players for "simply not understanding the drop rates" when they knowingly hid drop-rate information from the players, and then remove future support for this game. This game needs some voodoo, dark magic, blood-signed deal to save it. The way I see it, this is a bigger failure than Anthem ever was because at least the Anthem team PRETENDED to care instead of ignoring their own subreddit for so long while the listed admins were CURRENTLY ACTIVE in other subreddits (ironically enough this included the Destiny subreddit).

The story is insufferable. The pacing, the dialogue, the characters, they all suck to the highest degree. BUT... I will say the backstory and the lore are far more interesting and in fact outright pretty good. The Wanderer was clearly going to be a heavy focus on any planned expansion or DLC, if there ever was a plan to begin with however is up for debate now. The locations are actually interesting. The armor and gun designs are insanely well made, the skills/mods and the ability to move mods over to other equipment you can level up was a genius design choice. I would rather outright have transmog or layered armor but, this is a pretty close second. The skills, when they weren't all nerfed and then poorly rebalanced as an apology, felt incredible to actually use and the skills themselves were really creative and interesting. There WAS plenty to love about this game until future support was killed off, bugs ran rampant and made the game unplayable for most, and the overall design of the balancing and the endgame (which consists of TIMER BASED MISSIONS, aka the fucking DEATH of interesting and fun builds as now its DPS or nothing) being left the way it is leaves Outriders in the camp of "What Could Have Been Great 2 Electric Boogaloo" alongside Anthem. Rest in piss, Outriders. Eat your heart out PCF, sticking to your guns isn't usually a bad thing. But in cases where the majority of your playerbase was complaining about legitimate concerns and the ground you stood on was anti-fun? Standing your ground only works on solid ground, and I hope you see now how spoiled and rotten that ground you chose to stand on is.

The only thing that could save this game is going F2P after fixing your game, and then making DLC expansions, akin to what Destiny 2 did. I wish I were kidding but that's honestly the only future I see for this 2,000 concurrent players on average mess.

Oh, oh right the co-op. It constantly crashed my game. Consistently. I've heard from many people this has not changed. So, it's not even worth it as a co-op game. Yeah, sorry. Sucks, huh?

Muy similar que con Destiny 2, perdí el interés al poco tiempo de intentarlo y me aburrí, no es lo mío.

Some slight B-game vibes aside, Outriders is a more-than-serviceable looter shooter, and that's probably selling it short a bit. The story reminds me quite a bit of Mass Effect Andromeda's, but here it's more engaging, and more of a exploration of the depths of humanity. Meanwhile, the gameplay (which I experienced solo) can get pretty samey once you get the hang of the overall loop, but it never came off as particularly easy or tedious.

Felt like a mediocre 2012 game in the year 2021

Que jogo entediante.
Até que os graficos prometiam muito do jogo, mas que estória fraca e monotoma.
Não me pego em nada.
Passe longe.

Que juego tan aburrido dios mío.

A game made by people who liked Thor The Dark World and decided to make their Avatar. Somehow even worse than Avatar about Indigenous folks.

Addicting looter shooter loop. Story was enjoyable enough but the acting was pretty bad and characters not so great

Fun for a while but gets old faster than light

A very beautiful game, unfortunately not in all places as expected. Essentially, a typical space movie from the 20s combined with a gumbo-type grind, but 3 times more dull.

Очень красивая игра, к сожалению не во всех местах, как хотелось. По сути типичный фильмец о космосе 20-ых соединили с гриндилкой по типу дестени, но в 3 раза унылее.

Typical looter shooter mechanics with a story better than the first Destiny. Top tier AA title.

Não tenho palavras para descrever o desastre que foi esse jogo.

Ele tem uma premissa muito boa ligada a um novo planeta que a raça humana está a se apropriar dele já que conseguiu destruir a terra. E nesse planeta seu objetivo e descobrir o que tem nele depois de um grande muro que divide as áreas seguras da anomalia presente no planeta, até então sem justificativa para sua existência.

A sua campanha é bem estruturada com personagens legais com histórias que são contadas ao decorrer da campanha, tem alguns plots interessantes até.

O grande problema do jogo é que ele funciona a base do servidor online, e eu nunca vi um servidor tão deplorável quanto o desse jogo. Durante os três primeiros meses do lançamento, o jogo estava injogável ainda mais quando se trata de um jogo que a premissa dele é jogar em cooperativo com outras pessoas, entretanto era possível jogar solo mesmo com o servidor estando em péssimas condições, porém o jogo ainda sim era bastante desafiador quando você não tem experiência com esse tipo de jogo.

Enfim, não tenho muito mais o que acrescentar sobre esse jogo, apenas que a experiência de milhares de players foi estragada por contar com um jogo coop e até hj não conseguir jogar, além da DLC paga que foi lançada por um preço absurdo e não ser nada além do mesmo, uma vergonha de jogo com potencial que foi inteiramente jogado no lixo.

Nota: 0,5/10 sem condições que jogo ruim

A refreshingly straight-forward looter shooter that doesn't aim to be a GAAS mess. For once.

I played this game almost at launch day (thanks to game pass). So i can absolutely assure you , i saw the brunt of all the jank and buggy nature of outriders from day one.
Yet, ofcourse i have rated this game as above average. Thats exactly what it is , a very flawed , old timey looter shooter. The gameplay is alright really , the guns and abilities worked well together, the enemies provided an acceptable challenge and the story too had me interested and intrigued.
Ofcourse the kind of game it is , there were glitches. The dialogue writing was average at best and the story did not pay off whatsoever (i can bet they were hoping for a follow up in dlc or sequel).
Still i really cannot fault it from my eyes , specifically because i did not pay full price for the title, and it was fun for most of the run , a good story through interesting biomes.
I understand its a bit of a nothing game in a way , neither good nor bad enough to get your attention. But it is not the worst thing in the world , and should you pick it up , you can potentially have a good fun time !( maybe get it on a sale !)

I abandoned Outriders. Why? I originally played the demo/beta, whatever it was that released for Outriders. The beginning of the game is much more story focused with a little bit more cinematic presentation and actual characters. So I was interested in seeing more from the game and learning about the world. Unfortunately, that cinematic presentation was only kept in the prologue of the game.

Rest of the game, the actual game is all about killing wave after wave of enemies. And while the gameplay is solid, it’s not as fun as something like Destiny. Or even Division. At least alone. Because there are 4 different classes in the game so playing with your friends that has other classes equipped might be more fun.

I think Outriders is for sure a co-op game. You can technically play it solo as well but it was too boring and too repetitive for me. And I am someone who can platinum Ubisoft games by the way. So my tolerance for repetition is probably much higher than your typical gamer. I, just couldn’t do it with Outriders. Played around 5 hours I think.

Exceedingly boring and repetitive gameplay