Reviews from

in the past

Definitely a title I'd love to see more people try it, pretty low budget but a cool premise/story with some decent characters. I was a little iffy on the ending but overall a fun experience that kept me on my toes and engaged.

Dragged at parts and some of the spooky yokai stuff was ridiculous. Also had to youtube the finale because I forgot something important, but I was ready for it to be over. However, I loved the ambiance and soundtrack to this game. It felt ghastly and creepy and I wanted to be in that world. Saved it from being totally meh

Would get a holy peak but I hate the ending.

o começo é legal mas dps acho q se perde mto nas 3 mil historias paralelas, dito isso, boa visual novel. bem legalzinha.

Sadly not remotely creepy other than three or four moments, but it's a cool, engaging supernatural murder mystery with a rich, if underutilized setting, whose characters unfortunately mostly just stand around explaining and speculating at each other. The framing device, flow chart, and light investigation mechanics just weren't robust enough to convince me that this had to be a game and couldn't have just been a manga or anime. All the alternate endings are but quick, single-scene detours. I liked the story and was happy to see it through to the end (which frustratingly implies that it could have been telling a more interesting story the whole time), but I admit I wish I had a stronger reaction to it. I'm still not completely sold on VNs that don't have much game in them.

Interesting premise and setup with all the fun developments and character interactions you'd expect from it, but it does also have some nice surprises and twists. I do have to admit that some of the twists are a little silly though. Still, I was invested in the plot and characters all the way through. Very fond of the soundtrack as well.

Charming game all around, very much enjoyed my time with it.

there's a very distinct sum-of-it's-parts vibe to Paranormasight- that feeling you get when you're absorbed in a cracking book- that i didn't want to end

always got time for games that tell stories by leveraging the fact it is, indeed, a videogame. to say any more would be spoilery

maybe the best prologue i've ever played?

using 360° camera pan is consistently cool, with some extra 4th wall puzzle gimmicks thrown into the mix. would have enjoyed a couple more of these!

slapped a star right off this thing for using one of the dullest tropes. high school teacher blackmails student to do shady shit. tasteless and overused, but mercifully portrayed well enough not to put me right aff the game

This is an absolute unit of a mystery game that was probably too ambitious for it's own good. The conclusion after about 17 hours of intense debating about theories with my friend was decidedly mediocre (which is probably a generous statement).
Disregarding the ending and despite somewhat questionable writing and puzzles at times, I can only see the time spent as very worthwhile.
I'd say my favorite parts were the atmosphere and the mystique and folklore associated with curses and getting to know an interesting set of characters (very) slowly unraveling horrors and mysteries ranging from last week to nearly 2 centuries ago.
This is one of those games that will stick with me. Not because it is the greatest to ever do it but because of that feeling of suspense and the fun of bouncing ideas about pretty abstract concepts with a good friend.
Thus in conclusion, give it a shot the vibes are immaculate and there's a delinquent dove sticker by the name of High Coo.

It's always hard to comment and review on story-driven games like this visual novel avoiding spoilers. Paranormasight is a well-put-together visual novel that provides a good narrative, interesting characters and plot, and an intriguing setting. The story and plot are interesting throughout the whole game and keep the player engaged in finding out more about the curses that are affecting the City and how the ultimate goal of the curses is/will be activated as well as finding out the story behind it.

Gameplay revolves around reading a lot and making decisions/asking questions to progress. Parts of the game involve a 360 panoramic view that allows the player to inspect different components within the view. There are some very clever uses of in-game files and observations that the player will have to use in order to progress through the game. The soundtrack and sound effects are very good and appropriate for the nature of the game and its setting.

All in all, this is a very solid visual novel that came out of nowhere and it's definitely worth exploring if you are a fan of the genre.

such an interesting and cool game, the visuals are genuinely stunning for a visual novel too

What a beautiful and engaging VN! The artwork, music, and story were all fantastic. My only gripes are that the story sometimes requires extreme puzzle solving that requires a guide sometimes, and the use of cringey jumpscares in the first hour. Other than those, this was fantastic and I'd easily recommend it to any horror/mystery fans.

Un excellent visual novel en globalité, mais pas fan du tout de la fin.

tenia que haber sido mas larga pero btw ha estado mu bien

Best game of 2023 not even joking. Mio best character

A very tight pulp paranormal-crime procedural adventure game that is about as enriching pulp novels and only about twice as long to finish. The big adventure game swings feel really exciting without ever getting too complicated with its flowchart and all of the character work between each protagonist is laser focused. The ending is pretty fumbled but the game doesn't spend much time developing themes beyond the literal narrative events that happen to the characters so it doesn't feel like a huge loss. There are a lot of ways that this game could be rearranged and become exceptional, but it's truly pretty good just taking it as a little flippy novel.

This review contains spoilers

I think the concept of this game is awesome. I love games that break the fourth wall. I like how you have to keep things in mind from other timelines. That being said, there is a LOT of reading, and sometimes it felt like I was going through the books from Skyrim. I'm sure if you're really invested in the story, it will be fun to go through and read everything, but since I was unfamiliar to that kind of story, I do wish that the game explained things more or at least made things clearer.

All in all, a fun game with cool gameplay mechanics (I especially like the part in the beginning where Shogo has to turn around.)

Globalement bien écrit, plutôt bien rythmé et emaillé de plusieurs rebondissements haletants (bien que pas toujours surprenants). Le jeu a néanmoins un peu de mal à bien négocier ses différentes conclusions et se perd un peu sur la fin en voulant absolument appuyer des points qui sont franchement un peu secondaires. Il est aussi dommage que le jeu ne pousse pas plus loin les très bonnes idées de gameplay qui surgissent à quelques rares moments et qui permettent de sortir un peu de la linéarité de l'intrigue.

Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo is a great, short visual novel. I just got this game on a whim because I saw OSTs of it popping up in my recommended and it was on sale, and I was pleasantly surprised by the outcome.

Honestly, I’m terrible at handling horror games and jump scares so thank god I only had to get through an unsettling hour of gameplay until those became essentially a non-factor. Conceptually, this game is so good. I love how each character gets a different talisman based on one of the seven mysteries of Honjo, each with a different activation to kill others. I loved trying to figure out how each curse-bearer activated their talisman, it was such a mystery. The prologue confuses me a bit, however, I loved the fact that it’s essentially a kill or be killed scenario, really reminds me of Danganronpa. The bulk of the main game is solid. I love the use of unconventional methods for gameplay like altering some game settings to deter death, really love how games like this get innovative with their gameplay elements. The story has a timeline, and you can lose yourself over worrying what happens when, especially in a mystery-esque game like this.

The game was great, until near the end where I kind of got a bit bored and wanted the game to finish. The final plot reveal was hella boring and probably is the main reason this game gets a four star rating. Also, I personally have a minor gripe with some of the sprites and their lips (I’m sooo picky but it’s just something that kept annoying me). That didn’t really detract anything for me, it was just extremely noticeable.

Overall, a great game, with a few blunders. Also, Erio is peak and must be protected at all costs.

The prologue is absolutely incredible, and the game is very well written and designed... BUT it really does fall into the same camp as Raging Loop for me: I found myself wishing for less exposition and more chance to play with the really rich and interesting 'battle royale' mechanics that had been established.

Really liked the setup with the prologue with the whole curse bearer battle royale, was very interesting trying to discover who are the curse bearers and how exploit their weaknesses and/or trick them for falling for your curse. Unfortunately after that it meanders around for way too long only to have half its twists be super obvious or super eye rolly. The other half of the twists are quite good at least and I absolutely love the art style of the characters and how the camera moves around at different angles to frame different emotions and moods.

Decided to play this after Super Eyepatch Wolf's video and honestly am disappointed. It's not bad per se, but just mid as all hell with a lot of potential left out.
The game has a great prologue, but from there goes meandering throughout the entire story with the ending that has an interesting idea, but is really underwhelming.

- It has gorgeous visuals. The game is undeniably one of the prettiest VN I've played.
- Has some great suspenseful and surprising moments.
- The story is rather engaging and complex, with some clever red herrings and foreshadowing. Though at times it can feel as a jumbled mess of coincidences.
- Some really creative 4th wall breakage.

- No distinct gameplay or exploration, and VERY few puzzles. The game is just a series of simple click-through dialogues and a bunch of text entries.
- The story is very linear, with several dead-end fake endings consisting of a couple of minutes of text and are not even worth mentioning.
- Characters are underdeveloped. The story mostly focuses on the overarching plot or frequent exposition dumps and rarely does any notable character moments.
- A ton of missed potential. The first few hours of the prologue have some of the best moments in the entire game, where you try to outsmart the opposing curse-bearers. It actually feels like a thrilling game of cat and mouse. But after that, you barely do anything like that for the rest of the game.
- The game introduces you to some interesting mechanics and then uses them only once or twice more in the entire game.
- It is relying too much on the cheapest jump scares with a ghost.jpg flying in your face and making a spooky screeching sound. Particularly in the first quarter of the game. Especially made worse by the lack of voiceover or any ambient sounds.
- No voiceover, no ambient sounds and though the music that is in the game is good, it's a very limited number of music tracks that get extremely repetitive.
- A few really dumb anime tropes. Like not immediately shooting the bad guy and letting them get away, or making the player to sympathize with a potential mass murderer because they're sad and unloved, etc.
- Felt maybe a bit too long for how simple and repetitive it is.

In conclusion, not a bad game, but I just can't bring myself to like it much. If only between the endless dialogues it had some more puzzles or actual gameplay like Danganronpa or Zero Escape games. Then I'm sure I would've liked it that much more, and could ignore some of it's problems.
Maybe in the sequel, if there ever is one.

if they don't release a sequel i will probably cry : ( art, atmosphere, and characterization were wonderful, after finishing i just wanted MORE !!

Very good adventure game with fantastic presentation, characters and pacing, was having a great time through it all.
I do think it could be like 2 hours longer or something tho, because IMO it kinda rushes the final stretch and left me slightly unsatisfied, but despite that I think it was very much well worth playing through it and would recommend it to anyone.
SE please for the love of god release more stuff like this, ty.

really cool premise and awesome art style but unfortunately doesnt really follow through with some ideas, still a fun experience tho

Went in completely blind and honestly that's the best way to play this. I feel like it does get a bit wordy at times but the mystery and the art and music are all really good. not a very long game either. would recommend if you like the nonary games or the somnium files

es una de esas que el camino es mas chulo que el final pero me ha gustao mucho, la recta final en general es bastante frenetica (para bien), los personajes son muy majos (richter kai deberia estar en todos los videojuegos) y el arte es preciosisimo. uno no lo diria pero es del mismo tio que los twewy!
ma molao mucho :^)

Incredible premise and compelling story and characters. Tragically, it kind of shits the bed with the ending.