Reviews from

in the past

I love these but also they are SO hard

I think Pikmin 2 is 5 stars so I think this is 5 stars.

A great port and the best way to get into the series. Love these Gamecube ports Nintendo does I'll buy them all

It was fun to look back at the franchise's origins. But I'm thankful the series has improved so much since then. It felt like a step back, especially after playing Pikmin 3 and 4 right before it.

im not paying 50$ nintendo go fuck yourself. price point seems stupid to judge a game but goddammit man im tired of switch games costing up the wazoo gimme a reason to use your piece of shit hardware you fuckers

One game I like (one), and another game I do not like as much (two). Good ports.

Just finished pikmin 2, and as much as I appreciate what they added to the game for the sequel, it just doesn’t feel the same as pikmin 1. I miss the tension of the timer. It made me feel smart when i could plan out the day and execute it exactly how I wanted, or fuck something up and scramble to recover. Pikmin 2 has a different kind of strategy involving the dungeons you enter and demands you curate and maintain your limited pikmin as best you can. It led to some tense moments where i contemplated returning to the surface with my few remaining pikmin, but without the timer my days were a little less organized and I never felt like i was losing precious in game time by fumbling something, just wasting some of my own.

That sounds harsh but only because otherwise this is a great game, and the encounters that involve switching between Olimar and Louis are some of the best!

Dramatically stands at the end of a cliff overlooking an endless, glorious sea with the waves crashing against the rock and the wind blowing in my hair and jacket.
Oh my god. It's the perfect package.

Pikmin is always so much fun. I have only played the first game, and only one time at that. I fumbled my last two days and locked myself out of getting that final part I needed for my ship. This is my turn to redeem myself at last. The remaster has been great so far and I am noticing some small additions to certain enemies which are fun and welcome. I think there is one section where they gated off an area by purposefully making my pikmin stop following me, but perhaps my memory is fuzzy.

At long last. I have redeemed myself. Olimar returned home to his family at last, with his ship intact and gifts for his family with plenty of time to spare.

Such a great, unique game. I'm glad Nintendo still finds the time to make more of these. I love real time strategy games, though I often can't find time to play them, so having something like pikmin where I can pick it up at any time and go as easy or hard as I like is fantastic. Time to start pikmin 2

As someone whose first experience with Pikmin came in the form of the Wii version of the first game, the sheer announcement of this was music to my ears. A version of the classic Pikmin games that I could play without the wonky Wii controls? Sign me up! And thankfully, I'm glad to have been signed up, because now I can see what made these so popular in the first place.

The re-release is rather barebones and doesn't have any real new content to entice longtime fans, but if you're looking to have these games on a modern system (or you just want to have the whole Pikmin series on one platform) a $50 price point, you can't go wrong.

Finally playing Pikmin 1 and 2 after beating 3 a couple years ago and just thinking "that was pretty good" has me feeling like this

Great and convenient way to play two of the best games of all time, but play on Gamecube instead if you can.

This is really neat package. Not too expensive and has a couple of great games that you'll certainly get your moneys worth from. I prefer the more rigid survival structure of the first game. However I still had a great time playing the second game, but that was a little too chaotic overall.

It's nice to have a complete series on the same console now. I hope we get a few more treated like this, too (we won't).

Honestly do not gaf that this is 50$ cause if they didnt release this i would have probably never played them. This is not like when sony releases tlou for the 25th time on a console that is fully capable of playing the other 24 versions

I had the first game when I was a kid, and the time limit used to really stress me out. I was so afraid to mess up that I never actually ended up beating the game.

After having completed 4, I decided to go back and buy this bundle, and finally get my revenge on Pikmin 1.
It ended up being pretty straighforward and I beat it in basically one day, with more than half of the in-game days left to spare.
Really shows how 20 years of life and playong games chamges you and your perspective on games.

The next day, I booted up Pikmin 2, and oh boy, it is a very different beast. I think one my friends had lent it to me as a kid, and one of the only things I remembered from it is how I disliked being only able to get purple and white Pikmin from caves (I think as a kid, I was so afraid to lose Pikmin that I spent days farming them, so having such a strong restriction in 2 bothered me).

I feel like the target audience for Pikmin 1 and 2 are pretty different :
1 is fairly chill after all, even if it is horryfing to see your Pikmin be eaten, drown or fall to their death.
2 is overtly trolling you at points. While you progress in caves, bombs or ennemies will sometimes drop on you from litteraly nowhere, and the design of the ennemies in conjuction with the randomly-generated level layouts can be very frustrating. I think back of it with a chuckle now, but on my first playthrough, I was definitely not laughing.

Nonetheless, both games are little gems, but the second one took me at least 4 times longer to beat than the second. Even though they look very similar, what they achieve is very different, and I ened up warming up to Pikmin 2's tough love after all.
Give them a try !

Die Ports zu Pikmin 1 + 2 kamen genau zur richtigen Zeit, um den Hype-Train für Teil 4 anzutreiben und die Spiele machen auch heutzutage noch eine Top-Figur, egal ob am TV oder im Handheld-Modus. Ich liebe Pikmin und ich liebe es noch mehr Pikmin auf der Switch spielen zu können. Wer die Spiele nicht von früher kennt, sollte definitiv mal einen Blick riskieren, denn ich finde hier versteckt sich ein ganz besonderes Franchise, das vielleicht nicht ganz so viel Rampenlicht kriegt wie Mario oder The Legend of Zelda, trotzdem aber einen Platz in den Herzen von Nintendo-Fans weltweit mehr als verdient.

This is how i actually experienced these games i reviewed the gamecube ones oh well

Pikmin 2 has been on my backlog for a long time and this felt like a good opportunity to finally get to it.

I remembered Pikmin 2 being a bit of a slog back in the day and spent a lot of time trying to build up a load of pikmin to make the game easier which led to me never actually bothering to finish it.

Years on this really hasn't changed much, I really do like 2, but it's a brutal game and I abused the ability to just quit and reload the cave level a lot because my god it's easy to stumble into a bad situation by the sheer number of fearsome critters the game just slams into every cave, especially late on.

But for all that I really did still enjoy my time with the game and found it a lot easier to enjoy the game if I accepted that sometimes I'd lose a lot of Pikmin, something I feel all the games try and gently teach you, you're supposed to care if they die but bear the burden of losing a good 80 in a day as long as you have the reserves to carry on.

After finally finishing 2 I felt it was only right to revisit the first game and found myself (not unpleasantly) surprised by how short it is, easily completed in a few sittings and full of interesting little niches, shortcuts and some optional bosses that I don't remember and wonder if I ever saw, overall its weird how much like a trial run the first game feels.

Overall I'm so glad that the first game has held up so much compared to my cherished memories of it and while I'm not sure I'll ever be eager to play 2 again I don't think I dislike it's sometimes brutal difficulty as much as I feared I would.

I played Pikmin 1 and 2 a lot as a kid and these games aged beautifully. Going back to Pikmin 1 & 2 after being taught Dandori was a real godsend. Except in Pikmin 2. I prefer that over Pikmin 1, but good lord the random bullshit that literally drops from the sky can fuck right off.

Either way, if you like Pikmin 3 or 4 from your previous experience on the Switch, you're gonna love these tougher Pikmin games.

Also, lol @ IGN for calling Pikmin a cozy series

This is definitely one of the best ways to play 1 and 2. Extremely convenient having all 4 pikmin games on the switch and easily playable at any time. The games are based off of the Wii ports of 1 and 2.

Since its based off of the Wii version, Pikmin 1 plays significantly better than it does on gamecube. You can actually change what pikmin type you're throwing now, and there's a lot less bugs (yellows don't drop bombrocks after whistling them like they randomly do in GC 1). Much more fun to play

I've yet to play 2 fully through on this version, but its not much better than the original GC version. GC pikmin 2 didn't have nearly as many issues as 1, so having the Wii version isn't nearly as big of an upgrade. Dungeons actually get easier since many traps are removed from the original 2, which can make the game less fun if you're the type of guy who likes having 10 bombrocks dropped on you.

My biggest issue is the fact that this game is widescreen. It's basically a bunch of lies, it's just the original 4:3 but stretched out. It's really obvious if you look at any text, which is comically squished in both games from this pack. You can set your TV to 4:3 and overall it ends up looking better. The supposed HD textures don't actually look different and is only noticable on the UI.

Lastly I'm not a fan of the swarm requiring you to hold left bumper to use, it overall makes it control much more clunkily. Pikmin 1 and 2 really don't need a freely rotating camera, rightstick would've been better solely as the swarm function like in the originals.

Overall this game isn't really anything special, its just a convenient way to play the adjusted ports of 1 and 2. Definitely worth playing if you haven't played the original 2 games though, and the upgrades to 1 make it much more fun.