Reviews from

in the past

Loved this game as a kid. I think this was my first Pokemon game funnily enough.

Everything that made the original fun with a gen 5 wrapper

Decently fun button masher. I think preventing your Pokemon from becoming stronger was a good move since it forces you to adjust to having different moves to play around with.

Again, mindless but weirdly fun. Worth a go if you can just get it for free.

I think I developed my ADHD and chronic shiny trampoline addiction because of this game

Quaint when you’re in the mood for it and unbearable if you’re not. The goofy 3D models are the highlight.

It starts out okay, but gets super repetitive and the ending is bad.

Fun, but the postgame is criminally grindy. Legendary Pokemon can only be fought in a special area that has a 1-in-20 chance to appear at the end of each stage -- and even then, you aren't even guaranteed to catch them!

J'en ai de très bons souvenirs.

what did the dark rust battle theme go so hard for

they made pokemon rumble an actual game with no micro transactions one (1) time and decided never to do it again. are they stupid?

I don't actually remember finishing this game but I remember it being decently fun.

the ui is horrid and the story is generic but the gameplay is really fun and its one of the best pokemon spinoff games

Je n'ai pas forcément joué au premier de cette mini franchise qui s'est éteinte je crois (enfin j'espère pas) , ça fait partie des jeux autres que la franchise principale comme Rangers, Poképark , Donjon Mystère ...

Et comme ces autres jeux et bien c'est assez original , des jouets Pokémons bizarrement modélisés mais ça en fait un certain charme , Une histoire simple malgré tout plutôt mignon.

Juste les points qui m'énervent = les changements parfois très lents ce qui est énervant quand ton POKE est K.O . , les diamants où les pièces parfois très très longues à avoir pour parfois pas grand chose et avoir certains Pokémons comme les légendaires se résume généralement à un facteur chance.

Sinon pour les points positifs personnels, les musiques sont très variées et change littéralement l'ambiance d'une zone à une autre .
Les contrôles sont super fluides donc à plaisir à jouer et à enchaîner des dizaines d'attaques ainsi que des combos , puis avoir tous les pokémons jusqu'à la 5ème génération (qui est l'une des meilleures chut) rajoute un plaisir de faire tout ce Pokéjouets DEX.

Le jeu n'est pas si long aussi si vous finissez juste l'histoire . Petit point à rajouter il y avait des fonctionnalités Streepass assez original qui rapportait beaucoup de bonus il me semble.

Si vous le trouvez pour pas cher je vous invite à le faire comme l'autre opus de RUMBLE WORLD où je reviendrai dessus bien plus tard .

++ Pretty fun as a kid
-- Pokemon collection clutter

I so, so wanted this game as a kid, seeing it in my friend's hands, and when i got to it, i remember having so much fun. Revisited while a bit older... It's not great, but the memories are too strong

my brother would play this on his 3ds for hours on end, mindlessly mashing a just to pass the time. after trying it once for myself I realized it was the most mind numbing gameplay ever conceived and I couldn't stand more than 15 minutes playing before being repelled from it forever

nothing too exciting, its fun to mess around with but not anything too special

I remember really enjoying my time with this on the 3DS! Not too much to it but some good mindless fun.

Pokemon Rumble was never my favorite series of Pokemon games, but it was fine.

Played it as a kid, found it super boring

i could never beat this game as a kid, not because it was too hard, but because it took about a million hours to actually complete it