Reviews from

in the past

Fascinating game. I intend to revisit and write a full review after I replay the Hulk game which preceded it (and initiated most of the basic mechanics)

I wish COD was never successful.... We need prototype in the mainstream.

What if Tobey Maguire turned his swag off?

Prototype is pure power-trip mayhem! You're this shapeshifter dude with insane abilities, tearing through New York, smashing tanks, you name it. The story's a bit cheesy and the missions get repetitive, but man, unleashing your inner monster is such a blast. It's kinda rough around the edges, and definitely got that edgy 2000s vibe, but if you want dumb, destructive fun, it's worth checking out.

Jogabilidade muito boa, a história é fraca, as secundárias são basicamente desafios que não agregam em nada na história e tentaram empurrar algo que agregasse nas secundárias que é absorver certas pessoas importantes que te dão informações pra complementar a história, mas sinceramente é meio tosco.

A superhero game that doesn't need to adhere to comic canon or parent company oversight, Prototype overcorrects a little to become almost childishly edgy. Nevertheless, bounding over a building in a single leap and liquifying a military officer on the other side of the block is undeniably a visceral thrill that Prototype holds in spades. The dialogue is trash and the missions become repetitive over time, but you'll still have fleeting moments of maniacal joy.

They didn't finish the title: "Prototype" for a Venom game

PROTOTYPE is the game I loved as a kid that I forget the most in my adulthood. gave it another shot more than a decade later and.. it's way better than I thought it would be?! fun shit, thank you radical entertainment!

I remember the game being kinda fun but just wasn't really my thing

was peak up until i had to add it to my list of games with shitass difficulty curves, the last few missions are extremely miserable and slow and go against the spirit of a game like this and it lasts long enough that i can't really write it off as a brief incident

The story of the game is not a big deal, I think the most important part of this game is the fantasy of power, which is spectacular. However, despite the good ideas it has, the game falls short in many aspects even in gameplay, its main aspect, because although it offers great variety and many possibilities, the controls and mobility can be very frustrating, picking a target or an item up can be terribly complicated, or even moving precisely, which causes you to jump around the map like a wild monkey when you don't want to, and if we're going to talk about that, the camera sucks too, and terribly.

The enemies can be awfully balanced, sometimes you're doing great and suddenly you lose 90% of your life because some character that moves faster than light hit you and threw you all across the map making the camera shake like crazy.
For example, the Supreme Hunter Boss fight. Who designed that? It simply is too chaotic having to fight the boss (That deals around 30% damage in a single blow) and 3 normal hunters at the same time, while 2 blackwatch tanks shoot everyone in sight, and ground soldiers shoot missiles at you, all that while fighting in a very limited arena inside a basement and with attacks that make you bounce like a basketball around the walls. Add to that the fact that Alex can't seem to just turn around and move the opposite way, no, he has to make a U-turn like a semitruck while running at 90mph crashing into all the objects in the map only to be sucker punched by a hunter and launched all across the arena and then impaled by those claw things the Supreme Hunter does everytime you touch the ground.

So, overall this is an entertaining game that fuels the idea of being an unstoppable creature, but beyond that, there is a lot that needs polishing besides it's lack of content that I don't even want to talk about.

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Mieux que Marvel Spiderman 2 .

Savage with venom like powers turning everyone into bloody chunks. Its messy. Gameplay is clunky and I’m not maxing out my powers. The missions get boring

Amazing game mechanics, interesting story.
A good RPG.

Prototype es un juego de acción y aventura ambientado en un mundo abierto donde asumiremos el papel de Alex Mercer, un ex científico de Gentek el cual se despierta en una morgue, sin recuerdos de su vida pasada y a su vez infectado por un virus el cual le otorga habilidades sobrehumanas, teniendo como objetivo, encontrar al responsable de su condición mientras recorremos Nueva York, la cual poco a poco irá empeorando por culpa del virus, convirtiendo a la gente en mutantes.

- Gráficos:
Dado que fue lanzado hace varios años, los gráficos y animaciones se sienten desactualizados, está bien pero se siente el peso de los años. El combate, las habilidades y la destrucción de entornos están bien logradas.

- Jugabilidad:
Es el punto en donde el título más brilla, da una libertad para explorar y experimentar con cada una de las habilidades que iremos desbloqueando a lo largo de la trama, el sistema de apuntado a mi criterio se me hizo muy tosco y difícil pero con el tiempo te terminas acostumbrando, el combate es súper frenético y adictivo.

- Historia-Misiones:
Una narrativa bastante común que presenta varios giros de trama pero nada que no hayamos visto antes, se siente un poco vacío el desarrollo de los personajes secundarios y en el desarrollo de la trama. Las misiones principales se basan en defender, escoltar y perseguir a lo largo de la aventura comienzan a sentirse tediosas y poco variadas.

- Banda Sonora: La banda sonora también es bastante normalita, no está muy presente en el juego ya que apenas la escuchamos, pero cuando está, sabe acompañar y sincronizarse perfecto con los momentos de acción que iremos viviendo a lo largo de la aventura.

- Conclusión:
Prototype es un juegazo que todos deberían de probar alguna vez. En mi caso, fallos en la jugabilidad como: misiones repetitivas, un sistema de apuntado tosco, gráficos desactualizados, etc. Demostró que el paso de los años afectó bastante a este juego que supo brindarme tantas horas de diversión, ahora solo es un buen recuerdo de mi infancia.

There's some fun to be had here, but the game makes you feel like you're getting weaker over time despite gaining more powers due to the absurd amount of enemies and helicopters they throw at you. The protagonist gets shredded by attacks pretty quickly and all of his stronger, slower attacks are easily cancelled out of any time you get hit by anything but the weakest attacks.

joguei quando era criança e continua muito foda

Had some cool game play elements, but didn't stick with me.

Story sucks but it doesn't really matter to me cause this game is just a ton of fun to play.

There is a lot of janky and annoying parts scattered all throughout, but overall I had fun being a skinwalker virus tearing through New York.

I tried this out because I had heard a lot of comparisons to inFAMOUS and, given that I really like inFAMOUS, I thought this would be a fun companion.

Instead, it just felt too janky for me, and only made me yearn for inFAMOUS.

I remember being really into this game, but it bricked my ps3 twice (thank you PlayStation support for being cool and fixing it).

Игра про дебила для дебилов, ой)

10 year old me thought this was the coolest shit ever

Janky af and could've been a really good superhero game but not that fun (at least for me) and I first played it like 10 years ago and so I have some idea of the story and so the story isn't an incentive for me to continue so I just abandoned it.

If you like games where you get to feel super powerful though, this'll definitely be up your alley, otherwise nothing truly special here. Really respect it for not being a generic shooter or something though and for trying something different, I think it is indeed not deserving of anything less than a 6, an above average game.

A fun game to play, but not really one that's got staying appeal in your brain. Unless, of course, your name is Coldsteel.