Reviews from

in the past

Skies of Arcadia is the videogame I will more often compare to some of the best movies from Studio Ghibli.

It is an underrated classic which presents a world made of clouds, pirates and timeless charm, fulls of stunning landscapes and secret that makes the world feel alive.

A music that flawlessly accompany every moment of the game.
A story that feels pretty traditional, but makes you care for the protagonists and the characters you meet on your journey.

Some parts of the game, especially combats and some of the dungeons, can feel repetitive or can carry for far too long.
But in my opinion it is still worth proceeding, as the highs of this gem are able to easily outshine its lows.

The fact that SEGA hasn't released it or ported this fantastic experience blows my mind. ABsolute waste on their part.

If you have the chance, give it a shot. It will stuck in your mind for years.

It's alright. Combat is pretty slow and gets monotonous fast and the encounter rate is very pronounced but it's alright. Nothing groundbreaking just fine game

Time has not been kind to this game. The battles are excruciatingly slow, and the encounter rate is too high. Still, I was glad to see this all the way to the end, and the story had its moments.

Lovey self contained JRPG

Storyline is a pretty traditional “save the world” quest with a very unique environments and memorable locations

Ship combat was engaging and unique

Characters are very charming and likeable, although not super deep

Like watching a fun anime

Skies of Arcadia não é inovador ou a coisa mais bombástica já feita, mas é muito bom. A Sega não é tão conhecida pelos seus RPGs, já que a maioria deles não atingem a mesma fama de suas franquias mais conhecidas, o que é uma pena, pois ela tem vários RPGs de qualidade, e com Skies of Arcadia não é diferente. Em questão de história, é bem típica para JRPGs, mas está longe de ser ruim. Se prestar atenção ele pega bastante coisa de jogos da época (os mais notáveis sendo de FF7 e Ocarina), mas isso não significa que ele seja um plágio descarado, pois ele tem sua própria identidade e não repete cegamente os seus conceitos. Os personagens são bem escritos, com o trio principal de Vyse, Aika e Fina sendo bem carismáticos, e os secundários que os acompanham também tem o seu charme. RPGs desse tipo costumam ter muito problema de escalamento em suas narrativas, ao fazer com que cada conflito aumente cada vez mais o escopo de forma forçada, mas aqui a narrativa deixa a escala resetar e ser reconstruída nos arcos mais importantes, trazendo um fluxo menos truncado. Outra coisa que aprecio, é que ele não é superexpositivo e se importa mais em mostrar do que em contar, respeitando mais a inteligência dos jogadores. Em questões visuais, é fácil não dar bola nos dias de hoje em que os gráficos são cada vez mais avançados, mas ao considerar a época (2000), ele é bem caprichado, com personagens e ambientes mais vívidos do que qualquer outro jogo presente, também tendo uma cinematografia mais elaborada do que a geração passada (pelo menos nos padrões de cenas em tempo real e não de pré-renderizadas). A exploração é gostosa, com cada cidade e dungeon sendo legal de andar e navegar os céus é prazeroso. O problema é que as batalhas aleatórias atrapalham a diversão. A frequência é um tanto alta, mesmo não sendo tão exagerada quanto dizem, mas é que a demora das animações e por encorajar exploração, os problemas acabam sendo mais notáveis. E quanto ao combate, é bem de praxe de JRPGs, e apesar de decente sofre de problemas com balanceamento. Skies of Arcadia não inova e é simples, mas ele faz bem o que faz, e isso é o que importa.

I still think about Skies of Arcadia from time to time. I don't really remember the plot of the game, but I do remember thinking that the overall premise of "pirates but in the the future with flying ships and laser swords" was dope as hell. I didn't play a lot of turn-based RPGs as a kid, but this one was definitely one of my favorites.

SEGA, just remake this one. It deserves it.
Your biggest fan, this is Stan


( replayed it, its quite good looking back on it )

Right up there with Grandia II for me. This game is just fun.
Taking the airship concept and building an entire rpg world around it was brilliant.
It could have been bad, but it ended up being epic. Some of the character designs are weird, but hey…it’s a JRPG. It comes with the territory.
I hope the GameCube version gets an HD upgrade. Cause, sadly, I bought this game like the day before they shut the servers down and you couldn’t download the dlc for it anymore lol

Influenced by many works of art like Studio Ghibli’s Castle in the Sky, Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Treasure Island” as well as Daniel Defoe’s “Robinson Crusoe,” Skies of Arcadia embodies a sense of adventure unlike any other. There is a great sense of freedom in this game. At a time where JRPGs were defined by convoluted lore, characters/themes dealing with moral ambiguity, and dark, harrowing settings, Arcadia would go back to the old JRPG roots and make its own mark on the genre. It doesn’t have heavy interpersonal drama or delve deep into the character’s psyche, but the simple joy of adventure. The game's sky-bound world serves as a backdrop for one's dreams and its enchanting soundtrack enhances the experience. Sometimes a game doesn’t need to be the most complex work ever created. Skies of Arcadia is a celebration for fans that adore JRPGs. There's a delight in playing this magical game yet if you delve deeper you'll find underlying complexity.

Granted, the game isn’t flawless; its random encounter rate in both the Dreamcast and Gamecube version is very high, and the combat is very slow, with lengthy animations. But, what the game sets out to do, its missteps are easily forgiven.

A game that brings out the inner child in me is truly priceless to me. I felt a tinge of sadness when the adventure in this game came to an end. The journey I experienced will always hold a place in my memories. Basically, this is a game that I'll definitely share with my children.