Reviews from

in the past

2d sections a little floaty, but good otherwise!

One of the least distinct Sonic games in terms of personality and aesthetic. Played it as safe as it could in an attempt to salvage the series' reputation among fans.

Oh right, I originally played it on Wii and got stuck by that goddamn level I'm pretty sure many had similar issues (you know, the constant chasing one).

Terrible story. Awful voice acting. GODLIKE theme song.

I haven't played a lot of Sonic games. But this right here, is where it peaked.

Ehk hauskin sonic game joka ei oo iki vanha

I can't believe this is the game that saved the series.

Colours kinda feels like 1 step forward, 1 step back from Unleashed.

Being a Wii game instead of a PS3/360 one, the presentation quality isn't as good. Not that I expect it to be, but it's a bit of whiplash. Still, the stages look pretty and vibrant, particularly Planet Wisp. The music is pretty good too. Not my favourite Sonic soundtrack, but in general Sega games tend to have good OSTs. The cutscenes definitely took a step back though, with the budget obviously being lower, leaving the game to be less cinematic. I wish Ultimate rectified some of these aspects more, but it's fine for what it is. Still a charming game overall.

In story and dialogue, this game is pretty light on both fronts. However, some of the dialogue could get a bit tiresome. Kinda felt like the characters were stripped to their basic traits, and focused more on making (shitty) puns than anything else. I know this series is for kids, but the humour was noticeably juvenile. However, I do think it's ok to have a lighter story every once in a while, and I was ultimately left with a satisfying, bite-sized adventure of saving the Wisps. It ended up being fun and light-hearted, even if I groaned a few times. Nothing grand, but not bad either.

The levels are pretty different. They place a greater emphasis on 2D platforming, which is perfectly fine and shakes things up, although it could get a bit much at times. The core Boost gameplay is fun as ever though, keeping most of what I like from Unleashed and trimming the fat such as excessive QTEs. All in all, it was fun to play, with the Wisps adding an enjoyable new layer to both gameplay and exploration/movement. One area I think this game is weak in though, is the boss fights. They're not very memorable or challenging.

So it's not my favourite Sonic game by any means, but still a perfectly serviceable experience in its own right. Really, my biggest criticisms are that it feels too "sterile" to stick with me + For every issue it fixes, it replaces with another one. 7/10.

Still holds up well today but gets half a star gone due to future boost games (generations specifically and unleasheds daytime stages) having just more to them. Still a good time though and its fun to just boot up and beat in a sitting time to time.

Genuinely the perfect Sonic game for when it game out. Taking the feedback from Sonic Unleased and stripping it back for better and worse.

Great level themes and aesthetics and a well implemented gimmick in the form of the wisps. While some stages can be far too simplistic and blocky for their own good, the creativity and fun from many of them makes up for it. This is also the last time I'll enjoy a Sonic story for a decade!

A very good 3D Sonic game with some of the best level themes and one of the best gimmicks in the series, a shame over half of it is spent in 2D.

No soy nada fan de los juegos de sonic, pero he de admitir que este sí que me gustó, probablemente por la temática y el estilo visual

Mediocre aburrido y repetitivo

No se crean que aquí expande la fórmula boost de unleashed (no lo hace)

Sonic Colors delivers a vibrant, high-speed spectacle that reinvigorates the classic Sonic formula. The game blends exhilarating 3D sections with sidescrolling platforming, introducing Wisps – alien creatures that grant unique powers to transform gameplay. The levels are bursting with creativity and the soundtrack is catchy as ever. While the story is a bit corny, Sonic Colors offers a satisfying thrill-ride from start to finish, perfect for fans yearning for a fun and focused Sonic experience.

Somehow both overrated AND underrated at the same time...

"I want Mario Galaxy"
Mom: "We already have it"
Mario Galaxy at home -

Sonic at one point calls a boss battle the BBBE ”Best Boss Beating Ever”. It’s nice that the game thinks they’re more fun than what I do. If only they could be as good as the levels.

A fun game, but nothing really makes me love it

As partes 3d no entanto são pura arte e exalam criatividade obrigado sega eu te amo sonic

Back in early 2017, I was at a bit of a low point in my personal life, and a few games in combination with my discovery of YouTube helped get me out of it. This, Kirby's Return to Dreamland, and Battle for Bikini Bottom were the main games in question, so it'll always hold a special place in my heart for that alone.

But even then, this is a really good Sonic game. It takes the boost gameplay and manages to switch it up without feeling gimmicky thanks to the introduction of the wisps. Not to mention, it looks and sounds amazing to this day. Sure, some levels aren't the greatest, the bosses are lame and the writing sucks, but in spite of all that it manages to be good, great, awesome, outstanding, amazing even.

It was one of my favorite 3D Sonics when I was a kid, and after recently replaying it, I can say it still holds up well today. I love that it doesn't take itself too seriously, has cheesy cutscenes & solid gameplay all-around. Some of the slower bits in the 2D sections were a little jarring & there's some jank here & there, but I still have a soft spot for this game for sure.

I remember this being fun but I dont remember just going off the vibe

I played the Wii version.

This was the first 3D Sonic game (first Sonic game being Sonic Genesis lol) I played as a child so I do have nostalgia for it but honestly find it fine ever since this decade, damn just when I thought I was gonna really like this game again. The level design is just fine but the six acts per zone is kind of pushing it but considering the length of the game its just fine. It honestly feels like more of a simple platformer compared to the other games in the franchise which is executed well but it honestly doesn't impress me like the best moments of the Unleashed and Generations. I like the Wisps as well but the story kind of sucks but Generations story also sucked and that game was fire so I don't have much to say on that. This is what the franchise needed at the time but its honestly not for me and its easily the weakest game in the Sonic games that uses the boost formula, wait a minute what's a Sonic Forces?

The DS version looks really cool though so I'll probably check that out sometime afterwards.

Un soplo fresco al erizo que dentro de lo que cabe es bastante divertido, aunque me gustaria que aprovechara un tanto más el boost y que no fuera tan en 2D (y que varios niveles no sean puro relleno)

PACMA se cuela en el Circo de Benalmádena.