Reviews from

in the past

such a cute game! i enjoyed my time with it. it does get a bit repetitive, though. i wanted to 100% it, but it becomes such a grind to attempt to get all the stickers that i just could not do it

In general this game is a mix of Good Pizza Great Pizza, Coffee Talk and Unpacking, but made in a boring way that just makes your head hurt. Every story is shallow and doesn't add anything to the game in general. It takes more than 10 hours to beat it, but it's so boring that in the first 30 minutes of gameplay you already feel regret of buying it. The idea of having client's stories is cute, but your gameplay will change NOTHING on how the story goes. It may be fun to play on stream to make your viewers interact with bits/donations, but is nothing more than that. Very overrated :thumbsup:

This game is a perfect cozy game to spend a weekend on. I will say theres not much content so its hard to get a ton of hours in on it, but its adorable and well made. The style is so cute that it made me want to start a little sticker shop of my own. Definitely play this game!

Update: I literally cant stop thinking about this game its been months

I fully see the appeal, and i liked making a few stickers. But it becomes pretty repetitive. I felt like i had enough of it after 30 minutes, so yeah you could probably just put it on late at night and do a few days ingame but that's basically it. The music is nice and the art is good and the mechanics are pretty well made too and you can definitely get creative with it. Just not really my thing.

Relaxing and unique. I love dipping in and out of this game.

"Sticky Business" is cute, simple, and very relaxing! It has a wide variety of stickers for you to create your own, as well as fillings and papers to assemble your orders. The customer stories are quite touching, and they are extremely captivating!

The game receives updates with more stickers, as far as I've seen, so that's another positive point! I just wish there were some extra challenges, even if they were optional, or more activities to add more content to the game.

Overall, the game delivers a very satisfying experience.

Una idea muy sencillita, pero que funciona muy bien para lo que es. Es un juego que casi no es ni un juego, es más un espacio creativo tranquilito y muy simpático acompañado de historias cortitas siempre positivas y optimistas.

El editor de pegatinas es bastante robusto para lo sencillo de utilizar que es y permite crear cosas muy complejas y detalladas si quieres dedicar el tiempo a ello. El bucle jugable es sorprendentemente adictivo, puedes tirarte un rato largo empaquetando pedidos casi sin darte cuenta.

Me ha gustado como idea y está bien ejecutada.


A very simple concept which works pretty good for what it is. It's a game that's almost not a game, more of a cozy, nice creative space accompanied by short, positive, always optimistic stories.

The sticker editor is quite robust for how simple to use it is, and it allows you to create pretty complex and detailed stuff if you want to put some time into it. The gameplay loop is surprisingly addictive, you can spend a good while just packing orders without even noticing.

I liked it as an idea and it's well executed.

She took the sticker business with her. 😔

cute and charming, really enjoyable to create new sticker designs

very fun to make stickers!! i wish there were more to it but it's a fun concept and the art is awesome. makes me wanna open up my own sticker shop irl!

its fun! but after getting all the little chat logs with your customers there's nothing much more to do, but its just kinda fun to space out and design cute stuff, very cool :)

AHHHH i love games like this. the cozy vibes and simple yet addicting gameplay plus the cute stories..i love

Although just a demo, Sticky Business seems quite fun! With the building stickers, selling, and repeating gameplay loop being quite good, yet lacking depth. However it would already apear as if such will be massively improved on following the full release; particularly with the introductions of the upgrade shop, and the goals that will bring to said loop!
Currently shelved till full release!

me? designing stickers on this game instead of making my own stickers to sell at conventions? it's more likely than you think

Visuals: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕
Music: 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑
Story: 🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑

Overall thoughts: It does get a little repetitive, but the cozy gameplay is very calming for my brain.

this gets very overwhelming for me, but i do understand the appeal

Del mismo modo que todos los caminos conducían a Roma, todos los juegos wholesome parecen confluir a una misma dirección repleta de azúcar, especias, y muchas cosas bonitas. Abstrayendo la realidad que conocemos para sustituirla por un espacio de confort, accesibilidad y música lo-fi que sirva para estimular el cerebro y mantenerlo en estado de trance. En un espacio estático y gris, dejando que la creatividad emergente sea capaz de obrar resultados fehacientes, antes que queden aparcados en un rincón de la imaginación hasta expirar por inactividad. Hay quienes consiguen concentrarse al instante y otros que se distraen mucho y necesitan un empujón de vez en cuando para sentirse vitales. De todo esto va la obra primeriza de Spellgarden Games y su espíritu artemaníaco, que raro sería, no os haya cautivado en algún periodo de vuestras vidas.

'Sticky Business' propone montar nuestro propio taller de creación de pegatinas cuquis y motivacionales, que serán compradas por gente virtual necesitada de soslayar sus vicisitudes de primer mundo. Su mayor virtud está en las facilidades que ofrece para construir dichas pegatinas con elementos predefinidos, una interfaz simple de entender y maniobrar, y obviamente la estética pixel-art y colores cálidos que amilanen el alma de los receptores. Con muy poco esfuerzo se puede tener una pegatina capaz de causar sensación en tu tienda virtual, y una vez impresas en cartulina (ahí intentando encajar todas las que se puedan en un folio A4), tendrás que empaquetarlas y enviarlas según los encargos que lleguen a tu tienda. Algunos clientes incluirán mensajes en sus comandas sobre cómo han descubierto la tienda y lo mucho que les han ayudado las pegatinas para tirar hacia adelante como los de Alicante. Un poco para endulzar el día y hacer que te sientas mejor por hacerles la vida más llevadera.

Este será el único contacto que tendrás con ellos a lo largo de la partida, porque tal cómo acostumbran los juegos wholesome, no existe una progresión como tal que altere dramáticamente los acontecimientos y rompa esta fachada bienqueda que hay montada. ¿Riesgo de llevar el negocio a la ruina? Ninguno. ¿Provocar el descontento de tus clientes? Les da igual lo que envíes, aunque sólo obtendrás recompensa por cumplir los requisitos del pedido. ¿Qué se supone que obtienes a nivel de jugabilidad? La potestad de comprar más elementos para crear más pegatinas, para vender más pedidos a tus clientes. Si se mira de lejos y con las lentes un poco distorsionadas, no se va demasiado de lo que haría cualquier 'Cookie Clicker' de la vida. Existe un límite de tareas que puedes realizar cada día, forzado para que no gastes todo el tiempo diseñando pegatinas y desbloquees el contenido lentamente… y ya está. No hay nada más que extraer de 'Sticky Business'.

Como resultado, la experiencia de juego es agradable pero tiene el encefalograma plano; sin altibajos, ni vivencias que generen reciprocidad, emoción, expectativa. 'Sticky Business' prefiere reducirse a ser una simple herramienta de collage, pero muy pronto se percibe extremadamente monótona y repetitiva por las pocas opciones que ofrece ajena a su función vital. Eso no hace su mensaje inservible, no obstante. Quizá las pequeñas etiquetas que hagamos tengan alguna utilidad en el futuro, puedan imprimirse en material físico, o nos hayan inspirado a echar rienda suelta a nuestra creatividad en áreas que creíamos fuera de nuestras posibilidades. Quizá sea el pistoletazo de salida a algo nuevo, o pueda tomarse como ejemplo de las pifias que seríamos capaces de hacer con tijeras y cartón en mano. Pero me resisto a pensar que haya sido una pérdida de tiempo.

PD: mención especial a la amplísima colección de banderas LTGBI que ofrece para personalizar tus imágenes; un pequeño detalle pero significativo para que muches puedan exponer orgulloses su identidad como personas y sentirse libres.

game is cute and fun but most certainly overstays its welcome, becoming repetitive and at times tedious. this is combated by playing in short bursts. still, i really like the concept, the art style, and (most of) the execution, so i think it deserves a pretty good score.

Perfect for what it is- a cute little game about making stickers and selling them to enthused customers. Very cozy but it doesnt have a ton of incentive to keep playing. Still had a fun couple of hours with it though :)

Cute concept! it is fun for a little while but it does get boring

Super cute and light-hearted game of building your own little sticker business. This is my perfect "boost of happiness" game, because I really just open it for 15 minutes at a time and groove. This is a game I wanna keep an eye on, because I think there's plenty of room for a wide variety of features or even just more sticker choices to be added, but in my mind it's a pretty complete, small game. Banger soundtrack as well!

great game but i would love more options like being able to write custom phrases and being able to use numbers, also don't try to get every achivement, i did and it sucked the fun out of the game for me near the end

fun!!! a really nice pick-up-and-play cosy little time filler. i was hoping for more story-based stuff or like, drive/intent to actually play i guess, but once you complete all the customer chat logs to their end there's not much else to do. which is fine! this game is clearly intended to be played solely to relax and have a chill little time rather than Complete A Videogame. it's super cute and fun for what it is and i had a good time with this

Por mais que ele se venda como um jogo de gerenciamento, e essa parte realmente exista e funcione, Sticky Business realmente brilha em ser um mundo de potencial para pessoas criativas, mas que não necessariamente sabem (ou querem aprender a desenhar). Combinando as centenas de estampas em novos desenhos e narrativas, é fácil se perder no mundo de possibilidades que a sua mente pode trazer para a sua nova lojinha de adesivos. Pode não ser um jogo pra todo mundo, e talvez você não ache que tenha criatividade o suficiente pra aproveitar, mas dá uma chance ara uma nova empreitada... vai que cola, né?
