Reviews from

in the past

Not my favorite movement physics or level design, but it's hard to deny that this is an extremely solid platformer.

Dying sucks. You die a lot of this game. So why does it not suck?
Because dying takes a second. No wasted time, just try again.

Now this is how you design a challenging platformer.

I never thought I'd use "slippery" to describe good controls, but this game is slippery.

She gonna Meat on my Boy until I Super or smth, idk this shit too difficult for me

احسن مثال على تصميم مراحل تعليمي مع تحدي ممتاز

Not a big fan, i think i gotta give it more tries, but for now, have not found myself enjoying the plattaforming. Some fun challenge tho

Really disliked how he controls, altought it's very responsive

Great level design, slippery physics not the best but works for this game at least. Great music by Baranowsky

Платформер на точность со специфическим, не совсем отзывчивым управлением, не заточенным под эту самую точность. Не самый впечатляющий опыт :^/

se eu tivesse terminado esse jogo, teria muito mais caráter do que tenho hoje

Dífiicl na medida certa

Fiquei com preguiça de fazer o lado B e as zonas mas com certeza são bem divertidas tbm

The crossover characters and warp zones were really cool for the time. But as far as Meat Boy goes, I like seeing him more than I like playing him.

condenado a morrer milhares de vezes das piores formas possíveis e ainda carrega um sorriso no rosto... emocionante...

The levels go flip-flop between being pretty easy to ridiculously difficult with almost nothing in the middle. The level before the final boss was driving me insane. The controls are too good making it hard to platform since the movement needs to be more precise than normal platformers.

edmund mcmillen you little fucker...

Я на мобиле играл норм?

easiest 5 star in the universe, PLATFORMING THIS IS PLATFORMING

Why did they release a 2nd OST for this that is objectively worse than the original. Good game tho it was like all i cared abt as an 8 year old.

Really fucking hard but it feels really rewarding

I'll never 100% this game, but I'll never stop trying

Listening to a banger soundtrack while jumping really fast