Reviews from

in the past

I was both and I was good, then the bonus levels came along, and I was an absolute trash. The main story was alright, but the first one was a tad bit better.

Very fun. Played it with my sister

Fun & short puzzle platformer. Movement feels good especially the swinging. Wouldn't be much fun w/o a partner. Love the ability to piggyback on the other player. A very nice feature when their is a gap in skill level or strengths of each player differs.

I enjoyed this one, but the story was weaker than the first. Loved playing as two characters, that was cool.

Uno de los mejores juegos de cooperativo local.

Finally got around to playing this with @UrThirdCousin. Story was good, and gameplay was fun and challenging as always. My only complaint was that it was too short.

Хз зачем они сделали первую часть одиночной, когда очевидно, что это ко-оп игра. 2 часть динамичнее и намного короче, что в плюс. Но увы механики те же. В конце нам на одну миссию дали двойной прыжок зачем-то. Почему нельзя было дать его в начале и на нем строить уровни, не понятно.

Sights & Sounds
- The graphics are quite good, or at least the narrow slice within the fully-rendered depth of field that contains the player characters is. Objects in the foreground and background are blurrier than their respective distances should dictate, so it can be a little hard to look at until your eyes adjust
- Beyond the partially fancy graphics, the most impressive part of the game is the yarn physics. Sure, it's a little floaty, but the realistic way that you can see gravity and tension modeled for the string connecting the two characters is really cool
- The music was fairly good. Lots of orchestral arrangements like you tend to see from these mega-publisher prestige arthouse entries. If I could make sense of any aspect of the story happening in the background, I might understand why the score is so emotionally charged

Story & Vibes
- Speaking of the story, I have no idea what's going on with the plot. Why do those adult ghosts hate those kid ghosts so badly? It honestly makes no sense when you're just playing as a couple of yarn people bouncing around and solving puzzles in the foreground
- I suspect the story is intentionally vague, but then why make it so dire and frantic? The first Unravel handled this much more effectively by portraying little heartfelt family vignettes in the background instead. The journey of the characters through the seasons reflected the aging and maturing of a family. It was thoughtful and poignant. The whole experience of Unravel Two, conversely, is incredibly discordant and awkward
- I like how the background ghosts' irrelevant plot sometimes affects the environment your puzzle solving. This intriguing blend of story and gameplay would have been dramatically more impactful if the narrative made even a crumb of sense

Playability & Replayability
- Impenetrable plot aside, the gameplay works well from a mechanical perspective. Swinging, jumping, and bouncing all feel natural outside of some slight floatiness
- Unfortunately, the puzzles feel like a step back from the first game in terms of complexity. If you're playing with a friend, you will absolutely blaze through this game without having to think too hard
- The platforming aspects of the game also fail to present many challenges, though more than the puzzles do, at least
- The gameplay isn't though devoid of rewards, thankfully, though really enjoying the game does require a second player. Absolutely nailing a puzzle that requires some platforming chops while in perfect sync with whichever friend/spouse/partner/sibling/pet you're playing with does feel pretty great

Overall Impressions & Performance
- After being left with a pretty good impression of the first game, Unravel Two was a little bit of a letdown
- I played the game with my wife, who enjoyed the game much more than I did. Maybe take some of my negativity with a grain of salt
- The game ran well, at least, though you'll have to deal with EA's launcher

Final Verdict
- 5.5/10. Very soft recommend. The game is a passably enjoyable multiplayer experience if you can ignore the pointless background story and forget that the first Unravel is a superior experience. I don't think I would recommend Unravel Two for the solo player since playing alone would obviate the game's major redeeming quality

This review contains spoilers

Unravel two is all about yarny falling off a ship and finding another yarny. They become friends, and red yarny helps blue yarny find his memories... i think. I'm not very good with environmental storytelling, so i am not too sure about what the story is here.
The game... never had the biggest difficulty spike compared to the first game. In my opinion, the first game is too hard, and the second game is a little bit too easy.
Still a good game, just not as memorable as the first.

played the main story with my little brother. the gameplay by itself is kind of fun but every other element actively works against that, bringing some absolutely nonsensical profundity in the background and taking place in some obnoxiously colorless environments aiming for realism over life, it's dumb. it's a little harder more challenging to the brain than kirby's epic yarn but it possesses none of the soul and color (literally) that makes that game utterly charming.

ótimo pra jogar com a namorada ou o namorado

2 silly little guys exploring sweden

Eu não lembro exatamente quando fechamos o jogo, minha esposa e eu, mas foi divertido. Consagrou a aquisição do console que compramos para matar um tempo juntos aos finais de semana. "Unravel Two" é bem bonito e tem lá seus momentos desafiadores. Experimentamos via retroconpatibilidade no Xbox Series S.

cute game (i love having TWO grappling hooks)

Divertido pra dedéu, e em algumas partes me faltou coordenação motora... nos rendeu boas risadas! Para minha tristeza foi mais um caso de meu namorado não tem paciência pra platinar então vão ficar faltando algumas conquistas mas o tempo que jogamos juntos já valeu a pena!

Unravel Two is a great game for couples (especially couples), in general its puzzles are not difficult, but it gives a great feeling of achievement and cooperation.

Nothing makes you reflect on your life quite like playing a couples game by yourself

Missing the charm of the original game, it felt more like a product than an experience worth playing through.

Great game to play with your important one! The level design is great and can be challenging some times!
Overall, great game, but not outstanding for me!

triste por que joguei com minha ex

Uma aventura intensa e cheia de cores. Jogar com minha namorada foi especialmente divertido e o jogo a todo momento reforça seus temas nas próprias escolhas formais da linguagem dos games, com mecânicas engajantes, divertidas e visualmente gratificantes. A trilha musical reforça o sentimento de aventura e drama, com uma história que abre a porta para múltiplas interpretações, além de um level design quase perfeito. Jogo sensacional e lindo!

Le jeu est vraiment cute mais le gameplay est vraiment trop simple et ne donne pas envie de le relancer après l'avoir quitté

More of an experience than a game. The music and beautiful environments set a unique mood. the game carries a lot of emotion despite having no dialogue and no real characters either. definitely worth buying even at full price.

Le puzzle platformer de Coldwood sous l'égide EA Originals est vraiment bien fichu. Les idées sont bien amenées, pas de réelle difficulté quand on touche un peu au genre, mais une belle aventure avec pas mal de défis annexes (que j'ai pas fait).
Le portage Switch lui fait grise mine (forcément, comparé aux versions PS4X1) mais s'en sort pas mal. On a le choix entre un jeu en 60fps ou avec une meilleure qualité d'image.

Un bon petit jeu qui se laisse faire en 5/6 heures peinard, et c'est tout ce qu'on lui demande.

双人合作+横版过关。真·绑在一根线上的俩蚂蚱。和老婆一起玩的,很多欢乐和笑声。当然也有很多互坑时刻以及灵光一现的神级操作。最后一关有了超能力简直不要太爽哈哈。画面的浅景深表现非常好。fun time。

uma gracinha, jogo que deixa o coração quentinho <3

One of those games where you wish that you could play forever
It was good that it came to a end though, just a good heartwarming game.

i love how these little things walk...
other than that, it's a nice story but generally not that memorable years later.

Really mesmerizing! I played it with my brother, and we had a lot of fun working together to solve puzzles. If you have someone to play with, this game is highly recommended.

Unravel Two (2018): La historia es una mierda pretenciosa e intensita, pero el gameplay está en el punto justo de equilibrio para no resultar aburrido ni pasarse de exigente. Dura 4-5 horas que exprime muy bien, y como experiencia cooperativa es más que satisfactoria (6,25)