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finished Yunica’s campaign. I liked it more than Hugo’s, and I started to appreciate the enemy design a lot more. I love the art style and how it combines with the engine. Definitely the type of Ys I personally enjoy the most.

Will come back later for my last play through as Claws.

Esse jogo acerta em tudo, extremamente divertido e a rota do Hugo tem uma historia ótima. Jogão demais!

Claw run. La historia es pico y el Gameplay está más guapo que una japa con los pies.

Yunica run, Gameplay entretenido, historia normalita, me ha encantado el diseño de enemigos/niveles

Mindless Action JRPG Fun.

I only completed Yunica's Story. I heard the other campaigns are the same with very slight difference. Just a different playstyle for the characters.

This was such a fun game. I do have a few minor complaints but it was a joy to play. The best part is combat. It's super mindless but satisfying. It's easy to understand and you feel super powerful. It's mostly just spamming attack and spells. It just works.

Story is a huge nothing burger. Like, it barely matters. Very forgettable. But this game is all about the gameplay.

My biggest complaint is sometimes the game just kinda expects you to magically know something. Like put on this ring and go to this room and kill these enemies to progress. Like very oddly specific things. I had to look stuff up on occasion.

Although very fun, it may also last a little too long. The dungeon itself is pretty bland looking. There is not much variety.

I still really enjoyed this due to the combat alone. The bosses are fun. If you get crushed by a boss, just take 10 minutes to grind a few levels. Gaining levels is super helpful and you are constantly getting more powerful. The lower level become a joke after awhile as you are so much stronger than you were before. It gives you a nice sense of progression.

The platforming kinda sucks. But for the most part, you will get the hang of it. It is just hard to judge jumps.

I also enjoyed the very light metroidvania aspects. I mean, very light. This is not a metroidvania.

I know this review is kinda all of the place, but this game was fantastic. A great one time play. The combat is what sells the game.

Are these games crazy hard? Or do I just suck?

This review contains spoilers

It's a good solid game. I think they could have maybe made it so the game is like one consistent playthrough that follows the story of the 3 mcs you can choose rather then playing through Darn tower like 3 different times.

But for the first play through you play of it, it's actually quite fun. Difficult but not annoyingly so, I had to put some more thought into my level as I got higher in the tower, having to grind a bit, but never spend hours at a time grinding. Then subsequent playthroughs were on a lower difficulty as I just wanted to see what happened in them.

the whole game is just one very big tower dungeon (3 times) with peak music and fun gameplay... I couldn't ask for more than this

Amazing combat, surprisingly varied environments even tho it takes place in a singular place. Both protags have different and unique combat styles and the best bosses in the franchise.

I only did Yunica's story, but its enough for me because I really don't want to play the game again. The last 3 bosses weren't fun at all for me and more of a DPS and evade check, but if I don't count those 3 bosses, the game is really fun! I definitely would recommend this for anyone starting Ys.

Um ótimo jogo, em 6 horas de gameplay a história é interessante porém parece melhorar mais para o final, a parte gráfica não brilha muito porém também não deixa a desejar, é decente.

O fator que me fez deixar esse jogo para um futuro quem sabe até mesmo próximo foi a gameplay, o mapa é mau aproveitado por ser extremamente linear, com um combate simples porém de bom ritmo.

Sempre costumo querer jogar games no hard e esse não foi uma boa ideia...Chefes muito apelões, com dano altíssimo e sem healing nenhum para o personagem. Apenas o chefe da região de fogo eu derrotei de primeira, de resto, foram umas boas tentativas.

Até ai tudo bem, o grande problema é que na parte em que parei, é preciso derrotar 3 inimigos para armazenar energia amaldiçoada e meus ataques tiram 1 de vida( já upei o max da arma que dá até agora) depois de várias tentativas consegui, porém o anel não poderia estar equipado, o que resultou na minha morte...Portanto fica aqui meu protesto e meu intervalo para o jogo.

Edit: Passei da parte e parei no chefe planta, Infelizmente acabou a vontade de jogar, minha opinião continua a mesma e como o jogo não tem como mudar a dificuldade, terei que dropar, a gameplay com o protagonista Hugo acaba ficando extremamente repetitiva e a ausência de healings nas boss fights perde o sentido da dificuldade difícil e acaba virando injusto, esse é o primeiro game da minha vida que eu abandono por dificuldade, pois é algo que eu adoro em games, pena que é como eu disse, deveria ter jogado no normal, fica para um futuro distante recomeçar por em quanto.

Satisfying prequel with combat at its best thus far. Bosses are great too. Gameplay has never been better but I'm personally partial to Adol centered Ys games. Also despite having three playable characters with varied move sets it can get repetitive as you go through virtually the same content thrice over.

It was very fun, and nightmare made it challenging

At first, I thought Ys Origins was going to be a monotonous game, but they more I played, the more it branched out and made for a good little dungeon crawler.
Mind you I only played the Yunica route here, I felt like playing the other characters would be more or less the same with only the skills and the bosses being different. As fun as I had playing as Yunica, I don't think it would be worth going any further than that.
The two big highlights here are the music and the boss fights. There are some killer music here that are pretty catchy, biggest example for me is the fire section of the tower. The bosses are somewhat difficult too, until you can figure out the patterns, then it becomes pretty damn easy.
There's some variety in the level design but it could have gone further with the designs, both in themes and layout, because after a while it does feel a little samey, regardless if they add some gimmicks here and there.
It's a good game to pick up and play if you can get it on a sale, like i did. It was enjoyable that does have more game inside it, but I think one playthrough is more than enough!

this game was a 4.5 until toal happened and then it was just a constant ''yeah this is way better than i was expecting even after playing the other 2 routes'' so yeah

going from Ys 1 to this was a crazy ass decision on my part but don't regret it at all, such a fun game, even though all of the routes share (pretty much) the exact same map, the different movesets between each character still make it enjoyable, especially when each route never really overstays its welcome with how short they all are
really enjoyable story too, mainly character focused which I usually prefer, but the true ending sets up the backstory of Ys 1 very well
just an overall great time, simple, straight-forward good old action RPG fun

>precuela de una saga
>ciudad en cacho de tierra flotante que las diosas levantaron de la superficie
>diosa se cae abajo y hay que ir a buscarla

este juego es el skyward sword!!!




And here my Ys journey starts
I played the two routes that weren't Hugo, and I'd say it's fairly balanced enough to play for like 15 minute sessions each, which is quite nice
Even though it was one big tower, each area felt different enough

you know me hot and sexy marathoning 30 series at the same time because the god of gaming bestowed upon me the holy gift of adhd so that i would be able to pop my pussy off with all these games at the same time and it kind of is a damn surprise that i even manage to successfully complete at least some games all around maybe im not as bad as my impostor syndrome makes me believe

so gamefags told me ys 1 and 2 were absolutely necessary to play ys origin and that if i actually played it before the first duology all my family would be murderously killed so for all the people reading this who have no idea if ass one and two are actually essential to play this game i say yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees and noooooooooooooooooooooo theres some really good callbacks or callforwards ? this is a prequel so i have no idea but it was nice to see some recurring places items and plot elements completely recontextualised to the point that they felt like nothing more than cameos . theres some degree of story ties that you can make between this game and the others but at their core theyre basically two different beasts I DO ACTUALLY recommend playing ys chronicles first just because some of the stuff youre gonna see here are probably gonna hit harder if you know whats gonna happen in those games but again its not necessary and youre not gonna miss anything in particular if you decide to just start with this one (which wouldnt be something id judge you for because the bumpy dumpy installments are what they are)

so ys origin takes place a lot of time before ys 1 and 2 which means that adol was still not even an embryo that being said you can choose between 2 + 1 protagonists aka yunica hugo and ??? and all of them have different play styles and story beats and shit so the real question here is UMHHHHHHH is it actually worth it to play all the routes ??? i mean if you really want to i guess it IS necessary to understand the entirety of the story because the last playthrough is actually the canon one as much as i know which means that if you play only the yunica one for example you wont see the beefy hot man doing his shit and all but you can still get a self contained story nonetheless

but whatever youre gonna do i dont care because i did play all three of these fucking routes because this game is ADDICTING . AS . SHIT

ys origin actually has a pretty different action rpg gameplay from the ys duology which means that this is gonna get more hack and slashy than it previously was now theres not any bumb system or whatever but some button mashy and skill using and shit and tachycardia . not too bad . now for some reason though they actually mustve laced this game with some drugs because wow the fast paced gameplay is so fucking intoxicating theres a lot to the fighting system the attacks are super fast the skills actually add a lot to the quality of the movements and attacking and whatever and also a super attack mode theres something for everybody lets just say that

and again the fact that all three characters have some different playstyles mean that the replayability is off the roof ………. kinda

see the main gimmick of the game is just ascending this fucking tower and for every single set of stories youre gonna get some different biomes like idk theres the normal one the water one the fire one the sand one (which is the worst one dont get me started) theres something for everybody now the thing is that youre gonna do this for all three of the characters going through the same floors and watching the same kind of events over and over and over which isnt really too much of a problem for me who played nier replicant three times for all the endings but i guess it can actually be detrimental to somebody else

the enemies are the same the events are the same even the way you progress through the floors are the same most of the time even though there may be some events were you have to get a different item and shit but that just stops there like idk hugo is less of a fast paced guy because he likes to stick magic poles up his ass so he needs dragon claws to walk on the sandy passages and shit or like the fact that yunica just uses her harmonica to stop the devil's room music and instead hugo decides to SMASH the fucking pipes with an hammer insane

this is probably my main issue with this game since the gameplay is absolutely stellar the leveling progression is super satisfying the bosses (for once in ys) are good like really good so much so that they reused them 3 times and the tower is an intricate and interesting place to explore with lots of different loots nooks and crannies to get some new equipments or skill upgrades in and thats probably what drew me in so quickly

also its pretty funny cause i cant really say anything anymore about the gameplay my soliloquy ends here like thats basically it that's what you're gonna do in the game period . its not really that complicated but in its simplicity it gets you going and going and the way the routes dont last that long you can actually get a lot out of 8 or like 10 hours each playthrough

that being said the story is also pretty simple it has a good enough premise for whats gonna happen in ys 1 and 2 goddesses vanish the research team is looking for them a tower ascended from the decaying earth yada yada you already know this shit from ys chronicles so personally my favorite one is yunicas route which is such an heartbreaking beginning to this “trilogy” of stories and shes honestly such an amazing protagonist im in love in her and her interactions with the goddesses never failed to make me emotional her backstory is the one that resonated the most with me and since it was also the very first route of the bunch ive played its nuance obviously hit more then the next 2 routes and the fact that shes never gonna come back in any ys game cause they take place after like 700 years which means she's been under 3 feet of dirt for all this time is gonna drive me insane dont talk to me yunica my sweet baby I love you please be my gf

while i definitely enjoy hugos route i dont think hes my favorite character of the bunch and the rude cute boy with trauma isnt a trope im fond of so he definitely didnt tickle any part of my body BUT his story made me realise how much of a girlboss epona is she just skyrocketed to my favorite character top lisr like its nothing shes incredible absolutely jawdropping character development i kinda hated her in yunicas route but she just ended up being so much more than a nosy bitch AND hugos route is a huge introduction to the storyline that the game is gonna follow on the claws route which is probably not only the most complete and satisfying route of the bunch but is also the one that actually finishes in a way that really makes the entire 3 plays worth it and that final boss is INCREDIBLE

plus hes hot and his backstory is probably the most beautiful one of the bunch because umh I cant get into spoiler territory but its reaaaaaaaaaaaally heart-rending to see the lengths he went to protect what was important for him like when the main twist came in my mind exploded and I was a mess truly a mess im so sorry for the FBI people in my pc to see what happened to me

whatever only downside is that the other side characters are pretty monotonous and uneventful like theres the yunica love interest the hugo love interest some cunty cunty cunt huh magician a girlboss who probably scissors with the magician and a gay priest and thats the extent of the characters I remember if there's somebody else in here OH THE TWINK WHO UPGRADES YOUR WEAPONS yeah he's dope I guess but the goddesses really ended up serving the most cunt in the entire cast so the 2 measures are balanced and they're probably the most complex and sad characters of the bunch so OF COURSE i was gonna fall in love with them im not dumb also feena I still have my engagement ring with me please be my wife

last but not least the art direction reminded me of trails in the sky which is a game I replayed 10 times and never finished so that brought up some Afgh4nistan war flashbacks but that being said the art direction is pretty good the character portraits are portraiting and the ost IS FUCKING BOOMING UGHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY PUT IN THIS also the mirror ice palace somehow ended up being my favorite place in TWO games because of the incredible work of art that is the ost called dreaming im not joking whoever composed that shit deserves a kiss ON their mouths RIGHT now

I'm gonna skip this or else I'm gonna start embedding ost videos on here and never finishing the review so bye

i have surprisingly very little to say about this game after how much i enjoyed it but sometimes a feel good game requires no introduction to be made . godtier action rpg really good mystery type of story with a lot of interesting hints to what happens in the original ys and traversing the same places of those games was a joy and mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i guess if youre crazy you can also extend this game to 30 hours or something so theres that

so umh this is probably the game that hooked me and made me realise that ys is actually good or better that ys CAN be good sometimes so im gonna continue this venture until i get to lacrimosa because i REALLY wanna play lacrimosa nothing is gonna stop me

play this game theres yunica . the end

hi kishgal im single and if you want im currently stretching my hole you know what that means

why the fuck did they have to make me cry at the end of yunicas route wow and BY THE WAY the fact that the final pose reah and feena make is the cover art of ys 2 is gonna keep me up at night

A terrific top-down action-RPG. The game is structured around climbing levels of a tower, which has its pros and cons. There's a great feeling of progress as we ascend toward our goal, with each level distinct and offering unique challenges. But it also renders the game quite linear, with most branching paths short, so there's less opportunity for exploration than there could be.

Solid controls, a seriously excellent soundtrack accent and a great story with memorable characters. Definitely recommend playing through the game with every character. While it can get repetitive at times, the story and parts of the game change dramatically for each and it was a lot of fun seeing the pieces come together.

I found fighting some of the bosses a bit clunky and there was some frustrating collision detection at times, but otherwise this was a ton of fun. Beat the game on every character.

Came in with no expectations and I was pleasently surprised. Did all 3 playthroughs and enjoyed them all even if they were very similar. Gameplay was extremely solid, with challenging bosses and exploration being rewarded. Story didn't get me that invested though

Ce jeu est magnifique tout comme la plupart des jeux Ys, il y a 3 routes différentes alors il y a pas mal de contenus, j'ai fait la route Hugo d'abord et c'était déjà géniale mais OUAH puis j'ai fait la route Toal et c'était PEAAAAK FICTIOOOON VRAIMENT LE SCÉNARIO TOAL EST TROP BON BORDEL. En plus le jeu explique beaucoup de choses niveau world building et lore alors si tu es fan d'Ys je te recommande fortement de jouer à ce truc

L'OST est magnifique comme toujours, le gameplay est addictif, l'artstyle est génial. Bref, comme j'ai dit, PEAK

According to the story timeline I'm reading for an order to play these, this is the third game in the list, and it's a prequel. It also mandates three playthroughs for the whole experience, with the unlockable character after beating the game once being the canon ending and where the bulk of the "prequel-ish" parts come into play.

That three playthroughs part is my big red flag, because once you've played through the areas of the tower once, you'll probably know what to do the other two times, as there's not much variation between playthroughs aside from how characters work. Yunica had probably my favorite moves but had the least story relevance of the three. Hugo was a ranged character, and while he had some interesting moments, I did his playthrough first and had to endure the struggle of fighting the bosses for the first time with a character who felt very weak overall in terms of kill potential. As mentioned before, the third character, we'll call him Claw for spoiler reasons, had the most story relevance, but I wasn't a fan of his moves. He also fights the real final boss.

Gone is the world of bonk combat and in is the world of slaughter your foes through more traditional action RPG methods (unless you're Hugo, then you shoot things with magic). The game is more of an action game than an RPG, though. I would say it's also fairly light on the story at times, with most plot beats only coming up at certain points of certain floors.

I will say I did like the game...just not enough to give it 4 stars. The three sort of samey playthroughs through the same areas, with two playthroughs almost being identical in some aspects besides some dialogue changes, is the main reason I'm giving it a 3.

ill be honest i just couldnt kill that sand goat

Shelved, for now. Wasn't a great first impression for the Ys series but at least Memories of Celceta saved it for me. This one I'll try to return to someday but it was such a chore.