Reviews from

in the past

Still amazing, I'm glad I forgot the plot it was so good to experience again

A long, winding story with brilliant "escape room" gameplay. Uchikoshi knows how to write a story filled with twists at every turn. Highly Recommend.

This game is such a mess, and it makes me sad because it has a lot of charm and great ideas.

Unlike Uchikoshi's previous titles, this presents itself as a "detective game", but it is so in name only. Investigating the murders takes a backseat to the rest of the game for some reason, and when it does focus on it, it does with such little tension, just to drop one or two pieces of evidence of you, the characters will stay silent for a second and nothing will be addressed until the end of the game. This kind of setup is only possible if there's a source of tension, like in all Zero Escape games. There's 0 tension for 90% of this game.
There's no deduction involved in the actual gameplay or sense to the flow of the investigation. Every time you're left to free roam, you'll find almost nothing of interest for the whole section. This makes it feel like most of the game is just filler to reach the final twist of the story.

The runtime filler is also assisted by the route system, which I wonder if Uchikoshi put in the game just because he felt he had to instead of the game benefitting at all from it. It's just used to repeat information and replay situations to fill the runtime. Also, unlike in the Zero Escape series, it is never formally explained aside from some characters mentioning parallel universes. Aside from the endgame routes, every other route has a character focus, which would be good if they didn't ditch the murder mystery entirely.

Characters are really hit or miss. I liked Mizuki a lot, but I couldn't like Iris at all for how much they shove her in the game. I also like Aiba but she has no arc at all so I didn't care much about her. Everyone else is boring or unlikable.
And then we get to Date. I really like him too, but he was written inconsistently as fuck. The irresistible need for Uchikoshi (and almost every japanese mystery vn writer while we're at it) to insert sex jokes every 3 lines of dialogue fucked Date's character hard, and the game as a whole while we're at it. There was quite a bit of that too in the Zero Escape games but it feels like there's NOTHING here but that. This and the slapstick action scenes make the game's tone terribly inconsistent and it suffers hard from it.

Somniums are a cool concept and I liked the time management dynamic. However, they are very badly thought out: they are designed as metaphors for the characters psyches, so they are meant as foreshadowing first, and everything else after. This results in the player having no idea of what the line of reasoning in each somnium is, so the only way to advance is trial and error, which meshes terribly with the time management thing. These sections are basically the only interactive part of the game, so they making no sense to the player is pretty bad. Investigating somniums also makes no sense for the characters, because it almost never helps the investigation in any way.

On the artistic side, I'll say I love Yusuke Kozaki's character designs for this game, and that some somniums look cool. The music is a bit underwhelming, which is pretty sad considering most of these kind of games have banger soundtracks.

To finish off, I'll talk about the story. This game lives and dies by its final twist. Everything in the game is a setup for it. Everything after it only rides on said twist. It's not a particularly interesting twist or it is hard to see it coming. It's convoluted, but actually tame for Uchikoshi's standards. The last 5 hours of the game are okay-ish, but they are so to the expense of the rest of the game.

I was so disappointed on this game that I started thinking fondly of Danganronpa games and Zero Time Dilemma. And if that isn't a bad sign, I don't know what is.

This was my first real experience with this genre of game, with the branching narratives, and I absolutely loved it.

Date very quickly grew on me, and I thought the other characters and the mystery itself were consistently great despite a couple not-so-good bits.

Credits song and dance is a banger.

Date is my favorite protagonist in fiction. Story was amazing, Annihilation route in particular was handled incredibly well and the music was incredible, loved how the music always fit the scenario and mood perfectly

Date: "The girl in my head thinks I'm cool!"
Aiba: "No"

i mean it's ok i guess.

Started out enjoying it a fair amount, then the pacing got kind of whack, and then it fell very flat

for the price of 40 usd you can have the displeasure of knowing kaname data

THis game is sooo good i loved the mystery and most of the characters, the comedy sometimes doesnt always hit but most of it is pretty funny, i think the best thing this game does is put you in the shoes of date you feel how he feels and you discover what he discovers both with him while brainstorming while feeling as him and the edning to this game is stuff of dreams throughly loved this

This game was somewhat bearable at times, and extraordinarily contrived and awful at all others. Every single character except for Aiba was absolutely annoying and it felt like they were all just MADE relevant to the story instead of actually BEING relevant. Sorry, not my thing.

definitely a really unique and interesting game? unfortunately pacing gets fucky later on in the game and a majority of the humour is just dry sex jokes but if murder mystery visual novel puzzle-y type games are your thing i think its worth playing.

The Mizuki end was so good. Sooooooooooo good. I honestly think the entire right-hand side of the flowchart does a major disservice to Mizuki, obviously, but also to Date. If the Iris+Resolution ends were the only ones available in the game, it'd be a 3/10.

Siento que la base del juego es interesante. El misterio te deja picado, pero la forma en que todo se desenvuelve deja que desear. Como el 90% de los personajes me revientan las pelotas, y el gameplay en los "Somniums" es elegir opciones a pura prueba y error, no tiene mucho sentido. Ni que decir de las "escenas de acción" que hay en el juego, que le quitan lo pequeño que tenía de seriedad. En un momento estás todo bien y luego llegan estas escenas donde la niña de 10 años se despacha a 20 tíos y el protagonista de la nada tiene reflejos de spiderman cuando le da un vistazo a una revista porno.

"Damn this girl is annoying, does she have brain damage or something?"
10 hours later

Wish I could say I loved it as much replaying it compared to the first time. Picking up on all the foreshadowing is genuinely satisfying and there are moments in the game that had me literally crying my eyes out. It just gets very gross regarding sex jokes sometimes for no reason. An incredible experience regardless, just make sure you have thick skin when it comes to those types of jokes going in.

although somnium files is sort of a mess, it still does have a great narrative and (a few) loveable characters. the presentation of the story made some routes far more enjoyable than the others that started to feel redundant—and boring, depending on how much you like iris i guess. all in all, most of the independent stories were heartwarming and i would still recommend this game if you’re up for checking it out and are able to endure some parts of the ‘humor’

mizuki is my beloved, aiba and date are my new mom and dad, and the art direction and ost were banger so almost all is forgiven tbh <3 👍 if anything, play it for the end credits cutscene, it's worth it

não sabia que era possível um jogo me fazer sentir tantas emoções. bom jogo, acho que a bagunça dele me fez gostar ainda mais...

Bu oyun gereğinden iyi yazılmış bir weeb shit. 10/10. Bu kadar iyi olmaması gerekiyordu. Hikaye anlamında bazı noktalarda "paralel dünya der geçerler" diye düşünüyordum ama her şeyin açıklamasını yaptılar. Bazı yerlerde yazımda tuhaflıklar olması dışında kusursuz bir yapım. Görsel roman sevip sevmemeniz fark etmeksizin oynayın

Kotaro Uchikoshi I need you to write my life please bro

uchikoshi will sucjk my cock some day

this is my fav game :( I know it has some issues but I enjoyed it so so so much idc if it’s not the best game ever!!!! I love when they give the main character a personality and I just fell in love with Date (and all the charas!!!) I liked the story too and some of the twists really surprised me! Even with its flaws I’d say it’s a pretty good game and would recommend it :)

I hate everyone in this game (except you Zuki) and hope they suffer forever, I love them so much and they deserve the best

Uchikoshi has done it again! The game has a fascinating, captivating narrative that is masterfully told in a format only achievable in video games. The game’s presentation is gorgeous, and its themes are delivered in the wildest, most batshit ways possible that I think are beautiful. The emotional highs are HIGH and most everything else is enjoyable. However, uh, obligatory warning regarding the horniness. It can be fun (for a lack of better words), but can also end up delving into the tasteless from time to time. You’ll need a stomach for this sort of stuff to truly enjoy the game, I think, which is unfortunate.

Meio overrated mas entendo ele causa coisas no seu cerebro jogaria de novo

That plot twist at the end, when everything in this game makes sense, is one of the best gaming moments I've probably lived. Even so, I gotta say I have some issues with this game. First of all, the Somnium mechanic sucks. Beating a Somnium isn't something intuitive at all, and even if they are a good narrative mechanic, playing through them is pure pain. I also got a couple complaints about things like the controls being not intuitive, and also some details in the game's UI that could have been way better. Even so, the plot of this game makes everything worth it, for real.

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Interesting game with complex characters, no one is perfect and everyone has secrets. Uchikoshi manages to introspect on some of the tropes he employs in his writing and flips them on their head. The route branching is a boon to the game’s gameplay but a detriment to its narrative at times in a way that I’m not sure how one would reconcile. Poignant moments such as Mizuki’s ending are undercut because they never happened in the main timeline, yet the game wouldn’t have time for those moments in a linear narrative. The only suggestion I could offer is making the Mizuki route the canon ending. Gameplay-wise the somniums were not the finest puzzle work in an Uchikoshi game. The use of dream logic to explain more fantastical leaps in logic makes sense but can be hard to determine in the heat of the moment. BUT they were the narratively most interesting puzzles I’d played in a game up to that point. 10/10