Reviews from

in the past

this is probably the best beat'n up made by Capcom I played thus far, the combat is great and satisfying, the hitstop effects, sounds and the general character's movesets are all great.

same goes to the presentation, great music and visuals but that is expected from Capcom at the time honestly.

overall an great game, it's an shame that this is still an Arcade exclusive and it never received any form of a re-release even to this day likely because of licensing issues, this is probably one of the best beat'n ups ever made and the fact that this remain only in one platform is criminal especially for people who can't acess emulation that easily.

God I love 90s machismo. Would very much like a remake or soft successor to this. I just need more beat em ups back man.

Não conhecia esse jogo fui testar e zerei kkkk.

what i liked :
+the artstyle is downright amazing, even the little characters are expressive and the cutscenes have some charm to them
+the characters are fun, there is a pseudo arnold that does a primal roar everytime he beats a level, he even does a tiger drop at the enemies. its great, i can see capcom didn't let go of their wrestling passion.

Overall this is a very enjoyable game but with some very quirks not regarding the game itself, this is a clear case of lack of preservation, mame emulation is hard so you rely on pre built emulators like fbneo who does a serviceable job, this was supposed to be on the newest capcom arcade collection but unfortunally it didn't made it, shame as i would love to pay real money to own this, i have all the collections, having it on one of those collections would mean saving myself the hassle of finding a mame rom that will actually work because ON GOD i tried absolutelly everything.
play it any way you can but beware that playing it is more of a challenge than the game itself

Fun to play for about 10 minutes. The sprites are gorgeous.

My hot take is that beat-em-ups are not "good games." That doesn't mean they're not fun -- they are! If you're in a dimly-lit room and there's pepperoni grease on your fingers and the bleeps and bloops of other arcade games fill the air around you and it's 1994, they are very, very fun.

But sitting alone in my living room in my 30s, playing this? Listening to its cacophonous blend of banging-on-the-keyboard synth ost and GO GO GO sirens and bullets and fists and sticks landing repeatedly on alien flesh, just glazed-eyed on the couch watching the chaos unfold on screen while I mash the face of my 8BitDo M30 until it feels like it's about to crumble in my hand? Not so much feelin' it.

Trust me: I was there in the 90's -- I played this game, once, then, and I found it to be magical. For about 10 minutes. With a buddy by my side, hooting and hollering.

Not everything ages well, not everything must be heaved exhaustedly into the future. I'm telling myself this. In retrospect I would've been glad to have that one, hazy recollection of playing AVP, remembering it feeling so special, looking incredible, and then letting it slowly sink into the dark sea of distant memory. After all -- I'd probably, mostly be remembering the good time I had hanging out with my friend.

It's no one's fault but my own that, instead, I decided to boot it up on the perfect CPS2 Mister core and give it a shot solo. (It's also entirely possible that I'm completely missing a wealth of mechanical depth and finesse -- it's not lost on me that I incessantly tout a similarly tossed-aside, arguably-misunderstood 90's graveyard of an arcade genre.)

It's hard to say whether I would enjoy this game any more if I played it with a friend now. I don't think so. I am, after all, a grown man and not a pizza-grease-finger-having boy; and if I'm going to still play arcade games for children, regardless of whether I'm accompanied or not, I want them to be fast and fun, and not interminable trudges through eye-catching but ultimately samey content.

AVP--in spite of it feeling so tantalizingly close to the former--is most certainly the latter.

Now THIS is the good shit! One of my fav Capcom Arcade beat 'em ups! First of all, how awesome is Dutch Schaefer equipped with a mechanic arm (Ahnold!), waifu android Lt. Linn Kurosawa and both youngblood and elder Predators teaming up to stop an alien invasion? Many Aliens who are also created for this game, mind you! Creativity was off the walls with Capcom here and I'm really glad they went hard at it. As for gameplay, it's fast paced, action packed, fun , feels good to play, what else to say?

Capcom's 1994 Alien vs. Predator is THE deluxe beat them up experience. The art direction is incredible, the different characters movesets are (mostly) unique, and the game is satisfying to play, with luxurious hit stop that feels great in the hand. This feels like the high bench mark of the genre, and it was fun and simple enough for me to play through the whole game. Still, there's just something lacking about this genre for me. More complicated action could help, but the real issue is I'm playing what is ultimately a social genre by myself.

Lyn Kurosawa being locked to this game and never have a chance to be in any other non-AVP related Capcom game fucking BLOWS

Acho um jogo ótimo, muito fácil de zerar

I played it again solo. I enjoyed it a lot more, in particular the arsenal of moves you’re equipped, but it still runs a little long and it’s not balanced the way a modern SOR4 type game feels. Doesn’t need that to be fun as fuck tho.

An excellent Beat em Up. Capcom's best actually. One of my favorite cabs too.

My first exposure to these two behemoth franchises duking it out was in the titular movie back in 2004. Imagine my disbelief some ten years later when I found out there was a video game that came ten years BEFORE that very same movie.

Alien vs. Predator has you choose to take control between two human soldiers and two good guy Predators as you aim to dismantle hordes upon hordes of Xenomorphs. The action is fast and fierce and never lets up. Aside from your character's bare hands, there's also a great selection of weapons like guns, knives and boomerangs to use to your heart's content.

Overall, this is an enjoyable beat-em up that makes for a nice complementary experience to the movies it's based on.

The Alien and Predator films inspired countless video games and went on to have many games inspired by their series. Unlike the Alien vs. Predator movies, this game actually provides a fun satisfying crossover between the two franchises. The gameplay is like any standard beat 'em up but the subject matter alone makes it fun. The graphics and character selection are nice and overall this is one of the better arcade games from the 90s.

Magnífico juego Beat'em Up para Arcades que siempre ha sido uno de mis favoritos de mi infancia, gran tributo a las series de Predator y Aliens, mientras tomas el papel de alguno de los 4 personajes para abrirte paso entre un mar de Xenomorfos y sobrevivir. 10 de 10, es un "must" que deben jugar.

Review PT-BR/English

Alien contra O Predador

A tempos queria jogar esse jogo, eu adoro tanto a franquia Alien quanto Predador(especialmente Alien) tendo já visto todos os filmes e jogado alguns jogos e posso dizer que apesar de ser um jogo bem simples, um beat n' up bem basicão ele se tornou um dos meus jogos favoritos baseado nessas franquias, muito por conta do carinho enorme dos desenvolvedores tiveram de recriar tanto os aliens como os predadores e principalmente o universo dessas franquias(mais especificamente Alien), o jogo é cheio de referencias aos filmes, desde a localização ser numa cidade nas primeiras fases, as armas, o famoso mecha pilotado pela Ripley no segundo filme, a gananciona empresa Weyland, etc...Em termos de gameplay é um beat n' up bem arroz com feijão, não inovando em nada mas fazendo muito bem o roteiro do genero, os graficos em 16 bits são bem bonitos e a trilha sonora não fede nem cheira. ótimo Beat N' Up e um excelente jogo da franquia Alien/Predador. Recomendadasso!!


Alien vs. Predator

I've been wanting to play this game for a long time. I love both the Alien and Predator franchises (especially Alien), having seen all the movies and played some of the games. I can say that despite being a very simple game, a very basic beat 'em up, it has become one of my favorite games based on these franchises. This is largely due to the immense care the developers took in recreating both the aliens and predators, and especially the universe of these franchises (more specifically Alien). The game is full of references to the movies, from the city location in the early stages, the weapons, the famous mech piloted by Ripley in the second movie, the greedy Weyland company, etc. In terms of gameplay, it’s a very standard beat 'em up, not innovating in any way but executing the genre's formula very well. The 16-bit graphics are quite beautiful, and the soundtrack is neither remarkable nor bad.

In short... a great beat 'em up and an excellent game from the Alien/Predator franchise. Highly recommended!

I've seen a lot of talk over the years about game preservation. The fact is that a lot of games older generations like myself grew up with just aren't available today unless you still have working hardware but in a lot of cases that won't last forever and disc rot is equally a thing. Some companies have begun porting their titles as a way to promote their series and get steady income, and some companies like Hamster porting arcade classics for cheap to multiple consoles help keep some of these obscure titles alive. Even with backwards compatibility and these token efforts there are often issues though like lost source code (Panzer Dragoon saga I'm looking at you) and in this case I suspect, it's license issues. The fact that Capcom released a cool little beat 'em up bundle yet didn't release The Punisher, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs and this on it is a real indication of that. It's a real shame too because Aliens vs Predator is great.

The aesthetics at work here are wonderful. Capcom's pixel art and use of bright colour mixed with the alien and predator designs make a weird blend but it all comes together in a perfect cohesion. The animations are smooth and the constant franchise nods as a fan of both series were really satisfying. It is more Alien heavy of the two with Weyland Yutani corporation, space marines, power loaders, face huggers, APCs, pulse rifles and smart guns in abundance. Speaking of which the sound for those guns feels ripped straight from the Aliens film in a surprisingly authentic way that even newer games have yet to get right and I really appreciated that detail.

For an arcade beat 'em up it does attempt to tell a story between these franchises and I prefer the plot here to the Aliens vs Predator movies that have come so far. Aliens have broken lose in a city and two marines are fighting them off when some predators arrive to help. Eventually when subduing the queen you discover Weyland Yutani corporation was behind it all trying to turn them into weapons and you need to stop them. Initially I thought it was hilarious these human marines are able to punch acid blood aliens and sometimes behead them without taking damage and also having the strength to do it. Turns out they are both cybernetically-enhanced enhanced though so that's that covered. Interestingly this was meant to be part of a tie in film that never got released:

"The game was based on an early draft of a script for a film adaptation of the Alien vs. Predator comic book series and was intended to have been a tie-in to the movie. Although the draft was later rejected in favor of a different script, Capcom had already completed the game intending for the film to be released around the time of the game's completion"

Shame. Would have preferred this.

So I've rambled enough, how does it play? The animations are nice as I mentioned before and there is a good variety of move sets between the 4 characters. You have three main moves and some sub moves from them. Melee attack, jump and ranged attack. The ranged attack of guns is extremely powerful but you either have to reload or overheat cooldown which can leave you vulnerable. The melee attack has some moves you can pull off like a slide kick, jump throws, grabs etc. as well as a special move you can use to clear the area around you. You can combo some of these together really smoothly almost like a fighting game once you learn what you are doing and you may need to as the game throws a lot of enemies at you to compensate for your powerful attacks. Most of the characters have melee weapons they start with that they drop if you get hit and have to repick up, if you don't then during that time your special attack is a bit weaker.

This is where my one criticism of the game comes in with the controls and clutter. You see the back up secondary special is hardly weak. Instead of a spear spin the predator jumps up and fires his shoulder cannon down for example, no what it does is cause interference. Visually on the screen an item with a large indicator as a distraction in itself isn't a problem but when you mix in the amount of grenades, smart guns, pulse rifles, knives on certain levels that the Weyland Yutani marines drop and it becomes an issue. when you melee attack you pick up the guns, melee attack is also to fire the disposable weapon you hold meaning quite often when simply wanting to attack I was standing there just picking up several items in a row then getting beaten up forcing me to use my ranged attack I didn't want to rather than the weapon I picked up.

It's a small design flaw and by the end it had annoyed me a little bit but hardly gets in the way of what is otherwise a super cool looking, nice playing beat 'em up. Honestly this feels like an arcade classic that if I had played in the 90's arcades would have blown me away I'm sure. It's a real shame this one will most likely be lost through time due to licensing tie ups but if you get the chance I highly recommend giving it a go. This is 90's Capcom at their best.

Good stuff! I don't think I like it as much as I do Cadillacs & Dinosaurs or Final Fight, but it's a lot of the same goodness. The issue I think is that a lot of the enemies feel very samey, since most of the game's minions end up being Xenomorph variations. For that matter, two of the player characters being Predators is a cool idea, but they end up feeling pretty interchangeable on first blush (though I did end up favoring the Hunter, so maybe I just wasn't paying attention).

Capcom did a good job, though a lot of things I take for granted in Capcom arcade games feel wildly out of place here. Food pick-ups like blocks of cheese or turkey roasts, a martial artist samurai, banter amid the full party - all of this looks really silly when you're playing as a Predator. This isn't necessarily an objection, at least on my part. I'm sure a contingent of Alien and/or Predator fans object to this game implying you can beat a Xenomorph by slapping it hard enough. But hell, that's part of the fun.

Why is Dutch a cyborg now? Again, not a complaint, just wondering what happened to him.

Surprisingly easy for a capcom arcade beat'em up, but damn this is good

I hadn't really had an itch for arcade games since I thought I couldn't play any of them. But then I say a video talking about this game and it looks so cool. The fact that the gameplay was similar to fighting game controls, the gorgeous spritework, and the pleasant looking character designs. I became so infatuated by this immediately and decide I wanted to play this game. After several tireless effort, I finally found a way to play this. Did it live hope to the greatness I felt when I first say this?

Well be straight with you. I enjoyed the game as you can see. But some of the controls and movement are pretty rough imo. I know it's an old game and was not made with and Xbox controller in mind. So obviously, it's my privilege coming out a little when I say this. There's a few things I wish was a bit better though. Such as being able to running, block and/or dodge, choosing when to reload the gun, picking up weapon by accident not eating my inputs, and depth perception being a pain in my butt. A good chunk of my deaths would have been avoided has I had to ability to move fast enough or not forcefully stopped in my tracks.

Aside from all of that, I still had a blast playing through this. And I glad I actually was able to even play this in the first place. The music was great. The story was very miniscule but that was fine, I don't really know anything about this series so I would have been very confused had there been more. I do wish the game was a bit longer but I get why it wasn't. BTW I mostly played as Linn Kurosawa, she looks so cool so I had to try her out. Which isn't very surprising hearing as she influenced Lyn from Fire Emblem design. And she was very fun to play. I played a little of Predator Warrior and it was good. I might run it back with them at some point.

One day I want to play this on an actually arcade system. If those even exist anymore. I feel like I would enjoy it even more.

I love the sprite art, and the adrenaline rush of mowing down alien hordes in this game. But As good as it feels to shoot a gun, it gets drab when the levels here never shake things up. Just move from left to right, and fight a boss eventually.

I wouldn’t play this again unless I had a friend along.

My all time favorite beat em up. Endlesss amount of fun.

Very funny that the most mechanically-refined, forward-thinking, white-knuckle thrill-ride "proto-character action" beat-'em-up of all time has only been ported once: to an unwieldy, Capcom logo-shaped arcade pad.

Love how they needed to design healing items for playable Predator warriors and settled on pizza and salad

Honestly don't have a lot to say about this one other then it feels really fun and is just the right amount of time for it to not feel like it's dragging on.

Incredibly fun. Just the right length. High quality art and music. It's a banger! The arsenal of moves gives you a lot of edge over opponents and the anti-corporate turn at the end does a good job of staying on theme with the Alien films despite the pulpy nature of the rest of the game. It's a high recommend for beat em up fans!

honestly surprised with how much you can do with only 2 buttons and directional controls, it's a pretty fun casual experience to have with a friend when you're not tied down to quarters.

Gameplay: Great
Story: Alright
Controls: Great
Graphics: Great for its time
Length: Great, only 7 stages
Cutscenes: Good
Characters: Great. Having to choose from 2 Predators and 2 Human characters is great.

Note: Played on RG35XX Retro handheld console.

The AVP games are ahead of the curve.
Mfin CUHRAZY moveset before that was normalized in the 3D era. Great homage to the source material but idk how much of that was a catalyst to it's extravagant combat for it's time.

This is easily Capcom's biggest beat 'em up, fast, beautiful game, lots of enemies on the screen, lots of weapons to use and 2 predators that are extremely cool to play with. heyday of arcades without a doubt.