Reviews from

in the past

more portal but splatting goo instead of shooting portals
not as good as other mods like portal stories mel and portal re-loaded but still fun nonetheless

The fact that this isn't official is insane

fun goop mechanics, really liked the final race

I would happily pay for more mods if they were all this high quality, super fun and polished :D

Ta bien. Un fangame chulo derivado de Portal 2 jugando con el tema de los geles de aceleracion y salto. No me lo he llegado a terminar del todo pero con lo que he jugado creo que es suficiente. Las ideas estan bastante majas pero le falta algo del encanto de los juegos de Valve.

okay, i dont know why is it paid
story is weak and dubbing is not that amazing too
gel is fun, meh, got boring somewhat quick to me

The core's not as annoying as the other mods, but it's way too short for the price and ends super abruptly.
I payed $5 for this, beat it in 2 hours, then saw it had just gone on sale for 99 cents.

Interesting game, very enjoyable, I always have a soft spot for Portal/Half-Life mods.

Instead of portals, you use a blue paint to jump, and another one to go faster, kinda like that Portal 2 co-op mechanic. The puzzles were nice, the story fits well in the Portal universe, and the gameplay is hella fun! I highly recommend this mod if you are a big Portal/Source Engine games fan!

Leaning on the weaker end of Portal mods, this game still provides a cute little experience centered around a very fun & new mechanic. The puzzles feel mostly in line with the franchise; however, I personally would have liked to see the parkour aspects of the paint gun more utilized. The writing is... certainly there. I found some of the dialogue cute, but most of it ended up falling flat for me. Mainly, the main core, Nigel, he's a fun character but just maybe not as colorful as the cores you'll find in other portal games, fan or official. Overall it's a very lovable experience; however, for the $5 price tag, I think you'll find more enjoyment out of "Tag: The Power of Paint"—the free title that inspired both this game as well as Portal 2's gel mechanics. 

Good fangame in the portal universe, this is good as well, a fun ride.

I thought I was done with Portal 2 mods. Now I know that I only just scratched the surface...

Aperture Tag is the good kind of "average", where despite it's overall average-ness, it's still short, sweet, and charming! There's a cool parkour section near the end that was really fun and exciting, and I REALLY liked visiting rooms from past Portal games with the new gel gun. I think overall, the game might've been a little too easy, mostly because there's a much shorter limit to creative freedom with the gel guns compared to portal guns, but the devs did a pretty solid job making a solid game out of it!

doesn't have that charm of the games it's based on, but it's still a fanwork worth checking out if you are looking for more Portal content

short and sweet didnt overstay its welcome

"Mel" ücretsiz dağıtılırken bundan para kazanmak istenmesi üzücü. Mel kalitesinde kesinlikle değil fakat yakın bir tecrübe sunmakta. Bulmacaları zorluk açısından da çok tatlı.

Aperture Tag is the Portal spin-off I never knew I needed. Portal 2 brought to us a new and quite dynamic puzzle element, coming from old Aperture were the Repulsion and Propulsion gels, (the "blue" and "orange" ones respectively) these added a whole new layer to the mechanics of that game and the design in testing chambers, being able to fling yourself at high velocities and end it all in a high jump to get to a far off surface really added a new level of variety and passed to cement itself into the rest of the chambers going forward. This feature was heavily inspired by Tag: The Power of Paint which was a small game made as a project carried by a group of students at the DigiPen Institute of Technology, in that game you also use the ability to paint surfaces to do practically the same you'll later do in Portal 2, and that's also where I guess this mod got the inspiration for its name.

Aperture Tag opens up as your usual Portal story, although with tidbits more of lore here and there (which I'd argue isn't its strongest fort), you meet another Personality Core, Nigel, which has way more of a meta personality as it a bit less miserable albeit less funny than the main game's Wheatley. And then, past all that, you head onto the premises to take on some good ol' puzzlin'. This time though, instead of a Portal Gun you encounter a Paint Gun.

So, by now it's obvious that paint is the name of the game, with your newly-adquired Paint Gun you're meant to solve puzzles akin to the main game with the powers of repulsion, propulsion and the Source Engine, as you use the attributes of the different gels to get through the levels, you're also dealing with the physics engine and seeing more optimal ways of doing the things you'll do because you have the frankly overpowered power of flinging yourself everywhere you could, I was almost able to cheese some of the more open tracks because of this and, while I haven't looked at the speedruns, I'm pretty sure someone else has exploited them further, but that just says how fun it is to be jumping around and doing all these tricks, it helps that the chambers oftentimes also require you to have to shoot cubes or other objects mid-flight to get them to move from a button. I'd say the puzzle design in this one is interestingly polished, not enough to Valve levels but it's still pretty good, it only suffers from some lack of intuitiveness in some chambers where they make you do some maneuvers that I simply could not imagine ever being used officially so I had to look 'em up.

Only downsides with this mod would be that it kinda gets drawn out for a bit when not a lot of new interesting mechanics get introduced (besides the red death barriers or the new grills that limit which type of gel you're able to use) and the fact that you actually have to pay to play it, which is a very big discussion around this game and while I think they should be allowed to put a price on it if Valve allows it, the quality and duration of the mod leaves to be desired based on price. The reception would've probably be a bit more lenient if they didn't have to pay for the experience.

An extremely inventive take on Portal 2.
It manages to make consistently engaging puzzles. The running gimmick of realistic chambers gives it a stronger identity than alot of other Portal fan projects.
The big problem is mostly how weak the writing is. What's his face is just not enduring or funny enough to carry the whole mod. It comes off as a poor man's Portal 1.
The ending stinger is neat, but still overall not great.

For what this is, I think its good. The puzzles are fun, and the concept of using a paint gun that shoots the gel from portal 2 to solve puzzles was, and still is, a very unique concept. The design of everything is well put together, charming, and with good puzzles. Overall Making Aperture Tag a very fun little journey through the portal universe.

The biggest critique here is obviously the voice acting and dialogue, Nigel just isn't a funny character, and the references to the actual Portal games only felt annoying to me, "for the people who are still alive," where have I heard that one before...
But, I do like the rest of the game. I do feel that a lot of the puzzles fall into the issue of not really feeling like puzzles but instead a series of events, there still were highlights though, Test Chamber 7 and Chapter 4's Chamber 8 were my favorite chambers. Seeing the older Portal maps, that were also seen in Portal 2, was disappointing for the game's length, but at least they took a different spin with them, since you no longer have a portal gun. So, it's not bad, it's just pretty underwhelming compared to the livelihood of Portal 2.

Now it's no Portal 2, but a nice short experience with a fun new testing idea. Played it twice even.

It manages to capture the portal 2 atmosphere, something I always long more of.

A short review for a short game!

Aperture Tag is a Portal mod that mixes up the usual formula by replacing the Portal Gun with a paintball gun, which is able to shoot the blue and orange gels introduced in Portal 2. It's really cool in theory, but in execution it leads to very easy puzzles in the first half and a bunch of cheesable parts in the second half. Turns out there aren't many approaches you can take with gel-based gameplay only, more than often it only boils down to "color this ramp orange" and "color this jump-pad-looking tile blue". Still, I believe the devs tried their best and it shows in the second half, where my enjoyment of the puzzles went up a fair bit with their more "innovative" nature.

Overall my highlight of the game was the narration though, Nigel is a great narrator and his voice is very pleasant to listen to; finding him slacking around in various locations on the screens in each room was also funny. Unfortunately I found the dialogue to get progressively more unfunny towards the end and the ending in general felt rather cheap to me. If you can live with that, Aperture Tag is still an entertaining and unique fangame. I'd recommend picking it up during a seasonal sale if you're interested, since 5€ for a mod can be quite the turnoff.

One of the weaker Portal mods. Was just ok, not compelling enough to finish.

(Reseña sacada de mi cuenta de Steam: APolChrome)

Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative me ha gustado bastante. Si bien no está al nivel de otros mods de Portal, me ha parecido una experiencia muy disfrutable. En vez de portales, (que probablemente no esté en el nombre por eso) tienes una pistola que dispara dos geles que Valve nos presentó en Portal 2. Esto hace que la manera de resolver los puzzles sea muy diferente a las de los originales.

Jugablemente, me ha gustado. Tengo que admitir que la sensación que dan estos geles es increíble y la cantidad de interacciones que existe es muy grande, pero por desgracia, no se aprovecha hasta la segunda mitad del juego casi. Por eso no me ha parecido tan bueno. Porque está un poco desbalanceada la experiencia. En la primera mitad, la mayoría de puzzles son casi iguales, mientras que en la segunda, se revela la forma final del juego. Los puzzles que de verdad te hacen pensar y mucho.

Audiovisualmente, es Portal 2. Una de las cosas que más me ha gustado en este aspecto es que los escenarios (alto ahí creo que es spoiler mi pana) en un momento ya se nota que son montajes y el juego ni siquiera lo disimula visualmente, dando ese aspecto de pared al entorno. Por el resto, como he mencionado antes, es igual que Portal 2.

Y la historia me ha parecido bastante divertida. El robot que nos acompaña me ha parecido muy ocurrente y divertido, haciendo bromas y chistes todo el rato. EL final me ha parecido muy bueno (sobre todo por el discursito que se marca) y en general, es bastante bueno en este apartado.

En conclusión, si bien es un mod de pago, Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative me ha gustado bastante, y sin estar a la altura del resto de mods que he jugado, se me ha hecho una experiencia complementaria bastante entretenida que si te gusta Portal, seguro que disfrutas.

i remember absolutely nothing about this, so that must mean it's not very remarkable. sad! paint smells weird.