Reviews from

in the past

Honestly no idea if I'll finish this game. I got it for free, and it's my first Assassin's Creed game but it's a lot different than what I was expecting so that kind of turned me off.

I am not a fan on why Ubisoft changed it to the RPG genre but I love the gameplay of this new mechanic. Parkour physics is still good but not as great as unity. Bayek is an incredible protagonist and his character development makes him on the level of Ezio Auditore, and Egypt is a spectacular choice of setting. The way they portrait this setting and location is truly amazing. The game was really well written. The characters were all brilliant and the main quests were super fun and engaging

DLC : Hidden Ones
- It doesn't really offer anything new, does offer some new conclusions to minor characters in the game and gives a general idea of where Bayek after the main story and the later story of her wife Amunet.

DLC : The Curse of The Pharaohs
- The mythology of ancient Egypt is very exciting as you learn about its gods and battle Pharaohs and earn cool weapons and skins.

Reliving the story of the creed, how it was built and when, we shift back to its origin and learn what its main purpose was. With that we follow Bayek on his quest for vengeance. While learning why his son was murdered, we learn about a secret group of people who control Egypt while hidden among its people.
The story or maybe the most important part of the game is among the best Assassin's Creed stories I have played so far, we also have the opportunity to play as Aya, but only few missions, and well, the story between Bayek and Aya at the end is not what I have expected, which is the only thing I was disappointed into. Apart from that, gameplay and combat are great, I even think that the combat system is much better than from Odyssey, here you have a shield to block attacks and arrows and in Odyssey Alexios can block both attacks and arrows with his Leonidas spear, which isn't really realistic and of course Alexios jumping from the highest edge and not taking any damage, that was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.
At first you might think Egypt equals to a lot of sand and desert, well, this is not the case here, there are many cities, villages, ruins,... and the vegetation differs, within the Nile and within the desert. Also the graphics are amazing, well detailed and sharp-edged.

All in all, a must play Assassin's Creed game, almost everything is perfect, I haven't had any issues nor situations where I've felt this game is repetitive.

Одна из любимых моих частей АС

Un très bon AC. L'histoire est vraiment bien, les décors sont magnifiques et on se sent encore un assassin car le coté RPG des nouveaux jeux se ressent beaucoup moins. L'un des défauts majeurs du jeu est le farm de matériaux pour améliorer notre équipement. Cela prend du temps et n'est pas amusant.

Assassin’s Creed Origins is a deep-dive into a truly stunning realization of ancient Egypt, with a rich series of cultures, genuine characters, and more mission variety than any other game in the series. The combat is challenging and thoughtful, and while the loot system doesn’t match up to games like Destiny 2, there are enough different weapon types and enough enemy variety to keep you swapping between weapons, catered to the situation. The RPG elements encourage challenges of their own, I desperately wanted to keep playing.

I was.....quite afraid to try this out, and the opening hours.....already doesn't look that good, the parkour is....somehow even more simplistic than AC 1 which is just, fucking insulting. The combat is really clunky, but to give credit, the world and environment looks absolutely stunning, and the story is pretty good, but I prefer gameplay over story, and because of that, I'm probably not gonna try the other RPG AC games.

Pretty good game. But as any modern ubisoft game, it gets pretty repetitive the more you play it. Hidden ones is pretty good; Curse of the pharaohs is unbearable.

Assassin's creed has always felt like a jack of all trades for me. It tries to do a lot of things but it's just okay at all of them, and this entry is no exception. Everything from the stealth, combat, exploration, story, rpg elements, etc. are good enough for what they are, but have been done better by another game. The quests are all very similar to each other, and the gameplay lacks the depth necessary to make these encounters feel fresh for very long. It doesn't do anything particularly wrong, but nothing about it really stands out.

It's like all the others assassins creed games, but with new rpg system.

O jogo que me fez amar a Ubisoft novamente.
Incrível o quão preconceituoso eu era com essa nova saga RPG de assassin's Creed e não dava uma chance se quer para qualquer um.

Hoje tendo finalizado o primeiro da trilogia eu vejo que perdi um grande jogo.
Sendo TOTALMENTE UM assassin's Creed e sendo um ótimo RPG para um leigo como eu.

Imersão do começo ao fim, amei explorar cada parte desse Egito imenso junto de bayek, que por sinal, é um dos melhores protagonistas dessa saga.

O jogo é bom para virar uma vez e deu, direção de arte padrão Ubisoft, tem a gameplay bem mais ou menos, é o melhor desde o Black Flag (Unity seria infinitamente melhor se não fosse a porqueira que é)

The RPG stuff really hurt this game, and only served to make an already long game even longer. It's a shame because the gameplay is pretty fun, the visuals and music are great, and the story isn't terrible either. Undoubtedly one of the better AC games, but it could've been much more.

I liked this one, my problem is that it is very long and not the gameplay nor the story rewards the time spent.

Simplesmente perfeito, história fascinante e ambientação melhor ainda, me senti realmente no Egito antigo.

Started ps4. May pickup on Series X. Not a bad start to the game.

bella l'ambientazione ma la storia una palla

Although this isn' t an original AC game, it is still a great game. Loved playing it, it is one of the few games i actually finished.

It's ok. Cool combat and very pretty graphics but boring side content, way too much shit on the ath, way too much content for nothing.

I personally feel the story isn't that interesting but its a good game and Bayak's a very well written character but its just that its too long of a game to tell a revenge story. Gameplay is good but you can hardly assassinate people without being 2 levels above them.

best assassins creed game, masterpiece

not too long, just the right amount of the new game and interesting story to keep me satisfied and wanting more

Let me start off by talking about the 2 main protagonists of the Animus storyline, Bayek of Siwa, and his wife Aya. After losing their child they're bent on revenge, while eventually founding the Creed that makes modern day assassins. They decide they don't have to just do this killing for their son, but for everybody. Which I think turned out to be some pretty great development overall. Especially with Bayek who we actually get to see create a basis for how the assassins will operate. There were also a ton of other characters you can find in the open world that I ended up caring for and enjoying the story of. The voice acting in this game is genuinely top notch most of the time, with Bayek himself basically sounding like an Egyptian Kratos. Made him all the more likeable. Enough about the characters, I also just want to mention how nice the open world feels. It's not overbearing like Odyssey was when I played it originally, but it's more than enough to keep you entertained. My only gripe? Too much sand. Like Fallout New Vegas before it, there's too much land filled with nothing and not enough places in between to not make a trip boring every once in a while. Other than that, the cities are great, and there are many parkour opportunities that make it really good to navigate. Speaking of parkour, while very simplified, this is way better than what we got in Unity and Syndicate. Realistic movement that makes gameplay practical with it. It's pretty clear parkour wasn't actually a central point for this game, but they did fine with it. As for the combat of the game, I think it's the best part. Clearly the most polished and the part they spent the most time on given the big shift to these RPG mechanics. Sadly, there's very little to do with stealth, but I tried to do parts of the game that way anyways and had fun with it. The main problem is that because of the level based combat and the health of enemies, you cannot always assassinate most targets quickly because the hidden blade doesn't 1 shot. I know that sounds like a big ask to just make it 1 shot because that'd make it op, but I obviously don't mean all the time. Just in stealth. That's literally what the assassins are all about anyways. It hardly makes a difference, though, as the combat is still great and there's nothing else that really keeps it down.
Last, and least, is the present day storyline. Extremely lacking, nothing like what we had with Desmond, and the main character, Layla, has cringe ass dialogue and a terrible voice actor to boot. This really isn't trying to be sexist, just genuinely a bad protagonist so far following up on Desmond Miles. None-the-less, I'm open minded and can't wait to see where her story goes.

This game is so cool. The RPG elements are annoying when enemies are over-leveled. When you're at the same level though it feels fair. The Egypt setting is cool even though it lessens the verticality of your movement. This is my favorite of the new three assassin's creed games.

Started but dropped. Not worth my time.

Beaucoup plus vaste et complet que les précédents opus il met également en place un renouveau pour la saga (même si ce renouveau n'est pas encore parfait). Cependant l'histoire relativement osef selon moi, l'IA toujours aussi abruti qu'il y a 30 ans sur fucking pacman auront tués ma motivation de le finir.