Reviews from

in the past

yume nikki but with 𝓼𝓶𝓸𝓬𝓱𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓽

vibes as all hell. The mere existence of this game is kinda subversive imo. The harolds walk guy still making his neat little explorative games on 3DS when the eshop was about to close and the switch was on its fifth year of life really just says something, yanno?

A lot of what I said about harolds walk can be said here except things are done in a grander scale here. Just this gigantic bizarre world populated with nothing but collectables, with no explanation on what to do, where to go, or what anything means, really. Despite the absolute lack of any direction, the game does a good job still making its primary objective of collecting all the things in the levels rather clear. It's one of those games that lets you do things however you want, and I liked that kind of freedom as I just took in the various different levels n setpieces as I found things along the way.

The game is no longer available on the 3DS itself but there's a steam version that I bought anyways to support my boy Luke Vincent. Given the fact that this is an extremely late 3DS title compounded by the visuals being like better-than-PS1-but-not-quite-like-dreamcast in quality, I don't know if the vibes particularly translate to the PC environment. But its def better to have the game still available somewhere rather than have it be stuck on a dead platform, plus its better to support one-man projects like this in any way possible. Give it a try!

I don't like the Yume Nikki comparisons at all. Would you like to live in a world where every game with minimal directions is called a yumelike? Yeah, that's what I thought.
Talking about the game itself though (unlike 99% of people who mention this game) it's clear that the developer understands what makes a collectathon fun, which is having the controls be comfortable enough to move around at ease but stiff enough to make grabbing shit challenging.

Heavy vibes and surprisingly fluid movement. I really like the overworld! It's pretty cool that this is the last 3ds game.

Hacia tiempo que no jugaba un juego que simplemente empezaba: Ni tutoriales, ni intro, ni historia. Empieza y ya esta.

Un juego más complejo hubiera sido, quizás, un error. Pero Automaton Lung es lo suficientemente sencillo para que no sea un aterrizaje horrible y te permite obtener el conocimiento necesario simplemente jugando y experimentado. Todo esto se suma a un estilo visual tosco pero muy efectivo, buena ambientación y un diseño de niveles pulido y unos controles mas que decentes.

É sério isso? Normalmente eu costumo dar uma segunda chance pra jogos que eu detesto de cara. Um novo dia, um novo humor, quem sabe o negócio clica. Mas Automaton Lung é um patamar diferente. Deixo uma mensagem sobre esse jogo cujas primeiras impressões e palavras refletem o sentimento narrável que tive ao jogá-lo.

Pau e pedra sĂŁo comumente citadas como armas populares para repelir agressores ou;

No caso, agredir alguém de nosso desafeto, com objetos perfuro-cortantes de fácil acesso;

Cu travado, parece que em Automaton Lung há uma espécie de deleite inexplicável do autor que beira o sadismo em nos soltar em um ambiente virtual desprovido de qualquer narrativa ou tutorial;

De certa forma, a dificuldade de plataforma, as ações e o controle não-ortodoxo impõem uma dificuldade e estranheza que;

Quem parece ser agredido somos nós. O design é cruel, sem explicações e confuso, mas meu histórico com collectathon;

Indicou de forma espontânea o que deveria ser feito. Mesmo sem orientação de qualquer tipo aprendi com o tempo suas peculiaridades, objetivos, navegação e movimentação estrambólica;

Esse fenĂ´meno pessoal obviamente Ă© incapaz de se aplicar a todos e o;

Jogo não está isento de críticas acerca de seu caráter incompleto e os desgostos que pode vir a provocar. Mesmo com um aspecto meio;

Merda, aqui se esconde um robusto collectathon com doloroso level design que impõe muito desafio...

E Ă© isso, tem hora que eu odeio o GDH.

god this shit just owns so much so glad i got the chance to play it

It took me a while to vibe with this game at all. It felt very wonky in a way I never entirely shook. I found myself enjoying it more as I began to explore its open vistas. But for every level or area that had a neat idea there were two or three that failed to really grab me.

That said, I can very much see this as being the kind of game that alters your brain chemistry if you play it at the right moment. The way it never explains itself to you, the atmosphere, the mystery - I give it five years before we get a video essay calling this an underrated masterpiece that does good, not viral numbers. And y'know what? I think Automaton Lung deserves to find its cult, even if i wouldn't count myself a member.

primer yume nikki like que no me da sueño incluyendo el propio yume nikki

incredible vibes, sometimes clever, sometimes tedious

I'm clearly completely ignorant of whatever this is trying to conjure, because I'm getting nothing here.

If anything, I feel like it's not abstract enough? A humanoid, running and jumping and locking-on and shooting, just seems like a pretty mundane way to interact with these spaces.

Go play Car Quest instead.

outsider as hell. fascinating texture. super cool exploration action with a subtle but smartly balanced simple kit of tools

Very strange, especially for such a late title in the 3DS lifespan. Reminds me of those old 3D freeware titles I'd download off shady websites back in like 2008. No dialogue, exposition, story.. just sort of throws you into it without explanation. It leaves me intrigued, but at the same time lacking any reason to keep exploring.. but while playing it got me thinking about some larger question of why we play video games in the first place and what purpose it serves for us. To just entertain? Or to sink yourself into a world unlike ours? Escape from the daily mundanity? Surely the reason is different for everyone, personally I tend to lean more towards titles that may possibly have some greater lasting effect on me, which I suppose is a detriment.. you can't always force upon a profoundly moving experience. I'm rambling. Anyway, this was a somewhat interesting venture, if you are curious about a game that'll possibly make you thought-vomit like I just did, maybe this'll be for you!

This was a short little 3d platformer, I liked it
The music and overall vibe/presentation of the game was really nice, and it's really cool as a 3DS game