Reviews from

in the past

Easily one of the most atmospheric games ever made. While the gameplay is far from being authentic to WWI, the game's Codex and attention to detail shows that DICE still wanted to respect the era depicted while at the same time keeping the game fun. That said, some of the balancing is a bit off with Assault getting most of the best weapons and anti-vehicle gadgets. The Heavy Bomber and Artillery Truck are also quite problematic.
Mods are also recommended to change up character skins and add realism

pior que bf4 mas é legal ainda

This was free on Playstation Plus so gave it the college try. Not for me.

My favourite battlefield because of how immersive it is. The game was beautiful at release, thanks to photogrammetry. It's not a battlefield where competitiveness shines, this is much more cinematic. The explosions, the sound, the gunplay... Everything feels like a movie. Truly my favourite BF experience with BF4.

still my favorite battlefield game so fucking cool

Enjoyable MP that we have always known and loved. War stories are unique and engaging. Perfect WW1 shooter.

when i was very stupid and young, I would have 7 nation army on loop while playing this game.

god I hate my past self lmao

Only reason I got this was the trailer and the call of duty drama yea I didn't find it that fun

Just a super fun FPS game. I always liked how the Battlefield series played.

100% my favourite game of all time.

The multiplayer, the immersion, the immersion to detail and not to mention the lovely and breathtaking campaign... it was all amazing!

I love charging into battle with my homies knowing that 98% of us will get ripped apart my a dude with a scoped MG15 in the back corner of the map

terrible ww1 game but easily the best Battlefield game, its incurably cinematic, especially the Operations mode. The hype for this game back in 2016/17 was earned. It lead to my addiction to early 20th century history

Overall: Exceptional

"One of the best FPS and one of the most immersive both its masterpiece multiplayer and its emotional singleplayer and its touching stories makes Battlefield 1 for me the best BF and also one of the best multiplayer in particular the large scale war mode where we lived the wars taking territories and a narrator narrated the events during the matches and we could change the story in the real world depending on the nation that the players' team had chosen."

Story:4.9/5 Narrative:4.8/5
Game design,levels design:4.8/5
Programming, technical aspects, collisions, animations, bugs, dev aspects:4.5/5
Bugs and errors:low

do NOT play the battlefield games after this

BF1 is probably the last enjoyable large scale game in the series. BF1 was a big departure but I think it did it much better than BF5 would later. Gameplay and classes weren't perfect , but worked well enough to deliver the beloved huge scale warfare on very accurate and detailed maps.

The best battlefield, no other game in the genre is able to capture the chaos of a battlefield and the despair of a common soldier in the middle of it.
Beware that the game suffers from somewhat bad weapon balance and cheaters in the offical servers. But you can play on the community servers just fine.

My first and only battlefield game I’ve ever played…

The best thing that this game does is something which I personally find quite unique for triple AAA titles, and that’s the sense of respect and admiration towards the historic time in which its based. WW1 is probably one of my favourite topics I ever learnt in history class and I love reading and watching films about it (check “All quiet on the western front” what a wonderful film), and thanks to this videogames as well. Firstly, the visuals are absolutely amazing from the lighting in the war scenarios to the faces, everything looks gorgeous. The war stories were surprisingly good as I ended up genuinely invested in several characters and there is a fresh variety of places and plots to follow. Don’t expect some crazy new things to do but at least it gives you some very different points of view (all from allied forces though I would have loved a german POV) such as a tank driver, fighter pilot, or a horse-riding rebel against the ottomans. They are quite short but I way prefer this to a shitty and boring long campaign.

Now the online…I played this game 6 years after its release and the online was very active with lets say 8-12 almost full severs every time
I join. I’m not particularly good at this game or at any FPS but its extremely fun. Great variety of maps and modes, I don’t really care about the weapons (also don’t care if they aren’t realistic at all, because if they were then the game would be extremely tedious) but I love the choices of vehicle.

This game is beautiful to watch and feel, and probably for that reason I love it even though I’m not particularly fond of multiplayer FPS games. Occasionally I find myself playing online for a couple of matches when I fancy a grandiose old-school war experience, and the war stories are definetely worth it as well.

El juego es muy bueno, se ve tremendo sin necesitar tampoco un pc tan bueno, es muy divertido, tiene mapas bastante variados y dinámicos (montañas donde el apoyo aereo es esencial, un puerto donde avanzas desembarcando desde una fragata...).
Por desgracia no soy muy buena en shooters y este juego no es demasiado friendly conmigo, las armas por ejemplo tienen miras de hierro y las opciones de equipamiento están bastante limitadas. Esto hace una experiencia bastante más equilibrada, sobre todo al ser el equipamiento normalmente simple, pero también aburrido si no eres capaz de proveer de utilidad a tu equipo usando solo tu arma. Hablando de las armas, muchos diseños curiosos y prototipos que me han entretenido casi más con sus mecanismos que con el gameplay en sí.
Principalmente he jugado francotirador o médico (las clases con las que más puedo hacer sin demasiados disparos) y, mi favorito: aviones. Por desgracia no pueden haber muchos y la mayoría de las partidas eran 20 minutos esprando que quedara alguno libre, coger un bombardero por 2 minutos, que me derribaran porque nadie subía como artillero de cola, y vuelta a empezar. A destacar que me lo compré por 48 céntimos.

One of the best WWI arcade shooters with amazing sniping.

1. Dünya savaşı temalı bir oyun olması piyasadaki WW2'lerden sonra çok güzel oldu. Online kısmı zaten dört dörtlük hikayesi ise bir Battlefield için gayet iyi. Oyun atmosferik anlamda adete bir aksiyon filmi tadında. Diğer oyunlarında olmayan sinematikler kullanılmış ve bu sinematik sahnelerin hepsi 32vs32 online bir oyunda oluyor.

powerful graphic content with great songs and theme

every match felt like a movie

Incredible Battlefield game and absolutely gorgeous

Some maps sucked and the weapon balancing is whack but Operations and Frontlines are just two of the most fun game modes in modern shooters! Too bad DICE dropped the ball on the games after this one. I play it from time to time even today.

Amazing game. Campaign told great stories