Reviews from

in the past

The WW1 game to end all WW1 games. Despite being 7 years old at this point all the editing, art direction and atmosphere still hold. Forever a classic

If you didn't wanna play this after the Seven Nation Army trailer there might be something wrong with you.

Maybe I just hate World War War games. Never could grow to like this one, especially the campaign.

Симулятор сабатона

massa ate, deviam ter feito o BR gratis q ia dar certo, a campanha eh ok
o multiplayer he massa ate

The amount of dopamine I got watching the trailer for this in middle school has been a high I've been chasing ever since

Dice created so high a standard in their own franchise, that practically, immediately doomed the rest of their future installments to fail…

Battlefield 1 was an immediate win from the very first trailer.

Coming out at a time where both WWII and Futuristic Combat games were starting to go stale, Battlefield 1 made the bold choice of going as back as humanly possible, to where they could still make a proper Battlefield game, and of course, they succeeded beautifully.

The look, the sounds, the immersion, the short but heartfelt campaign, the insane combat scenarios, the massive and destructible levels, everything was increased by a thousand, and absolutely rocked gamers hearts for as long as it lasted.

Ask anyone around, any real gamer…

They’ll all point back to 1, as one of the best Battlefield games that’s ever been released.

And that’s one hell of a mountain to climb…

great battlefield game, loved it back in the day, nowadays it's kinda deat but fire gameplay, graphics, animations, sometimes buggy tho...

best BF game plus the cinematic experience is amazing, never gets old watching the zeppelin falling down

Best battlefield out of the ones I have played so cinematic and I have to recommend to anyone who like fps games

Main Story Only. The graphics is really amazing in a WW1 pallete and setting. They should've made a long career campaign rather than a series of short stories. The short stories are actually good but not enough for a story gamer like me. The gameplay and the sound design is so immersive it manage to capture the essence of world war 1

Actually a really decent campaign. Portrays the risk and how quickly lives can be lost at war.

Tried the story mode and didn't find it engaging. Played some rounds of multiplayer with friends and thought aspects were fun, but was at the time were I was really falling out with online multiplayer FPS games so stopped playing shortly after.

i guess its good if u only ever played battlefield campgains

Best features in BF1 multiplayer that no one expected: music. The last charge for the last objective in the last map of operation, and the music started playing. Goosebump.

The most atmospheric and hectic FPS game ever released. Stories, gameplay, music are all top notch and you can not NOT have fun in this game.

One of the greatest FPS games in recent history. The atmosphere has never been topped and it makes you feel as though you are in World War 1. The maps are mostly great and the DLC is very nice and adds a lot. The gunplay is very underrated and they did a great job incorporating as many guns as they did. It is a truly cinematic game and the best in the franchise.

immersive world, can be frustrating trying to get good weapons and level up, not enough dopamine, allows for cinematic ash moments tho

It really makes you feel like you have trenchfoot

The creative liberties they took prevented the slowness of the actual war seeping into the gameplay. Perfectly fast, hectic, and solid game feel. With an excellent consideration into immersion with soldiers speaking their native tongues as they shout in terror and the hell on Earth look of the trenches, I'd say despite the game not being for everyone, nobody can contest the fact that the developers cared to put their all into a rare game about that other world war.

This game is amazing. The inmersion you get from this game is insane. One of the best of the saga. I was also very pleasantly surprised by the campaign. It was very refreshing seeing a couple of different stories with different scenarios and characters rather than the same old long generic war story. It really helped me understand better the circumstances of war.

Not a perfect game, but the graphics, the cinematics, the game mechanics are amazing and immersing to play.

The best and really only casual World War 1 shooter. Incredible amounts unique combat scenarios, and moments that feel scripted but are really just normal multiplayer matches.

This game gives hours and hours of fun, thrill and satisfaction in every point of view, The multiplayer in Battlefield 1 is so far the best from all games in the Battlefield franchise. So many maps, game mods, weapons, vehicles, type of grenades and other accessories. I wasn't disappointed at all, the Campaign is great, even if it is short but it lefts a great impact and you will surely want to replay it once more after a while. The graphics is amazing, so many details and effects, sounds are accurate and well-made. But still when you want to approach this game as a war simulation, it isn't so accurate, the multiplayer is still just running all the time, being killed in the most stupid way or being killed by a sniper from the other side of the map. All in all a great game worth being played even after all this years, but still it isn't perfect, the singleplayer is the best part, but the multplayer modes needs improvement.