Reviews from

in the past

It's the best DLC for BL2 so far (not saying much I know). The story fits in with the style you can expect for a borderlands game. The music is good as well. As usual a lot of the enemies are a pain to fight with Named Orcs and Crystal Skeletons being full of derp design. There is also a crushing platform "puzzle" near the end that's all kinds of stupid as well.

De longe uma das melhores dlc's do game

Aside from The Last of Us: Left Behind and Bloodborne: The Old Hunters, this is my favorite piece of DLC ever released, and it still holds up extremely well. Insanely creative and fun with a genuinely emotional, heartfelt core. This is the gold standard when it comes to Borderlands DLCs.

Innacurate as hell, all players showed and the DM didn't cancel last minute

one of the best dlcs ever made, beats any dlc for any game

I've yet to play the Game they made out of this DLC but I really, really enjoyed this for what it was -- the setting and the missions were cool as hell. Also, I love that the DLCs started to add more speaking lines for the playable characters and I savoured each and every crumb of Zer0's dialogue that I could get my grubby hands on...

I Love Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon keep so goddamn much! This is an amazing DLC, with a bucket load of new content. Let's this is off with the world, DLC 4 adds several new locations and each one of them feels wholly unique, multiple of which even changing slightly after beating the main antagonist. The new enemies are also super cool, adding in several new enemy types, that for most part actually feel pretty different from what was seen in the main game.

The Story is where the game really shines, the story they are playing is a classic TTRPG style one shot, but this is just a backdrop for what's really going on. Losing someone is rough, and coming to terms with loss is just as hard, so seeing a character like Tina come to terms with the death of someone she loves is actually pretty heartfelt. Tina is a character who from her first introduction i liked quite a bit, she wasn't exactly my favorite character or anything like that, but when i first played this DLC i was blown away, and she easily became one of my favorites. Borderlands may not be everyone's cup of tea, the humor is stuck in 2012 (even in the latest installments) and at times in can be quite cringey, but when it pulls away from this and gives you an actual series moment it really hits.

Put simply this game fucking rules!

I don't know how well this DLC would age 10 years later, but for a while this was my favorite DLC of all time of any game I had played. If you're someone who hates Tiny Tina, this 100% will not work for you but I loved her and thought this was a blast.

Feel like we all know the is the best BL2 DLC. You are literally playing DnD with Tiny Tina and the rest of the gang and it's hilarious. Skeletons, other characters reimagined for a DnD setting, blowing up the ocean (almost), this DLC has got it all.

SPOILER But even with it's whimsical tone and world, it still has serious moments. Tina confronting Roland's death is one of the best scenes in the Borderlands series. BL2 had writing that they probably won't ever match again.

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The stellar gunplay of Borderlands 2, minus most of the nihilism and plus a delightful tribute to TTRPG gaming. What's not to love?

Furthermore, the breakthrough with Tina was the most emotionally impacted I've been by this ENTIRE franchise. This DLC is easily my favorite part of Borderlands 2!

probably the best dlc i've ever played. love love love

It is a great game to play with your friends for a while and just drop it. I got the game so free on a sale btw.

What I might call the quintessential Borderlands 2 experience, as it is like a perfect vertical slice of everything thats good about Borderlands (characters, loot, funny enemy variety, lush environments) with none of the boring parts (monotonous desert environment, bad pacing)

Definitely the best expansion in the whole series. It's got a lot of fun humor, riffs on D&D, and very comical dialogue. It also gives a new variety of environments, which helps to create an interesting atmosphere for this session of Bunkers and Badasses. Great, poignant story to boot, dealing with loss.

I enjoyed the game, tiny tina's personality that's very over the top batshit insane would seem like it would get boring real quick, but you would be sorely mistaken, throughout the whole game it was a riot, just a fun game and I don't regret getting it and even getting it for my friend to go play it coop

probs one of the best dlc ever

The writing is so goddamn cringe but this is still an amazing DLC. Adds so much fun content that I can't even stay mad.

The authentic experience of playing with a DM going through a bad break-up

i wasn't going to log the dlcs for borderlands 2 but this one really surprised me in how good it was. it does have some of the most annoying enemies in the game so far (Fuck You Skeleton Seer) but i really liked how they actually tried to like. do something more than just spew stupid shit and have me kill stuff. music was good too and i liked it when zero talked

i really hate tiny tina and her dialogue, but the setting for this game was really cool and there were lots of cool enemies. a good dlc for a meh game.

Najlepsze DLC jakie miało zaszczyt rozwinąć BL2. Świetny dynamiczny setting, a do tego równie dobry epilog "tego jednego wątku" z podstawki. Pozycja obowiązkowa dla tych, którzy dopiero co ukończyli kampanię.