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in the past

Esta bueno, una vez que entendes que con el parry el arma se te recarga sola es muy facil. Si abusas de las habilidades tambien es muy facil. En general, sencillo, mucho enemy spam tambien.

muita bala e poderzinho, a história não faz sentido nenhum

Muito tiro, espadada e poderzinho (com direito a fuga de carro no meio de tudo isso).

A história de Bright Memory: Infinite é com certeza um foco secundário do jogo, porque onde ele realmente brilha é na gameplay extremamente divertida e imersiva, infelizmente não há nada no jogo que se sobressaia visualmente, parece faltar cores no cenário e personagens e individualidade no design de alguns inimigos.

Uma experiência curta e interessante que é bem recomendável pra quem quer matar um tempo e não sabe o que jogar.

A very small game made by a single developer with extremely high standards, Bright Memory: Infinite does a wonderful job of providing the player with a fun and fast paced FPS/Hack & Slash experience.

The story is very short, only containing a handful of missions and a few repeated bosses. However, the gameplay, gorgeous world design, and relatively low price make up for the length. The weapons feel punchy, the movement feels smooth, the game is relatively bug free (apart from one or 2 freezes across my 4 hours of playtime, of which no time was lost due to generous checkpointing).

You can tell the developer genuinely cares about the quality and consistency of the product he put out. This resulted in a fun and worthwhile experience, fully completable in just a few hours.

I've rarely played a game and finished it with no real clue about what happened in it. Sure I've played games that are subtle, intentionally obtuse or designed open for you to reach your own conclusions but never actually been kind of clueless like Bright Memory: Infinite left me. You play a woman named Shelia a member of the Scientific Research Organization and there is a storm, a general, some feudal soldiers and floating rocks. I literally don't really know what the plot was about but I can't be too harsh considering this was made by a one person game studio FYQD Personal in their spare time, it's actually insanely impressive.

Made in Unreal it's a fast paced first person shooter with sliding, wall running and four guns to choose from over the course of the two hour play time. The guns are standard in themselves mostly with an assault rifle, shotgun, handgun and sniper rifle. Each gun has a secondary ammo that can be collected like tracker rounds, incendiary rounds, sticky grenades etc. Probably sounds fairly standard but Bright Memory also uses a variety of extra skill using a sword allowing you to reflect bullets, uppercut and parry enemies. Additionally each secondary ammo and the sword and gauntlet have skills you can upgrade allowing you to pull enemies to you, launch energy blades and my personal favorite the fire inducing rocket punch.

Overall the combat is fast paced and once you master the variety of skills you can speed through switching weapons and abilities like a force of nature. As cool as that sounds however the game never lets you spread your wings and truly fly thanks to it's cramped level design and enemy encounters often resorting to 4 - 5 guys in a narrow corridor. To add to this some of the skills are so powerful that guns become kinda unneeded halfway through as except for a second charge time to launch a rocket punch there is no penalty or resource management to use them. The game doesn't let you run free leaving encounters feeling restricted or boring as a result. Basic combat aside there are a couple of vehicle sections and some bosses. The Bosses are actually kind of the highlight overall especially the final section which is the only time I felt I could really let loose and the encounters there are at least memorable. As for the vehicle sections it feels a bit like a first person character with a vehicle hud and the worst car engine sound I've ever heard disappointingly though it is at least short.

I think the main thing people take from playing Bright Memory: Infinite is what is possible for one developer with enough determination. I'm not talking generally, there are some great established one person dev teams but in visual fidelity. The game looks really nice, foliage and environments are detailed, character models look great if slightly stiff in animations it has nice lighting and runs very smoothly (turn vsync on in the options if on PS5 to remove the screen tearing). It's very short, as mentioned above at about two hours run time if you play slowly but it's priced fairly accordingly for what you get and whilst extremely flawed there is the framework here for something genuinely excellent.

Recommended in a sale for an evening or two.

better than the last one. But still a tech demo and the story is a mess
The good thing are the graphics

Bright Memory: Infinite is such a peculiar game. There's almost a whimsy to its total incoherence - no narrative elements or gameplay motifs make any attempt to explain themselves or appear contiguous. But perhaps the biggest disjunction is between the staggering aesthetic production value and everything that lies beneath.

Made by a solo dev, Bright Memory's visuals are just unimpeachable, but they're a façade that gets you in the door and attempts to obfuscate the poor AI, gameplay balancing, level design, and game feel.

There is a sense of fun and punch to the core gunplay that is elevated by the novel interweaving of melee combat. However it's still tied to a protagonist who feels magnetized to the ground, every inch off the ground feeling like a struggle to achieve.

Maybe the biggest issue with Bright Memory, though, is how it manages to make a two-hour experience feel oppressively repetitive, recycling the same bosses and monster closets ad nauseum.

When you enter the rhythm of its multifaceted action and enjoy the scant few particular set pieces - Bright Memory is a lot of fun. It's just rare that you are given the opportunity to get stuck into that groove. There is something of a B-movie cheese to latch onto in the game's finest moments, but it hardly justifies your playtime.

some spank, some stank, some ooo lala and that makes for a fun, almost oddly brief jaunt

Wow! My understanding is one person made this game. It's a 2 hour FPS that feels like it was made by a AAA developer. I enjoyed every minute of this. Highly recommend.

Hey unpopular opinion here , but the length of this game actually suits it !
Yes yes its shorter than a frickin tech demo, has a fair bit of janky control at times, but if you ignore the length and the rare jank and just enjoy the fast paced fun ride , this is actually pretty cool.
Also it has to be said its a very very gorgeous game crafted carefully by ONE developer!
I dont care about the intentional s*xual skins section as the gameplay does not reference it and is just a very fast paced fun FPS that you can finish off in 2 hours. The game also is surprisingly challenging and engaging , and the gunplay itself is jank free and crisp.
Ofcourse there is no worthwhile story to speak off but the mechanics and beauty carry this short and sweet game that would have worn out its welcome if it was any longer.
I think its worth trying in its current state as a shut your mind and have fun for 2 hours option

Bright Memory Infinite (2021): Es corto y tiene fallos considerables, tolerables si piensas que lo hizo una sóla persona, pero te da 2 horas de pura acción, vistoso, adictivo y divertido. Aquí hay potencial para mucho, pero hasta entonces me gozaré éste (7,40)

Everything gameplay-wise in this game is excellent, it just needs more content. Give this man a good dev team (plus some writers) and doom eternal / titanfall 2 will have a new competitor for best fps campaign.

It's like I am in action movie.

- 3 -
Ta bien, es muy rápido y fluido en su gameplay, su historia es la de una película de accion, no es muy destacable.
Dura poco pero vale la pena

First of all, massive respect to the author for pulling out this game, really go out of his way to make an experience that looks like the result of a professional team, but that being said, this really feels like the work of one person, because it's pretty obvious that is loaded with everything that he likes without really thinking if fits with the final product, resulting in a experience that could be improve with a few cuts in favor of a deeper exploration of some mechanics or it's plot (Witch is pretty bad). Still, for the 2 hours that last is worth checking out, very fun

this game proves that you can have good graphics without having terrible performance (made by one guy btw)

Good looking game and it plays well. It's short and the story is nothing memorable.

This was pretty fun I can't even lie, enjoyed the 2 hours I played it

画面不错 玩起来就那样吧

I was really looking forward to this because the pre-order demo looked promising. A great looking game with fun mechanics and a half-decent story.
I was surprised to see that the "full-game" was a really short experience that completely disregards the story elements of the demo and does its own, weirder story with changed mechanics. I never know what to say about this game. I'm disappointed but I would certainly give a proper version a try.

More like Bright Memory: Finite, right? Ahahahaha

These games are like candy, not enough to be a full thing but still kinda sweet. Story is absolutely nonsensical but enjoyed the gameplay.

Ótimo fps com gráficos impressionantes.

visuals, art direction, and performance were amazing. gunplay was very good, though the sword and arm abilities are a bit jank

I don't think I've ever played a game that was as soulless as this. The game looks cool and plays alright, but there is no reason for anything to happen in the game, the characters are extremely bland, nothing in this game is explained, the main villain i think only appears for 5 minutes...truly a disaster. If you wanted a great fps just play titanfall 2, if you wanted another one play trepang2, if you played the first 2 then replay them. This game just feels like a demo of a demo, and not even a good demo

It's mindless fun with very little plot. Good gunplay and abilities.

jump, heavy slash, jump, heavy slash, jump, heavy slash, jump, heavy slash, jump, heavy slash, jump, heavy slash, jump, heavy slash, jump, heavy slash, jump, heavy slash.

A fun enough dumb action movie (I finished it in 90 minutes)

I don't think I remember very much about this game, which can't be a very good thing.