Reviews from

in the past

this shit is like pure torture, and ive endured it all. 11/10 would play it again

I wanted to tear my limbs off but otherwise pretty good dlc

Did not realise i had to seperatly rate this. Farewell is the greatest level of any game I've ever played. This solidified Celeste as my favourite game of all time

I think this DLC is fantastic, even though it was so frustrating to do, that was tied to the narrative, and i was supposed to feel this way, this was my favorite level in the game probably. I recommend but you have to keep in mind that it will be really hard , but if you push through it, you can do it , and the accomplishment is something else.

Made me want to kms but maybe better than base from an already perfect game.

I really appreciate what the team did here. I never expected developer created levels to be this tough, and the embrace of advanced mechanics in normal gameplay is so cool to see. This isn't to mention the stages of grief that madeline goes through in the level. Great little add-on.

Farwell is by far the best chapter in the entire game, its also the hardest chapter in the game requiring you to pretty much beat every B and C Side in the game so that you are prepared for what you'll have to suffer through in the chapter

I think Farewell on its own would already be fantastic. it has my favorite Lena Raine songs to date, the level design is great, and honestly it took me longer than the entire rest of the game to beat

but as the culmination of the entirety of Celeste, it's immaculate. beating it is honestly one of the hardest things I've ever done in a game, but it was so so so worth it. it was one of the first games to make me absolutely sob on the final cutscene (altho that might also have something to do with having started hrt not long before playing it lol). it's really really hard, and if you don't wanna spend the time to overcome that it's completely valid, but getting through it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. if you can do it, you absolutely absolutely should

Idk why this is a seperate listing from the rest of celeste but this chapter is really fucking good

Farewell to your sanity.

Jokes aside, Farewell is an amazing and engaging finale for Celeste and the true ending is absolutely worth the efforts you're going through.

Don't know why this is listed separately, but might as well log it since I finally beat it today after 2031 deaths.

It's alright. Nothing life-changing or anything, but I'm glad I stuck with it until the end. The grand total of 2 new mechanics isn't really enough to keep this level interesting throughout its insane length (took me about 7 hours I think). Celeste Team desperately needs more ideas than "stuff that makes you jump farther in slightly different ways".

I'll gladly salute anybody patient enough to finish this gauntlet of a chapter.

It is my favorite level in any game ever. It will also probably take the average player the same amount of time as they took to beat the entire main story the first time. I love it

Farewell was really fun, but IMO the stage design is lacking compared to the rest of Celeste. Farewell is Still more than worth the play. :D

I'm happy, and sad at the same time. Moon Berry btw


This level simultaneously makes me feel really good and really bad at video games.

Moon berry obtained after 2191 deaths and 9 hours.

This is like doing 30 C-sides back to back. I have never enjoyed being made a game's bitch more.

Same as the main game: Great music and art, nice story.
What's new? More levels with higher difficulty, but also very rewarding, specially if you figure the solutions out yourself.
I just wish it didn't have an ammount of hearts as a requirement to play what I assume is the last parts of the game, as it made me lose motivation.

more of the same, harder challenges. good addition

I think farewell is straight up the hardest thing i've played in any game but god damn i sure did it. This shit will push you to your absolute limit and i really don't think it's for me but i can respect it

these guys made free DLC for the cute anxiety platformer and it's still probably the hardest video game challenge i've ever completed. such an emotional, triumphant epilogue for a game that was already one of my all-time favorites.

my favorite piece of fiction ever made and the best level in any video game ever and the last screen is my favorite moment in all of gaming