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in the past

Yup. I did it. I never thought I'd ever beat this thing back in 2019 when I attempted it (wavedashing filtered me) but not only did I learn that mechanic totally, not only did I beat Farewell...I got the moonberry baby! It took me over 8 hours and almost 3000 deaths but I did everything the DLC has to offer (besides the golden strawberry ofc).

I mentioned the visuals being lovely for the base game and in farewell it's on another level. I love the use of color used in this stage and the cosmic jellyfish look is super awesome. I also think the mixtapes floating through space was a really nice touch aesthetically.

The OST is still solid but it actually has my favorite song in all of Celeste and it's right near the end too. The song that plays on the last screen is so so good and fits really well. It's the end of a super hard super long final chapter and the song is all triumphant and emotional it's so good.

Speaking of that final screen, I honestly didn't think it was too bad. The fact I had to do it several more times after beating it to attempt the moonberry run made it actually quite easy. There's another infamous room where you have to wavedash into a wall bounce off a moving block and that one was definitely hard but it didn't take me long...only like 15 mins I think? The final screen from 7-C was still hands down the hardest and most time consuming screen imo. Either way, besides some really difficult screens, farewell wasn't absolutely soul crushing like I was expecting but it was definitely a lot of fun.

The story this time around has Madeline having to cope with the loss of granny and I think it was really well done. It was emotional, especially near the end, and the reveal that Theo's grandpa and granny were friends was a great reveal. I also loved how young granny looked just like Madeline, that and the fact they both went to climb Celeste made them being friends more believable.

So yeah, this DLC chapter was awesome and I still can't believe I beat it and got the moonberry! I was thinking an 8 at first but like the base game will give it a 9 for now. This one has a higher chance of me bumping it down but like I said, for now it's a 9. Also, sick ass game cover btw, it's awesome.

The hardest part of this DLC was beating it and still identifying as male

these guys made free DLC for the cute anxiety platformer and it's still probably the hardest video game challenge i've ever completed. such an emotional, triumphant epilogue for a game that was already one of my all-time favorites.

Beating 99.999999% of this without a guide is one of the greatest gaming achievements I've ever accomplished


Celeste is a mastery of the platformer genre. It is tight, fast-paced and extremely challenging at times, but never feels impossible.

Firstly, the gameplay is immaculate, as I've already said. The game feels so tight and polished, and you always feel in control. The game's controls are fundamentally quite simple:

Jump, movement, wall grab, and dash.

But hides complexities with techniques such as wavedashing, hypers and many more that the game itself does not even specify for those who really want to push the boundaries of the game. Complexities also come in the mechanics of the levels themselves, and by making every level feel different and unique, the gameplay loop never feels stale. The game also has many unseen quality of life features that most players wont know about, like the generous coyote time that the game actually gives you. You always feel in complete control playing this game.

As for the story, I honestly didn't care much about the story of celeste. It's not bad, and does have some really cool moments, but other than in farewell, it's nothing that special.

The music in this game, however, is spectacular, even incorporates dynamic elements into the game itself. My personal favorite being the hotel level, which gradually rises in intensity as you clear up the hotel more and more until it finally reaches it's breaking point, at which point the gameplay and the music both break loose. My overall favorite song has to be farewell though. It's simply amazing.

Done with the game? The modding community of this game is one of the most committed (and batshit insane), and you will never ever ever run out of mods to play. They go way beyond the scope of the game, introducing new mechanics and some even being borderline impossible.

Celeste was a complete delight to play, and in my opinion, the single best uncontested platforming game on the market. No other platforming game comes close to feeling as tight and polished as Celeste.

Si los capítulos y retos finales de Celeste ya mostraban síntomas de agotamientos, Celeste: Farewell trata de arreglarlos con un par de objetos excelentes (los peces y las medusas). Pero la configuración misma de los niveles ha dado un inmenso paso atrás. Ya no se trata de ser inventive ni de dominar el dash, ahora todo se reduce a hacer exactamente lo que tienes que hacer y no equivocarte ni un milímetro. La sección final es una prueba de resistencia que puso a prueba tanto mi frustración como mi valoración entera de la obra. Si lo único que tienes que ofrecer al final de todo es dificultad extrema y técnicas de speedrunner, entonces tu juego ya se ha quedado sin ideas.

En un vídeo de Patricia Taxxon sobre Celeste oí no hace mucho que la dificultad en los juegos podría entenderse como añadir picante a un plato, y me pareció una analogía bastante buena. Aquí sería como si alguien hubiera echado un bote entero de wasabi que, en vez de aumentar gradualmente, se limitara a hacerte toser entre cada cucharada.


If the final chapters of Celeste already showed signs of exhaustion, Celeste: Farewell tries to fix them with a couple of excellent objects that do wonders for me-the fish and the jellyfish. But the design of the levels has taken an immense step backwards. It's no longer about being inventive or mastering the dash, now it's all about doing exactly what you have to do and not getting an inch wrong. The final section is an endurance test that tested both my frustration and my entire assessment of the game. If all you have to offer at the end of it all is extreme difficulty and speedrunner techniques, then your game has officially run out of ideas.

In a video about Celeste I heard not long ago that difficulty in games could be understood as adding spice to a dish, and I thought that was a pretty good analogy. Here it would be as if someone had poured a whole pot of wasabi that instead of gradually increasing would make you cough a lot with each spoonful.

HARD. Beautiful extra story. HARD. Cemented my thoughts of this whole game being one of my all-time favourites. HARD.

I think Farewell on its own would already be fantastic. it has my favorite Lena Raine songs to date, the level design is great, and honestly it took me longer than the entire rest of the game to beat

but as the culmination of the entirety of Celeste, it's immaculate. beating it is honestly one of the hardest things I've ever done in a game, but it was so so so worth it. it was one of the first games to make me absolutely sob on the final cutscene (altho that might also have something to do with having started hrt not long before playing it lol). it's really really hard, and if you don't wanna spend the time to overcome that it's completely valid, but getting through it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. if you can do it, you absolutely absolutely should

...God, this chapter gave me PTSD with how long I took to finish this...

Farewell is what solidified Celeste as my favorite game ever.

my favorite piece of fiction ever made and the best level in any video game ever and the last screen is my favorite moment in all of gaming

Made me want to kms but maybe better than base from an already perfect game.

Farewell to your sanity.

Jokes aside, Farewell is an amazing and engaging finale for Celeste and the true ending is absolutely worth the efforts you're going through.

This mode is really really REALLY hard but somehow still super fun. i will definitely come back to it someday but for now im moving on to other games.

I'll gladly salute anybody patient enough to finish this gauntlet of a chapter.

Farewell is the PERFECT way to wrap up this game. I used to think the new mechanics for this chapter were extremely annoying, but the more time you spend with them, the better it feels, to an insane degree. By the last few checkpoints, you get the opportunity to go wild with every complicated movement you know, and that is such a free and exhilarating feeling! It's going to be hard for any game to top Celeste's airtight level designs. Alas, I'm finally able to say farewell to the game that's stumped me for years. It's been hard, but it's been fun.

i wavedashed and cried was peak

This is like doing 30 C-sides back to back. I have never enjoyed being made a game's bitch more.

this has to be bad for my health. feels like i lost 5 fucking years of my lifespan beating this shit

got the moon berry tho yay!



Let yourself feel the warmth of another. You will be set free.

"I'm not forcing you I'm asking you. "

"Say goodbye to her for me."

5 horas, 43 minutos y 2081 muertes. La verdad que hubo varios momentos que me estuve por rendir, pero seguí adelante y lo terminé. Valió la pena.

Absolutely incredible DLC. This hit me even harder than the original game.

I think farewell is straight up the hardest thing i've played in any game but god damn i sure did it. This shit will push you to your absolute limit and i really don't think it's for me but i can respect it

It was haaaard but so rewarding. Must play