Reviews from

in the past

A pretty fun little game. Very funny.

The game is very reminiscent of early FF games and Earthbound in terms of general gameplay feel, graphics and design.
Luckily, the game decides to remove a lot of the more punishing features of those games. Winning a battle will restore your party to max HP and revive all your downed characters, coupled with the fact that if you roam and fight in a dungeon for long enough, you'll stop getting random encounters being the two most prominent examples.

The story is good for what it is. It's meant to be a parody and I enjoyed a large part of the dialogue and self-awareness the game had. It also isn't long and can be beaten in 6-7 hours.

The gameplay is classical turn-based with the twist that enemies become stronger every turn, so stalling is not recommended as it will make any battle unnecessarily difficult.

Being able to branch your characters out further and further with each level-up was a nice addition, which adds some replay value.

The one thing that really hurts this game is how they deal with MP regen. You need MP if you're gonna deal a lot of damage, but the only way to regen it outside of save points is to battle by only using normal attacks and finishing a battle quickly on top of that. That's not easy to do in later stages because enemies get tougher and tougher. It would be fine if you could run away from these encounters, but here the only way to run away from battle is to have a character from your party who has a skill that costs 25 MP to use. Not to mention if the enemies kill her, you're screwed. This made the last two dungeons in the game annoying to go through.

Overall, if you're a fan of early 80s JRPGs and are looking for a game that is far more forgiving in its design while still retaining that 80s feel, this is a decent choice.

After beating and completing the game, I have mixed feelings about it, and while being my opinion mostly on the negative side, I have to give credit at the love that the creators of the game have given, since it seemed to me that this game was a passion project, but sadly, it was also a flawed project.

The thing that irks me the most is the gameplay balance, and I'm not joking, but I think this is the most untested game I've ever played. I played the game on Insane, which is the highest difficulty, and the name is perfect, because you need to be insane to program it. In the first area of the game, I needed to rely on RNG to even survive combats, since almost all enemy groups you face would kill you before you were able to attack. This just shows me the game wasn't even tested for that difficulty, since there was nothing I could do to improve on my situation.

I like a challenging difficult where I have to optimize my resources to beat the game, but on this one, that wasn't the case, there wasn't much thinking behind the strategy you have to follow, only pray to the RNG gods to be lucky all the time.

Insane Mode has also a really stupid addition, which is that to not face random encounters, you have to participate on 9.999 encounters on an area. On other difficulties, it is always around 25, but here, you are assigned an impossible to reach number, I imagine that they wanted to make things harder, but at least they could have made it that once you defeat the area boss, encounters were disabled, because random encounters appearing every few seconds makes exploring the maps harder.

The difficulty spikes were weird, one area was almost impossible and the next one could be a breeze, so after completing the game I can't really tell where I've been overleveled or underleveled.

I thought that maybe those were complains for playing the highest difficulty, but the next one is present on all of them, and it's the dungeon design. Almost all dungeons are claustrophobic: They are big, look the same on all parts, and are mainly composed of different paths that connect into each other, being really hard to know where you have to go next, there's also no map so it's even harder to know where to go. In the end, I found that the easiest way to find the next room was to use the old trick of sticking your left hand to the wall and keep walking forward.

And those were my main concerns with the game, now, the positive ones:

The PC version has a new mode once you beat the game called "Cthulhu's Angels", which changes the characters you use, the story and some bosses. This mode is slightly better balanced in terms of difficulty, there's still random difficulty spikes but at least I was able to defeat the monsters I faced in the first dungeon without problems, so it seems to be slightly more tested. It also helps that this time, there's a fixed party instead of being able to pick from several characters.

This mode also adds a new final dungeon, and this one is actually good. This time, it seems that the developers learnt from their mistakes and actually made a dungeon that consists on several rooms connected in a linear way, instead of just random corridors that could be a labyrinth.

Another detail I liked was the addition of the characters of Breath of Death VII as superbosses which you could recruit if you win, an extra optional character to use is a cool reward for exploring, specially when it's a cameo character and it's what makes me feel like the developers actually care for the games they create, even if the product doesn't fulfill their expectations.

Fun little adventure game with quite a bit of comedy. Can't really say much more to it but there is a lot of re-playable things to it too.

Edit: Really, much of the game there's not too much to say about it as in gameplay it's your standard JRPG kind of setting, but with some interesting characters, fun art and even an ability to drive people insane and putting them into a kind of rage-like effect to make them unable to use abilities...I think. I really don't remember what kind of benefit it had tbh...

Ehm, Cthulhu Saves the World? Ano, Cthulhu Saves the World!

Na koleně naprogramované parodické RPGčko o hrdinném prastarém Cthulhu? No ano; a jaké! Cthulhu vystupuje z R´lyehu, aby zničil svět. Před plným nabitím sil je o ně ovšem připraven a není tedy ničím více než... No, malým zeleným cosi. Jediná možnost jak získat své síly zpět a zničit svět (Muhehe! Muhehehe!! Muhehehehe!!!) je stát se neohroženým hrdinou bez bázně a hany, který zabrání zničení světa. Ehm, cože?

Většina her nezávislé scény co chce být odlehčená a vtipná neumí odhadnout, co je vtipné pouze pro ně a jejich přátele a co i pro ostatní. Duo skrývající se za názvem Zebyod Gamesmá oproti nim jednu výhodu. Je vtipné (čímž samozřejmě neříkám, že i jim to tu a tam neujede směrem k trapnosti). A to hned ve dvou rovinách. Za prvé skvěle parodují klišé a postupy klasických hrdinných RPGček a za druhé dělají to samé i s celým Cthulhu (aneb jak se to vlastně vyslovuje?) universem. Jak z RPG tak z "tématické nadstavby" je vidět, že jsou především velkými fanoušky obou.

To vše by sice bylo hezké, ale bylo by to zcela na nic, kdyby to zároveň (a především) nebyla i výtečná hra. Což je. Klasické izometrické "japonské RPG" se vším všudy, které funguje samo o sobě i bez znalosti tohoto typu RPGček či Lovecraftova (a jeho nesčetných pohůnků) odkazu. Bohatý děj, charaktery co vám nebudou jedno (v čele s ironickým a vždy s uštěpačnou poznámkou na rtech Cthulhu), bohaté možnosti questování. Herní doba delší většiny dnešních rychlokvašek i propracovaný tahový bojový systém a "management" týmu. Hlavně je však zábava to hrát, takřka ihned se dostavuje starý dobrý známý; dnes však již takřka se nevyskytující; syndrom "ještě jeden souboj/dungeon/rozhovor a jdu spát"... No, nejdete. Když k tomu přičtete věci jako skvělý oldschool soundtrack, highlander mód či "director´s cut" verzi po dohrání, tak není co řešit. Cthulhu fhtagn!