Reviews from

in the past

Great game idea to have an engine that reacts on you moving a hole. Really sweet minigame experience. You can tell there was some heart put in this one.

otimo pra jogar depois de um jogo dark
(o jogo limpa a alma)

this is me when i show MY hole

good music

Donut country is a simple and very short game took me 2 hours to 100% the game and get all achievement's but the game is amazing the game follow's a basic concept of a small whole that grows large when you suck more into it leading to puzzle solving on what first has to go in the whole and later levels being other aspects of the simple hole and suck everything into concept by introducing the catapult and other puzzle and problems which lead you to think but not to hard the game narrative is nothing to be amazed by but it's cute seeing the way of the town of animals live and they react with each other in conclusion this is a fun little puzzle solver game that can easily be beaten in one sitting and I highly recommend funny donut raccoon game to anybody when it's on sale

Do you ever feel like an endless pit that just wants to absorb everything? Then this is the game for you.

they turned the mobile ads into a real game and its really fun

Narrative: 2 - Gameplay: 3.5 - Visuals: 3 - Soundtrack: 2.5 - Time: 2
Stars: 2.5

Donut County é tipo Katamari. Você sai "engolindo" tudo, desde pedrinhas ate prédios, sempre aumentando o escopo. Só que aqui num game mais relaxante e engraçado, com ótimos personagens e diálogos.

Fiz um shorts sobre aqui

In Donut County you play as an all-encompassing hole powered by a capitalist raccoon. 🦝 That's kind of it. It brings to mind Undertale in the simplicity of its gameplay, its a bare bones take on visuals, and its cast of sarcastic animal characters. But like Undertale, there's not much challenge and sort of just looks more gamey than it actually is. There's some inventive puzzles here that involve first making your hole larger by consuming more rubbish and then environment puzzles. Yes, it's sort of a reverse We Love Katamari but there's nothing that demanding. Donut County's worth picking up for its laid back story. And .. it's a hole lot of fun 😏

jogãooo, meio curto mas muito divertido

Nice game with a funny premise. Thats about it ;)

Very simple and short cute game. Not a whole lotta stuff to do but is entertaining while it lasts. 100%

unique mechanics and a short but captivating story with the cutest characters and a very original context. the pokedex of trash is pretty much my kind of humor.

A short and kind of funny game similar to katamari. My only complaint is that I wish there were more freedom to making the hole larger instead of just ending when the level is over.

this feels very much inspired by katamari I want more games like katamari please make more and I will give you my money

gostei bastante, bem curtinho e interativo. gosto que, depois de terminar, as fases ficam disponíveis pra você jogar e pegar achievement que tinha ficado pra trás.

Really short and easy but still a fun lil game. I like the characters and story a lot too.

If you've got a spare few hours then I would highly recommend playing this. Just a really chill experience with funny indie game dialogue.
This is where Rocket went after retiring.

Great story. Cute characters and art style.

Really fun game you can beat before noon if you start playing it at 7am. It's like Katamari but with more puzzles in terms of game feel. I haven't played it in awhile but it took me just a morning and a bit after noon on a Saturday to beat. I think it's 10 bucks. Overall not a bad way to spend 10 bucks and a fifth of your day. I give it 5 stars for being unique and respectful of your time. The game doesn't overstay it's welcome. For what it's worth it's 5 stars. I've rated games I liked more more harshly but I got what I expected out of this game and for what it was it was pretty solid. I'm just repeating things now but I think it's worth checking out.

Donut County is a cute little game with a silly sense of humor and surprisingly feeling story.
It works on the same rules as Katamari, but instead of a Ball you are growing a Hole, by consuming everything that can fit, yes.
That's really it, you are just trying to grab everything on the level… At least, for the most of the game, since later on you also get a Catapult which sends some of the items BACK through the hole to reach something, so yes, it's more of a puzzle than Katamari, which is a plus in my book.
Achievements also give it more of a puzzle aspect, considering that for some you REALLY gotta think a bit more than usual.
AND there's an ending… But I shan't spoil, it's a short enough game that you should compelte on your own. And it's cute on the surface as well, with a great soundtrack.
Very much worth it.

(Game Pass) Silly game with Katamari style mechanic of swallowing everything insight to "fix" people's problems after ordering donuts from a crazy raccoon.

i cant believe they put your mom in this game