Reviews from

in the past

One of the best in the classic trilogy off of pure level design alone. The style is unique and colorful, the Unmaker in an iconic addition to the roster, and the whole game's just got that classic Midway flare. The lack of Revenants and Archviles do lead to a greater use of Hell Knights and Arachnotrons, but the placement is smart. A classic...just don't play it on original hardware.

better game than doom 93' and 2

The most fun I had with classic Doom. Every level feels like it was designed to be played with pistol starts if needed.

I’m really glad I came back to finish this; I liked it a lot better the second time around. I think this is a really solid entry that carries forward a lot of what made id’s Dooms great while also carving out its own identity.

The level design is really impressive and the music keeps the atmosphere up. The art style never really grew on me, but it definitely fits with the game’s overall aesthetic.

I’m really stoked that this was ported to modern consoles. It’s a hell of a Doom!

Almost on par with the originals in my opinion

Great level design and atmosphere combine with an already solid foundation to make a lovely doom game

true pioneer of the fps genre with its great combat and guns but with messy stage design so youre just running in a maze looking for sum stupid keycard

There's all the aspects of Doom that I love but also a lot that just feels... empty? Idk, it just kind of feels like a map pack, and at this point I think Doomlikes have just evolved so much that I'd rather play something a little more fast-paced

Corto, precoz e intenso, como yo.

Confesso que joguei esse jogo pela platina, mas joguei algumas horas da "campanha", e não achei nada muito incrível comparado aos jogos anteriores. Teve sim uma evolução gráfica, com inimigos novos, entre outros aspectos positivos. Sobretudo, depois de ter jogado os games anteriores, parece que esse jogo "enjoa" rápido. Porém, em relação à esse porte da Bethesda, eu não gostei muito da adaptação dos controles, achei mediana comparado aos portes anteriores, mas como o jogo original (a versão de Nintendo 64) tinha os controles "difíceis", dá para relevar.

Se eu quisesse música atmosférica eu tava jogando Nier

I first played this quite a long time after it released.
I didn’t like it.
Years later, I got it on my Switch and it sat there for months. Then BAM, I started it up after getting annoyed with DOOM 3 (that’s another story) and at first wasn’t impressed, then about level 3 it hooked me. The levels are really fun and the “new” graphics are good.
Would recommend to any DOOM nut.
I think it’s better than Final DOOM by a wide margin

might continue playing one day

Not quite as good as the first 2 DOOM games, but I still had a good time with DOOM 64

Gostei, mas é sem dúvida mais fraco dos 3 primeiros, menos empolgante e com um ritmo ritmo lento, a trilha sonora faz falta e o tom mais melancólico e pesado não casa com o gameplay frenético,level designe continua fino,só o boss final que é ridículo.


The REAL Doom 3, don't ignore this one if you like 1 and 2

A truly amazing entry; more of a horror feel than any of the other classic Dooms. Remained underrated until fairly recently. Thankfully now more people have seen just how good it is.

Doom 64 takes most of Doom II's added mechanics—some of its enemies, the super shotgun—and reuses them in a game that hews closer to Doom 1's level design. Tight, packed labyrinths—although smaller ones than in Doom 1—define Doom 64. It's everything a sequel to Doom 1 should be: its level design ideology infused with new enemies, new weapons, and better rendering tech.

Can't believe I skipped this for 20+ years on the mistaken assumption that it was just a port of the original. It's no port; it's the second best Doom game released in the 90s.

never knew i would like a doom game

It took me a bit longer to beat this game than I expected, but I liked it quite a bit in many ways.

What I liked about it:
-I'm delighted how much the gameplay mechanics of Doom 1 and 2 are still intact in Doom 64. It made the transition to this game pretty seamless and I didn't have much issue getting used to the game's feel.
-While the game has the same weapons that are already available in Doom 2, I did get a kick out of the Unmaker weapon and I find it especially fun after finding all of the secret amulets.
-For the most part, I find a good chunk of the game's levels to be really solid, what became the highlights for me were the game's "Fun" levels due to them providing a really fun challenge along with the Lost Levels campaign the Remaster provides, which I ended up liking more than the main campaign in all honesty.

What I didn't like:
- While I can appreciate the game for trying to lean toward a more horror tone, and I think it worked better when the game first came out, I'm not exactly sure if it really works for this kind of game these days. I was shooting and killing demons in the same manner as the previous games without issues with ammo or the number of enemies, so I never was exactly terrified of the game's enemies. Along with this, I never really felt disturbed by the game's environments or the soundtrack, in fact, I felt kind of annoyed by how it tries really hard to be scary, but not at the exact same time when looking past the creepy songs and bleak environments.

-While I did enjoy most of the levels, the level design really took a nosedive toward the final part of the game. Many of the endgame levels felt way too confusing and cryptic to traverse through, to the point where I kept using a guide to know where the hell I was supposed to be even going or where to find the next keys, which is not exactly fun to do. It really kind of impacted my enjoyment because of how frustrating those final moments of the game are.

-This is more of a personal thing for me, but I would really advise new players to go out of their way to find the secret levels and acquire the amulets because, without it, I had an incredibly tough time dealing with all of the enemies in the final level for how overwhelming everything was. It especially didn't help that once the final boss showed up, I didn't have enough ammo to take care of it easily, so I had to resort to cheats to even beat it because the only thing I had to fight back was the chainsaw, which didn't really help for how BS some of the attacks were. Though when I replayed the level with the game's really useful password system, things were a lot smoother and felt more satisfied with the ending than I did before.

-The super shotguns reload animation is not as satisfying as in Doom 2's (This makes this game objectively worse because of it)

Overall, despite some of the major issues I have with the game, I still have a pretty good time with it. Even with the game's flaws, it's still very much the classic Doom gameplay I've come to enjoy, just under a new coat of paint and some minor additions included. It's a nice refresher from the setting Doom 1 and 2 provided, while still feeling familiar enough to where I was still able to enjoy it for the most part. I am glad I bought the remaster, only because of the amazing Lost Levels campaign and some other great additions.

Отвратительный дизайн уровней. Я не знаю какой мудак их проектировал, но это просто ужас. Почти в каждом уровне одно и тоже - нажимаешь на кнопку в одном конце локации, чтобы что-то произошло в другом и иди ищи, что поменялось. Иногда изменения происходят блять без твоего ведома и это мне сносит башню от злости даже сейчас. Я уж промолчу про то, что почти все уровни крайне тесные и нередко возникали ситуации, когда пространства для манёвров тупо нет.
Финальный босс - это нахуй пиздец. Он запускает в тебя менструальные чаши от которых нельзя убежать и почти невозможно замансить. Лучше бы двух кибер-демонов выставили. Единственная рабочая страта против него - сохранить пару зарядом для БФГ, встать перед ним в упор и затанчить весь урон от него, с надеждой убить его первым. Тупо рандом.
Враги и оружие по сравнению с предыдущими играми - так себе, но это лично моя проблема. Хотя бы радует атмосфера.
Игра для фанатов. Если это ваш первый "старый дум", то даже не запускайте этот кусок дерьма. Даже для N64 есть шутеры получше (Turok, Golden Eye 007, Perfect Dark).

More like Doom 1.5. They took about half the enemies from II but left almost all the interesting ones out sadly. SSG just seems overkill, so they had to throw a lot of barons all over the levels. Otherwise, the levels were still nice, and the Lost Levels campaign was better than the base game.

This review contains spoilers

[Game received for free]
Uhhhhhhh, yeahhh…

I’ve been on a retro shooter kick for a few years. Despite that I’ve barely touched Doom, and have only played Doom 2016 and Doom RPG. I’d heard Doom 64 is a black sheep, but I was still looking forward to it.

It’s unfortunate that Doom 64 left me feeling so disappointed. Especially when, based on other reviews, there’s still some serious love for it. I’m not here to yuck anyone’s yum, and I know it’s a 26-year-old game that released within a year of the N64’s launch, so I’ll do a rapidfire what I did/not like:

- It feels like half of the enemies are Barons. Even 2-3 of them in an obtuse room doesn’t make for a compelling encounter.

- I did play on normal, but all of the encounters besides the final boss “fuck it, here’s everything” arena were uncompelling. And uncompelling in a way that more enemy damage/health wouldn’t solve.

- Music fluctuates between very short loops and genuinely creepy ambiance. I don’t know if it’s just the Nightdive re-release, but some of the soundtracks have audio of moans and screaming. This was shocking, but also highlighted the disparity.

- The plasma gun has the same 90’s electricity sound on a 2 second loop. This never stops.

- Who did this to you, super shotgun? Who stole your Doom 2 animation and hurt you?

- Final boss is prohibitively challenging - unless you took the time rubbing your face on every wall to find the upgrades to the Chronoscepter Unmaker. Then it’s a cakewalk.

Glad this was only a weekend romp, with ~6 hours for the main story (I did not play the Lost Levels). I can’t see any reason to recommend Doom 64 when the genre is hilariously stuffed with high quality, weird, or experimental retro shooters.

Doom padrao po acha chave abre porta mata demonio repeat

Yeah brother I'll play some more Doom but with spooky ambient music this time.