Reviews from

in the past

super fun game, sorta wish they went more all out.

the midi music is such an annoying cop out, the selection of monsters feels a little basic (especially with the really cool and extensive swathes of treasures), the story ends right when it feels like its getting in gear.

fully recommend though, basically a big dragon quest sandbox. as usual fun gameplay, fantastic voice acting, cool visuals.

a sequel could be truly killer, maybe taking place after xi? i'm sure a sylvando cameo alone would push ten dragonqeustillion units sold

Its fun for a while and short enough to not get stale

I went from Snack World to this game and hell, the jump makes the other one look worse. This game feels going on adventures, gathering treasures and building a reputation.

Is simple, but with an great game loop, with a really well designed semi-open world(s) for you to lose on it and do all quest when you need. Hell, I think that you can find some of the main treasures before the game tells you where they are.

It doesn't have the level of a main Dragon Quest, but I went to this game already knowing that, is a smaller and experimental spin-off like the ones done during the GBC-DS era and I love it.

The idea of an RPG collectathon is pretty neat and I liked how you used your monsters to traverse the world, but the game just falls flat in so many places. Combat is dull since most of the damage is done by AI controlled monsters, there are only like 15 different varieties of monster to recruit in a game about exploring with a custom party of monsters (there are like 70 total monsters but most of them are just recolors), and some of the super important legendary story treasures you need to beat the game are just laying around in the overworld with no plot attached to them. It kind of feels like the game was rushed out to meet some kind of deadline, which is really weird since Square Enix released a bunch of other low-budget JRPGs (Valkyrie Elysium, Star Ocean 6, Harvestella, DioField Chronicle, etc) within a few months of this game. It hurts to rate a DQ game this low since it still oozes charm and I enjoyed playing it, but it's by far the weakest DQ game I've played, spin-off or otherwise. It's not a bad game and I'd still say it's worth checking out if you like the idea of it, but don't go in expecting too much.

Bit of a slow burner, but a fun loop once you really get into it. Annoyingly I triggered the end game before I was ready, and traded it in once I finished. But ever since I've had a hankering to go back to it, and just play a bit longer in this world.

100%ed this. Fuck this dude. Its probably great for kids but it gets SO repetitive. At least I enjoyed the final boss fight

Decent little spin off title like so many of the Dragon Quest games are. Overall gets by on charming vibes and being plain adorable even if the gameplay loops shows you it's hand pretty quickly.

Much better than people thinks. It doesn't deserve the cold treatment. A serviceable nice action JRPG. Sure, nothing amazing at technical level, but still fun.

Don’t have a lot to say about this one. Has a nice gameplay loop and there’s lots of love and references to dq history to be found. If you’re here for decent characters, being a dq11 fan, or plot, wrong game. If you like hunting goodies in multiple environments and general exploration, right game.

This is a fun, cute game that will appeal to fans of the DQ and especially the DQM games. It feels a bit like a mobile game in a good way, like it's a great game to relax with after work or on the train. Not too deep, but lots of fun things to do. And unlike mobile games, no microtransactions. That said, it's not a $60 game. Grab it when it goes on sale. I've seen physical copies for around $30 which is what it's worth IMHO.

The monsters are gorgeous, especially the new jewel ones. I just wish the new DQM Dark Prince game looked as good (the demo is out and it looks worse than the 3DS games).

I had a lot of fun, I don't know if it's a good game to introduce the franchise to other people, but for those who have enjoyed RPGs but had never played Dragon Quest, this game works very well.

Played time: 34hrs

Dragon Quest Treasures is... all right but nothing special. It has the charm of Dragon Quest, it has the cool monster designs, it has some fun moments, but most of the time I found myself either bored with it or when there was a lot of combat actively disliking it. The core gameplay loop of going to a map collecting treasures and managing your team and then going back to base to get rewards works kind of but the bad menu navigation and the bad combat hold it back for me. I also didn't enjoy the game getting a bit grindy towards the end. For me, it was just a mediocre experience overall.

This was a really wholesome and fun game. Like the first half of Dragon Quest XI. I enjoyed the open world aspect to it, the real time combat was okay, but honestly my biggest complaint was the lack of monsters. Like where are we where the toughest guy in the room is usually Robbin' 'Ood? Still glad I got to play it. It was a fun time and think it's pretty fun. Would recommend on a sale.

It's fitting that a game about amassing huge swaths of treasure has Too Much Stuff in it. If I didn't ignore the vast majority of the side quest log in this, I'd have made myself sick of playing.

The way hunting and collecting treasures defines each of your excursions into the world molds a satisfying core loop out of this thing, although what kept me coming back was watching my friends lay the smack down on anyone who even so much as looked at me funny.

Really fun but need to sit and properly play it. Maybe even restart

was hoping for more development on erik and mia as characters, that being said this game is actually quite fun