Reviews from

in the past

Two fantastic games together. I wish they would re-remaster it with 3x speed and the other things they gave the PS1 games.

Para muchos, "el último Final Fantasy", para mí esa afirmación no es correcta, pero sí, es un juego fantástico. Y no es correcta no porque FFX no sea un gran FF, sino porque lo que le precedió es muy bueno (FFXII).

¿Qué decir de FFX? Probablemente de las historias más conmovedoras de la franquicia, mostrándonos el amor puro entre Tidus y Yuna hasta el punto de hacernos llorar como cosacos en ciertas partes del juego. Un absolutamente brillante sistema de combate de turnos REAL (no como el de los anteriores con una barra de tiempo activo) en el que te obliga a usar a todos y cada uno de los personajes, puesto que tienen un rol específico cada uno de ellos. Y el, probablemente, mejor minijuego de toda la saga, el Blitzball.

Y sí, es un juego muy lineal, con prácticamente nada de exploración, con alguna que otra parte muy olvidable, pero todo lo demás es taaan bueno, que se puede, y se debe, obviar lo malo.

Recomendadísimo a todos los fans del género y, para los que no conozcan la franquicia, es un gran Final Fantasy por el que empezar.

só não dou 10/10 pq tem o pior final fantasy junto nesse combo o X é perfeito e o X-2 é o maior crime contra humanidade

Genuinely Peak - i cant fault this game on anything. the music and characters were highlights for sure

História impecável. Eu te amo FFX, eu te amo.

Great game that kind of overstays its welcome.

X is so fucking good it's unreal, only real complaint is that I wish Kimari was a little more involved and Riku walked into an ocean.

X: If you asked 15 years ago, I might have said this was my favorite game at the time. I must have blocked out the absurd amount of grinding if you want everything.

It's a hit of nostalgia playing through this for the second time after so long. I still love the music, the world building is fantastic, and enjoy the fact that there isn't levels. You have a large grid with your stats and skills that everyone can learn. You can out level bosses and hilariously one or two shot them with some grinding. The aeons and summoner aspect was well done in the story.

However, the dialogue isn't the best. There's awkward moments and odd facial expressions amplified by the weird camera angles.While I'm happy Final Fantasy didn't create another moody MC like Squall and Cloud, Tidus seems too cheerful or unfazed at times. (Especially considering what is happening.) The two big twists are revealed about 3/4ths into the story. They are strange choices...almost for cheap shock value.

If you want everything done, (mini games, ultimate weapons, all side bosses, grid completion) prepare for HOURS and HOURS for grinding. I did not want to grind one enemy 100+ battles for one item.

The optional bosses will act cheesy and can one shot you at max. It's insane how the difficulty goes up. But I was not going to kill the same enemy for hours to max items.

It was really nice to have a re-release of this game I could play on my Vita, handheld gaming was a bit of a novelty for me back then. It was also a great excuse to replay the games and hunt the achievements (although still haven't finished getting them for X-2...)

The changes to the styling of the in-game models that are commonly criticized, I tend to agree with. They did not ruin the experience for me, but it is sad to think about what was lost.

I feel as though there was opportunity to implement quality of life features to this version that would have improved upon the original, such as being able to skip cutscenes in FFX for example, or highlight multiple nodes on the sphere grid. (Making the chocobo race controls less aggravating might have been asking for too much...)

This was also the first official release of the international version of X-2, which included a number of changes. While I enjoyed the new dresspheres, the creature creator felt unnecessary I tend to avoid it entirely when playing.

liked playing gotta pick it back up...

Amazing game and an amazing remaster!

Final Fantasy X was my first old Final Fantasy game. At first, I was slightly concerned because it's an old game, but after the first few hours, things got much better.
Anyway, the story is actually amazing; it's surprisingly well written and very emotional, arguably one of the best stories I've seen in a JRPG.
The gameplay holds up perfectly well; it honestly plays like a modern turn based game, still really fun and as deep as it needs to be.
The main characters are very good and they got even better in the process, even the characters I wasn't sure I would like.
The Sphere Grid is very interesting and the RPG elements are completely serviceable.
The music is awesome, the set-pieces are very nice and the CGI cutscenes are quite impressive even to this day.
Unfortunately though, the level design is extremely linear, and some minor elements in the game are outdated, like the puzzles, annoying difficulty spikes towards the end and voice acting.

+ Fantastic storyline
+ Great characters
+ Enjoyable gameplay
+ Sphere Grid
+ Beautiful music

- Very linear structure
- Outdated minor elements
- Difficulty spikes

Narrative: 9/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Content: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 9/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
Even after all these years, Final Fantasy X is still an impressive JRPG, as well as one of the most engaging, fun and technologically advanced games in the entire series. Some elements haven't aged very well, sure, but the journey as a whole is so beautiful, it makes the experience worthwhile.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes but mostly to those who enjoy turn based combat and JRPGs.
Must-play for Final Fantasy fans though.

Gonna talk about the FFX part, I really enjoyed it and loved the cast. The combat system was fantastic for its time and has become influential. Beautiful game

Just reviewing FFX here, and it's amazing! Not got round to FFX-2 yet but I'm sure I'll get there eventually.

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Obtained RustySteiner's Sphere

Listen to My Story™. I was 5, I have FFIX and FFX. I played both but my dumb Rugrats-loving brain was attracted to FFIX's chibi art style so that's the game I'm most fond of. I barely remember anything about FFX outside of throwing gil at a giant whale while riding an airship. Yeah, I'm surprised I GOT that far too. I don't know how though... Anyway. Fast-forward 20+ years later, and FFX is now one of my favorite Final Fantasy games out there!

Final Fantasy X tells a story about breaking from the cycle of tradition and in a meta way, the formula of the series. It's a pretty linear game with a rich world full of subtext, symbolism, and life. In a way, it's the very essence of what a Final Fantasy is about. To be different, innovative, compelling and ultimately fun. This is gonna be extremely long (TL;DR at the end) so sit back and enjoy ze shoopuf ride to my long and rambly thoughts about this amazing game.

There's no ATB (Active Time Battle) system anymore. We instead got CTB (Cock, Torture, Blitzballs) which is nice especially the free switching system. It's fast-paced, I'm not being rushed to make decisions, status ailments and buffs matter (and are quite OP), and every party have their strengths (like throwing balls) which lends to the fun of switching them around. It's really engaging and fun! Also the summon (Aeon) lineup is hands down one of the best not because of the variety and utility of each one but because of how they tie to the theme and story. Anima is my favorite.

In relation to the combat, we have the Sphere Grid and Equipment. No more traditional stuff like leveling up, stats on weapons and armor. The players are intimately familiar at how the party grows and I like that. It's also diegetically tied to the concept of spheres, and again - breaking from the cycle of tradition as you eventually "break away" from the linear path and get to decide HOW you build your characters (like throwing balls, and DOING 99999 DAMAGE). I FREAKING LOVE IT!

Oh man the characters. I adore them so much. They're all flawed, and at times unlikable, but they grow from them and in turn makes them layered and compelling. They, much like Spira, are stuck in a cycle on their arc and I'm here to see if I can explain/bs my way on how they break away from it. (I've shortened some because it got too long btw). Also, is this the first Final Fantasy game with voice acting? If so, they did a great job... with the acting. I can't get over how Teadoos sounds like Ratchet tho.

+ Teadoos is a great protagonist. He reminds me of Zidane in how pivotal they are to their respective worlds and party members. Teadoos went from a pompous superstar with daddy issues and got transported to an unknown world with no place to fit. His background lends to his early character of being whiny, and quite intrusive but in turn, adds a different perspective to the world of Spira. His arc is amazing on how he went from a bystander to a hero. He broke from the cycle of being treated as a star, the shadow of the Michael Jordan of Blitzball, and not as an individual. It's made even tragic with how the story ends but for the first time, he became the protagonist of his own life and in turn, saved the world. He's not a dream. He's his own person, and he will live on through the party's memories.

+ As for Auron, ngl I don't have a grasp on him much. He's the mentor-type for the entire party. The arbiter. He stays the same throughout because his arc started waaay before the game but his development was supplemented through Teadoos as they share the same sentiment as they learn more about the world. He keeps the party in line for the pilgrimage but ironically, also rejects that same tradition as we will see by the end. As for his cycle, he cannot pass on. He's stuck from his previous pilgrimage out of his promise to a friend but was finally able to break free by the end. His story has passed but he's still around to guide future generations from repeating it.

+ Yuna is a great deuteragonist. She's following in the footsteps of Braska, thus going through the same cycle of Spira. She stands on her own feet, tackling life with open-mindedness and kindness. These traits and in accompaniment, Teadoos' character help shape a new perspective, one that will break Spira free from its never-ending cycle. Also, she has a cute and playful side to her that's hampered by her duty as a summoner. I love her so much. She's also my favorite summoner in any FF games I've played. I can't wait for X-2. I can tell it's gonna be all about her and Spira's newfound freedom.

+ Rikku came late to the party but she's great. I was ready to hate her because I generally don't vibe with the energetic, clumsy, happy-go-lucky archetype that she falls into but I was surprised at how tastefully she was portrayed here (except for the beginning ass shots, just why?) Not annoying at all. The Al Bhed in general are super fun and enriches the world-building so much. They have their own language and collecting them was fun. I love Brother a lot.

+ I feel the same way about Kimahri. A Guado with a few words but once he opens up, he's cool. I wish he gets more focus though and he got shafted gameplay-wise by locking his Blue Magic to overdrives (and not having a specific build). I don't mind him but a weak link to the amazing party ngl.

+ Lulu is an enigma to me. It's because there's an affection system and she's at the top of it that some scenes were weirdly out of character. It sometimes seems like she's got the hots for Teadoos but then she's monotone during regular dialog. I love her character though. She's already moved on from Chappy's death but can't escape it through Wakka and his tendency to treat Teadoos as his own. You can tell she's different from what she lets on. She uses a cute moogle as a weapon and that's a cool characterization for her. Also WHAT'S UP WITH THOSE BELTS NOMURA?! Is it because she's shackled with her husband's death and thus makes her guarded and can't show/express herself honestly?! but then why is her cleavage showing?! EXPLAIN YOURSELF YAH.

+ Wakka is AMAZING. I genuinely don't get the hate I've heard throughout the years. Yes, he's racist, prejudiced, and loves Blitzball but he grows from it, improves as a person and I think that's the beauty of flawed fictional characters. It's explained well why he is the way he is. His brother died using machina and veering from the teachings. That's a guaranteed way to fall deeper into the religion. That's a very human and real situation IRL. It's also obvious how he doesn't know a single thing about the Al Bhed outside of "they bad" as per the teachings. He can't move on from his brother's death and its circumstance that he lost any semblance of common sense. It's a very human tale of how one's loss can affect a person, and learning how to come to terms with it and overcome your prejudices, becoming a better person. I love Wakka. He's a good brudda. He throws balls. I will not accept any slander.

Whew, that was almost as long as an entire Blitzball league. Sorry for that. I'll make sure to shorten this next segment.

I love a lot of things about Final Fantasy X but with every game, comes a few gripes.

- Camera is finicky in some sections

- I like to put my fastest party formation but there's no way to save them as default so you have to change formation after each battle. A bit annoying

- I said I like the voice acting. The voice direction though is kinda bad in some spots. They sped up the dialog to match the mouth movement. I chock it up to a product of its time so I'll give them some slack but ngl some moments didn't land well because of it.

- Mini-games are okay but bogged down by its RNG nature or its tendency to lock important items and upgrades behind unnecessarily grindy requirements.

- Endgame is very much the same way in that it's way too grindy. It's optional tho so this is more my fault for doing this on my very first experience. ngl it was funny tho when I one-shotted the final boss with a single Blitzball.

I hope I got my thoughts out properly. I hate how long this is but there's just a ton in my mind. I also will watch analysis videos after. FFX is one of those that has SO MUCH hidden stuff in it that you need multiple playthroughs to truly appreciate. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it!

TL:DR: Final Fantasy X HD Remaster is GOATED. And that, as they say, is that

97 blitzball hours and 100% achievements (for FFX only) later, I give Final Fantasy X HD Remaster a 4.5/5

I remember seeing this back when it came out and it blew my mind how much of a graphical leap it was from anything I'd ever seen at the time. Soundtrack has some of the best in the entire long running franchise. Fuck the cloister trials though.

***Strictly writing about Final Fantasy X, as I do not plan on playing X-2

An incredible RPG from start to finish. I enjoyed so many aspects of it from it's gorgeous art direction to the fantastic soundtrack. It really was that next big leap for this franchise, and it felt that way with everything it had to offer.

I think I’ve had this game for years?? I’ll play it eventually. I can’t wait to see tidus selfie and wakka in their home game! << clueless kingdom hearts fan

i lost my cartridge before the final boss but good game

holy FUCK its the MIDDEST of MIDS. BIGGEST waste of 30 HOURS of my LIFE. NEVER playing this shit AGAIN

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Bem, essa aqui é uma coletânea, então vou fazer as reviews à medida que for finalizando cada pedaço.

FINAL FANTASY X: Meu quarto Final Fantasy da vida (eu até hoje só tinha jogado a trilogia da Lightning) e certamente um dos grandes jogos da minha vida. A história é um pouquinho confusa? Sim, mas se você tiver paciência você vai aos poucos entendendo (quase) tudo.

Os protagonistas são TODOS muito legais de um jeito ou de outro, e tem suas próprias backstories e objetivos próprios. Detalho eles nos próximos parágrafos.

Tidus é um típico protagonista impulsivo e meio boboca de praticamente qualquer anime shounen, mas a tragédia pessoal dele o torna muito interessante. O mesmo vale pra a Yuna, que é uma mocinha disposta tudo pelo bem maior, coisa que a gente já viu várias vezes, mas acompanhar a jornada da coitada e vendo ela ter medo e dúvidas dá todo um tempero pra essa aventura. Juntos, esses dois vão nos trazendo uma mistura de otimismo/coragem com melancolia que mexe demais com os sentimentos. Eu nunca fui muito de chorar mas a cena do lago de deu um nó na garganta e o final do jogo me fez chorar LEGAL.

Wakka, Lulu e Kimahri são bem carismáticos e suas backstories transitam por temas profundos como luto, fé, intolerância e preconceito; o que os torna muito humanos e cativantes. Sim, usei o termo humano para o homem leão azul.

Sir Auron merece um parágrafo só pra ele por que de cara eu achei o personagem um saco. O espadachim misterioso que fala pouco e de maneira críptica é um conceito que eu acho meio chato e manjado, mas à longo prazo funciona por que a backstory dele é muito boa. Fora que ele faz uma ponte boa pra o Jecht, que poderia ser um personagem um pouco melhor, mas foi bem escrito o suficiente para que eu conseguisse sentir as daddy issues do Tidus.

Os vilões são um ponto fraco por que seguiram um esteriótipo que reza a lenda é muito presente em RPG japonês que é: primeiro encontre líderes corruptos com backstories tristes e por fim enfrente DEUS. Ao contrário do Auron, não achei que eles brilharam o suficiente pra ser um caso de "conceito básico perfeitamente aplicado que torna o personagem acima da média". Pra mim foi bem na média.

Agora sobre jogabilidade, eu gostei dos combates, dos poderes e golpes especiais. Consegui passar horas grindando e matando monstros quase iguais ouvindo a mesma música e sem enjoar. O único defeito pra mim aqui são as cutscenes cortando completamente o flow do jogo em alguns momentos. Você entra num mapa e pega uma cutscene, assim que ela termina tu anda dois passos e já tem outra. Se era pra fazer colado assim poderia ser uma cena só não? Me incomodou um pouco, especialmente no começo.

No quesito beleza, essa versão remasterizada BRILHA MUITO. Eu diria que tirando alguns npcs meio quadrados demais, o jogo se passaria fácil por um jogo feito pra PS3 mesmo. Talvez até com eles, por que lembro que o FF13 tinha uns npc quadrado também.

Um jogo fantástico que valeu cada uma das minhas mais de 60h nele. Se não fossem alguns defeitos bem pontuais ele seria perfeito, mas apesar desses defeitos ele ainda é grandioso!


FINAL FANTASY X-2: (Ainda vou iniciar)

X: Precisa muito de um remake, é bem na cara o quanto esse FF foi limitado pela época. Apesar de tudo, ainda é um dos meus favoritos, com uma história linda e com uma das melhores OSTs de tudo que já joguei (principalmente To Zanarkand).

X-2: Não tem motivo para existir.

beautiful game, made me cry so much

- used magus sisters to wipe jecht idgaf!!
- i worked for rikku and yuna's celestial weapons (also tried for tidus and got 0:0.1 for the race like dpmo please) but i was just over it
- overall ok like voice acting was janky but it was 2001 so what could they really have done. my only other gripe is the long dialogue that couldn't be skipped
- but this is my second favourite ff mainline believe it or not i think it's just because it was newer in relation to titles i played that released before (just vii)
- but i'll be playing x-2, viii and xii in that order while juggling p3r and rebirth. curious to see if this will move down my ranking