Reviews from

in the past

I was confident that I’ve played almost nothing of this game, but upon checking my PSN achievements it seems that I’ve almost completed it. I remember literally nothing about the story.

The combat is the worst of the series so far and the story is just not engaging at all.

Still God of War with its staple combat. Unfortunately the story was poorly laid out and offers nothing to the series as a whole. This game can be skipped, but the combat alone makes it worth it!

I do not remember a single thing about this game other than there being multiplayer (that I also do not remember a single thing about.) Like, I cannot tell you with full confidence that I've played this video game. It's on my trophy list! I have 27% of the trophies! 0 Idea. Fake game.

I’ve officially decided to drop this game. I can’t be bothered to finish it all because of the Trial at the end of the game that just isn’t fun in any way. I wasn’t in love with the game before this point, the combat is a slog, the story is inconsequential and the time skipping was frustrating. The entire game could be an hour long. Kill the fury, flashback to trying to kill the fury, kill other fury, flashback to blah blah blah. There’s no parts of Greek mythology explored outside the Furys because the previous games already adapted everything else. This is a pointless instalment that exists to peddle its multiplayer component which obviously can’t be accessed anymore. I’m annoyed I have end this one so close to the end but I don’t want to replay the game on the lowest difficulty over one bullshit section and don’t have the time to torture myself over it either. The god of war marathon will continue but this was the roughest start possible.

Story sucks but I really liked everything else. Fun and punchy game play, boss battles, set pieces, and more. Never touched the online mode. 8/10

I'd say one of the best in the series, released at the end cycle of the PS3, the multiplayer was what made it a -1, who goes into a game that is single player focused and adds multiplayer, makes zero sence, also this takes place before gow 1.

Пик оригинальных Богов Войны, полностью раскрытый потенциал слешера. Да, это именно конец эволюции серии до ребута, наконец-то сделали всё на достойном уровне. Игра больше не представляет из себя бег вперёд как в третьем Боге Войны, добавляет новую механику, позволяющую выцеплять слабых врагов и врагов без брони на дистанции, что позволяет не только без риска для себя наносить урон врагу, но и использовать его тушку как сняряд, что было ещё в самом первом Боге Войны на ПС 2. В том числе эта механика позволяет проводить экзекуцию врага значительно удобнее, чем это было в предыдущих частях серии, теперь это можно сделать даже находясь в воздухе, главное - просто нажать R1. Я считаю, что это одно из самых значимых достижений серии, как бы глупо это не звучало, ведь вспомните, как было обидно, когда враги запинывали бедного Кратоса, когда вы тщетно пытались добежать для жирного моба, чтобы провести серию QTE. Ещё одним приятным изменением я считаю ребаланс Ярости Спарты, если раньше мы накапливали заряд убийством мобов и могли активировать его в любой момент, то сейчас важно продемонстрировать всю свою мощь здесь и сейчас, то есть шкала заполняется только тогда, когда вы дерётесь и не получаете урон, только тогда вы сможете активировать эту способность. Однако минус здесь есть, чтобы она работала на иных стихиях кроме огня - нужно прокачать это, но благо это стоит очень дёшево. Другой положительной стороной геймплея я считаю избавление от различных видов оружия, которыми вы могли не пользоваться всю игру, и наделение Клинков Хаоса различными стихиями, Огнём, Водой, Молнией и Душой Аида. Каждая из них, в том числе особая способность, предназначена для определённых ситуаций с точки зрения их мувсета. А ещё в игру добавили оружие, которое предназначено для АОЕ-атак, ну, ещё щит, тоже вещь полезная.

В остальном же - это старый-добрый Бог Войны, но в этот раз - лучший. Единственный незначительный минус - локации стали слишком линейными, но возможность искать секретное оружие для перепрохождения и апгрейды никуда не делась.

P.S. Никогда не понимал почему эту часть кто-то может хейтить.


Creatively bankrupt, unnecessary entry in a franchise that leads it to eventually reboot: a classic tale.


Why? What was the point? Mechanical, story wise, everything. Why was this game made. And why is this one of the best looking PS3 games? What a shockingly unremarkable game that seems to have more issues mechanically than GOW1. What happened?

4/10 Screw Chapter 28

“God of War: Ascension” is supposed to work as a prequel to the franchise, but does not offer anything. The combat system might be the most polished so far, but the plot, enemies and level design are quite mediocre if compared to the previous chapters. We don't even learn anything new about Kratos and his past. The first boss fight reaches jaw-dropping heights, but everything afterward just felt flat and uninspired in contrast.

I'm not sure I liked the game as much as GoW3, but it was still solid game. It has all the same strengths and weakness expected of this series. Fantastic level design, set pieces and design. Good graphics, music and story. Solid gameplay with a few hiccups. Awful protag and meh puzzles. Overall it's worth playing, more so if you're a God of War fan.

The story is pretty alright but the gameplay is just so repetitive and boring at this point

olha, a história é extremamente esquecível, a gameplay é bem insossa e a experiência no geral é chata, esse é tranquilo o pior God of War

Good and awesome game, good history.

De todos os jogos da franquia esse é o que possui a narrativa que menos me agradou, mas ainda possui o seu valor pois foi o último hack n slash da franquia. Gostei da jogabilidade e dos gráficos apesar de ter constantes quedas de frames durante o jogo.

This game is important. It showed the developers it was time to go in a new direction and we are all glad they did.

I thought this game was good, I don't understand why everyone says it's the worst in the franchise...

God of War: Ascension (2013, PS3) - apesar de bem feito, não trouxe nada de novo à gameplay da época, daí porque foi o ponto de virada da franquia. Merecia uma remasterização com suporte a 60 fps.

I love not being able to do fun attacks for 99% of the game

Pessoal fala muito mal desse jogo, mas eu gostei. Tem a melhor história da franquia? definitivamente não, mas eu comprei ele só pelo medo online msm então da na msm.

Incidentally saved by the kickass multiplayer.

Platform: PlayStation 3
Date Started: September 2nd, 2022
Date Finished: September 28th, 2022
Time Played: 6 Hours

"All that I loved is gone."

From the story that really doesn't have much impact on Kratos as a character, especially when in comparison to the other two prequels, to the much less interesting exploration thanks to the new items and bland environments, God of War: Ascension doesn't really feel like it leaves any kind of impression in the series, nor justify its existence, but is still a passable time for big fans of the series.

The combat is kind of the same as the other entries, except for the fact that the rage meter is a tiresome, pointless mechanic that discourages constant aggressive combat seeing as you can only use certain combos if you don't get hit - that being said, though, I never pay attention to combos and the like anyway and just end up mashing buttons.

This one is probably worth playing for fans who want a little more Kratos, and the visuals and spectacle genuinely continue to impress, but it won't leave any lasting impression.