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Ghost of Sparta feels to Chains of Olympus as God of War II feels to God of War. The games all function relatively the same, which at this point into the franchise feels almost more a curse than a blessing, though they also build and riff on each other in slight ways. I found Ghost of Sparta to be a more cinematic experience than Chains of Olympus, feeling even less like a handheld title than its predecessor, but it also contained some of the most annoying enemies in the series to date along with the most forgettable arsenal. That said, this is still a definite improvement over Chains of Olympus, and well worth playing, it's just that playing these games in such quick succession makes it clear how unwilling the developers were to diverge from this formula.

Platinado com Sucesso. Jogão slk, historia mt boa pra um spin-off

lost my save data because of power outage and I can't be bothered to redo 4 hours of boring gameplay

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Among the series so far, ghost of sparta seems to be just the worst, It is the least enjoyable both in terms of story which, unlike CoO tries to add more story to intertwine with the first two games but fails to leave any impression other than Kratos is a bigger dick than when he decided to kill the dude in the hydra, when this time he decides to sink Olympus for extensively no reason. Combat is also a step down, adding a new fire mechanic which causes some issues, being mapped to R1/R2, which by itself is not a problem but adding to the fact that holding both Left and Right Bumper buttons cause you to roll, means that using it can cause you many unnecessary hits. Changing armored enemies to necessitate this power means that you are likely going to feel many more unfair hits than in previous games. On top of this, Magic is now mapped to the D-Pad, which feels less responsive than the trigger with some noticeable lag, meaning it is only useful when you know what is going to occur rather than naturally in a fight.
One of the problems that stuck with me most is the checkpoint system, although the same as most of the games, seems to present itself as such an inferior version just to how many of them are placed. Although in CoO, I wasn't thrilled with the final checkpoint forcing you to watch the opening cutscene, It feels like every checkpoint in this game places itself as far away from the area that will kill you as possible, or right before 3 minutes cutscenes. Because of this, it made those frustrating hits even worse. I imagine any playthrough after this will skip this game as it just ended up being a frustrating experience.

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como eu só fui jogar esse jogo em 2023 pqp tudo aqui é perfeito, história FODA gameplay incrível e a melhor arma de todos os jogos da saga antes da saga ir pro ps4, a única coisa que peca aqui é a repetição de cenários nosssaaaa que chatice aquela atlantis vsf E aqui tem uma das boss battle mais foda de toda a saga com um esquema de companion que a gente só foi ver com o atreus depois no jogo de 2018, platininha deliciosa também

Simples, porem incrível ao seu limite, promete pouco e entrega bastante.

one of the best in the franchise.
from beginning to end
the story is so good

Games I Dislike That Everybody Else Likes

The only one of these I don't really care for. If you thought God of War III felt samey while also looking really grey and uninteresting, just wait until you get a look at this! After how much I dug Chains of Olympus I was expecting this one (its other PSP counterpart) to follow suit, but no - I'm shocked at how inconsequential this feels. Its most grievous sin is committing the video game prequel kiss of death: making every 'new' addition to its franchise lore seem completely pointless by setting it up just to delete it immediately after, so everything can go back to the status quo by the end anyway (rather than, you know, telling its own story that actually sticks around). Storytelling here is totally nonexistent, Deimos was done so dirty and even by GoW standards a lot of this is just futile misery porn BS. While CoO benefitted from its smaller scale, this one feels strangled by it - trying to tell this momentous, grand melodrama by rushing right through everything. It's got good things - Sparta is cool, all the boss fights are solid, the Arms of Sparta rock, and we (finally!!) even get some new enemies here that are fun to fight! Still have my usual quibbles with the combat though - stunlocks here there and everywhere, some bad hitboxes, the Wraiths are objectively bullshit to fight in this game, and - while I still vastly prefer it to GoWIII's item meter - one out of every two times you activate the fire meter it just does nothing lol. Strong contender for worst QTEs ever, too. Just an overall hollow, nothing experience. By this entry these games felt like they were starting to suffer from the same genre fatigue as, say, the Guitar Hero games in the late 2000s.

Eu diria que para um game de portátil ele fez até mais do que deveria, e acaba se sobressaindo sobre o chains of olympus em todo quesito e em principalmente na história, que consegue se contar de maneira melhor e se desenvolver melhor

a better version of chains of olympus
finished on hard

Je n'ai malheureusement pas pu finir le jeu de mon coté à cause de soucis d'émulation. Mais j'ai regardé un résumé car j'ai vraiment apprécié l'histoire qui est étonnamment bien pour un simple spin off sur PSP de base. De ce que j'ai pu jouer je me suis régalé, et la suite avait l'air également très réussie.

Lindo juego de contexto, fiel a lo que es god of war. Lo recomiendo para cualquier amante de la saga o de un hack.

FINALLY finished this! Emulated it on my steam deck and it was very fun. The fire mechanic is awesome but unfortunately the magic is quite boring compared to the other games.

I am surprised this game has so many people loving the story tbh, it’s not a focus here and what is there isn’t all that great. Wouldn’t call this a must play but it js a neat spinoff.

This is one of the best God of War games, and it's a PSP entry. Much better balance of combat/exploration/puzzle solving than Chains of Olympus.

So I've been enjoying the more Modern GOW games more than the PS2 games. This one is more of the same and I was enjoying it for the most part. I really didn't care for the last two levels very much. Enemy groups where were all able to spam their knock downs which becomes more frustrating than fun. You'd think game devs would have realized not to use this poor mechanic by now. But they haven't. Oh well still fun and more enjoyable than the first two.

Platform: PlayStation 3
Date Started: January 9th, 2023
Date Finished: January 9th, 2023
Time Played: 4 Hours

"The destroyer of worlds."

God of War: Ghost of Sparta is a solid entry into the God of War franchise, and another offering by Ready at Dawn Studios.

Whilst this one isn't as compelling as Chains of Olympus it still stands as a good time, telling another essential part of Kratos' story - that of his brother Deimos, alongside his mother, Callisto. It further explains and explores exactly why he is even more enraged at the Gods in the last two Greek entries, which I thought was a great touch. I liked this idea, but it did feel a little out of nowhere with these characters not being mentioned before, so I didn't feel any sort of connection to the story of Krato's family here like I did with his daughter in the previous title.

We also seem Kratos venture to Atlantis at the start and take down quite a significant god by the end, although that last point having no consequences or mentions in future games due to when this and them were released is kind of a shame and somewhat breaks the story. Overall it's quite good stuff, though, and once again slots in nicely to the chronology, perfectly setting up God of War 2.

The combat is once again nice and satisfying, with some good new additions like the flame swords that charge up and allow you to break enemy armour. I really liked the spells and whatnot this time around, too, the lightning one in particular was great when levelled up, but both were good at allowing you to control and fight multiple enemies from different directions and once when surrounded.

So, that's one more game down, and with only the final two main titles left in the Greek Saga, I look forward to continuing and finishing off this adventure fairly soon.

At Ragnarök Kratos will remember events of this game. So, despite of the fact that this is portable spinoff to main games, it takes an important place in development of the character. It was very interesting to learn about his brother

Esse jogo é muito bom, joguei demais quanto criança, nem entendia a hístoria, mas a gameplay me prendeu, um puta jogo que ficou nas lembranmças, o ápice do PSP.

simplesmente sensacional, nem se compara aos do play 2

it's very very good, good like the trillogy

deimos fraude nao durou 5 minutos

Good story and gameplay. A very important complement to main games.

Ele cumpre as expectativas como um jogo portátil, sendo bastante divertido e apresentando uma história interessante para o arco do personagem Kratos. Infelizmente, a história não é canônica. O jogo oferece uma jogabilidade que alterna entre momentos de luta e puzzles. Gostei muito da experiência de completá-lo, principalmente porque foi o primeiro jogo da franquia God of War que eu terminei.

It's way better than Chains Of Olympus, but still it feels kinda imitation to the original games, not self-sufficient.

achei o jogo muito gostoso de se jogar, recomendo pra quem e fã do cleiton o bom de guerra,n recomendo jogar os jogos em ordem Cronológica , pois vc toma Alguns spoilers.

Gráficos e Áudio:

Este es uno de los mejores juegos de PSP y uno de los mejores de la saga. Una jugabilidad mucho mejor que la del Chains of Olympus, gráficos increíbles para ser una portátil y una trama bastante buena que enseña muchas cosas del pasado de Kratos.

God of War: Ghost of Sparta is a spin off game for the PSP that follows Kratos on his journey to rescue his brother Deimos. God of War is a hack and slash action adventure game. As with all the God of War the combat is great and the story is captivating. Nothing good or bad specifically about God of War: Ghost of Sparta.
