Reviews from

in the past

This game is either infested with hackers on PC that money-drop (which I don't mind) or with annoying kids that use Oppressor MK IIs, Deluxos or a GODDAMN LASER TO WIPE OUT THE ENTIRE MAP!!! At some point I stop having fun and start getting frustrated

Would've given 3/5 if the cheater problem was dealt with better, plus the sheer amount of encouraged micro transactions

I think I have ~2 hours in GTA V singleplayer, and 200 hours in the online mode. During COVID, playing this with my friends has become one of my favorite memories in all of gaming. Are there cheaters, plenty of bullshit, a terrible pricing system, and more to complain about? 100%. But these things also did create memories for me. It's a broken mess of a multiplayer, but man, it's fun if you just accept that.

Yeah, after playing for 500+ hours, getting every business and most of the major stuff there's not much left to do but fool around.

But Rockstars recent decision to remove what.. 189 vehicles or so, made me not want to come back ever.


why is everything still so over-priced even though they said they will lower them?!

backwards thinking design philosophy

Man how do people gatekeep an MMO GTA game lol.

I was already struggling to enjoy this but playing with a group that had The Most Evil Man Alive really did make me sour on this game even more. Who the fuck decided Grand Theft Auto should be your second job?

It's Bad!

first and foremost fuck this game and fuck everything it stands for. ive played countless hours grinding this stupid level system to level 700 from day one on ps3 then one day i got too greedy and did the unthinkable: i duped a car (yes i did it multiple times but still, my friends did it too but didnt get banned) they fucking banned me, removed my player and every possessions ive grinded hard to have from existence. first offence and i was out. but then i removed the game entirely and my life hasnt been better since tbh.

If you have to retain only one thing: this game is the reason we didnt get gta 6 like 5 years ago.

no quiero volver a tocar esta caga

since this came out it was either great or shit, no in-between and I loved it

I am all for games where the gameplay loop is simply make money, spend money to make more money, and make more money to spend on whatever you want.

It sucks that rockstar spends so much time ruining the game for everyone with their inconsistent and poor ass servers, horrible anti-cheat, and somehow ruining the experience every update they introduce.

Still love it though just wish it was developed better. Will keep playing.

love many of the missions and there is so much content

would 5/5 if there were less cheaters. Plus the monetization is pretty bad

Closing this game after playing it for a while feels like waking up on the bathroom floor with a hangover.

keşke bana kaybolan yıllarımı verseler

Mesmo com seus problemas, não posso negar que me diverti e tive bons momentos.

One of the best online games at its peak. After nearly 10 years you can tell that its fallen off a fair bit. Public sessions are a no go if you want to try and make money. Grinding the same heists gets a bit boring after a while and eventually once you have bought everything you want money becomes useless. However you cant deny that we all have great memories on this game.

Really fun when it was at its peak but now it's in a pretty stale state with no surprise, GTA 6 should be Rockstar's main focus so their lack of attention on this game lately is justified.

Either way, it suffers from a bunch of problems, mostly being the toxic tryhards and what a grindfest the game can be at times. I personally share great memories and most of the hours I put in GTA V are into this. I can see it get incredibly boring if you don't have anyone to play this with, the most fun I found was just messing around with friends in private or even public sessions. One of the most impressive aspects of the story mode were probably the cutscenes and the story overall, this game builds upon that surprisingly well. There isn't one big plot or anything, it's all seperated through different properties for the most part.

In conclusion, GTA Online was a great way to expand upon GTA V but unfortunately transformed Rockstar into a money hungry machine lowering the amount of work they could've put in other projects for the past 10 years. (RDR2 still slaps though)

Literally EVERITHING is wrong. The only good thing is that its sometimes funny with friends.

Gastei horas dms no online pra falar que eu não gosto

Would be more fun if everything didn't cost you an arm and leg to grind for in game. Best when played with friends

90x melhor que o red dead online e sinceramente eu não acho a economia tão ruim não

Definitely had a lot more fun with this as a teen. Heists were a high point in GTA Online and I just got more and more bored with it over time. I just get on from time to time to play at the casino